🌼The New Kid~Sprace (1992)
Race walked into his new school and straight down to the office. He saw a boy with brown curly hair and a crutch standing at the desk.
"Ah, you must be Mr. Higgins. Welcome to the World High. This is Charlie Morris, he will be showing you around today," a man with white hair and a pudgy face said. Race nodded. Charlie led him into the hallway and to Race's locker.
"What's your name?" Charlie asked.
"Anthony. But my friends at my old school called me Racetrack. I like to go down to Sheepshead whenever I can," Race explained.
"Cool! My friends call me Crutchie for obvious reasons. You can call me Crutchie too if you wanna." Race smiled and nodded. He put his stuff in his locker and grabbed out what he needed.
"Wanna sit with us at lunch?" Crutchie asked, after Race got to his class.
"Sure," Race said. Crutchie smiled. Then someone ran into Race, knocking them both over.
"Sorry," the person said. Race looked up into the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen.
"N-no problem." Race said. They both got up and the kid raced off.
"Today's your lucky day, Race. He never apologizes for anything," Crutchie said. Then Crutchie walked away.
Time skip to lunch
Race walked into the cafeteria and looked around for Crutchie.
"Race! Race over here!" he heard Crutchie yell. He walked over and sat next to a kid with an eye patch.
"Hey guys, this is Race. He's new, don't be rude," Crutchie said. The kid next to him turned towards Race.
"Hey Racer. I'm Blink, for obvious reasons. This here is Mush, then you got Boots, then Skittery, then Specs. On the other side you have Davey across from you, Crutchie of course, Jack, Bumlets, Mike and Ike, and Albert," Blink said. Race nodded.
"And there will be a name test at the end of the day?" Race joked.
"Well of course!" Mush said, playing along. "He fits right in Crutchie. Good choice." Then the same boy from earlier walked in and sat at the opposite end of the table. Albert shifted closer to Ike.
"Who's that?" Race asked. Jack looked over.
"Thats my foster brother, Sean. Everyone calls him Spot though," Jack answered.
"Well, if you get into a fight with him, he's sure to leave his mark," Specs exclaimed.
"Spot get your ass over here!" Jack yelled. Everyone in the lunch room stopped and watched the table warily. Spot saw Jack and got up. Bumlets moved over, letting Spot sit next to Jack. If Race didn't know any better, those two were actual brothers.
"Spot this is Race he's new," Jack said.
"Well no kidding," Spot muttered sarcastically. Jack hit him upside the head. Spot slapped him.
"Play nice," Jack said warningly. Spot rolled his eyes. Then he turned his attention to Race. He took a deep breath.
"Hey," Race said. "Sorry about earlier. Was I in your way?" Spot shook his head and relaxed his shoulders.
"Nah. I ran into you its my fault." Then Spot got up.
"Where are you going?" Crutchie asked.
"Well Mr. Seitz gave me detention. So I'm gonna go put a thumb tack on his seat," Spot said nonchalantly. Race laughed. Spot stared at him for a second in confusion.
"Well, it was funny," Race said. Spot laughed lightly. Race blushed.
"You're cute, new kid. See ya around." With that he left. Leaving Race a nice scarlet color.
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