Chapter 86 - Spralmer (Spot x Race x Albert x Elmer)
- Chapter 86 - 2am Tea and Cuddles -
Warnings: Death, sadness, crying?
Modern AU
Third Person POV
A/N, this was a request from a wonderful person, but they do wish to remain anonymous, so I will respect their wishes.
I hope you enjoy (:
Spot's eyes open slowly, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness so he could see.
He couldn't see in the dark as well as Elmer, but he could see better than his other two boyfriends.
Spot's eyes drift to the arms around him, along with all the other limbs just laying and curled together everywhere.
His youngest boyfriend was almost completely on his redheaded boyfriend, while Elmer was clinging to Spot like he was going to lose him.
Spot smiles slightly, playing with Elmer's hair.
Then, his mind drifted to his dream.
Spot had lost his mother and siblings at a young age.
His father had left them when he was young and Spot had recently found out that he was dead.
His boyfriends were concerned, but Spot couldn't care less about his father.
He left them, not the other way around.
Because of that, Spot didn't care about his father.
Spot knew what day it was.
He had been counting down the days for almost a month.
Spot sighs deeply, slowly sitting up.
Elmer's grip around him tightens slightly, it being strong for Elmer. "Mmm..." he groans softly. "Don't leave." He whispers.
Spot presses a soft kiss to his forehead, before slowly untangling himself form the mess of limbs that was his bed at night.
He loved his boyfriends, but nights sure got warm with them.
Spot gently brings the blanket over sleeping Elmer's body, tucking him in again.
Spot looks at him as he slowly cuddles towards Race, the blonde boy instinctively and unconsciously taking his hand.
Spot smiles slightly, but he still felt sad.
It was a feeling that stayed with him every year on this day, along with a few others.
Spot rarely showed emotions that weren't happiness, amusement, cockiness, and anger. Someone seeing him crying was something that rarely happened as well.
It was just how it was and he preferred it that way.
Spot slowly exists the room, being careful to try not to bump into anything in the dark.
He was again reminded that he was grateful that he didn't have as bad of sight in the dark as Albert or Race, but he wished he could see perfectly in the dark like Elmer.
Spot slowly opens the door that lead to the kitchen and living room, silently cursing it for being creaky.
Then, he heard a quiet and tired voice. "Spot?" They whisper.
Spot looks back at the bed, his eyes just barely making out Albert sitting up in the bed, his hair a mess on his head.
"What are you doing?" The younger boy asks, quietly yawning and rubbing his eyes.
"I'm just going to the bathroom." Spot tells him quietly.
Albert didn't look like he believed that it was just that.
Spot shoots him a small and forced smile.
Albert squints his eyes at him, but Spot knew that was because he couldn't see well in the dark. (As he had mentioned multiple times before).
Before Albert could say anything, Spot exits the room, carefully closing the door behind him.
Spot sighs in relief, leaning against the door for a moment.
His boyfriends could read him like a book.
He knew he should've made his voice more convincing. He was a horrible lair when it was with them.
All of them were, with the exception of maybe Albert, and Elmer was just a bad lair in general, because he didn't lie or make promises that he couldn't keep.
Spot slowly walks into the kitchen, flicking the light on.
He cringes a bit at the bright light, covering his eyes.
He slowly lifted his hands off of his eyes as he slowly adjusted to the bright light.
Spot looks around the kitchen, at the clock.
Spot sighs deeply, slumping down into a chair at the kitchen table.
He looks at the three other seats at the table.
A picture of Race doing Math in the chair directly to his left filled his mind.
He pictured Albert next to him, directly across from Spot, helping him with the Math as they both tried to figure it out from the mess of equations and words Race had as notes.
Spot pictured Elmer directly to Spot's left, a cookie in his hand, or some sort of treat, as he redid Race's notes and colored them, so they were neat and colorful.
He never understood anything in the notes, but he made them colorful, easy to study, and appealing to look at, so it worked for both of them.
Spot smiles slightly. That was his normal and he loved it.
Spot's mind was quickly pulled back to his sister.
He somehow went from his boyfriends, to their friends, to Mike and Ike, to twins, and back to his sister.
Spot sighs deeply, again. He lays his head on the table, his head in his arms.
Tears stung his eyes, but Spot blinked them away.
He couldn't cry.
His twin always told him to stay strong. It was what he went by.
But sometimes he felt like he couldn't stay strong.
It's alright.
You're okay, Sean. Don't cry.
Seanna wouldn't want you crying over her.
Spot's thoughts were cut off by a voice at the door.
It was the same quiet and tired voice he had heard earlier. "Spot?" They whisper.
Spot looks up, finding Albert standing there.
One of his eyes, his right eye, was closed because of the bright light, his red hair hanging mostly in front of the other eye. He wore a mixture of his and Spot's clothes that Spot would've smiled at, had he not had tears in his eyes.
Albert frowns. "Spotty..." he whispers, walking over to him.
Spot gets up.
