Chapter 93 - Jackpot (Jack x Spot)
- Chapter 93 - Trying to Learn How Spot Conlon's Mind Worked -
Warnings: Major character death, mentions of gangs, injuries, sadness
Canon Era
Third Person POV
A/N, this was requested by Totherevoulation so thank you (: I know that this is sad and idk what really wanted, but I will post another Jackpot chapter later that has fluff to make up for this.
Jack Kelly never understood how Spot Conlon's mind worked and he wished he could figure it out.
But, he never had and he knew he never would.
He knew Spot loved him- they were boyfriends after all- and Spot loved his Newsies and even Newsies outside of his Borough.
Spot had grown used to seeing the Manhattan Newsies so much after he had gotten together with Jack Kelly and he still enjoyed teasing Race with his boys, though Jack was usually watching because he'd be in Brooklyn almost as much as Spot was in Manhattan.
Spot was smart, Jack knew this.
Spot noticed little things. Not usually as many as Jack, but he noticed stuff that Jack sometimes missed by taking in so many little details.
Spot knew emotions and even if he had a harder time dealing with his emotions, he helped other people with their emotions.
Especially Jack.
The two boys were always there for each other.
They very rarely fought and if they did, everyone could tell and Race, Blink, Ace, and Hotshot always dragged the two back to each other.
Jack chuckles at the memory of their latest fight.
"Race..." Jack groans, letting the smaller, blonde-haired boy drag him down the streets of Manhattan. "I'm fine. Spot and I are just taking a break from each other's presence for a bit." He tells him.
Jack heard Blink scoff.
"I didn't say we were going to Brooklyn." Race comments, raising an eyebrow at his leader.
Jack rolls his eyes. "You guys always drag Spot and I back to each other when we've fought." He responds.
Race smirks at Jack.
Jack immediately realized that he admitted that he and Spot fought.
Jack rolls his eyes, deciding to stay quiet.
When they got there- by this time, Blink was helping Race because Race wasn't as strong as when he started- Jack was shoved into someone.
They immediately hugged him.
Jack froze for a second, before immediately realizing who it was and hugging them back.
"I'm kinda glad they drag us back to each other." Spot mumbles quietly into Jack's shoulder.
"Me too." Jack whispers, playing with Spot's greasy hair.
"You don't say!" Blink and Race exclaim in unison.
"Actually, we do." Jack responds.
Both boys flip him off.
Jack and Spot laugh together.
Jack smiles at the memory, before his frown returned.
Jack liked to just lay with his boyfriend, preferably on his boyfriend's bed, because he had his own room- where they couldn't be disturbed- in Brooklyn.
He liked Spot wearing his clothes and he liked seeing Spot with messy hair.
And Spot would always pout when Jack would cuddle him because he always ended up the one curled more into a ball. He sometimes wished he was the taller one.
There was one time when Jack, Race, and Blink were coming back from a leaders, Seconds, and Thirds meeting when they had run into a gang.
Since there were only three of them, they didn't have good chances.
Thankfully, they were close to Brooklyn, so someone saw and within seconds, Spot was there.
Jack had gotten the 'I couldn't help myself if you got hurt, especially not on my turf, and you need to be more careful, because goddamn it, Kelly! I wouldn't be able to live with myself without you because I love you!' talk from Spot after that.
It took a lot of reassuring for Spot to let Jack kiss him again and for his glare to go away.
The three boys had stayed in Brooklyn for the night.
Man, Jack missed Spot's hugs so much.
Spot had gone to a Leaders, Seconds, and Thirds meeting with East Side and Harlem, even though Jack hadn't trusted them and warned him that it wasn't a good idea.
Like always, Spot had ignored his warnings.
"Jacky," Spot starts as he slips his pimp-cane into his belt loop. "I'll be okay. They can't do anything that bad." He assures him.
Jack stays silent.
He didn't trust this, not even a little bit.
He knew what East Side and Harlem could do.
Spot looks back at him, a frown forming on his lips. He walks over to Jack and stands on his tippy-toes, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "I'll be okay, baby. Then, I'll be back and we can cuddle." He tells him.
Jack sighs, but nods, knowing he couldn't get Spot to change his mind.
It never worked.
His once he had made up his mind, he never changed it, and Jack never understood it.
But he didn't come back and Jack never got the cuddles he was promised...
Only Ace and Smokes came back and neither came back unscathed.
East Side and Harlem brought their whole boroughs and turned on Spot, Ace, and Smokes, like Jack had warned them.
Spot's mind hadn't taken Jack's warnings into consideration, like most of the time.
Spot had been protecting his borough and he paid for not listening to Jack's words.
He almost never listened to warnings.
Jack sighs as he walks over to the other side of Spot's room.
Ace was to take over later that day.
Jack takes the key necklace out of the dresser and puts it on.
He looks down at it, holding it in his hand.
He sighs again.
Jack Kelly never understood how Spot Conlon's mind worked and he wished he had known...
964 Words
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