Chapter 34 - Orace (Oscar x Race) Headcanons
- Chapter 34 - I Love Orace -
Warning: Mentions of blood, stress, crying
Multiple Eras/AUs
Third Person POV
So, I love writing Orace lol (and Spralbert, but that's besides the point) and I wanted to try to do I think they're preferences/headcanons (however you spell it).
I've seen people do these, but I've never tried it, so I wanted to give it a go.
Bare with me here please lol.
So... I guess I'll just start.
- Oscar definitely fell for Race first.
- Almost 100% did
- It didn't take too long for Race to fall for him after though.
- (Canon Era) Oscar would always flirt with Race when Race got his papers.
- Race always winked back.
- Then they'd both me blushing and embarrassed for a bit after.
- Oscar definitely flirts more.
- Race will retaliate
- or flirt out of nowhere
- but only sometimes.
- They end up seeing who can tease the other more
- They're both protective of each other
- Yet, they still rant to the other about how protective their brothers are
- "You can't do that! You'll get hurt!" Pause. "But also, (brother) is totally being so annoying. I can take care of myself."
- If Race is hurt
- depending on how bad it is
- Oscar won't let him out of his sight for a period of time and babies him
- If Oscar is hurt
- It's basically the same thing
- Though, Oscar likes Race holding him and babying him when he's hurt
- Race, as we all could have guessed, does not
- The kid hates being babied
- ...but he doesn't exactly mind Oscar holding him
- and he gets extra kisses
- (of which he could probably ask Oscar for and Oscar would agree, but he'd be embarrassed)
- They can both be so awkward
- especially together
- They'll both be holding hands
- standing together
- though they're silent and their faces are bright red
- They both love their brothers
- Whether they're blood related or not
- Jack and Race's brothers knew they had crushes on each other before Oscar confessed to him.
- They definitely confronted Morris
- And then he confronted Oscar with them.
- It took a lot of time, but they did eventually get Oscar to admit it
- Albert had to bring up some of his 'observations'
- which were really just obvious all along
- Oscar wasn't subtle, even if he tried to be
- Oscar and Morris are best friends (almost brothers) with Spot
- Race is Spot's 'brother'
- They didn't know about the other's relationship with Spot for a while
- Oscar definitely confessed first and then asked Race if he could kiss him
- Race agreed.
- Oscar hesitated because Race is really cute and he didn't want to mess it up
- Race teased him
- Wah- bam!
- They've kissed
- ...and then Oscar teased Race again because of how red his face was.
- (neither had ever been kissed before (or) in a Modern AU, Race hadn't been kissed before, but Oscar had kissed a few girls either from arranged relationships or trying to convince himself he wasn't Gay)
- His face was definitely the same color as Race's though
- Oscar loves Race's use of Italian
- (Modern AU) Oscar speaks Spanish, so he can understand a little of Italian
- He still loves it when Race speaks Italian
- Race calls him 'Tesoro', which means 'Treasure' in Italian
- Oscar calls Race a lot of things, but mainly 'Love', which he sometimes says in Italian or Spanish ('Amore' in Italian' and 'Amor' in Spanish), and 'bubby/bub/baby'
- Race sometimes also calls Oscar 'Amore'
- (good Weasel story) Weasel has known forever and is relieved when they've finally stopped pinning for each other and gotten together
- (bad Weasel story) he beats Oscar when he finds out
- Oscar goes to Race
- Race cleans him up and just holds him
- They definitely sleep with Race laying on Oscar, his head on Oscar's chest, listening to his heartbeat
- It helped Race be calm
- Oscar playing with Race's hair
- He definitely also just admired Race's (mainly facial) features before he also fell asleep
- And people wonder how he knows Race so well
- They both definitely have sleeping problems when they're apart
- They've gotten so used to being together that they just can't be apart anymore
- Especially not when they have a nightmare of either their father, Weasel, or Snyder
- They've both definitely either thrown each other into the harbor by the dock
- Or dumped water on their head
- They say it's to calm them down
- and half of it is
- but the other half is because it's fun
- Race bites his nails and has a bad habit of digging his nails into his arms
- He just assumes that he has weak arms because his nails (which aren't even nails lol) can still hurt him
- Oscar just smacks him or kiss him
- to get him to stop
- Someone will hear a smack
- And then an annoyed or whiny 'ow'
- And then Oscar will kiss Race to make up for smacking his hand away from his arm
- Though he was helping him
- If Oscar's angry or sad, Race doesn't let him go anywhere alone
- Oscar has a bad habit of punching walls
- Well, when they had a fight (which is one of the only times they ever had)
- Race ran, sobbing
- Oscar was left alone where they had been, sobbing
- Spot, later that day, found Oscar crying in the house, his hands bloody, tears streaming down his face, his knees pulled to him chest, and Race gone.
- The Manhattan Newsies went to look for Race
- While the Brooklyn Newsies calmed down and treated Oscar
- They found Race, his arms having cuts on them
- He had fallen and hurt himself multiple times while crying
- They found him in an alleyway, sobbing
- They made up and didn't leave each other's side for a while
- Not even when Race was selling
- Oscar went with him
- They're both stubborn
- VERY stubborn
- Oscar helps Race be a bit less stubborn
- Race does the same with Oscar
- but there are times when they can't
- and the others hate it when they're both being stubborn about the same thing (usually not wanting them to treat their injuries)
- It's much harder to convince both of them than just one
- Race hates (so he says) wearing Oscar's clothes
- Mainly cause the boys will tease him
- and Oscar, too.
- Definitely Oscar
- He says his teasing is, quote, 'out of love for Race'
- and it half is
- he also just likes seeing Race blush
- Race, however, doesn't mind it when they switch clothes
- because it's so different *eye roll*
- Oscar isn't that much taller than Race
- so they fit into each other's clothes
- with Race only looking a tiny bit smaller in Oscar's
- and they both love how it smells like the other
- They both prefer night to day
- Oscar likes it when Race rambles on about the stars
- He knows soooo many facts about stars
- Race likes laying under the stars
- His head in Oscar's lap
- playing with Oscar's hand while Oscar plays with his hair
- and they usually fall asleep like that, together
- (Canon Era) they don't do PDA in public
- everyone kisses in front of the Newsies lol
- (Modern AU) they kiss and hold hands always
- Oscar will fight anyone who is homophobic and speaks up
- Race will if they insult Oscar
- they usually walk away first because they are the bigger (not usually literally) people
- Race is usually the first one up in the morning
- he always had been since he had been waking everyone up as Jack's second for years
- Oscar
- (when he doesn't have to be forced awake)
- likes to just lay in bed, pretend he's asleep, and listen to Race singing while he's getting ready/in the shower.
- and the plus is that Race wakes him up with kisses
- he loves that (very, very much)
1310 Words
Another picture(s) of the bug.
Also, how did I do with this?
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