Chapter 7 - Spralbert (Spot x Race x Albert)
- Chapter 7 - Soulmates Part 1 -
Warnings: mentions of abuse, death, fear, and slight fighting?
Modern AU
Third Person POV
Race sat under a tree, in his usual spot in the park, with a book in his hands. He was currently reading "The Fault in Our Stars." He would never admit it, but it was one of his favorite books.
He had reading glasses on as well, but none of his friends knew about this. Well, besides Jack and Crutchie, but they're his brothers. Adoptive brothers, yes, but brothers nonetheless.
He hated that he needed to wear reading glasses, but he couldn't read very well without them, so he pushed through it for that sake.
Though, they annoyed him. They got him in the habit of pushing them up even when they weren't on his face, and they got dirty very easily.
As for Albert and Spot, they were walking in a park together. They had found out they were soulmates a while ago, but they were still missing someone.
When they both found out they were soulmates, they noticed that they had a third soulmate.
Spot had a mark of the Brooklyn Bridge with a thrown on it, cause Spot loves Brooklyn. Like, loves Brooklyn, especially because he's the King of Brooklyn.
Albert had a mark of two faces. One was happy, and the other was emotionless. It shows that Albert can act really tough, closed up, and such, but he's actually really charming, happy, and energetic once he opens up.
Their third soulmate, had a mark of a cigar with a whisk of 'smoke' coming out of it, and a dime next to it. They never questioned it, they just understood.
While walking, Spot noticed Race, not that they knew his name, under his tree with his book and glasses. He's cute-
Spot took a closer look, and noticed that on Race's right hand, was the cigar, 'smoke whisk', and dime that Albert and Spot had seen on themselves.
Each boy had their own mark on the back on their right hand, and their soulmate's mark(s) were on their chest.
Spot's eyes widen, as he nudges Albert and points to Race. After a minute, Albert notices the mark as well.
Race looks up from his book to see two boys (Albert and Spot) walking over to him. He puts his book down.
"Um, hi?"
"Afternoon Cutie. What's someone like you doing at the park alone?" Spot asks Race, winking at him. Race blushes, and looks away for a minute. Geesh, why does God have to make boys so hot? Wait-
"Um, you know, just getting away from friends/siblings for a few minutes" Race responds, not acknowledging the pet name.
"Quick question before we continue, can we see your soulmate mark?" Albert asks Race, who's eyes widen.
"Uh, yeah, it's right here" Race answers, holding his hand up to show them.
"You know that's not what we mean" Spot responds, and Race cringes. Darn it.
"This has been great and all, and I'm so glad that you forced me to be social when I didn't want to be, but I have to go" Race tells them, getting up. Spot rolls his eyes, anti-social people.
"Hold it glasses," Spot stops Race, putting his arm in front of Race, touching the tree. Race cringes at the name, "we've seen that mark. You're our soulmate."
"Blunt much?" Race mumbles, and Spot rolls his eyes. "Just a heads up, I don't wear glasses other than when reading."
"Would you rather we called you Pretty boy, doll, or cutie?" Albert asks Race, smirking as Race blushes again.
"Let's cut to the point, we're soulmates. Take off your shirt" Spot instructs Race, who blushes again.
"Okay friend, I don't know if you can tell, but we happen to be in public and I don't even know you." Race reminds Spot, who groans in annoyance. "Besides, don't you think it's a little weird having a third soulmate. You should forget about me, and go live your lives happily. Thanks."
Race tries to leave, but Albert does the same thing as Spot, except on the other side of Race.
Spot goes to speak, but is cut off by a ringing coming from Race's pocket.
He pulls out his phone, and looks at the Caller ID. Jack. Gosh darn it. Horrible timing Jacky.
As Race answers, Spot takes the phone out of his hand and puts it on speaker, as Race protests. "Hey!"
"Um, Race?" Jack's confused voice comes from the other side of the line.
"Um, hi. My name is Spot. Race, or whoever you called, is here with us right now. He happens to be our soulmate but is being stubborn" Spot tells Jack, who chuckles. Race grunts, and Spot throws him a look.
"That's Race for you. Wait- did you say your name was Spot? As is Spot Conlon?" Jack asks, sounding shocked. Spot's eyes widen.
"Jack Kelly?" Spot asks. Race's eyes widen. Spot Conlon. This is Spot Conlon? And he's my soulmate. God Racer, your an idiot! Race mentally smacks himself.
Race smacks his head, and then goes to do it again, before Albert stops him, grabbing his hands.
"You're hurting yourself." Albert whispers, a mix of sternness, concern, and scolding in his voice. "Stop it."
"You're my brother's soulmate?" Jack exclaims, happily. Spot chuckles.
"One of them" Spot informs Jack, and he stops.
"One of th- what?" Jack asks, sounding confused. Spot and Albert look at Race, who looks down.
"Race has two soulmates. We've been looking for him for a while now. The other boys name is Albert. Albert DaSilva" Spot informs Jack, as Albert exclaims "hi!"
"Race, how come you never told me?" Jack asks Race, who starts shaking.
"Because I was scared Jack! You know my feelings on soulmates! You know what happened to my parents and what my dad told/did to me" Race exclaims, a few tears falling from his eyes. Spot and Albert look at him in shock. Clearly our soulmate is suffering from some trauma.
"Race. I promise that he's wrong. I promise you can trust these people. I've met Spot before. If you can't trust Spot for yourself, trust me. I promise they won't hurt you like he did" Jack promises Race, who nods.
"I know Jack. Trust me. I know" Race whispers, having had this talk a lot since he met/started trusting Jack.
"Spot, Albert, there's something you need to know. Race is my adoptive brother. He came from a bad home. His mother died when he was little, and his father became abusive. He told Race some things that I don't even want to say, and abused Race a lot, till he was put in Medda's care. Race has never really believed in soulmates, and has always been scared of them, I think part of the reason is because it's so uncommon to have two soulmates" Jack explains to them, as Race pulls out his cigar, and sticks it in his mouth.
"I'm sorry" Race mumbles over and over again. Albert hugs him.
"Racetrack Higgins, you better stop apologizing and get that cigar out to your mouth" Jack tells him. Race huffs, taking the cigar out of his mouth and just fiddling with it in his hands.
"I don't smoke it Jack, you know this. I fiddle with it" Race reminds him, and Jack rolls his eyes.
"With how much you hang around the other boys, I wouldn't be surprised if you started" Jack mumbles, and Race shakes his head.
"Nuh uh, I'd be too much like my father" Race disagrees, and Jack nods.
"Thanks for your help, Jacky-boy. We'll be stealing Race now. We'll have him back by Midnight!" Spot informs Jack, who chuckles.
"You're seriously trusting me with these people?! They could be murderers!" Race exclaims, as Jack chuckles again.
"Love you Racer!" Jack exclaims, before hanging up. Race huffs, crossing his arms as he leans back, against the tree.
"Don't be mad Cutie, you get to spend time with the best soulmates on Earth!" Albert exclaims, taking Race's cigar. Race snatches it back.
"So, you gonna take your shirt off now?" Spot asks Race, winking, and smirking at him.
Race turns bright red, holding onto his shirt.
"No!" He exclaims, as Spot and Albert chuckle. Race grins, maybe these soulmates aren't so bad after all.
1390 Words
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