Tessa: Poppa what are these -holding a large box full of neatly placed and rolled up blueprints covered in dust and a bit of webs-
Rhodinite: Oh those ^^" Those are old blue prints. The oldest ones are from when I was 14. 2 years after I first met your mother and 3 years before I found your mother and we started to date
Tessa: -looks through then and picks up one with a triangle mark on it- What's this
Rhodinite: oh that's my original design for Feliz
Tessa: -opens it- Looks like a demon horse
Rhodinite: ^^" Yeah it's kind of the reason why I focused on building Feliz's head at first instead of it's whole body in one
Tessa: Can I take it and change it up
Rhodinite: Sure why not I have no use for it and I'm sure you could make it better. If you need help with the AI, programing and wiring just tell me. I know those aren't your strong points
Tessa: Okay thanks poppa and I'l take these too -takes the box of old blueprints-
Rhodinite: Have fun ^^"
Tessa: -looking at the plans- I think I'll label you Delta
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