Chapter 58 - What If - Strike Gone Wrong (Pt.2)
- Chapter 58 - Recovery and Winning -
Warnings: Abuse, beating, Nightmares
Canon Era
Third Person POV
A/N, this is part 2 of the 'What if Spot Never Joined?' Requested by the lovely morrisnotdelancey
Btw, who's your favorite in the thing above and who would you be? (The full GIF is below, and I'm Elmer, for sure (lol).)
Race laid in Spot's arms on a bunk.
He was shaking and whimpering and overall was just in a lot of pain.
The others (Specs and Davey and such) were taking care of the other boys before Race and Jack, since they would take the most time to help.
Jack laid on his bunk, next to the bunk Race was on.
It wasn't Race's, since Race's was a top bunk, and while he would like them not to treat his injuries, they needed to.
Spot kept whispering apologies every time Race whimpered or flinched in pain.
"Spot Conlon," the younger boy starts, his eyes squeezed shut. "If you apologize one more time, I'm going to smack your face so hard-" he threatens.
"I got it." Spot cuts him off, his eyes slightly wide.
Ace chuckles from where he was leaning against the bed frame of the bunk Race was on, his arms crossed.
Race opens his eyes slightly. "You owe me a Poker game after this." He states, before closing his eyes again.
Ace nods, his eyes traveling to Jack.
He and Race were definitely hurt the worst.
Piecing things together in his mind, Ace knew that Snyder probably hated them the most.
Ace had no clue.
(Cause they're smart mouths.
*smack x2*
I'm just speaking the truth!)
Davey and Specs go over to Race.
Race turns over to try to stop the boys from treating his injuries, but Spot made sure he didn't turn over too far.
"No..." tears made their way down the younger boy's face as he tried to push Specs' hands away.
Jack looks up from his bunk, his eyes softening.
"Race..." Spot whispers calmly. "We need to treat your injuries."
Race pushes himself off of the bed, earning himself more pain, laying himself down on the floor. He laid his head on the ground near his hands.
The only sound that came from him was his tears hitting the cold floor.
Jack forces himself up.
Davey looks at him, eyes wide. "What are you doing?" He asks.
"Treat mine first." Jack winces in pain. "Then, I'll hold him while we do his." He tells them.
Specs and Davey share a look, before nodding.
"Jack," Specs starts softly. "You should sit down while we do this." He tells him calmly.
Jack shoots him a look. "Just get it over with, please." He responds, almost pleading with the slightly younger boy.
Specs looks at him warily, but nods.
After a few minutes of Specs and Davey treating Jack's injuries, they were done.
Jack bends down next to Race, laying next to him on the floor.
Ace, Davey, and Spot share confused looks.
Specs looks at them. "Just wait," he says softly. "Jack knows what he's doing." He looks back at his leader and Second.
Jack lays his head next to Race's.
Race's eyes were closed.
"Hey, bud." Jack greets softly, staring at Race.
"Hey, Jacky..." was the soft reply that he got, the younger boy's eyes still closed and his hair falling in his face.
"Can I hold you?" Jack asks softly.
Race's eye opens slowly, his left one being swollen shut. "You're gonna make me treat my injuries..." he whispers.
Jack frowns. "I was going to let you fall asleep." He offers quietly.
Race's eye travels to the floor as he considers it.
He exhales slowly. "You promise?" He asks.
Jack nods, putting his arm out, his pinky up. "I promise."
Race tried to meet his hand, but tears filled his eyes and the pain stopped him.
Jack frowns, his hand traveling down to Race's to finish the promise and hold his hand.
A small sob escaped Race's lips as Jack pulled him into a hug.
Race's back was against Jack's, the older boy's arms around him.
After a few minutes, Race fell asleep.
Specs and Davey treated his injuries while he slept and after, they laid him in Jack, on Jack's bunk.
The two boys fell asleep after.
Katherine walks into the Governor's office.
Being a Pulitzer had its perks.
Not many, but some.
(Rude. I gave birth to her.
Actually, your wife did.
...I helped.
Your wife did the work and you cared more about your business than your daughter for a while.
As Pulitzer, I say shut your mouth.
And, as your author, I say disappear! *waves magic author wand*
Governor Roosevelt looks up from his paper. "Miss Pulitzer," he starts with a soft smile.
Katherine curtsies slightly.
Roosevelt chuckles. "No need for the formalities, what can I do for you?" He asks, leaning back in his chair, his hands folded.
