Chapter 81 - Newsies Ships as OPT Prompts
- Chapter 81 - An Excuse to use Really Cute and Fluffy OPT Prompts -
Warnings: Fluffy stuff
No Era/AU
Third Person POV
A/N, I have major writer's block so I decided to do this, which I've been wanting to do for a while lol.
By the way, Pinterest recommend this picture to me (^) and I swear it's helped so much.
In all honesty, I picture Tommy boy x Elmer for this one.
Elmer, gently lifting Tommy boy's chin with his hand: "Hey, smile for me. You always look down in the dumps."
Tommy boy, looking up at him: "Okay... like this?" *smiles angelically*
Elmer, his mouth gaping and his cheeks bright red: "Yeah," *voice cracks* "exactly like that."
Tommy boy, his face heating up: "Hey, why are you blushing?"
Elmer, turning away and hiding his face in his hands: "No reason- at all."
(I can picture Tommy boy's confused and blushing face.)
This could happen with any Newsies ship, but I'm going Spromeo (Specs x Romeo), cause I've seen something similar.
Romeo, grinning: "So, this may come as a surprise to everyone, but Specs and I are dating!"
Finch: "Damn, I owe Race 20 bucks." *grumbling* "You guys couldn't have waited 1 week?"
Specs, confused: "Sorry, what now?"
Race, grinning: "You two just earned me 20 bucks is what, so thank you."
(And Specs facepalming.)
While this could work with a Race ship, I can see it being a JoJo x Albert (Jobert?) one too.
Albert, squeezing JoJo's cheeks. "Sorry to disappoint, Jo, but you do not have a 'mean look'."
JoJo, shoving his hands away: "Oh please! I'm sure I have a mean look! I'm sure it makes some people quiver in their boots!"
Albert, scoffing: "If by 'people', you mean 'adorable baby kittens', then yes. Before they wobble over and lick your face."
JoJo: *glares daggers at his boyfriend*
Albert: "Aww! Look at all of the kittens coming over! How adorable!"
(JoJo blushing after.)
This could be any of my Newsies ships, but I wanna picture Sprace (Spot x Race).
Race, coming up behind Spot: *nuzzles his head into the crook of Spot's neck* "I love you."
Spot: *chuckles as he pulls Race closer* "I love you too."
I'm gonna do Blush for this one lol, but it's hard choosing who'd be A or B.
Blink: *smiles about something Mush did*
Mush, stunned: "Oh my God! Your smile! It's so cute~"
Blink, shocked: "W-What?"
Mush: "Aww! Even your stunned look is cute!"
Blink: *blushes* "Um- I- uh-"
Mush: *fonds over their cuteness and comes closer, then kisses their cheek, making Blink blush even more* "You're adorable!"
Blink, bright red: "T-Thank you!"
Mush: "You're very welcome, love~"
(And I picture Blink getting back at him and Mush being all mushy and blushy.)
Because I like the headcanon that Buttons is Bilingual, I'm doing this with Buttons and Henry, though it could also work with Buttons and Elmer or JoJo or Mike.)
Buttons: "I- I love you!"
Buttons: "Je t'aime!"
Henry: "CHINESE!"
Buttons: "Wô ài nî!" (My characters aren't working, but I tried.)
Henry, impressed: "...Zulu?"
Buttons: "Ngiyakuthanda."
Henry: "Woah..."
Yeah... I'm definitely doing Jackcrutchie.
Crutchie, beaming: "Jack gave me so many kisses today!"
*all of the boys shocked*
Davey, spitting out his water in shock: "HE WHAT?!"
Crutchie, not noticing: "Yeah! They gave me a whole bag of them!" *pulls out a bag of Hershey Kisses*
(And all of the boys sighing in relief, and Crutchie innocently suggesting that Davey should clean up his water and get more cause water is ✨important✨)
...Ralbert (Race x Albert).
Race: "I was sitting there, so like- move."
Albert: *grins* "Nah."
Race: "Fine then." *sits on Albert)
Albert: "This is nice." *hugs Race from behind*
(And Race blushing a lot)
Again, there are a lot of ships that I'd do this with, but I'm gonna choose Sprace (Spot x Race).
Spot: "Hey! Wanna see something beautiful?"
Race: "Sure!"
Spot: *holds up mirror facing Race*
Race: *blushes*
Race: *whispering* "I really wish you would stop sometimes..."
Spot, casually: "Only when you stop being so irresistibly adorable."
Race: *blushes harder*
Again, I headcanon Buttons as Bilingual, so I'm going with Buttons x JoJo.
JoJo: "Te quiero." (If it's wrong, blame Google translate.)
Buttons: "I love you too."
JoJo, his eyes wide, jaw dropped, and face bright red: "You- how did you-"
Buttons: "I guess this is a good a time as any to tell you that I speak Spanish, fluently."
(Ft. Buttons' cheeky smile and JoJo's bright red face.)
And I already did this one -
With Orace (Oscar x Race), but I'll copy and paste it here again -
Oscar sneaks around.
The lights were dimmed.
It was dark and the only real lights were from his vest and the colored lights, but even those weren't that bright.
He holds his laser in his hands, whipping around at anything he saw.
He was suddenly pushed up against the wall with a grunt from him.
Before he knew what was happening, he felt lips on his own.
They were familiar.
They pull away, leaving Oscar breathless.
"Race-" he starts softly.
Race shoots him with his laser, causing points to go to him and Oscar to be out for five seconds.
Oscar looks at him, betrayed.
Race giggles a bit to himself.
"You're cruel." Oscar accuses.
Race presses another kiss to Oscar's cheek.
Oscar stays there, processing the fact that his boyfriend just kissed him, when he was shot again.
"Race!" Oscar exclaims.
Race runs off, giggling.
Oscar watches him go. "I'm getting payback by tickling him later." He grumbles.
He was shot again.
He looks at Buttons.
Buttons shrugs innocently. "You were distracted." He states.
Oscar rolls his eyes, walking off.
990 Words
If you want me to do more, I have a ton more prompts lol.
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