Chapter 36 - Sprace (Spot x Race) Headcanons
- Chapter 36 - Sprace -
Warning: Mentions of blood, stress, crying
Multiple Eras/AUs
Third Person POV
I'm doing headcanons again and I had some good Sprace ideas, so yay :)
Here we go!
- Race definitely insulted Spot before he knew who he was
- Spot, somehow, was not very angry at him
- Spot fell for Race first
- he always watched Race walk past the dock to his selling spot
- and when he first started selling at Sheepshead
- Spot was sent there to try to stop him
- but he gave up because there was a cute, blonde boy there who insulted him
- Race definitely also fell for Spot by the fact that he saw him everyday
- Minus Sundays (Newsies day off from selling)
- while he walked to his selling spot
- for a while though, he didn't know who Spot was
- then he went with Jack to a leaders and seconds meeting
- the boy he insulted was the King of Brooklyn
- you can imagine how shocked he was when he found that out
- and he had to tell Jack later
- Jack never let him live it down
- after they actually met, they started seeing each other more often
- Race delivered messages from Manhattan to Brooklyn and Brooklyn to Manhattan
- borough/Leaders and their seconds through fifths meetings (in which Jack usually only brought Race and Blink)
- walking past the dock everyday
- parties at Medda's
- and Jack definitely sent Race with messages to Brooklyn because he shipped them
- and his excuse was that Race was his second
- Race definitely believed that and never found out the real reason
- but he was very protective when they started dating
- and to this day, Albert still threatens to kill Spot if he hurts Race
- Race was called 'Brooklyn and 'Hattan's Fallen Angel'
- even before they started dating
- he was called 'Brooklyn's Prince' for a bit after that
- and when Jack stepped down from his leader role and passed it to Race
- he was back to his 'Fallen Angel' stage
- it was mainly because he sold in Brooklyn, but stayed in Manhattan
- he was born in Queens, went to Brooklyn when he was one, and went to Manhattan (alone) when he was seven
- he really hates the nickname of the 'Fallen Angel'
- it's origin is that Manhattan Newsies are apparently Angels
- and Brooklyn's the Devils
- hence the 'Fallen Angel' title
- Race was good with kids
- Lucky was literally his brother (but not biologically)
- same with Spot
- Tumbler was his brother (Tumbler wasn't his brother biologically, but he was Skittery's biological brother)
- Spot loved watching Race with kids
- he swore his heart melted
- and listening to the stories that Race told them, and even told the older boys as well
- they were always stories he made up when walking to Sheepshead everyday
- the "Super Lucky, Super Les, and Super Tumbler" stories
- the "Riverside" song
- that one was based on how Spot and Race met (I'm trying to write this rn)
- Race was stubborn
- We've known this
- Jack usually sends someone to go get Spot
- or he drags Race to Brooklyn
- when Race is being stubborn with things, usually stress, sleeping, eating, and injuries
- Spot was stubborn
- but not as much
- however
- Race was better with emotions
- though he had hard times with his emotions, he was definitely better
- it always took a lot of convincing from Race and reminding that crying is okay and it's a normal human thing for Spot to cry
- Race hangs around the dock
- sometimes
- he likes the Brooklyn Newsies
- he really does
- but they like to team up on him (joking stuff)
- Spot's definitely thrown him off of the dock
- cause Race was 'soaking' (splashing with water) Skittery
- so Race got 'soaked'
- Spot calls Race 'my Prince' and his 'Angel'/'Fallen Angel'
- Race calls Spot many things (mainly in Italian), but it's mainly 'Amore' (which is Italian for 'love'.)
- Spot either speaks Italian or Irish (Modern AU)
- (Canon Era) They don't kiss on the streets
- they are clingy with each other when alone or with the Newsies
- Spot usually pulls Race into his lap
- Race turns bright red
- Spot teases him
- Race turns even more red and either tries to leave or hide his face
- Spot kisses him
- The boys laugh or tease them
- In the odd chance that Race makes Spot blush
- Spot is definitely shy and embarrassed for the rest of the day
- he hates it so much
- Race loves it
- his face is bright red
- everyone can tell when this has happened
- (Modern AU) Spot will fight anyone who judges them for dating
- Race has to drag them away
- unless Race wants to fight them as well
- then, Spot has to drag him away
- they care for each other
- you can tell when something is off with one of them
- Race shuts down
- no sarcastic/snarky remarks
- no Poker
- he eats, sleeps, and cares for himself less
- he stops talking, almost completely
- he just stops with his stories and astrology/astronomy facts
- Spot gets angrier than normally
- he doesn't even talk to Race
- he sometimes stops eating
- Ace usually gets Race when this happens
- and Race knows it's bad because Ace (Spot's second) comes to Manhattan all by himself and doesn't send someone
- they help each other
- and Jack, Ace, and the others help as well
- But ✨ Sprace ✨
- Race hates Spot being over protective
- but there are times where he's thankful for it
- sometimes
- not always
- Spot likes making Race wear his clothes
- he thinks red looks good on him
- he really likes it when Race wears his suspenders, hat, undershirt, key necklace, and pants with his (Race's) flannel, socks, and shoes.
- he also gives Race the pimp-cane and Race wears it in a belt loop
- Race walks down the dock
- and the Brooklyn Newsies find it to be the cutest thing ever; he's not scary
- once Race gets over the embarrassment
- (though the blush on his cheeks never fade)
- he's fine with it
- and he likes Spot's key and pimp-cane (cause fidgeting with the necklace)
- Race hates being babied
- but if he's hurt,
- he's not leaving Brooklyn for some time (depending on how hurt he is)
- Spot forces him not to sell and stay resting
- he also helps change Race's bandages
- Race is usually bright red
- in the case that Spot is hurt
- he also hates being babied, but he likes it when Race is determined to help him and is being caring
- Race forces him to stay in bed
- his stubbornness helps
- makes Spot food (like soup) that his mother had made
- he had memorized the recipes
- Race is definitely a good fighter
- but he gets outnumbered easily
- and the boys hate it when he fights
- Spot is a really good fighter
- he doesn't get outnumbered as easily
- Race is always scared he'll get hurt
- after the fight,
- Spot holds Race and assures him that he knows what he's doing
- he's not hurt
- he's fine
- Race forgives him and is okay after a few minutes of Spot holding him
- and then Spot gets to listen to him tiredly rambling about stars
- Spot loves that
- and they fall asleep on the rooftop
- together
- clinging to each other
1198 Words
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