Albert pulls Spot into a hug.
Spot quickly hugs him back, nuzzling his head into the crook of Albert's neck.
"Hey, hey," Albert starts softly. "Are you alright?" He asks, his voice still groggy and soft.
Spot shakes his head, clinging to Albert as tears finally make their way down his face. "No." He chokes out. "I'm not okay." He whispers.
Albert frowns.
They stay like that for a few minutes.
Spot was grateful for his tallest boyfriend and his hugs.
He was a good hugger.
Spot pulls away slightly, wiping the tears off of his face.
Albert looks at him, his eyes sad. "Why don't we make tea?" He suggests.
Spot looked confused. "But neither of us know how, nor are we allowed to use the kitchen without Race's supervision." He responds softly.
Albert chuckles quietly. "We can just wake him up." He responds.
Spot stares at him. "Won't he be mad?" He asks.
Albert shakes his head. "Race understands." He answers. "Then, we can either talk about it and cuddle, or not talk about it and cuddle." He tells Spot.
Spot smiles slightly. "I like the second part of both of those options." He states.
Albert smiles. He presses a soft kiss to Spot's forehead. "I'll be right back." He mutters, before leaving the room.
Spot sits back down at the table.
A few minutes later, Albert came back.
This time, Race was half asleep, on his back.
The younger boy's blonde curls fell in front of his eyes, his hand slightly covering his right eye because it was bright in the room. He wore a mixture of Albert and Spot's clothes, causing Spot to smile slightly.
"Top cabinet." Race whispers his commands to Albert. "To the... left." He adds quietly.
Albert complies, carrying him over to the top, left cabinet.
Race looks up at the cabinets, before closing his eyes again and laying his head back on Albert's shoulder. "Nighty Night... Organic Tea." He whispers. "Middle shelf, right... side."
Albert grabs the box of tea packets.
"Four mugs." Race mutters to him, his eyes closed. "You know where they are."
Spot looks at him, slightly confused. "Four?" He asks softly.
"Trust me..." Race mutters, yawning again.
Albert grabs four mugs, placing them on the counter next to the tea bags.
He sets Race down on the ground at his request, sitting down with Spot.
The two boys watch their youngest boyfriend make tea.
While Race was waiting for a moment, he leans against the fridge.
Albert jumps up, catching him before he could hit the ground when he fell.
Race's eyes open again.
Albert chuckles weakly, staring into his eyes. "Someone's really good at falling when they're tired, huh?" He asks with a small smirk. "Have you been sleeping well?" This time, he was genuinely concerned.
Race shrugs, forcing himself to stand up again.
When the tea was finished, he poured it into cups.
He placed one in front of Spot, earning a thank you from the older boy, and another in front of Albert, also earning a thank you from him.
Race sits down on the chair in between them, sipping form his favorite mug with the other mug placed a few inches away from him, on the table.
Race brings his knees so they were against his chest, leaning his back against the chair, his eyes closed as he sips his tea.
Albert looks at Spot, setting his mug down on the table. "Do you want to talk about it or...?" He trails off.
Spot sighs softly, looking at the tea in his mug. "The anniversary of my twin's death is today..." he whispers.
Albert and Race immediately understood what he was talking about.
"Oh my gosh..." Race whispers, looking at Spot. He looked more awake now. "I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell us?" He asks.
Spot shrugs, looking at the tea in his mug as if to avoid eye contact. "Thought I could handle it on my own. I thought I'd be fine." He admits softly.
Albert reaches across the table, placing his hand on Spot's hand.
Spot looks at his hand.
"We're here for you." Albert tells him, staring into his brown eyes. "I promise. Anything you need, you can tell us." He states.
Spot nods, smiling slightly. "Thanks, guys." He whispers.
Albert nods.
They sat there in silence for a few more minutes, just sipping their tea and enjoying the comfortable silence that had fallen.
They heard someone walking down the hallway.
The next thing Albert knew, Elmer had curled up into a ball in his lap.
Race carefully hands Elmer the fourth mug.
Spot looks between the two younger boys. "This is why you made four cups, isn't it?" He asks Race.
Race nods.
"What do we say?" Albert asks Elmer with a small, teasing smile.
"Thank you, Toni." The Polish boy mumbles, sipping his tea.
Albert and Spot chuckle.
Race nods.
Within fifteen minutes, the four boys were back in their bed.
Albert, Elmer, and Race were asleep.
Spot was in the middle, Race's head on his chest, Albert's arms wrapped around Race's waist, and holding one of Elmer's hands.
Elmer's head was against Spot's shoulder, sort of tucked into his neck, but not really, as Spot held the hand Albert wasn't holding.
Their legs were all entangled in ways that made it look like they'd be hurt or at least slightly uncomfortable, but they were all perfectly fine with this.
Spot smiles at he looks at his three boyfriends.
I miss you, Seanna.
I love you, Toni, Al, El.
1948 Words
I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted (same with any request). I like it and I hope you did, too.
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