Truly Family
(cover image drawn by @LucarioSonicAura )
Squip couldn't sleep. he didn't know why. he couldn't stoping thinking about stuff. he didn't know what his purpose was anymore. his purpose WAS to help Jeremy get Christine. but that was more then 20 years ago. squip had basically been asleep for 13 of those years, and he felt like he missed out on stuff. "so I was jess's squip, and that makes my mission to make ella notice her, right?" he thought and kind of whispered to himself. he looked at his hand. "but I'm not a squip anymore." he said. Jeremy and Michael had everything they ever wanted and more. jess was a perfect little angel and well... kind of like a little sister to squip, even though he always denied it. "how do I know this isn't all a dream. or a joke. or something like that. how do I know that I truly found..." he searched for the word to describe what he had found. "family." he said out loud instead of thinking, and kind of loudly. loud enough to wake Jess up. she was startled by squip, because she hadn't gotten used to his voice yet. "gahaaaaaaaaa" yelled jess, spazzing out because squip just woke her up. Squip turned over and saw jess freaking out, almost falling off of the bed. "sorry jess!" said squip, thinking about getting up to make sure that she didn't fall out of bed. he cared about her more then he thought he did. a few minutes of silence passed. "hey jess?" squip asked jess, staring at the ceiling. "yeah squip?" jess responded. "what does family mean to you?" asked squip. there was another minute of silence. "well.. there was this movie I watched when I was little, and in it one of the characters says that family means nobody gets left behind." she said. squip sighed. "I mean what does it mean to YOU." he said. jess was silent again. "Jess, this is important." said squip, trying to sound like a squip again. jess was silent. "I'm sorry jess, I just-" jess cut squip off. "family means you take care of eachother. you care about eachother. you love eachother." she said. then the turned over to her side, away from squip, and pulled her blanket over her face with embarrassment. squip got up and walked over to her, to try to calm her down and make her feel better. he put his hand on her back, which startled her. she crawled deeper underneath the covers to try to get his hand of her. "jess, " squip lost his train of thought. he walked back over to his bed and sat down. Jess climbed back to the head of her bed and took the blanket off her face. she wasn't crying, just nervous. "I'm sorry..." said squip. "its okay. I just..." jess couldn't finish her sentence. "I think of you as family jess. your family is my family. Jeremy may have been my host, but now he's kind of my dad is some weird way?" said squip, kind of laughing. "I guess that would make you my sis-" squip was cut off by jess getting up and running over to hug him. and for once... he hugged back. jess was crying, but tears of joy. and squip. he was almost crying. "I l-" squip couldn't say it. he didn't have the code holding him back. he was free. "I love you jess." he said, which just got jess to cry more. "a-as family" he said. jess cried even more. then something in squip snapped back into place. he let go. "family means nothing to me. the only thing that matters is me helping you get ella." he said, acting like a squip again. "sq-" jess couldn't talk. she didn't want to say anything to him. she went to sleep, almost crying. Squip stayed up and thought. he didn't know why he changed from human to robot like that and he didn't like it. but he didn't realize that where his heart should be, there were two things. there was a normal human heart, and also, somehow a computer hard drive, that was starting to break down, but slowly. it glowed when he acted like squip, and broke when he acted human. and it hurt when it broke.
