Chapter 61 - Javid (Jack x David/Davey)
- Chapter 61 - Memories Under the Stars -
Warnings: Slight talks of low self worth, but mainly fluff
Canon Era
Third Person POV
A/N, request by the amazing Addie_your_Queen so thank you :).
Davey actually looks like he's scolding Race in the picture above lol.
Jack laid in the grass.
Davey laid mostly on his boyfriend, his boyfriend's arms wrapped around him and him holding his boyfriend's hand.
They laid there, in silence, staring at the stars.
Until Jack decided he didn't like the silence.
"Dime for your thoughts?" Jack pipes up, his eyes flicking over to Davey for a slight second, before their gaze returned to the stars.
Davey's eyes narrow as he stares at the stars. "You don't have a dime." He accuses.
"I do." Jack defends himself, a bit offended.
Davey shoots him a look.
"Just not with me," the Manhattan leader admits, mumbling.
Davey laughs softly.
"Anyway," Jack starts slowly. "Thoughts?" He asks.
Davey sighs softly. "Just-" he stops, biting his lip. "thinking." He says finally.
"I can tell." Jack comments with a small chuckle.
Davey rolls his eyes.
"I just..." Davey sighs. "After this week, I'm back to school." He whispers.
"That's good." Jack squeezes his hand softly. "Aren't you excited?" He asks, a bit concerned.
"Yeah." Davey answers unconvincingly.
"But?" Jack raises an eyebrow.
"It's going to suck not seeing you guys everyday." Davey admits. "As much as you all drive me crazy, I love you." He whispers. "You're the only friends I've ever made, and you don't judge. Anyone."
Jack smiles softly. "But you can still sell with us on the weekends, and come see us after school." He reminds the younger boy.
"It's not the same." Davey mumbles, his frown growing.
"It may not be the same, and trust me, Dave, that sucks." Jack responds. "But you can come here right after school and see us and rant about how horrible it was, and I promise I'll listen and cuddle you forever." He holds Davey closer to him.
He looks down at his boyfriend when he didn't hear anything for a moment.
Davey was crying.
"You somehow manage to make me smile and cry at the same time." Davey whispers with a soft laugh as he wiped the tears off of his face.
Jack chuckles softly.
They lay there in silence for a few more minutes.
And Jack broke it again.
(Jack doesn't like silence.
Shocker. *sarcasm*
Shut up, Albert.
Be kind.
Close your mouth and stop exercising your vocal cords, Albert.)
"Did you know that the sun is almost 400 times bigger than the moon?" He asks his boyfriend, staring at the stars, a bit awed.
Davey chuckles softly. "You learn that from Race?" He asks.
Jack rolls his eyes. "How do you always know this?" He questions.
Davey chuckles again. "You'd never take the time to study this on your own, unless it was art or something to help a Newsie." He explains.
Jack rolls his eyes. "I hate how well you know me." He mutters, pulling Davey closer to him.
"Hello." Davey chuckles as he was being flipped so he was facing Jack.
Jack smiles at him. "You know what I love about you?" He asks.
Davey blushes a bit. "I don't really want to know." He whispers, biting his lip.
Jack frowns a bit. "Why not?" He asks.
"Cause you're going to make me sound so special and perfect." The younger boy answers softly. "And I'm not anything like that."
"Self love time," Jack gently pulls Davey closer to him, his arms around Davey's waist tightening slightly.
"Oh God..." Davey mutters, hiding his face in Jack's shirt.
Jack smiles at that. "I love how you ramble on about mathematics in your sleep," Jack starts softly.
Davey was already blushing and Jack had only said one thing.
Based on what Davey had experienced before, he knew this was going to be a long list.
"I love how you care for all of the boys, even the older ones."
"I love your blue eyes that melt my heart when you get so excited and look into mine, but feel a ping of sadness when you look away so I don't see your blush after you realize we had been staring in each other's eyes."
"I love your face when you're blushing, cause you're cute."
"I love the confused face you make at anything, including me booping you're nose, somethings the boys say, and some of my flirting."
"I love when you try to flirt back, but can't think of anything so your words come out all jumbled and incoherent, and you get more flustered."
"Speaking of incoherent, I love the pride in your eyes when I use big words."
Davey laughs softly against Jack's neck.
Jack smiles. "I love how all of the women on the street comment on how polite you are as they're walking away when you sell papers."
