Chapter 31 - Orace (Oscar x Race)
- Chapter 31 - A Soulmate -
Warnings: Fear, mentions of abuse, bullying
Modern/Soulmate/Angel-Devil AU
Third Person
Requested by: selectedshipper (That's a lot of AUs lol) This is confusing lol.
Race stares at him, eyes wide.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
"Race-" Oscar starts, reaching out for him.
Race's hands shot up to protect himself.
Oscar stops in his tracks.
Crap, he thinks I'm going to hurt him.
Oscar watched Race's eyes fill with tears.
His eyes were blue- a really pretty blue- with a rim of gold around the outer rim of the iris and the pupil, showing that he was an Angel.
Oscar's eyes were brown, with a rim of darker red in the same area of the gold in Race's eyes, showing that he was a Devil.
"Race, Racer, hey." Oscar starts softly. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I promise." He tells him calmly.
"Promise?" Race whispers, forcing himself to not speak Italian and to calm down.
Oscar nods. "I promise, love." He whispers.
Race's hands slowly lower from over his head.
Tears were still present on his face, but he didn't mind.
The two boys stay silent for a few minutes.
Oscar felt a pull to Race and for some reason, he really wanted to kiss him.
This had been part of reason he had figured out they were Soulmates.
The pull to him.
It had been weird being that drawn to an Angel to him, but he figured out easily what it was.
"Crap." Oscar breathes, leaning against the wall. "I'm trying to control myself so I don't kiss you, but you're standing there, looking adorable as ever and I'm failing." He mutters.
Race turns bright red. "It's the Soulmate connection." He mumbles, staring at the floor.
Oscar almost facepalms. "Yeah, I- I know." He responds.
Race puts his hands up in a surrendering motion.
They heard shouts from down the hall.
"I have to go." Oscar panics, looking back to make sure none of Race's 'brothers' were coming from the other side of the hall. "I'm sorry. Your brothers don't like me very much." He whispers.
Oscar takes off running.
Race watched him go, before someone cupped his cheeks and someone else lowered his hands, that had still been in a surrendering motion.
"Are you okay?" Albert asks, his eyes clouded with concern. "Did he do something to you?"
Race quickly wipes his face off. "I'm okay." He whispers.
Albert shares a concerned look with Specs.
Albert decided to drop the subject. He wasn't going to push Race.
He wasn't so sure Jack would drop it later.
Time skip
"So," Someone starts, startling Race.
Race whips around, almost dropping his books.
He exhales deeply. "You scared the heck out of me." He states.
Oscar rolls his eyes. "Oh no, it's a big, scary devil." He mutters sarcastically.
Aren't like half of his brothers Devils too?
The two boys stay silent for a few minutes.
"What is our relationship?" Oscar asks quietly.
"Clearly Soulmates." Race mutters, staring at the ground.
Oscar forced himself to not roll his eyes. "But you don't seem comfortable or ready for that." He responds. "You seem scared out of your mind of Devils, Racer, and of me." He points out.
Race quickly got defensive. "I'm not scared of Devils." He responds.
Oscar shoots him a look.
"I- I was abused, Oscar." Race whispers. "For not being a- a Devil, ever since my mom died. I was- uh- again- in- in other foster homes and then bullied." He mumbles.
Oscar's eyes widen. "Oh." He mutters.
Race nods softly, staring at the floor.
"Uh-" Yeah, Oscar was not expecting that. "I- I don't know how to- respond to that."
Race nods. "Most people don't." He whispers. "I've heard 'I'm sorry' so many times, it doesn't change anything." He rambles.
"At least they care?" Oscar tries.
Race shrugs, still not making eye contact.
"I won't ever hurt you, Race." Oscar whispers. "And I know- my brother and I have a horrible reputation around here, but we only fight to protect ourselves." He continues. "The kids try beating us up, so we have to protect ourselves."
Race nods. "I understand." He whispers.
"I'm so sorry for asking this," Oscar starts, giving in. "But can I kiss you?" He asks.
Race's eyes widen.
"I mean, you definitely don't have to and it would only be this time if you don't want to," Oscar panics. "I was just wondering- and you're really cute, but we totally don't have to, and I understand if you're uncomfortable, and-" he rambles.
"I don't really mind it." Race mumbles.
Oscar looks up at him, eyes wide. "You- you're okay with it?" He asks.
Race nods.
"Oh my God, okay." Oscar tries to calm himself down. "This is actually happening. I didn't think you'd say yes." He admits.
Oscar steps a bit closer to Race.
He cups his face.
Race stares into Oscar's eyes.
I'm actually doing this...
He's not objecting... maybe I actually a chance of him trusting me.
Oscar gently kisses Race.
They pull away.
"Wow, okay." Oscar mumbles, touching his lips softly. "That was quite nice and you're cute, and I feel like I could either squeal or pass out, but I probably can't."
Race laughs a bit.
Oscar blushes when he realizes he said that out loud.
But he liked Race's laugh.
"Are you sure you're supposed to be a Devil?" Race asks, an eyebrow raised and his arms crossed, smirking.
Oscar shoots him an offended look. "Don't try me," he mocks being intimidating. "I'm frightening!"
Race starts laughing again.
Oscar laughs a bit as well.
Later that day
"Oscar..." Race whispers, his eyes darting behind Oscar, then back to his eyes. "We shouldn't be doing this."