The next morning
"good morning Jessica." said squip. jess didn't respond, and didn't wake up. "Jessica, why are you disregarding me?" squip asked. Jess still didn't get up. Squip knew that this wasn't gonna be easy. so he went to go get Jeremy and Michael, who luckly were already awake. they of course, were able to wake her up. she got dressed and headed to breakfast, ignoring squip the whole time. "Jessica, is something wrong?" he asked. she didn't want to talk to him after what had happened the night before. after breakfast, Jorden came through one of the mirror portals. "hey jess, my dads say they want to put you in a video!" he told jess. "okay!" said jess, fallowing Jorden back through the portal, where Ella, Joey and Daniel were. "so... what are we doing?" asked ella. "well, we're making a video about the kind of art that you guys like to do" said Daniel. "jess, you brought your computer, right? and ella, you brought your-" "inventions book?" ella cut joey off, showing him her inventions book. Jess was carrying her laptop. "great, ella, go design some inventions, jess, make a simple remix or listen to one of your already made ones, and Jorden, you know what to do." said joey. Jorden nodded and started break dancing. "okay, daniel, get the camera, and we'll start practicing." Said Joey. Ella and jess looked confused. "Practicing what?" Asked Ella. "Just do what you like to do. For you it would be designing inventions. I'll come over and ask you questions." Said joey. "okay." said ella and jess in sync. jess started looking through her remixes, and ella started working on designing a new invention. joey came over to ella. "so, what are you doing?" he asked her. "oh I'm designing an invention that will 3d print stuff faster." she responded. "what do you plan to print when you are done?" asked joey. "a replica of a portal gun for my friend sasha!" said ella, blushing a little. Joey moved on to jess. "Jessica, what are you doing?" he asked. "oh I-i'm working on a remix! just editing and editing the video together." she said. "cool! what song? and can we include it in the description?" said Joey. "I-its a remix of live long enough to become a hero by natewantstobattle! and sure!" she said. "good practice guys!" said Daniel. Jorden had already practiced his thing a few times, so he was ready. "okay guys, now time for the real thing!" said Joey.
Time Skip to when they were done filming
"thanks again girls!" said joey, as ella and jess walked through their mirror portals. jess was greeted by squip. "so Jessica, did you tell ella how you feel?" said squip. jess ignored him and headed to the living room. "Jessica, you cant keep ignoring me." he said. she just kept walking.
time skip to a few hours later about 3:00 PM
Jess was playing Splatoon 2 when Sasha came through the mirror portal. Squip honestly had given up on trying to talk to jess."hey jess! I was wondering if you wanted to play tag with cassie and I? you were the first person we thought of asking!" she said. jess shrugged and fallowed sasha through the portal where they played tag and some other games for about an hour and a half. but for that hour and a half, Squip was thinking. and sometimes thinking out loud. "I love her. she is my family. but.." he thought, putting his hand on his heart. "why does it hurt..." and then there was more pain. and then jess camp back. he knew that she wouldn't listen to him. but he wanted to try."JESSICA!!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. jess didn't listen. she didn't want to be heartbroken, again. but she was tired of being called by her full first name. she didn't like being called Jessica. she was jess. "At least call me by my nickname if your going to scream at me!!!" she yelled back. squip was surprised that she actually responded. "Jessica, I am not able to do that." he responded, trying not to act human. "WHY??? WHY DID YOU GO FROM CALLING ME YOUR FAMILY TO ACTING LIKE YOU WOULD RATHER HAVE ME DIE?? I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU, SQUIP. I THOUGHT OF YOU AS-" Jess couldn't say it. "Jessica, if I act like a human, my heart hearts. and its not normal. the more I act human the worse it gets. and after how much it hurt last night, I don't want to deal with it anymore." he said, only making it worse. "squip...." jess put her hand on his back. she couldn't let him go through this alone. "you can do it. break free of the pain. be strong. I'll be heere for you." she said. squip waited a moment, then said. "I love you jess. and this family is my family." he didn't care about the pain. it didn't really phase him. he tried not to react, but the more the hard drive broke, the more real the pain seemed. he put his hand on his heart, and started...crying. he had never experienced human emotions like this before. it scared him. jess decided to hug squip, which did make it better. and after about 5 minuets, the pain was gone and the hard drive went with it. he was human. he had a family. he was able to feel. he didn't need to be afraid. "its over." he said, still crying, but now tears of joy. jess was happy for squip. "you mean, you'll act like a human now?" she asked. "affirmative." he said, joking about how he used to act. jess took it seriously. "guess you'll always be like that..." she said, almost crying. "nononononono!! jess I was making a joke!!! I'm sorry I just-" squip started freaking out. jess was able to calm down, and Jeremy and Michael ended up walking in at that moment. "what are you two doing?" asked Michael. "just chating." said squip, which surprised Michael and Jeremy. "its okay guys, I'm just more human like now. it was my choice to do this." said squip. "okay...?" said Jeremy, confused. they ended up just talking about being a family and stuff for the rest of the night.
Edit- so this is Jess and Squip's PJs
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