Katherine frowns a bit. "I came to talk about the Newsies Strike against my father." She starts.
Roosevelt raises an eyebrow. "I'm sure your father isn't happy about this, but I can't help him." He reminds her.
Katherine shakes her head. "No, no, I'm all on the Newsies side." She responds quickly.
Roosevelt raises an eyebrow, chuckling softly. "Okay, go on."
Katherine explains why they should win the strike, because of the unfair raise in prices.
She brings up Davey's family, Jack's life, and even some of the other boys like Race, Romeo, Elmer, and Buttons.
"That's not fully why I'm here..." the young girl sighs softly. "I'm sure you know what the Refuge is?"
Roosevelt nods. "I visited it years ago, and I'm pretty sure your strike leader snuck out on my carriage, why?" He asks.
Katherine smiles the slightest bit, before her frown returned. "Snyder, the Warden, abuses those kids. Him, and his policemen, and such." She explains.
Roosevelt's face quickly got concerned as he sat up straighter, his folded hands now on his desk.
The last time Katherine had seen someone this worried was her principal getting worried about her showing her shoulders.
"I have picture as evidence." She places the folder of pictures on his desk.
Roosevelt takes it, looking through them.
"Jack Kelly, the strike leader and one who escaped on your carriage is that first picture after his most recent trip for striking." Katherine explains softly, never losing her posture, but the fact that she felt bad was getting more obvious as she continued. "He has had nightmares about this and some of those drawing that I've included in there are his drawings from when he was in the Refuge."
Roosevelt frowns, flipping the page.
"That's Antonio Higgins." Katherine explains. "He is another one of Snyder's least favorites, and that's after his most recent visit for striking." She sighs. "He can't move well right now, never mind sell to make money, and he has nightmares about it because of his past."
Roosevelt closes the folder.
Katherine's eyebrows furrow. He only read two pages-
"Say no more." Roosevelt stands up, grabbing his cane. "I can't bare to sit here, having you explain this to me when they're hurting." He states, looking at Katherine. "It's time we do something about this."
Katherine smiles. "Thank you, Governor."
Roosevelt smiles, before the determined and stern look on his face returned.
With Jack
"Enough is enough, Pulitzer." Jack states.
Spot and Davey stood behind him.
Davey was staring worriedly at Jack, wary about his injuries.
Spot's arms were crossed and he was glaring at Pulitzer and his employees.
Hannah refused to meet his eyes.
He could tell that she felt bad, so his glare was not aimed at her.
"Your policemen sent us to the Refuge for striking, but our voices won't be stopped." Jack tells him, his glare strong. "Some of my boys can't move, yeah, but you're just losing more business, and as more Newsies stop selling, you'll only lose more," he states.
Pulitzer glares at him. "Where is Warden Snyder?" He asks, looking at his employees.
Bunsen and Seitz shrug.
Hannah keeps her gaze away from Pulitzer's.
"I'm afraid he isn't the Warden anymore, father." An all familiar voice states as they enter the room.
They turn to face the door.
Katherine stood there, a smirk on her face and her arms crossed.
"Katherine." Pulitzer hisses, his face contorted in anger. "I told you not to interfere with business." He snaps. "You're grounded."
"Don't be like that, father." Katherine's smirk only seemed to grow. "You wouldn't want to look bad in front of guests."
Pulitzer's eyes widen. "What guests-" he starts.
Sarah walks and stands next to Katherine, a smirk on her face.
Medda, the mayor, and some of his employees stood with them.
"Mr. Pulitzer, I'm sure you know the Governor," the mayor states, his hand gesturing to where the Governor was going to enter.
Governor Roosevelt enters.
(Woohoo! Go Roosevelt!
Commie... *Pulizter mutters, arms crossed*
*smack* go Governor Roosevelt!)
Pulitzer gawks at Roosevelt, before he composes himself. "Governor Roosevelt?" There was a slight waver in his voice.
Roosevelt shakes his head. "Joseph, Joseph, Joseph." He sighs. "What have you done now?"
Pulitzer stares at him, looking offended and annoyed. "I'm sure when you hear my explanation-" he tries to defend himself.
Roosevelt puts a hand up to stop him. "Thanks to your daughter coming to my office, I already have a thorough grasp of the situation." He states, pulling the folder Katherine gave him out of his coat.
Jack's eyebrows furrow. Can he just hold stuff in there?
"Bully is the expression I usually employ to show approval, but in your case I simply mean," he looks Pulitzer up and down, before shoving the folder against his chest and into his arms. "Bully." He states.
