Chapter 90 - Blush (Blink x Mush)
- Chapter 90 - A Pirate's Interest -
Warnings: Uh... flirty pirates? Mentions of kidnapping and the evil Delanceys
Pirate AU
Third Person POV
A/N, so this is an idea that I got from PineapplesAndPapes a while ago and so I'm writing it now lol.
"Jolly rancher! This is the third time this week that I've been kidnapped!" Mush exclaims, tugging at the ropes around his wrists.
JoJo looks over at him. "You have jolly ranchers?" He asks, slightly hopeful.
Mush exhales slowly. "Not the time." He mutters, looking at the brown haired boy. "But yes, would you like one?" He asks.
JoJo smiles. "Yes, please."
Mush maneuvers his hands around the rope a certain way so he could reach into his pocket and pull out a jolly rancher.
Mush hands it to JoJo.
JoJo squints his eyes, straining them to try and see the color in the darkness. "This ain't cherry, is it?" He asks slowly. "Or strawberry... or watermelon...?"
Mush sighs exasperatedly. "Josephine Jorgelino De La Guerra," he starts. "Would I ever give you something you're allergic to?" He asks.
JoJo shakes his head.
"Eat the darn blueberry jolly rancher." Mush tells him.
JoJo plops the jolly rancher into his mouth.
Mush heard chuckles from in front of him.
Mush's cheeks heat up slightly.
He didn't know he could find someone's laugh/chuckle attractive and then he heard this laugh.
Mush mentally facepalms. Don't you dare fall for someone based on their laugh, Nicolas.
A candle was lit in front of him, illuminating a boy's face.
The boy smirks at Mush.
He had an eyepatch, sandy-colored blonde-brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and a few freckles.
Fish sticks, he's cute. Despite the growing blush on Mush's face, he forced himself to keep a calm exterior and keep his eyes on the pirate.
The pirate looks Mush up and down. "We did save you from the Delanceys." He points out.
Mush scoffs. "By kidnapping us in the process." He responds, a slight glare in his gaze.
Mush's eyes drifted over to the boys around him.
The candle light only showed a few of them.
JoJo looks at one of the boys.
A brown-haired, brown-eyed, and pale-skinned boy met his eyes.
The boy's eyes widen, his face turning bright red. "Ike." He squeaks, running over to another boy and digging his head in his arms.
The boy- Ike- chuckles, wrapping his arms around the boy.
JoJo looks away, his cheeks slowly heating up.
Mush forces himself to take a deep breath.
The boy with the eyepatch bends down in front of Mush. "Captain Blink Baletti." He introduces himself with a smirk. "Who might you be?" He asks.
Mush stays silent for a moment, before exhaling slowly. "Captain Mush Meyers." He answers softly.
Blink raises an eyebrow at him, smirking. "How'd you get that name?" He asks.
Mush glares up at him. "For a reason." He answers shortly. "I'd ask how you got yours, but I can probably figure that out on my own." He comments.
Blink chuckles, lifting Mush's chin with his fingers. "Then, what's your real name, beauty?" He asks.
Mush's cheeks redden. "I ain't telling you mine until you tell me yours." He responds, his hands subtly working to untie the ropes.
Blink chuckles. "You got guts, but I'm the Captain on this ship." He states.
Mush stays silent for a moment. "I'm only telling you because I respect Captains on their ships." He tells Blink, a slight glare still in his gaze.
Blink smirks, raising an eyebrow at Mush, amused.
"Is it that or is it because he's cute?" Mush heard Knobs mutter from behind him.
Mush's face flushes. "Why do I keep you with me?" He mutters.
Knobs shrugs.
Blink chuckles again.
Mush glares at him slightly. "Nicolas." He whispers.
"Louis." Blink informs him.
Mush willed himself not to think of anything like 'the name is cute', knowing that if he did, his face would turn redder than it already was.
"Hate to interrupt this, but who's steering the ship?" A dirty blonde-haired, light brown-eyed boy speaks up from behind Blink.
Blink facepalms. My idiot crew-
A redheaded boy gasps. "Race." He breathes.
Blink cringes.
The redhead boy leaves the room.
A few moments later, he returns, carrying a blonde-haired boy.
He sets the blonde-haired boy down.
"Now no one is steering the ship." Another boy, this one looking more proper than the rest, states.
"Who let you guys be pirates?" Mush asks, an eyebrow raised.
Giggles from his crew mates could be heard from behind him.
"Pirates should be good at steering their ships." Mush states, an unimpressed look on his face.
Blink looks at him, unimpressed. "Oh yeah?" He asks.
Mush nods.
"Can you do any better than us?" Blink asks, challenging him slightly.
Mush smirks. "I'm almost positive any of us could steer a ship better than you." He responds, taunting him slightly, not that he meant to.
Blink smirks, standing up. "Untie them." He tells his crew mates. "I wanna see if they really can steer the ship well."
"Not that it's very hard." Specs mutters, standing up.
Blink chuckles.
Mush massages his wrists when the rope was cut off.
Almost a week of having rope that was tied way too tightly on/around his wrists was becoming quite painful.
Blink guides Mush, JoJo, Knobs, Specs, Tommy boy, Boots, and his whole crew to the top of the ship.
When they got there, they saw five pirates around the steering wheel.
