Chapter 98 - Spralmer (Spot x Race x Albert x Elmer)
- Chapter 98 - "We Love You." -
Warning: PTSD, Abuse, Self Harm
Modern AU
Third Person POV
Requested by: Bubbles070506 Thanks for the request, hope you like it :)
Race tries to open the bathroom door, mentally cursing when it's lock.
Race gently knocks on the door, knowing that loud banging could scare Elmer more. "El, El," he starts. "I need you to open the door." He tells him, trying to stay calm.
Race tried to keep his voice steady and calm, but he was internally panicking.
Elmer didn't open the door.
Race only heard muffled sobs, indicating that Elmer wasn't listening.
Race thought to himself for a second, before running downstairs to get Albert and Spot.
Elmer leaned against the bathroom door, tears streaming down his face.
'God, you're so sensitive.'
'Why can't you take a joke?'
'You're such a crybaby.'
His words popped back up in Elmer's mind, only making it harder for him to breathe.
I'm sorry, please don't hurt me, Elmer silently pleads with no one.
"El, we need you to open the door." Was that Albert? Or was it Dylan? (Sorry if your name is Dylan.) "Please, let us help you."
Elmer shook his head, pulling his knees closer towards him.
Albert shared a look with Spot. "He's not opening it." He whispers.
Spot looks at the door warily.
Elmer was the youngest in their relationship, only being three months younger than Race.
Elmer had been in an abusive relationship before he started dating Spot, Albert, and Race.
He had dated the boy, Dylan, for two years, before Race and Jack helped him cut it off.
Elmer had major PTSD and something had caused a flashback, leading into a panic attack.
Elmer locked himself in the bathroom, which worried his boyfriends.
Albert, Spot, and Race couldn't figure out what caused the flashback, but they were gonna try.
He had started pleading with them to not hurt him all of a sudden and then ran upstairs.
Albert turns to Spot and Race. "I have an idea." He tells them.
Spot and Race look up at him, gesturing for him to explain.
Elmer wiped the tears off of his face, again, but it seemed more tears just kept leaving his eyes without his consent.
Suddenly, something caught his eye.
A razor...
Elmer had seen harm himself with a razor before, and Race wasn't allowed to touch one without Albert or Spot watching because of it, but Elmer had never thought about hurting himself with one.
He had never thought about hurting himself before, but Dylan had told him that it helped release pain.
Maybe it would..
Elmer slowly forced himself to get up and grabbed the razor.
Is he right? Does it take away the pain?
Elmer turns and looks at the bathroom door, where Albert, Spot, and Race had gone silent.
They're gone... they really don't care...
Elmer wiped a tear off of his face, refusing to let himself be a crybaby.
Elmer sat back down on the floor, leaning against the cabinets under the sink.
He stared at the razor in his hand. It was shiny, and sharp.
Elmer lightly pressed it against his forearms, not hard enough to draw blood, yet.
Elmer squeezed his eyes closed as he pressed harder, feeling a sting as he felt it cut his skin.
Elmer felt a few more tears split from his eyes as he made a cut.
Elmer stared at the cut on his skin. It was bleeding, but it wasn't like blood was new to Elmer.
He'd bled plenty when he dated Dylan.
Elmer felt someone grab the razor out of his hand, and then heard them open the door.
Tears blurred his vision as three people knelt down in front and next to him.
It was Spot, Albert, and Race.
Maybe they do care...
"El..." Spot trails off, sharing a look with Albert while Race just stared at the cut on his arm. "What happened? Why did you do that?" He whispers.
"I'm sorry." Elmer whispers, starting to cry again. His mind switched to his native language. "Proszę, nie rób mi krzywdy." He pleads.
(Translation: 'Please, don't hurt me'."
"We aren't going to hurt you." Race assures Elmer. "Can I hug you?" He asks softly.
Elmer nods, immediately feeling a warm feeling inside when Race wraps his arms around him, pulling him closer.
"We love you, El. I promise." Race whispers. "Harming isn't good." He tells him softly. "I know that I've done it, but it's not, and Dylan will never hurt you again. I promise on my life." He assures him.
Elmer nods, nuzzling his head into Race's neck. "Please don't die." He whispers.
Race giggles a little bit. He was ticklish. "I won't." He whispers.
Elmer giggles with him. "Good."
"I love you so much, but I can't pick you up." Race tells Elmer.
Elmer laughs weakly.
"Can Al pick you up?" Race asks him quietly.
Elmer nods.
Race pulls away from Elmer and Albert picks him up.
Spot puts his arm around Race as they walk out of the bathroom behind Albert and Elmer, bandages in Spot's hand.
"This is my fault." Race whispers, tears brimming his eyes. "He saw me harming and thought it was okay." He was scolding himself internally.
Spot shakes his head. "This isn't your fault." He assures him. "I promise."
"Then, where did he ever see harming?" Race questions, looking Spot in the eyes.
It hurt Spot to see the pain in Race's beautiful blue eyes. "Dylan probably told him it was okay." He answers.
Race didn't look convinced..
The two boys walk into the bedroom, handing the bandages to Albert, who wraps Elmer's forearm up.
"I'm sorry." Elmer whispers again.
"Don't be sorry." Spot tells him, sitting down on the bed next to Albert. "We're sorry for what triggered the flashback." He says, gently taking Albert's hand in his.
Albert looks down at their hands with a soft smile on his face.
Race sits down next to Elmer.
"You shouldn't have to take care of me, though." Elmer whispers, leaning his head on Race's shoulder.
"Why would we not?" Race questions, looking into Elmer's brown eyes. "We want to take care of you. Why would we let you go through this alone?" He asks. "Plus, it just means that we get to know you better and that means more laughs." He adds, poking Elmer's sides.
Elmer squeals and giggles a bit.
Race, Spot, and Albert laugh a bit.
"I love you guys." Elmer whispers, leaning his head on Race's shoulder again.
Race brushes Elmer's hair out of his face, kissing his forehead. "I love you too, El." He whispers. "I love you, Spot, Al." He adds.
"Love you guys too."
"Love you all."
"I'm tired."
The boys laugh as Elmer flips back onto the bed, almost immediately falling asleep.
Race, Spot, and Albert lay next to him, snuggling until they fall asleep like Elmer had.
1202 Words
Yes, I know I posted this a while ago, but I wanted to edit it and I moved it so we did have two chapters 15s lol and mess up the order.
And also, chapter 98! So close! Woo hoo! That's crazy to me lol
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