Chapter 87 - Spralmer (Spot x Race x Albert x Elmer)
- Chapter 87 - Storms Bring Bad Memories of Mean Storm Clouds -
Warnings: Storms, crying, abuse, panic attack? Maybe?
Modern AU
Third Person POV
A/N, it was storming today and so I took my fear out on Race.
Poor Race, sorry lol.
Spot was driving as quickly as he could without putting himself and his redheaded boyfriend in danger, biting his lip out of worry.
His eyes constantly flicked to look at the time when a call from Elmer showed up.
Albert quickly pressed answer. "El?" He asks.
"You need to come home!" Elmer's voice was shaky and panicked. "Race- he- he-" he starts.
They heard sobs in the background.
"Frick." Albert mutters under his breath.
"We'll be home as soon as we can be." Spot tells Elmer, flicking his windshield wipers onto the fastest setting as the rain picked up. "We're trying."
Elmer swallows hard. "Okay," he whispers, tears filling his eyes.
"Stay calm, El." Albert tells him softly. "We're gonna get home quickly and help you and Race." He assures him.
Elmer forces himself to breathe, nodding. "Okay." He whispers.
Elmer hangs up the phone, setting it gently on the table next to his bed.
Race was curled in a ball in the closet, sobbing as he held himself.
Thunder boomed about the two boys, earning another scream from Race.
Elmer jumps slightly, his breathing picking up again.
They'll be here soon, El.
What do I do while I wait?
I don't know how to help.
"Race..." Elmer starts softly, slowly moving a item of clothing out of the way to see him.
"No!" Race exclaims, pushing himself against the wall. "Please, don't!" He whimpers.
Elmer panics.
He'd never been the one to help Race in this situation, since he didn't know how.
Albert had known Race the longest out of the four of them, so he was usually the one who calmed him down.
Race was shaking violently, rocking back and forth as tears stream down his face. He hugs his knees to his chest as memories filled his mind.
"Please!" Antonio (7) exclaims, tears running down his face and onto his shirt. "Don't lock me outside! I'll be brave, I promise! I'm not scared!" His voice shakes.
Before his father could respond, thunder boomed and lightning lit up the room.
Antonio screams, hiding himself behind the coats in the closet.
His father looks at him, angry. "Don't lie to me, boy." He snaps, grabbing Antonio by the collar of his shirt.
He lifts his up, earning a cry from Antonio.
Antonio's father almost drags him to the front door, opening it. "You're going to learn to be brave, on way or another." His father tells him. "And not to be a lair."
"Please, sir!" Antonio exclaims, begging now. "I- I promise! I'll be good!" He cries, his hands folded like he did when he was praying. "I- I- I won't be- be scared!"
Antonio's father backhands him, sending him flying.
Antonio cries out in pain.
Antonio lands on the front steps of his house, on his bottom.
Antonio holds his cheek, tears running down it and his hand as he looks back up at his father.
His father slams the door in his face.
Thunder booms again, causing Antonio to scream.
Antonio quickly gets up, banging on the door and screaming. "Please! Let me in!" He cries.
Elmer stares at Race, his eyes wide as he panics.
Race was in hysterics because of his flashback and Elmer had no clue what to do.
Spot and Albert quickly open the door to the room, running in and closing the door behind them.
Spot cups Elmer's cheeks, staring into his eyes. "Where's-" he starts.
"Closet." Elmer whispers, wrapping his arms around Spot and nuzzling his head into the crook of Spot's neck.
Spot looks to Albert.
Albert nods.
Antonio gave up on trying to get back in after a few minutes.
Antonio curls himself into a ball on the front steps.
He presses against the wall as much as he could, shivering slightly at the cold air.
"Toni..." someone gently touches Race's back.
"Stop..." Race whispers, pushing their hands away.
"Sorry." The boy whispers. "It's Albert." He tells him softly. "I'm here, not your father. It's okay." He assures him.
Tears stream down Race's face as he slowly lifts his eyes to look at Albert.
Through his blurry vision, he saw Albert's bright red hair.
Race reaches out slowly, his arm feeling weak, and touches Albert's red hair softly, making sure he was actually there.
Albert smiles slightly, but it was sad. "Can I hold you, Toni?" He asks softly.
Race strains his eyes to look at Albert, the blurriness fading slightly to reveal his boyfriend's brown eye and green eye.
Race's hand slowly travels down to Albert's cheek, gently rubbing his thumb just under his boyfriend's eye. "Allie?" He whispers, his voice still shaking slightly.
It was clear he had tried to say 'Albie', but Albert didn't mind either nickname.
Albert smiles at him. "Yeah, it's Allie." He whispers assuringly. "I'm here and so is Spot and El." He informs him.
Race's eyes stung with tears again.
Thunder booms again.
Race screams, shrinking back into the closet again.
Albert's eyes widen slightly. "Hey, hey," he whispers, forcing himself to keep his hands away from Race. "Al's here." He tells him softly. "Not your father, just Albert."
Race starts shaking again, his teeth gritting and his eyes squeezed closed as tears stream down his face again.
"Can I take your hand?" Albert asks softly, making sure to keep a calm exterior.
Race nods, but it was barely even that.
Albert gently takes Race's hand, rubbing circles into the palm of it as he repeats the same thing over and over again.
"Your father isn't here."
"It's just Albert."
"I got you, you're safe."
"I love you."
After a few minutes, Race's breathing slowed down slightly and less tears escaped his eyes.
Race takes deep breathes, his eyes still closed.
After a few minutes, Albert heard him speak. "Can- can you hold- me?" Race whispers, his eyes still closed.
Albert nods, gently pulling Race so he was sitting in his lap, Albert's legs around him and his arms around him as well as he rocked the blonde haired boy back and forth gently.
Race keeps his eyes closed, resting his head on Albert's chest as he slowly drifts to sleep.
Albert looks down at him, sighing slightly at the dry tears on his face and his puffy and red eyes.
I wish I could make everything better, Toni. I really do.
Albert frowns, continuing to just gently rock Race.
Spot held Elmer in his arms, the two boys just watching Albert and Race.
1124 Words
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