Chapter 94 - Sprace (Race x Spot) - Pt. 2 of Almer
- Chapter 94 - Ships and Shippers (Romeo and JoJo Playing Cupid Pt. 2) -
Warnings: None really. It's just fluff
Modern AU
Third Person POV
A/N, part 2 was requested by the lovely BrittaLarson so here it is (:
(Sorry it took me so long to get this out.)
"Albie! Albie!"
Albert looks up as his now boyfriend- as of less than 24 hours before- runs into their shared dorm.
Elmer was beaming. "Guess what I learned!" He exclaims.
Albert closes his science book. "What did you learn?" He asks, giving Elmer his full attention.
Elmer giggles. "Your name is German and means noble and bright!" He exclaims.
Albert blinks. "What?"
Elmer plops himself down next to Albert. "You're my noble and bright boyfriend!" He giggles again, hugging Albert's arm.
JoJo and Romeo's heads poke into the room from each side of the door.
Albert looks at them, raising an eyebrow.
JoJo shrugs. "We were looking up stuff that might help us get Race and Spot together and your name meaning and origin came up when we searched something." He explains.
Albert nods. "Alright." He wraps his arms around Elmer and pulls him onto his chest, laying down.
"Mmm... you're warm." Elmer mumbles contently, his eyes closed.
Albert chuckles.
Romeo and JoJo steal two more cookies from their dorm before leaving.
"Alright," JoJo starts. "To Race and Spot's dorm."
Romeo nods.
When they got to said oblivious Newsies' dorm
JoJo knocks on Race and Spot's dorm room.
Race opens the door, rubbing his eyes. He stares at them, slightly confused. "Hello?"
JoJo smiles at him. "We need Spot for a moment." He tells him.
Race shares a confused look with Spot, before looking back at his best friends, skeptical. "What are you planning?" He lowers his voice.
Romeo and JoJo smile innocently, their hands behind their back.
Race raised an eyebrow at them. "I know you know about my crush." He whispers to them, sneaking a look at Spot.
Spot was chilling, looking through his phone, occasionally looking up at the three Newsies.
Romeo smirks.
JoJo shrugs, his hands still behind his back. "Why would you think it has something to do with that?" He asks, his eyes looking anywhere other than at Race.
Race stares at him, crossing his arms. "JoJo, look me in the eyes and tell me this isn't about that." He tells him.
JoJo couldn't lie well, especially not when looking someone in the eyes.
Romeo steps between them. "You're holding back our time to talk to Spot." He tells Race.
Race shoots him a glare.
Spot gets up, placing his phone down. "Let's go then." He states.
Romeo saw panic flash through Race's eyes.
He shot Romeo a do-anything-and-I-will-come-after-you look.
Romeo just smiles at him, before shutting the door so Race couldn't hear their conversation with Spot.
Spot leans against the wall, his hands in his pant pockets.
JoJo pulls out the cupcake for Race. "Okay, today," he starts, looking into Spot's eyes. "You're confessing."
Spot almost chokes on his breath. "What?!" He exclaims.
"It's Pride Month." Romeo states, crossing his arms.
(A/N, it was when I started writing this.)
"I'm aware." Spot responds.
Romeo rolls his eyes. "Our ships are getting together and it's your turn." He tells him. "Grow up, be a man - or a woman, I support you either way - and confess to my brother." He states, pushing the cupcake into his hands.
Spot stares at the cupcake, his cheeks slowly heating up. "What if he doesn't want to date me?" He asks softly.
"As someone who's listened to his rants about you, I know he does." JoJo tells him. "Your charms have subconsciously gotten him to fall for you, hence, the hard part is done. All you have to do is tell him." He states.
"Here's another question for you," Spot starts, looking between the two boys. "How do I tell him?" He asks.
Romeo and JoJo share a look, before the facepalm in unison.
"Listen, dum dum," Romeo looks Spot in the eyes. "You can be blunt, you can be sweet, you can do whatever." He tells him. "Race is gonna love you the same anyway, because he fell for you and is whipped." He states. "I can't tell you how to confess to him. He didn't fall for me, he fell for you." Romeo says.
Spot nods. "Okay..." he takes a deep breath.
Romeo pats his shoulder, pushing Spot back into the dorm room.
Race looks up at Spot.
"Hi." Spot smiles slightly, though it was obvious he was nervous.
Race puts his pencil down. "Hi." He seemed suspicious.
"Whatcha doing?" Spot asks him, going to sit down next to him.
"Math." Race answers, still a bit skeptical.
Spot nods. "I have a question for you." He informs Race.
Race raises an eyebrow at him.
"And because I'm wonderful, it comes with a cupcake." Spot informs Race with a smile.
Race chuckles. "Wow, thanks." He responds jokingly.
Spot hands him the cupcake and the paper.
Spot quickly writes something on the paper.
Race looks at the paper.
Solve for "i"
He looks back at Spot. "Math? Really?" Race asks, shooting Spot a look.
"Just do the problem." Spot tells him.
Race shrugs, picking up his pencil.
9x - 7i > 3(3x - 7u)
Race's eyebrows furrow. So, I do this first...
9x - 71 > 9x - 21u
-9 -9
Which equals, Race continues.
-7i > 21u
-7. -7
Which comes to...
i <3 u
Race looks at the equation again.
Something dawns on him and he looks up at Spot.
Spot was smiling.
Race looks back at the answer. "Am... am I thinking too into this answer?" He whispers, his cheeks reddening.
Spot cups his cheeks. "If you're thinking of what I'm thinking, no." He responds with a small smirk.
Race's cheeks went bright red.
"Race..." Spot starts slowly. "Can I kiss you-" he was cup off.
Race pulls Spot into a kiss.
Spot's eyes went wide for a moment, before he melted into the kiss.
They pulled away after a minute.
Spot noticed Race's cheeks that were redder than he'd ever seen them before.
Race goes to pull away, but Spot wraps his arms around Race's waist, stopping him.
"I have to do math." Race mumbles, his cheeks burning.
Spot chuckles. "I think this is a tiny bit more important than math." He responds.
Race's cheeks seemed to burn more as he puffs them out.
Spot chuckles down at him. "Why don't we save the math for later?" He suggests.
Race nods slightly.
Spot let's go of him.
Race sits down on his bed, still slightly shocked. "So..." he starts. "What are we now?" He asks.
Spot shrugs. "If you want, me + you can = boyfriends." He tells Race.
Amused, Race sighs slightly. "Math isn't all I know and like." He responds.
Spot shrugs. "What do you say?" He asks, sitting down next to Race on his bunk.
"I'd like that." Race answers.
Spot smiles, pulling him into another kiss.
JoJo quietly shuts the door to their room.
Romeo smirks, holding up a video camera. "They'll thank us at their wedding." He tells JoJo.
JoJo giggles. "Them and Albie and El and K and so on." He adds.
Romeo high-fives him. "Now, cuddles." He states.
JoJo nods.
They link arms and walk to the dorm their boyfriends were hanging out in.
1226 Words
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