Chapter 76 - Kath x Sarah + Bill x Darcy
- Chapter 76 - Puppy Eyes and Puppy Love with the Group -
Warnings: Only fluff
Modern AU
Third Person POV
"Come on, Darcy." Bill whines, moving his head so it was blocking Darcy's sight of his paper. "Look at me and my beautiful face." He flashes him a smile.
Katherine and Sarah exchange looks, giggling quietly.
Darcy moves his paper so it was in his lap, still working on it. "I'll look at your 'beautiful face'-"
Bill pouts at his sarcasm.
"-when Kath and Sarah get here." Darcy finishes, finishing the math problem.
"Then, you might want to start looking, Darce." Sarah pushes the door to the room open.
Darcy rolls his eyes, looking up at his boyfriend.
Their eyes meet and Darcy's face flushes slightly.
Bill smirks, ruffling his boyfriend's hair. "You're adorable." He sticks his tongue out at Darcy.
Darcy blushes, sitting up correctly and putting his paper away. "How is he called 'the more mature one' between us?" He asks Katherine and Sarah, pointing behind him to Bill.
Bill sticks his tongue out at Darcy from behind him.
Katherine and Sarah laugh.
Darcy pouts slightly. "He talks to me like I'm a puppy." His voice had a slight bit of complaint in it.
"You are a puppy." Bill wraps his arms around Darcy, pulling him into his lap from behind.
Darcy smacks his hand away from his hair. "I am not!" He defends, his face heating up.
Bill smirks at him. "Yes, you are. Puppies are cute and have pretty eyes, and you are cute and have pretty eyes, so- puppy!" He tells him, booping his nose.
Darcy stops, trying to process what he just did.
"And puppies are adorably confused when someone boops their nose." Bill chuckles softly.
Katherine and Sarah laugh.
"Race's contact in at least Albert and Elmer's phone, if not Spot's as well, is 'puppy eyes'." Sarah informs them, opening her soda. "Though, it might be 'pretty boy' in Spot's." She shrugs, taking a sip of her drink.
"Oh, that's good." Bill responds. "I might have to steal that and use it for Darcy's contact." He looks back at his boyfriend.
Darcy looks at him, pouting a bit. "I don't have puppy eyes." He says quietly.
Bill chuckles. "Yes, you do." He responds.
Darcy pouts.
"There's a reason I call you 'puppy'." Bill states, chuckling softly.
Darcy rolls his eyes. "I hate that pet name." He mutters.
Sarah looks at Katherine, an amused smile on her face. "Pet name." She giggles quietly.
Katherine chuckles.
"Puppy love." Bill whispers, laying down and pulling Darcy down with him, Darcy still laying on him with his arms around Darcy.
"Billlllllllll..." the darker brown haired boy whines. "Now, I have to roll around on the floor to get up and I know for a fact that your floors are dirty." He complains.
Bill chuckles. "And I'll watch and continue to call you a puppy." He responds, booping Darcy's nose again.
Darcy stops, processing it again.
Bill chuckles.
"Can't you just sit up?" Katherine asks, a bit confused.
"I failed Gym class for a reason." Darcy mutters, rolling over and getting up.
The other three friends laugh.
A knock on the door interrupted their laughs.
"Quick," Katherine starts, her eyes wide. "Switch!" She whispers, rushed.
Sarah quickly sits with Darcy.
Darcy puts his arm around her, holding her left hand in his.
Bill puts his legs around Katherine, holding her in a hug.
The door opens, revealing Bill's mom.
Katherine smiles politely. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Hearst." She greets.
Sarah and Darcy wave.
Bill's mom chuckles. "Good afternoon, girls, Darcy." She greets.
"Do you need something, mom?" Bill asks politely, pretending to be playing with Katherine's hair.
Katherine has to stop herself from smacking him. "Bill." She whispers.
Bill drops her hair. "Right, sorry." He whispers back.
Katherine rolls her eyes.
"Just came in to check up on you all." Bill's mom says. "I'll leave now." She closes the door.
The group listens to hear her walk down the hallway, before all sighing in relief.
"That was close." Sarah mutters, sitting across from the boys and next to Katherine again.
The other three nod.
"Why do we put Kath with Bill?" Darcy asks, a bit curious.
"Because while you two would blush holding each other's hands," Bill chuckles softly. "Kath and I would be flirting to try to see who could get the other to blush more, all day, everyday." He states.
Katherine nods.
Darcy and Sarah nod.
It was pretty accurate.
"Wanna go to the park?" Sarah speaks up after a moment.
An assortment of 'definitely's, 'oh my gosh, yes's, and 'you know I do's come from the other three people in the room.
Sarah laughs. "Change of clothes?" She asks Katherine.
Katherine nods. "Jeans for me and a flannel and such, and a large t-shirt for you with leggings." She informs her.
"The t-shirt is yours?" Sarah asks, an eyebrow raised.
Katherine nods.
At the park
Katherine and Sarah walk over to Bill and Darcy.
The four of them had split up to go change.
Katherine wore jeans with the cuffs rolled up, her sleeveless flannel that was pink and purple, and a black undershirt. She also wore purple sneakers.
Sarah wore black leggings and a lighter blue t-shirt that was definitely big on her, cause it was Katherine's from her writers club. She wore blue converse to go with that.
And the boys were just wearing boy clothes.
(A/N, which I know absolutely nothing about.)
Though, Darcy was definitely wearing Bill's clothes.
Katherine's attention was pulled off of her group of friends by a few kids at a table by them.
They kept pointing to the group and talking.
When Katherine was about to go over to them and talk to them, one of them noticed her.
A girl with red hair and a pixie cut, a red and blue flannel tied around her waist and ripped jeans on, the cuffs rolled up.
Her socks kinda reminded Katherine of Romeo's socks.
She smirks at Katherine, pointing to Sarah and drawing a heart in the air.
Katherine nods.
The girl points to Bill and Darcy, making the same heart thing in the air.
Darcy's face was bright red cause Bill was teasing him and Sarah was just watching, laughing.
Katherine shoots the girl an obvious look, nodding.
She saw the girl laugh, before shooting her a thumbs up and pointing to another girl at the table.
This girl had pretty, light brown hair and glasses. She wore a yellow and white dress and had a flower crown on her head.
She also looked to be making another flower crown for the boy next to her, who wore clothes that were kinda like Race's flannel and stuff.
The first girl points from herself to the girl in yellow, drawing a heart.
Katherine smiles, turning back to her group.
A few minutes later, something hit her.
She found a paper airplane and opened it, her eyebrows furrowing.
Random girl in the cute flannel,
You and your friends/girlfriend(?) seem cool. We should hang out sometime.
Sorry if we gave you the impression that we were judging you, Jameson said that his 'Gay Meter' was getting signals from you.
My girlfriend, Amelia, can make you a flower crown if you want.
Text us, 000-000-0000
- Carmen (the random redhead who was making the hearts in the air)
(P.S. Your flannel is so cute, you'll have to tell me where you got it.)
Katherine laughs, looking up and shooting the girl, Carmen, a thumbs up.
She saw Carmen smile as she turned back to her group.
Katherine puts the note in her pocket, mentally reminding herself to text Carmen later.
She turns back to her group, finding Bill running off, Sarah on his back.
"I've stollen your girlfriend, Kath!" He exclaims.
Sarah laughs, holding onto him so she didn't fall off.
"Hey!" Katherine exclaims, laughing as she runs after them.
Darcy rolls his eyes. "They're a bunch of kids." He mutters.
"Puppy eyes!" He heard Bill tease/taunt.
"Excuse you!" Darcy exclaims, running after them.
1358 Words
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