Chapter 66 - Javid (Jack x David/Davey)
- Chapter 66 - Different Priorities -
Warnings: I'm horrible at writing flirting so tell me if it's bad or good lol
Modern AU
Third Person POV
Davey sits down, laying all of his stuff down.
He was paired, not by choice, on a project with a boy who he never saw stop flirting and was usually in trouble.
Granted, he had also caught feelings for said boy.
He wasn't going to tell him, but he had come to terms with it and decided to just try to keep it calm.
Said boy was named Jack Kelly-Larkin. (The Larkin was added since he didn't want to change his last name, but did want to be legally a Larkin.)
(He's indecisive.
Stop fighting.)
And he stood in front of him.
"How do you always manage to look so captivating?" Jack Kelly asks with a smirk.
Davey blushes the slightest bit, but decided to channel his inner Katherine. "Big words for you, I didn't know 'captivating' existed in your vocabulary." He comments.
Jack smirks like Davey had just challenged him. "It is if it's describing you." He responds.
Davey felt his face, upper neck, and ears heat up more. That backfired...
Davey sighs. "Please just help me with the project," he requests, sounding helpless. "I'd like to get a good grade."
Jack nods, sitting down in front of Davey. "Are you always this organized?" He asks.
Davey nods. "So, we have to draw pictures and write-" he starts.
"We should draw you since you're so beautiful." Jack cuts him off, smirking.
Davey hated his face for heating up. "I want you to draw visuals of the story, since I suck at drawing." He states. "And I'll do the writing."
"You know what you don't suck at?" Jack asks.
Davey looks up at him, a bit confused.
He noticed the smirk on Jack's face a second too late.
"Stopping my heart." Jack finishes.
Davey blushes, looking away from Jack, who chuckles softly.
He's actually really cute and I hate it.
Davey just stays silent, grabbing his notebook.
He starts writing about the story.
Jack took the hint and got started on the drawing part of the assignment.
Davey tried to keep his eyes on the assignment and his focus there too, but occasionally, his eyes would drift up to look at Jack.
The third time it happened, Jack chuckles. "Am I better to look at than the assignment?" He asks.
Davey blushes, hiding his face behind his notebook. "No." He mutters annoyedly.
Jack chuckles. "Then, why do you keep staring at me?" He questions.
Davey doesn't respond.
Thankfully for Davey, it was silent for a few more minutes.
Until it wasn't.
Jack stares at his drawing as he special marker glides across it.
He looks up at Davey, who sat on his (Jack's) bunk, while he himself sat on the floor.
The boy looked really focused as he stared at the notebook in his hands, his pencil finding its way between his teeth as he bites it out of nerves and concentration a few times, before it was back on the paper when he was writing again.
Jack looks back down at his drawing, smirking. "How is it that you always manage to look so adorable when focused?" He asks.
Davey looks up at him, his mouth gaped open slightly, his face flushed, and his eyes a bit wide.
The pencil had dropped from his mouth again. "Uh-" he mutters.
Jack chuckles, grabbing another marker.
"Look who's talking about staring." He swore he heard Davey mutter as he looks back down at his notebook.
Jack chuckles. The kid's cute.
But we've known that.
Davey looks at Jack's progress on the picture. "That's really pretty." He tells Jack, being sincere.
Jack smirks, looking up at him.
Davey knew he made a mistake immediately.
"You know what's also really pretty?" Jack asks.
Davey could already feel his face heating up.
"You." Jack winks at him.
Davey hides his face with his notebook.
They finally finished the project after a few more minutes and by then, Davey was fed up with the flirting.
Davey stands informs of Jack. "I don't understand why you keep flirting with me!" He exclaims, his face bright red out of anger and embarrassment. "You're making me crazy!"
Jack stares at him. "I'm making you crazy?" He asks, slowly walking towards Davey.
Davey gulps, backing up slightly.
"David Jacobs," Davey cringes at his full name. "You are making me crazy because of how oblivious you are!" Jack exclaims.
Davey's back hit the wall, his mouth gaping. "Wha- what?" He stammers, his face heating up.
