Chapter 60 - Smace (Ace x Smokes)
- Chapter 60 - "Would Cuddles Help?" -
Warnings: Avoiding, soaking, turf war, other stuff
Canon Era
Third Person POV
Smokes walks down the Brooklyn dock.
His fists were balled and it was obvious he was tense.
He didn't say hi to anyone he passed.
He ignored Ace.
The taller, blonde haired boy looked confused when his boyfriend avoided him.
Maybe he just didn't see me?
No... he literally stepped past me, again...
Ace frowns, his green-ish blue eyes watching Smokes as if someone had melted the ice in them and all that was left was the confusion and hurt.
Spot saw this.
Spot makes eye contact with Red, Cloths, and Hotshot.
Red walks over to Ace, putting his arm around him and leads him to sit down on the edge of the dock.
Spot caught multiple other boys looking between Ace and Smokes.
Spot gestures for Hotshot and Cloth to follow him.
Smokes had walked to sit down on a crate near the Lodge, picking at his nails.
Spot walks up to him, his eyes cold.
Smokes looks up. "Do you need something, Spot?" He asks calmly.
"Yeah, I do." Spot responds shortly. "Come on," he pulls Smokes up.
Smokes doesn't say anything as Spot guides him to an alleyway next to the Lodge.
Smokes leans against the wall in the alley.
Spot stares at him. "What's up with you?" He asks. "You just ignored Ace, and have been trying to for the past few days, and," he holds up Smokes' right hand. "You only pick your nails when you're anxious."
Smokes shrugs, not bothering to pull his arm away from his leader.
Spot drops his arm. Smokes knew he was a horrible lair, which was why he wasn't saying anything.
"I'm gonna get mad." Spot mutters, turning to face the other two boys in the alley. "You deal with this."
Hotshot and Cloth nod.
Spot leans against the alley wall near the entrance, looking out and at Ace.
He looked like he wasn't speaking, and he was in deep thought.
Spot closed his eyes, taking deep breaths.
Couples drama is going to be the death of me...
"Smokes," Cloth takes the younger boy's hands. "Talk to us, please." He stares into Smokes' brown eyes.
He could see the fear and guilt behind the blocks in Smokes' eyes.
"You're scared..." the Brooklyn Medic mutters, concerned.
Hotshot and Spot look at him, Spot looking back from where his arms were crossed and he was leaning against the wall.
Smokes bites his lip.
Cloth stares at Smokes. "Why?" He asks softly. "Talk to me, please."
"I'm just-" Smokes starts. "Worried about the turf war and didn't want Ace to worry." He makes up a lie quickly.
"You're lying..." Cloth looked betrayed. "Why are you lying, Smokes?" He asks. "We can help you, we're here for you. You know that."
Smokes tries to back up, only pushing himself more into the wall behind him.
"Samuel..." Cloth warns.
Smokes pills his hands out of Cloth's grip.
"If you don't talk to us," Hotshot starts, his arms crossed as he stares Smokes down. "We'll go get Ace and you can talk to him."
Smokes' eyes widen. "Timber cornered me." He blurts out.
His eyes widen more, along with the other boys' eyes.
His hands shoot up to cover his mouth.
Spot turns to stare at him. "Timber? That East Side jerk?" He asks, his voice quickly getting angry.
Smokes stares at him, his eyes filling with tears as he kept his hand covering his mouth.
Cloth gently takes Smokes' hands, pulling them off of his mouth, no matter how hard Smokes tried to keep them there.
"Samuel, explain please..." the Brooklyn boy whispers, gently holding Smokes' hands.
Smokes tries to tug his hands out of Cloth's grip, but it didn't work.
Tears stream down his face.
Spot walks back over to them.
Cloth moves out of his way, letting go of Smokes' hands.
Spot stares at Smokes, who was worried Spot was going to start yelling.
"What happened, Samuel?" Instead, Spot's voice was gentle, which was unusual. "I need you to talk to us."
Smokes felt more tears stream down his face. "I- I was cornered- and he threatened Ace..." the younger boy whispers. "He threatened him- and Zach..."
Smokes looks down at the ground, watching his tears hit the ground.
Spot looks to Cloth.
'Zachary/Zach is Sparks' real name.' Cloth mouths to Spot.
Realization hit Spot.
"He blackmailed you into ignoring them to try to keep them safe." Spot states, his voice slowly getting angrier.
Smokes doesn't respond.
Spot looks to Hotshot, who nods.
Hotshot leaves the alleyway.
Smokes looks at him, his eyes widening. "No!" His voice breaks. "Don't go get Ace..."
Spot looks at Smokes. "Samuel, you know Timber can't beat Brooklyn." He states.
"It's hard to remember that when you're cornered in an alleyway by literally ten boys, who gave you multiple bruises and are threatening your biological brother, your boyfriend, and your Borough." Smokes snaps.
Spot looks at Cloth.
Cloth rolls his eyes. "Biological is related by blood." He explains.
Spot nods.
He turns back to Smokes. "I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming him, but I'm also reminding you that he can't beat Brooklyn." He responds. "Where does Sparks live?"
"With Daniel." Smokes answers. "In an apartment."
Spot stares at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Sparrow, his Second." Smokes answers the silent question.
"And that's a platonic relationship?" Spot questions, sounding skeptical.
"Heck no." Smokes answers.
The three boys in the alley laugh.
"Look, Sparks is with a former Newsie." Spot reminds Smokes. "He'll be fine, but I do recommend you go visit him."
"I have no clue how Timber found out about him being my brother." Smokes mutters, sliding down the wall.
"You good?" Spot asks, an eyebrow raised as he stares down at Smokes.
"I'm tired and in pain." Smokes answers, laying his head on the ground.
The ground was cold and he liked it.
That was, until someone laid on the ground next to him.
He saw their green eyes out of the corner of his eye.
"Go away." Smokes grumbles, playing with rocks.
"No." They answer.
Smokes rolls his eyes, turning over so he was facing away from them.
"Come on, Smokes." Ace felt a ping of hurt in his heart. "Hotshot explained why you avoided me, I'm not mad, and you don't have to avoid me anymore."
Smokes doesn't respond.
"Would cuddles help?" He heard Ace's voice get softer.
Smokes bites his lip.
(How do I explain Smokes making a '😑' face?
Use the emoji.
Biting his lip?
You don't.
I'm whipped for this boy, Smokes thinks, biting his lip.
"Yeah." The younger boy gives in. "Cuddles would help, and maybe treating my injuries." He responds.
"Do you give me consent to pick you up?" Ace asks, making sure.
Smokes shakes his head. "I can walk." He responds, getting up.
He collapses back on the floor.
"I'm gonna take one for the team and say that you can't walk." Spot comments, slipping his pimp-cane in his pocket.
Smokes deadpans, laying his head on the ground. "You can pick me up." He grumbles.
Ace smiles, slipping an arm under Smokes' legs and behind his back and picking him up.
He presses a kiss to Smokes' forehead, before he starts walking to the Lodge.
Smokes blushes a bit, but stays silent.
"I'm safe, Samuel." He swore he heard Ace whisper. "And that's not changing."
1258 Words
This is so bad lol. There's more stuff coming later.
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