Taken From My Home Chapter 1
You are just a 4 year old girl playing with your mom she is very strong but then you hear in a distance people yelling.
"We know that your daughter is here let us take her and no one gets hurt. Or we take her by force."
"Sorry.This has to be done." Then the girl sees the worst thing her mother falls to the floor lifeless. She began to cry and she went up to the guard and hit him. Then he got out this needle with a blue liquid. And the needle pricked her neck then what she saw was darkness lying ahead of her.
Le Time Skip (My Lasy Self XP)
3 years later the little girl that's name is Y/N is training to be as strong or stronger than her mother. One day they let her get lunch and interact with other kids that were taken from there homes, as she was walking she bumped into someone
(Real quick you have one red eye because you did not accept your new name that was Y/N)
"Bloody hell" said a voice. As boy with blond hair turned to you and said "Sorry 'bout that the names Newt!"
"Well now want to meet my friends?"
"Sure... if you want too."
"Well then ok let's go meet up."
As you followed him your eye started hurting because when the cut it was really hard and it was also only about 1 or 2 months old and they never gave you a bandage so you used your hair. You get to the table and wait until Newt sits down when he sits then he pats for you to sit there you wait about a few seconds then sit down.
"Newt who is that you got there?" Says a boy with brown hair
"Well that's Y/N meet Thomas!"
"He is also Minho! Frypan, Alby, Teresa, Chuck, Gally, Winston.." he continues telling you names and you listen to him. You look at them all and smile a smile you have never done before.
"Hey Y/N why do you cover your eye with your hair?" Thomas asked
At that moment all the happiness that you had went back to nothing since your eyes barely sparkled they became dull and lifeless again. Everyone noticed and asked if you were ok but you just got up and left them confused.
2 months later because why not?
You were walking and you bumped into Newt but he was about to ask you to hang out but you left leaving him sad and heartbroken.
Newts POV:
I wanted to talk to Y/N but I could never find her so then I was looking for her and bumped into her and was about to ask her if she wanted to hang out but she left, when she was walking away I saw something stream down her face. Wait could it be that she was crying?!
As I was walking away I felt something on my cheek it was weird but then I noticed I was crying! 'It's probably nothing maybe I am sick?' You stop. And turn around because someone is hugging you, you never want this moment to end but it did. You see Newt looking at you while wiping away your tears. "It's ok...Love! I am here."
"I'm sorry it's just that my eye..." moves hair out of the way. "See?"
"Oh my let's get you to the others they have medical stuff!" Newt says holding your hand.
Newts POV :
While me and Y/N are running she slows down a bit I was about to ask her what was wrong but then she fainted. I had to carry her bridal style so when I got back to the others they saw me and came up to me and the unconscious girl. When we went back to our room Y/N was starting to scream. We didn't know what to do so I went and woke her up. "Wake up!" She was trying but something was different usually a person would try to kick or thrash around but she didn't so I told them and then Thomas said "Wait what if the people that brought us here are making her stay asleep so that she can't wake up?"
Darkness is all I felt. The type of darkness that you have that you want to give up all hope. That's how I felt now no light then I hear a soft british accent calling me that gives he a bit of hope I try waking up again but I can't. I move my hand it was so hard like if I was chained to something. I kept struggling against what was holding me back because it might be one of the worst days of my life.
3 years later still your POV.
W.I.C.K.E.D was being left behind me as I ran as my legs could take me since I was only ten. People kept say "Remember Y/N W.I.C.K.E.D is good."
But I was like "If 'W.I.C.K.E.D' was 'good' then why did you kill my mom and cut my eye so I am half blind?" They would just take me to my room and lock me inside so instead of staying there I went inside the vent I also saw this kid named Aris (hey you know how people write Aria it is the spell check) we would hang out and we had a good friendship. Then one day I told him that I was running away. He had a shocked look on his face then he was telling me that he would tell 'no one' the day I was escaping Ms. Ava Pain *cough cough* I mean Paige was telling me to stop. But I did not I escaped with clothes that they gave me and also weapons that I stole.
Hey guys thanks for reading my first chapter took me all day.
Welp bye
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