Training every day
Tia sighed. she had been training for 10 years. she had been waiting for the day when she would finally kill the person who killed her mom, or needed to defend her family. she never got to do either of those. "what's wrong sis?" asked her step brother cory. "I've been training since I was 7, and still, I haven't needed to protect your or the rest of the fam." she replied. "you have been training for a while..." said cory. "hey, why don't you play some paintball 2 with me to take your mind off it, k?" said cory. "only if we get the whole family to play." said Ella, who was eavesdropping. "and jess. girls vs boys." she continued. "i'll go get Edd, Tia get Tord, Ella you can go get Jess" said cory.
Cory getting Edd:
Edd was drinking some cola in the kitchen watching a youtube video. "hey dad! we're gonna do a family paintball 2 game!! wanna join" said cory excitedly. Edd took a long sip of cola, and then said "sure." he opened paintball 2 on his laptop and went over to the couch in the living room, where Cory already had his laptop set up. they just needed the others
Tia getting Tord:
Tord was downstairs, watching tv. "hey dad." said tia sweetly, sitting next to her dad. "me and the others wanted to know if you wanted to play paint ball 2. we're trying to get the whole family to do it again" she explained. tord shrugged, but got up and fallowed his daughter to the living room. 2 down, one to go.
Ella getting Jess:
to anyone else, getting a girl from a different reality would be hard. but not for the gould family. they just needed a mirror. and a known reality they want to go to. Ella walked through the portal to jess's reality. the portal goes from Ella and Cory's room to Jess and Squip's room, because Ella an Jess are really good friends and stuff. they've always been good friends, and maybe jess wants to be a little more then good friends, but they are good friends. Jess was watching a cat video on her laptop, and squip was thinking about something when ella got there. jess didn't notice ella, so ella had a chance to sneak up on her friend and scare her. she crept up behind jess, and looked over her shoulder. "whatcha watching?" asked ella. jess screamed and started blushing(?). "o-oh hey E-ella!" said jess, nervously and still blushing. Squip giggled about something, staring at the two of them like ella didn't know something important. "s-so" ella was kind nervous now. "m-my family is doing a paintball 2 thing and we thought you could join?" she said, stuttering a bit. Jess looked at squip. "if J dad and M dad ask where I am, you know what to say." she said. squip nodded and they left. "what was that about?" asked ella when they got to the other side of the portal. "its umm... its nothing" said jess, lying and blushing even more.
they had everyone they needed. 3 boys, 3 girls. "ready?" said cory, starting up the server. "hell yeah we are!" said Tia. joining the game.
RED_Leader Joined the game
Remix-This Joined the game
ColaKING Joined the game
Tech Joined the game
"really? your name is Tech in paintball?" said cory, looking at his sister. "yeah, what's your name?" said Ella.
Reaper Eliminated Tech
"haha! overwatch nerd!" said Tia and Ella. Cory brushed off his sister's teasing. "so what map are we gonna play on?" asked cory. "NHB! NHB! NHB! NHB! NHB!!" chanted the girls. NHB stands for No Hold Barred, one of the most popular paintball 2 maps. "I'm really fine with whatever." said Edd. Tord Shrugged. "I kind of wanted Urban rooftop, but maybe second round" he said. Cory changed the map and the game started. before long, 4 more people joined the game, and it was easy to tell who they were.
JeremyIsHeere joined the game (on the girls team)
MichaelMell joined the game (on the boys team)
SuperQuantumIntelProcessor joined the game (on the girls team)
ILiveForTheaterArts joined the game (on the boys team)
"hey jess, I know that the first two are your dads, but who are the others?" asked cory. "that's easy," said jess, eliminating ILiveForTheaterArts. "SuperQuantumIntelProcessor is my bro squip, and ILiveForTheaterArts is my aunt Christine." she said.
at the heere household.
"wow, jess is pretty good at this!" said Christine surprised by her niece. Jeremy hid behind a barrel and checked the leaderboard. Jess was at the top with 35 kills, and 5 times captured the flag. just one more and their team would win! "not this time Jess-" said Michael
MichaelMell eliminated Remix
back at the gould household.
"M dad thinks he got me." said jess, laughing a bit. she looked at tia, who got the flag and brought it to the capture zone, which wasn't that far from where Michael eliminated jess. "we won!!" yelled the girls. Jeremy and squip fist bumbed.
JeremyIsHeere: Urban Rooftop?
Reaper: Yeah
the teams got switched up, now the dads and squip vs the kids and Christine. jess wasn't the top player this round, tia was. she treated this map like an actual battlefield. she had been training for a mission like this. the battlefield seemed more and more real to her every second. until she captured the flag for the 4th time and won the game.
the end
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