Oscar sighs, stepping back a bit. "Are you not comfortable with it?" He asks softly.
"No, no, no." Race shakes his head. "I'm okay with it, others wouldn't be." His eyes dart back to the door.
Oscar thinks for a moment. "We can deal with that when we get there." He tells Race.
Race shoots him a wary look, but nods nonetheless.
Oscar cups his face again, kissing him softly.
Race got lost in the kiss and only realized it was over when Oscar spoke up again.
"We're so awkward." He mutters, rubbing the back of his neck.
Race laughs weakly. "Yeah. I mean, we're both definitely new to this whole Soulmate thing." He responds.
Oscar nods.
He looks up at Race, pulling out his puppy eyes.
Oh God. Race's breath caught in his throat.
"Can I have a kissy?" Oscar asks in a higher pitched voice.
Race turns bright red. "Uh- if you want?" He didn't know how to respond when Oscar asked.
Oscar chuckles, using his normal voice. "You're so flustered, Racer." He whispers, his eyes flicking down to Race's lips.
Race rolls his eyes. "And the tease is back." He mutters.
Oscar laughs, shoving him gently. "Says you." He responds.
Race laughs.
Even more later that day
Jack knocks on the door to Race's room.
Race looks up. "Come in?" He states.
Jack opens the door. "Hey, Race." He greets softly.
Race smiles a bit. "Hi, Jacky." He greets his Devil of a brother.
He was joking.
While Jack was literally a Devil, he was a really good brother to Race and all of the boys, and he was a good Soulmate to Davey, who was a very anxious Angel.
"Can I sit?" Jack asks carefully.
Race nods, moving his school stuff to make a space for Jack across from him on the bunk.
Jack sits down on the other end of Race's bunk.
"So," Jack starts. "Albert told me that you had a run-in with Oscar." He starts.
Race's eyes widen. He looks up from his schoolwork to Jack, opening his mouth to speak.
"Let me finish." Jack tells him. "And I've been speaking with his brother."
Race's mouth gapes a bit. He's been what?
"I think I know who your Soulmate is." Jack finishes with a soft smile. "And I think you do too, even if you aren't telling us."
"You know about- uh- him and I?" Race asks, a bit startled. "Does anyone else know?"
Jack shakes his head. "I don't think they've connected the dots yet, and they don't need to know until you're comfortable with it." He tells Race.
Race stares at him, his mouth gaping more and his eyes wide. "You- you-" he stutters.
"Why wouldn't I be okay with it, Racer?" Jack asks, taking his hands. "Have I ever been mad at you for something like this? Especially something out of your control?"
Race shakes his head.
"Use your words." Jack tells him softly.
"No." Race answers.
Jack smiles. "That speaks for itself."
Race bites back a smile, looking at his and Jack's hands. "He kissed me." He states quietly.
"Oh yeah, I didn't just come here to talk to you about that." Jack leans against the bunk. "I want to hear the details." He tells Race.
Race laughs a bit. "Okay, but before that," he starts. "You've been talking to Morris?" He asks.
"Don't tell Spot I told you," Jack starts. "But they're Soulmates." Race's eyes widen. "So Spot's first goal was to get us on good terms since Brooklyn and Manhattan are allies."
Race nods.
"Okay," Jack starts. "Tell me!" He exclaims.
Race laughs. "Okay, okay," he starts explaining.
The next day
Race runs up to Oscar in front of anyone.
Oscar and the other boys look at him, confused.
Race cups Oscar's cheeks. "I'm not scared to tell them." Race whispers.
Oscar stares at him. He wasn't sure he heard Race right.
"You shy now?" Race taunts him.
Oscar chuckles, pulling him into a kiss.
Some of the boy's eyes widen.
Jack, Morris, and Spot fist bump.
"Talk to him yesterday?" Jack whispers to Spot and Morris.
Both boys nod.
Jack nods.
Albert looks at Jack, eyes wide. "You knew?" He asks.
"It's Jack," Finch, who sat next to him, points out, laughing. "Of course he knew, especially because it's Race."
Albert nods.
Oscar and Race pull away, both smiling.
Race's hands still cupped Oscar's cheeks, and Oscar's arms were wrapped around Race's waist, careful not to touch his wings or Halo.
(He's an Angel.)
"So," Oscar starts with a chuckle. "Someone got a sudden burst of confidence from a brother talk?" He asks.
Race shrugs a bit, smiling. "Something like that." He responds.
Oscar laughs a bit.
They look to see Albert, Henry, Specs, and Blink walking over to them.
Oscar grabs Race's hand, neither wanting to have the big-brother protection talk to the moment.
"Why the heck don't we actually fly?" Oscar asks, annoyed. "Our wings are just there for decoration." He mutters.
Race laughs, lifting him up. "But mine aren't." He responds.
Oscar rolls his eyes, clinging to his Soulmate.
"Guys!" Blink shouts after them.
"You're not going to be able to escape this for long!" Albert tells him, his hands cupped over his mouth.
"You're going to have to talk to us soon!" Henry finishes.
Race and Oscar laugh, waving to them.
The four boys roll their eyes.
Jack, Morris, and Spot chuckle.
1894 Words
Sorry, this wasn't great.
Also, meet my new puppy. He's coming home on Saturday.
This is Spencer James :)
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