Chapter 3 - Javid (Jack x Davey)
- Chapter 3 - First Date Nerves -
Warnings: Nerves, anxiety
Modern AU
Third Person POV
Davey was freaking out.
Literally, pacing back and forth in his room freaking out.
Earlier in the day, Jack had asked him out on a date.
He agreed.
He didn't know why- well- he did know why.
It's cause he's liked Jack since he met him, but he was now freaking out about it.
He didn't want Jack to think he was boring.
What if this is just a joke?
What if I mess up and he hates me?
What if I die?!
Davey flops onto his bed, his hands covering his eyes.
He hears his door open and someone sit down on the bed next to him.
"Hey Davey," he heard his Angel of a twin's voice. "What's up?" Sarah asks him.
She knew him better than anyone, of course she would magically know if he was stressing, like always.
Davey lets his hands flop onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. "Jack asked me out on a date." He explains quickly.
Sarah's eyes light up. "That's great Davey!" She exclaims. "Why aren't you excited?" She asks, a bit confused.
Sarah never fully understood how her twin's brain worked.
"I'm stressing." Davey mutters, his brain going over everything that could possibly go wrong.
He wanted to shut his brain off, but he couldn't.
(A/N, the amount of times that I've typed 'Brian' when trying to type 'brain' is just sad...)
"I couldn't tell." Sarah responds sarcastically, staring at her nails..
Davey lifts his head up slightly, glaring at her. "Not helping." He states.
She puts her hands up in defense. "Sorry." She rolls her eyes.
"Help me." Davey almost pleads, sitting up. "I'm worried I'll mess up and he'll hate me, or that this is all a joke." He rambles, biting his lip.
Sarah takes Davey's hands in her, looking into his eyes. "Davey." She starts.
Davey's nerves skyrocketed.
"Calm down. Take a breath." Sarah takes one of Davey's hands and places it on her heart. "He definitely likes you." She tells him softly.
Davey was about to speak up, but a stern look from Sarah shushed him.
"I've talked to him about this." Sarah informs him, smiling softly. "I'll help you get ready, but you have to calm down. Okay?" She asks.
Davey nods. "Okay." He mumbles.
Sarah jumps up, grinning.
She pulls her twin up so he was standing as well.
Sarah looks around the room. "Now, where to start..." she ponders, before remembering what to do.
She drags Davey to the bathroom they share.
When they're done
Outside with Jack
Jack waited outside of the Jacobs' household for Davey.
The door to their house opens and Davey walks out.
Sarah had brushed Davey's hair so that it was neat, given him a blue plaid shirt, it being little fancier than the one he usually wore, and a black vest, black pants, and black boots.
Jack stares at him, his jaw dropped and his cheeks red. "You- you look-" he stammers, staring Davey up and down.
Davey starts panicking again." Do I look bad? I can go change." He suggests quickly.
Sarah facepalms from where she watched in the window.
Jack shakes his head, grabbing Davey's wrist. "No, no, you look amazing." He assures him, shooting him a kind smile.
Davey blushes, looking at his feet.
Jack takes Davey's hand gently, leading him down the sidewalk.
Davey waves at Sarah, who was watching from the window as the two boys walk down the sidewalk.
After a few minutes, Davey found the courage in him to speak up. "You look nice." He says quietly.
Jack smirks, looking at him. "Thank you, pretty boy." He winks.
Davey blushes, looking away from Jack.
Jack chuckles at him.
They continue walking in silence for a few more minutes, before they get to the park.
It wasn't an awkward silence, fully, just semi-awkward silence.
It was partially Davey being insecure, both boys having crushes on each other and Davey not knowing that Jack knew, and had one on him, plus Jack not knowing what to say yet.
"Here we are." Jack states, gesturing to where he laid down a blue blanket, and set up a basket.
Davey swore his breath caught in his throat. "Jack, this is really nice." He manages to say when he could finally breathe.
Jack smiles at him. "Only the best for you." He responds.
Davey blushes, looking away from him again.
The two boys sit down on the blanket as Jack pulls out two sodas, Pepsi, which is Davey's favorite, and a few cookies that Medda made.
"Jack, this is wonderful." Davey tells him, touched by the kindness.
Jack smiles at him.
After a few minutes, Jack speaks up. "So, how do you like The World Highschool?" He asks, taking a bite out of a sugar cookie.
Davey puts down his Pepsi. "It's nice." He answers slowly, thinking about his answers. "Different," he states. "but nice nonetheless. I'm grateful to have you and the other boys as my friends." He smiles.
Jack cups Davey's cheek with one hand. "What if someone wanted to be more than friends?" He asks softly, staring into Davey's blue eyes.
He swore he could stare at Davey's blue eyes forever.
Davey's face flushed. "Depends on the person." He answers, his voice not even a whisper.
Jack takes a deep breath. "Davey, since I met you I've had a crush on you."
Davey's face burns with blush.
"You're wonderful, smart, amazing, I could go on for hours if you wanted me to, but I'm gonna skip to the point." Jack continues, smiling softly. "I want you to be with me, eventually forever, but will you be my boyfriend?" He asks.
"I will." Davey whispers.
Jack grins. "Can I kiss you?" He asks softly.
Consent is key.
He learned that at a young age.
Davey stares at him. "Uh- yes?" He answers.
Jack chuckles softly, pulling Davey ever-so-slightly closer to him and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Davey's eyes widen in shock, but he kisses back.
They pull away after a minute, Davey in awe and Jack grinning.
"I have a boyfriend." Davey whispers, looking a little star-struck.
Jack chuckles at him, grabbing another cookie.
And I have a beautiful boy who I can now call my boyfriend. Jack sneaks a look at Davey out of the corner of his eye, smiling.
Davey was sipping his Pepsi, still in awe and his cheeks still bright red.
Jack chuckles again.
Davey and Jack were laying together; Davey on Jack, his head on Jack's chest, and Jack under him, laying on the blanket, when Jack heard soft snores coming from his boyfriend.
Jack chuckles to himself.
He carefully and slowly reaches over to grab his phone, careful not to disturb his sleeping boyfriend.
He pulls up Sarah's contact on iMessage.
Jack to Sarah
Jack: tell your parents that Davey is sleeping over at my house tonight
Sarah: Is he okay?
Did you have a good time?
Did you two confess?
Jack: Yeah thanks for your help
He fell asleep on me when we were stargazing. Hes my boyfriend now
Sarah: No problem, I'll tell our parents.
You two better tell me everything tomorrow.
Jack: I promise we will
Good night
Jack laughs quietly to himself as he puts his phone in his pocket. Sarah is something else.
Davey and Sarah were very different, even if they were twins.
Davey was shy and anxious, while Sarah is a social butterfly.
Jack and Sarah had become friends when Katherine introduced her to him.
He had multiple classes with Sarah, since she was in his grade, and only had Newspaper with Davey, since Davey was a grade below them.
(Sarah somehow managed to skip a year.)
Jack had even helped get Sarah and Katherine together, and Sarah had helped him by telling him stuff about Davey and if Jack had a chance with Davey, which he did.
Medda came and picked Jack up, and they brought Davey to Medda, Crutchie, and Jack's house.
Davey slept in Jack's room, with Jack for the night, both of them happy.
They both had someone who loved them and they loved each other.
1382 Words
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