Pulitzer's mouth gapes, before he opens the folder.
Roosevelt walks over to Jack. "Is this the boy of whom you spoke?" He asks Katherine.
Katherine nods, a small smile starting on her and Sarah's lips.
Roosevelt shakes Jack's hand. "How are you, son?" He asks with a small grin. "I'm told we once shared a carriage ride."
Jack's eyes widen. "Pleasures mine- Governor." He stammers out.
Spot snickers quietly. Never heard the Manhattan leader stutter.
Jack walks back over to Davey and Spot, basically gushing. "Oh my God." He whispers, his eyes still wide as he holds his hand.
"Subtle, Jack." Sarah pats his shoulder with a soft chuckle. "Everyone other than Pulitzer noticed your reaction."
Jack turns a bit red.
Roosevelt walks back over to Pulitzer, who was staring at the files in the folder, his eyes wide.
"I- I had no idea." Pulitzer stammers, flipping through the folder again. "I was told- he was good."
"You called the cops on them for striking." Katherine points out, a bit annoyed as shown in her stances and crossed-arms.
Pulitzer didn't respond.
"Well, Joe," Roosevelt starts, a smile on his face. "don't just stand there and let those children sing..." his smile falters a bit. "Endlessly."
Medda chuckles softly.
"Tell them your good news." Roosevelt turns back to face Pulitzer.
Pulitzer looks up at him. "What- what news?" He asks.
Katherine shoots him an unamused look.
"Oh." Pulitzer places the folder on his desk. "The price change."
It was silent for a minute.
"Fine." Pulitzer grumbles. "The price will be back to normal by tomorrow morning." He states.
Jack, Spot, and Davey cheer, sharing hugs.
Spot pulls away after a moment, a look of disgust on his face. "Ew. I just hugged Jack Kelly." He states.
Jack stares at him. "What's wrong with me?" He asks, a bit offended.
Spot stares him up and down, unimpressed. "You're like a cocky, annoying, and less popular version of me as a leader." He comments, turning to leave the room.
Jack turns to face Davey, offended. "He hugs you and Race." He points out.
Davey covers his mouth to try to hold back his snickers.
"Davey's cool and smart." Spot's voice answers from the hallway. "And Race is my brother." He adds.
Jack rolls his eyes, crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks out angrily.
Davey chuckles, patting his back.
Jack regains his composure, or whatever composure he had with his hurt he was.
Davey saw the few times he flinched or winced in pain and tried to play it off.
Jack turns to face Katherine and Sarah. "We need help with littles and possibly some of the older boys." He tells them.
The two girls nod, starting to leave the room.
Katherine stops, causing Jack and Sarah to share confused looks.
Katherine and Davey walk over to Pulitzer and Roosevelt.
"Thank you, Sir." Davey tells Pulitzer sincerely. "If you hadn't changed it back, I wouldn't have been able to feed my family." He informs him. "So, thank you."
Davey turns to leave.
Pulitzer just stares at him, a bit shocked.
"Thank you, Governor." Katherine shakes his hand.
Roosevelt smiles. "I assure you, Mr. Snyder's abuses will be fully investigated and the Refuge will be shut down." He informs her.
Katherine smiles. "Thank you again."
She turns to leave.
At the Lodge
"We have news!" Jack explains, standing in the doorway of the Lodge.
All of the Newsies look at him.
Davey, Spot, Katherine, and Sarah stood with him.
"Snyder is going to jail, the Refuge is shut down, and the prices will be back to normal by tomorrow!" Jack exclaims, grinning.
Cheers erupted upon the Newsies in the Lodge.
Some of the boys started crying, like Tommy boy, Race-
(I did not cry.
Yes, you did.
No, I di-)
-like Tommy boy, Race, and Lucky started crying.
Davey hugs Jack tightly, a grin lighting up his face.
Jack even saw a small smile tug on Spot's lips.
He pulled Spot into his and Davey's hug.
"You're really pushing our alli-ship." Spot mutters, trying to push away from Jack and Davey.
The two boys chuckle, still holding him in the hug.
Eventually, he relaxed into it.
And gave Jack a nice black shiner when he was finally let free.
Davey scolded him because of that, while he treated Jack's black eye.
And you can bet Spot didn't listen to a word he said and pretended he had.
And Race and some other boys thought it was hilarious.
2424 Words
This is so bad lol and doesn't make much sense, but I hope you like it anyway.
The character-author things are getting out of hand lol, but I love it.
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