One, a black-haired, pale-skinned, green-eyes boy, was steering the wheel and keeping them from crashing.
Another, a brown-haired, brown-eyed, tan-skinned, boy in red, stood in front of him, smirking and arms crossed.
The third one, a tall, blonde-haired, and icy blue-eyed boy, was leaning against a pole on the ship, his arms crossed.
The other two, a brown-haired and blue-eyed boy and a redheaded and green-eyed boy, had their arms around each other's shoulders, sharing a cigarette.
There were two more boys on the ship next to Blink's, along with two girls.
"Aye! Blink! Kelly!" The shortest, brown-haired boy exclaims, smirking. "We came upon your ship with no one steering it. Thought it was gonna crash." He comments, snickering softly .
Blink smirks, throwing his arm around Mush's shoulders. "It's better than Racetrack steering it, Conlon." He responds with a snicker.
The boy- Conlon?- chuckles.
The blonde-haired boy scoffs, crossing his arms and looking away as some of the other boys snicker.
"Please tell me we aren't going to be kidnapped again." Tommy boy whispers, clinging to JoJo's arm.
Mush looks to Blink.
Blink nods.
He whistles at a few of his boys.
They (Finch and Henry) guide Tommy boy and JoJo downstairs, JoJo, Elmer, and Specs following them.
The breeze was nice on the ship as they sailed at a steady pace.
Mush noticed Boots and Knobs whispering to each other, sneaking looks at two of the pirates in red.
One of them was the blonde haired boy who stood on the railing of the other ship and the other was the redhead who's arm was around the other boy.
Mush sighs slightly. Are they really whispering and blushing because of people who kidnapped us?
Blink smirks slightly, noticing this.
Conlon- which sounded sorta like a weird name to Mush, but he knew not to judge- steps towards Mush and Blink.
Mush was still slightly thrown off because of Blink's arm around his shoulders.
Conlon smirks at them. "Who's this, Blinky-boy?" He asks.
"This, this is Captain Nicolas/Mush Meyers." Blink introduces. "Mush, this is Captain Sean/Spot Conlon, also a boyfriend to two of my boyfriends." He informs him.
Mush's mouth gapes at him. "Spot Conlon- like- like-" he starts.
Spot chuckles. "That's me." He states. "I'm also an ally of Captain Blink." He informs him.
"What mess have we gotten ourselves into?" Mush mutters, his question not going unheard by the two captains next to him.
Spot chuckles. "That is my first mate," he points to the blonde-haired boy on Blink's ship, who's hat was over his eyes now. "Ace."
Ace waves, his hat still over his eyes and his arms still crossed.
"Hotshot," Spot points to the brown-haired boy with the redhead. "Red," he points to the redhead. "And Smokes, Ace's boyfriend." He points to the boy steering Blink's ship.
Smokes turns his head, smiling and waving, before looking back at the water so he didn't crash the ship.
"Okay," Blink starts. "Which one of your boys do you want to steer first?" He asks Mush.
"Seeing as my best was just lead downstairs," Mush starts slowly, slightly annoyed.
Blink chuckles.
"Boots." Mush answers.
Boots looks up at the mention of his name.
Mush gestures towards the steering wheel.
Boots nods, walking over to it, Knobs trailing behind him.
Smokes let's go of it.
Boots grabs two sides of it, turning it slowly and holding it steady.
Blink looks at Mush. "He's good." He states.
Mush stares at him. "It's not that hard to steer a ship." He responds, slightly confused.
Blink chuckles, shrugging slightly.
Boots made a sharp right turn, knocking over both Blink and Mush.
Mush fell over Blink, landing on top of him. "Boots!" He groans.
Boots snickers. "Sorry, Cap!" He calls to him.
"Sorry, Cap." Mush mocks him as he grumbles, opening his eyes.
Blink smirks at him.
Mush's face turns bright red as he scrambles to get off of him.
Another sharp turn caused the two boys to fall over again, this time Blink landing on top of Mush.
Mush's face reddens further.
Blink's smirk widens. "I can see where you got your nickname." He comments with a chuckle.
Mush rolls his eyes. "Shut up." He grumbles, his face burning in embarrassment.
Blink chuckles, his hands still on either side of Mush's head. "I don't really want to." He responds. "Besides, it seems like you kinda like this."
Mush's face burns, his face a shade redder than Albert's hair now. "God- why do pirates have to be so cocky and flirty?" He mutters.
Blink chuckles, brushing Mush's hair out of his face as he leans closer to him.
Mush closes his eyes, turning his head slightly as his heart sped up. All he could focus on was Blink's breath hitting the side of his face.
"The thing is, Nicolas," Blink starts, whispering in Mush's ear. "I only flirt with people who are beautiful and interesting, and you my friend, are both."
Blink rolls over, off of Mush.
Smokes takes over steering the ship again.
"On course!" Blink exclaims, pulling his sword out of its holder and raising it.
Mush sits up slowly, slightly shocked and still flustered.
Boots and Knobs go over to him, sitting on either side of him as he tries to figure out what happened.
"Guys..." the darker haired boy whispers. "What did we get ourselves into?" Mush asks.
Both boys shrug.
1888 Words
I am second guessing my writing and I feel like this one-shot is bad lol.
I had a good amount of ideas for it, but I couldn't write while I was sick, so some of them left my head *unimpressed Stage face*
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