Jack walks so he was right inform of Davey. "I've been flirting with you for months, trying to get you to realize that I have feelings for you!" He exclaims. "You're so oblivious and everyone other than you can see it! You have no idea how many times I've wanted to grab you and kiss you so hard it might've knocked some sense into you!" He almost cries.
Davey just stares at him, his eyes wide.
He didn't think he was processing this right.
He felt Jack's breath on his cheek. "Do you need more of an explanation?" He heart Jack whisper.
Davey felt Jack's warm hands cup his cheeks, the heat sending sparks down his body.
"Can I kiss you, Davey?" Jack asks, staring into the boy's blue eyes. "Please?" He adds.
It took way more energy than it should've for Davey to nod weakly.
Jack gently pulls him into a soft kiss.
Davey felt like he was going to pass out.
This is a dream.
This has to be a dream.
Jack pulls away, signaling that it wasn't a dream to Davey.
"You-" Davey gently touches his lips, his eyes still wide in shock. "I- we- we kissed."
"I've been wanting to kiss those lips for months..." Jack whispers, still staring deeply into Davey's blue eyes.
Davey blushes.
"That was like a rom-com in my own house." They heard someone comment from the doorway.
Jack and Davey look.
Race stood there, a lollipop in his mouth and his arms crossed as he leaned against the doorframe.
"Race." Davey breathes.
"That's my name." Race waves at him. "Hello."
Davey turns red.
"Glad to know you've finally kissed my brother." Race comments nonchalantly. "Medda wanted me to let you guys know that dinners ready," he looks them up and down. "When you're done kissing."
Race walks out of the room.
Jack's face was a big flushed and Davey was blushing a lot.
"I'm- I'm so- so- sorry about him." Jack mutters, turning back to face Davey.
Davey shakes his head. "It's fine. It's fine." He mumbles. "It's Race- that's very Race." He stutters.
Jack chuckles, gently brushing Davey's hair out of his eyes. He presses a soft kiss to his forehead. "You're beautiful." He whispers, letting his lips linger on Davey's forehead.
Davey smiles softly, blushing. At least it worked out wel-
"By 'when you're done kissing', I did kinda mean that dinner will get cold soon." He heard Race comment, again in the doorway. "Not that I don't love the romance show you've given me, but you kinda need dinner." He states.
Jack turns bright red again. "Get out!" He exclaims.
Race laughs a bit to himself, sticking his lollipop back in his mouth and walking off.
Jack rests his forehead against Davey's forehead. "I swear- I'm so sorry." He mutters.
Davey chuckles again.
(What I was going to write but didn't)
Davey's phone dings.
More focused on his work than his phone, Davey asks Jack to see what it is.
Jack nods, picking up his phone and logging in.
It was a text from Sarah, Davey's twin and (slightly) older sister.
Sarah: Then, I don't know what else to tell you other than to tell you that you need to tell him.
Jack was a bit confused by this.
He looks at the other texts.
Davey realized too late what it was.
Davey: He keeps flirting with me. I don't know what to do.
Sarah: 'Channel you're inner Katherine' is the advice she gives you.
Davey: I tried that. He just retaliated.
Davey grabs the phone from Jack.
Jack stares at him, his eyes wide.
"I need to go." Davey states, hurriedly grabbing his stuff, his face bright red in embarrassment.
Jack grabs his wrist.
Davey looks at him.
"You-" Jack starts softly, staring into Davey's eyes.
Davey felt like he couldn't pull away, even if he wanted to. Jack's eyes were just too captivating.
And God did he hate that word now.
"You feel the same way?" Jack asks quietly.
Davey's eyes widen. "What?" He breathes.
"I- I like you." Jack explains, staring at Davey. "I have for a while. It's why I flirt with you." He shoots Davey a concerned look.
How can anyone be this oblivious?
(You're talking about Davey, I'm thinking about how oblivious Race is.
True, true.
He's not wrong.)
Davey blushes, looking away.
Jack cups his cheeks with his hands.
He looks at Davey, silently asking.
Davey nods hesitantly.
Jack pulls him into a soft kiss.
Davey almost melted.
They didn't speak after, just stared into each other's eyes in awe.
Maybe the word captivating isn't as bad as I thought...
Davey looks at his and Jack's entwined hands.
Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought either.
1574 Words
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