"I love that you refuse to use a fake headline, so your headlines sound boring." He jokes.
Davey blushes a bit. "Shut up." He mutters.
Jack chuckles. "But I'm not done." He responds, whining a bit.
"Then, be done." Davey responds.
Jack chuckles. "Okay, my last one." He tells him. "I love you and everything you do, including when you fall asleep on me after I've been playing with your hair."
Davey blushes, his face now redder than Jack had ever seen it. "You still make me sound perfect." He whispers.
Jack leans Davey's head on his chest, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head. "I'm your boyfriend, I'm allowed to say you're perfect because in my eyes, you are perfect." He whispers, his lips lingering on Davey's forehead for a few seconds.
Davey blushes again. "You're such a good boyfriend," he whispers. "I wish I could be as good of one."
"Davey, I'm just happy that you love me back." Jack whispers, smiling softly. "You couldn't be a better boyfriend to me. I just like to be flirty and remind you how much I love you." He chuckles softly.
Davey laughs quietly.
He turns over again, staring back at the stars.
"I like it when you're covered in paint," the Jacobs boy whispers after a beat of silence. "I think you look- uh- attractive." He blushes, the last word in the sentence being almost silent.
Jack chuckles. "Is that your way of saying I look hot?" He asks, the slightest bit of teasing in his voice.
Davey turns bright red, covering his face with his hands.
Jack chuckles, nuzzling his head in the crook of Davey's neck.
Davey squirms a bit.
Jack chuckles again. "Ticklish, love?" He whispers, pressing a soft kiss to the younger boy's neck.
"You already know the answer to that." Davey mutters, his face bright red and his arms crossed.
Jack chuckles, pressing another gentle kiss to Davey's neck.
Davey squirms more, a small giggle escaping his lips.
That made Jack's smile widen.
"I'm so blushy with you." Davey whispers, trying to cover his face more. "I'm a blushy mess, which I know you love, but I don't understand how you make me so flustered." He mutters.
"And you aren't even wearing my clothes today." Jack adds with a soft chuckle.
"I will probably be if you keep playing with my hair." Davey points out. "You'll make me fall asleep, take me back to the Lodge, and give me your clothes to wear." He accuses.
Jack chuckles. "You know me too well." He comments.
"Clearly not as well as you know me," he swore he heard Davey mumble. "Mr. I-am-going-to-make-you-blush-as-much-as-I-can-while-expressing-everything-you-do-and-why-I-love-it."
Jack chuckles again.
Davey blushes.
Are we on repeat? Davey thinks. Jack chuckles, I blush, he flirts, repeat?
Jack presses another kiss to Davey's forehead, laying his head back in the grass again.
He takes his hat off, laying it on Davey's head, his hand still entangled in Davey's soft, brown hair under the hat.
Davey smiles, fixing the hat so it wasn't fully covering his eyes, like it had been when Jack put it on his head.
It was only partially covering his eyes now, so he could see some of the stars in the sky.
They stayed like that for a bit.
This time, Davey broke the comfortable silence that had fallen upon them.
"Jack," he whispers, his eyes closing without his consent. "If we stay like this, I'm going to fall asleep here." He warns.
Jack chuckles. "That's alright with me."
Davey wanted to protest, he really did, but he didn't have the energy.
He loved Jack and this was honestly his favorite thing in the world.
His problems just drifted out of his mind, as he started to drift to sleep because of Jack's fingers playing with his hair.
Jack remembered a line from a song.
(Song is called 'Photograph' by Cody Fry, and I've become obsessed with his songs, so I saw this opportunity and took it lol.)
He starts humming it, before he remembered the lyrics and notes.
"If I wished myself a superpower," he sings softly. "I would make this moment last for hours."
Jack: If I had my will,
Time would just stand still.
Wait for me until,
I find some magic film.
To take a photograph and live inside it
By the time he finished singing the part of the song, Davey was asleep on him.
Jack chuckles softly, planting another gentle kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.
He loved the moments like this.
Jack, softly: Let me stay right here,
Just a moment longer.
The picture is so clear.
Please let this last forever.
1664 Words
I'm very much debating turning this song into a one-shot, but I don't know what ship I'd use.
Btw, anyone have any Jack x Spot, Elmer x Buttons, or Blink x Mush ideas? (I have requests and no ideas for them lol.)
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