Chapter 83 - Sniper and Finch Fluff! (Not dating)
- Chapter 83 - Slingshot Siblings -
Warnings: Slingshots, not many injuries, fluff
Canon Era
Third Person POV
A/N, this idea was given to me/requested by the lovely Yo_This_Is_Bogus so thank you and I hope you enjoy.
Btw, writers block sucks!
Sniper's eyebrows furrow as she stares at Finch. "Why am I up here?" She asks slowly. "And what are you doing?"
Finch was army crawling to the edge of the roof, his slingshot in his hand.
He smirks when he sees Race walking below them, unsuspecting. "Just watch." He responds.
Finch lines his slingshot up with Race, one eye closed so his aim can be on point.
After a moment, he lets go of the end of the slingshot, during the pebble.
The pebble hits Race's back, causing the blonde boy to jump.
He touches his back. "What the heck?" Race states. "What just hit me?" He ponders to himself.
After a moment of looking around, Race couldn't find anything.
Sniper laughs. "Oh, I so want in on this." She states, laying next to Finch.
Finch laughs, handing her a pebble.
Sniper loads her slingshot, doing the same as Finch with her elbows on the roof and one eye closed.
After a few seconds, she fires the pebble.
It hits Race's shoulder this time.
Race shrieks, jumping backwards. "What is happening?!" He exclaims.
Finch and Sniper snicker to themselves on the roof, high-fiving.
"Good shot." Finch whispers to Sniper, smirking as he stares at Race.
Sniper smiles. "Thanks."
JoJo walks over to Race, confused. "Why are you shrieking?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed.
Race bursts into an explanation, rambling about something like the area being haunted because he kept getting hit with something.
It was clear JoJo didn't believe him.
Sniper puts her hand out to Finch, not taking her eyes off of Race and JoJo.
Finch snickers, handing her a pebble.
They load their slingshots in unison, both of their left eyes closed as they aim.
"Three..." the light brown haired boy starts.
"Two..." Sniper continues.
"One." They say in unison, firing their pebbles.
Sniper's hits Race in the ribs, while Finch's hits JoJo in the back of the neck.
Race and JoJo jump, Race screeching and an exclamation escaping JoJo's lips.
"See?!" Race exclaims, his eyes wide in fear. "This place is haunted!"
JoJo grabs his hand. "Come on!" He exclaims, dragging him away.
The two boys run off.
Finch and Sniper exploded into laughs.
They stay laughing like that for a few minutes until both of them were clutching their stomachs in pain.
"That was fun." Sniper breathes.
Finch looks over the edge, a smirk forming on his lips again. "Our next victim." He states.
Sniper smirks, army crawling over to the edge again.
They both look down, finding Romeo pacing.
They didn't know why, but they probably could guess that it was because he was waiting for his date with Specs.
"Paper." Sniper puts his hand out for Finch to hand her it, her eyes still staring at Romeo.
Finch nods, pulling a paper, a pencil, and a pebble out of his shirt pocket.
Sniper quickly writes something on the paper, before putting it around the rock.
She loads it into her slingshot, her left eye closed again as she aims.
About a second later, she lets go and the rock with the paper around it goes flying.
Finch smiles. "You're so nice." He tells her.
Sniper shrugs. "In a way." She responds with a laugh. "I did just shoot him as well.
Finch laughs.
Something hits the back of Romeo's head.
Romeo looks around, finding a paper on the ground.
He picks up the paper, looking around again when he stands back up.
When he finds no one, Romeo unrolls the paper.
He drops the rock onto the ground and reads the note on the paper.
Dear Ro,
I hope your date with Specs goes well.
Remember to stay calm, be the amazingly flirty boy that you are, and remember that he loves you so much.
I love you as well (but not in that way),
Romeo smiles at the heart she drew next to her nickname.
Romeo looks up to the roof.
He smiles, waving at the two Newsies on the roof.
Sniper and Finch smile, waving back at him.
Romeo tucks the note in his pocket as Specs exits the lodge.
Romeo smiles, taking his hand.
Finch and Sniper watch them walk off.
"Welp." Finch starts. "No we have no targets."
Sniper starts snickering, causing Finch to look over the edge of the roof.
"Now, we do." Sniper laughs evilly, taking a pebble out of Finch's pocket.
Finch smirks.
Jack and Spot stood below them, talking.
"I know that, which is why-" Spot stops.
Jack raises an eyebrow at him. "You good?" He asks.
Spot turns around, the pebble immediately catching his eye.
He bends down and picks it up, before standing up again and showing Jack. "Someone just shot me." Spot states.
Jack snickers a bit, before stopping when something hit the back of his head. "Ow." He mutters, rubbing his head.
Spot rolls his eyes at him.
Spot was shot again.
Spot looks around, his glare strong.
Jack yelps when he's shot again, jumping slightly.
"Kelly," Spot starts, his voice dangerously calm for how angry his eyes were. "Who's shooting us?" He questions. "Is this some sort of joke? Because I'm not finding it funny."
Jack shrugs, pulling a pebble out of his hair. "I don't know, Spot."
Realization seemed to hit Jack just as another pebble did. "Only two of my Newsies would do this." He states, looking up at the rooftop.
Spot follows his eyes.
Finch and Sniper share wide eyed looks, gulping when Spot saw them.
"We're in trouble." Finch states, not being able to look away from Spot.
"You think?" Sniper responds, equally as frightened.
Spot pulls out his pimp-cane, his glare strong. "You have five minutes before I come after you." He states. "1. 2. 5 minutes."
Finch grabs Sniper's hand, pulling her up. "Come on, Snipes!" He shouts. "Or else we're dead!"
They start running, Spot chasing after them.
Jack just shakes his head, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
It's their fault they shot Spot.
1066 Words
Hope you like it lol. I had fun writing this, especially after I got over writers block and got an idea lol.
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