Chapter 28 - Newsies Placement Ships (Day 4)
- Chapter 28 - Smalls x Mush -
Warnings: Flufffff and love is confusion, but fluffy fluff stuff
Canon Era
Third Person
Smalls felt arms wrap around his waist from behind. "Hey Smallsie!" He could hear their grin.
"I'm not that small." He grumbles.
Ike, who stood arms crossed in front of him, as they had been talking, shrugs. "Eh, you're not too short, but most of us are taller than you." He points out. "Cause Race and Ro are your height."
Smalls nods.
"Hey!" Mush exclaims.
"Hi Mushy." Smalls greets.
"Mmm." Mush digs his head in Smalls' neck. "My Smallsie."
Smalls turns around, to Mush's disappointment as he had to pull out of Mush's arms.
Smalls wraps his arms around Mush, digging his face into his chest. "Mmm. My Mushy." He whispers.
Mush smiles.
"The cuteness is sickening." Albert states as he walks past them.
Ike laughs.
Smalls rolls his eyes, clinging to Mush. "Stop being a third wheel." He mutters.
Albert stops, an offended look on his face. "I have a boyfriend." He responds.
"Yet you still manage to act like a third wheel." Smalls fires. "It's impressive, really."
Albert rolls his eyes, walking away to find his boyfriend and complain about how mean Smalls was to him.
Mush chuckles softly, playing with Smalls' hair.
Smalls pushes his hands away. "Stop it." He fixes his hair. "You're going to make me tired and I don't want to sleep yet."
Mush smirks.
Smalls pushes away from him.
He turns to Ike. "I had a lovely time talking, but I need to go find my best friends." He tells Ike.
Ike chuckles. "Sniper's asleep with Romeo." He informs the smaller boy.
Smalls mentally curses. "I can still find Boots. I know he's here somewhere." He states.
Mush tries to wrap his arms around him, but Smalls takes of running.
"Smalls!" Mush shouts, a bit defeated.
Smalls plops himself in Mush's lap.
Mush wraps his arms around the smaller boy. "I missed you." He whispers.
"I was gone for five minutes." Smalls responds.
Mush shrugs, pulling Smalls so that he was laying against him.
"Mushy." Smalls starts. "If you make me tired, especially on purpose, I will smack you." He threatens.
"You can do that after we nap." Mush responds quietly.
"Mush." Smalls groans. "I'm not tired though!"
"I can change that." Mush smirks at him.
"Mush!" Smalls shoots him a stern look.
"Sleep, lovey." Mush whispers, laying Smalls' head on his chest.
"I hate that I like being held by you sometimes." Smalls mutters, laying his head more-so tucked in Mush's neck.
"Love you too." Mush chuckles.
"I'm not tired." Smalls pouts.
"Aren't you the smallest bit tired since we were up late last night and we get up early every morning?" Mush questions.
He knew he was always tired from getting up early, especially if he stayed up late.
"No..." Smalls' voice cracked a bit.
"You're lying." Mush accuses.
Smalls cringes. "I'm a horrible liar and I hate it." He mutters.
"So..." A smirk starts forming on Mush's lips. "you are okay with napping with me?" He asks.
"Mmmm... Mushy..." Smalls whines softly.
"Smallsie." Mush copies his whine. "I'll run around with you after we wake up." He offers.
"Yeah... okay." Smalls agrees. "I guess it's kinda nice."
Mush grins.
Mush and Smalls laugh together, flopping on the ground.
"Aww! Couple running and flipping adventures!" Albert fakes excitement. "Cute!"
"Go third wheel someone else." Smalls retorts, rolling his eyes.
Albert rolls his eyes. "I have a boyfriend!" He exclaims, walking off.
"Then act like it and not like a third wheel!" Smalls exclaims, his hands cupped over his mouth.
Albert scoffs, crossing his arms, rolling his eyes, and walking away.
Mush laughs.
"So annoying." Smalls mutters, staring up at the sky.
"He loves us." Mush reminds his boyfriend.
Smalls shrugs. "Doesn't make him any less annoying." He states.
Mush shrugs. "I guess not, but I wanted to remind you still." He responds.
Smalls nods.
They stay silent for a few minutes.
"Wanna go sleep again?" Mush asks Smalls.
Smalls shoots him a look. "What is it with you and sleep?" He questions. "It's almost like you're Blink."
"Offensive!" They heard Blink shout. "But not wrong!"
"I don't even care about sleeping," Mush starts, chuckling softly. "I just like it when you're in my arms."
Smalls swore his heart melted.
And his face turned bright red.
Mush looks over at him, chuckling softly when he saw how red his face was.
"Why are you blushing so much, lovey?"Mush asks softly.
Smalls didn't know.
Like truthfully didn't know why he was blushing so much or why those words affected him so much.
They made him feel special, happy.
Smalls didn't know love as well as some of the other boys.
He was almost always clueless, which is why he went to Henry and Specs for help when he started getting these feelings about Mush.
He didn't understand why he wanted to be held by Mush, all day, everyday, but he did.
"Love?" Mush leans over him. "Smalls? Are you okay?"
Smalls shakes his head. "Huh?"
Mush's eyebrows furrow. "You okay? You zoned out for a minute." He tells him.
Smalls shrugs, looking at the sky to avoid looking in Mush's eyes. "I'm okay, just a bit confused." He laughs softly. "I desperately need a talk with Specs and Henry."
Mush's eyebrows furrow. "About what-" he starts.
"Never fear!" Boots and Sniper shout, doing kicks as they jump towards the couple. "Boots, Sniper, Specs, and Henry are here!"
Smalls and Mush laugh.
Boots and Sniper hoist Smalls up, running along and dragging him along.
"We're stealing your boyfriend for a bit." Specs informs Mush, laughing a bit as he pat his shoulder.
Mush walks as they walk/run/get dragged off.
What just happened...?
After a long talk about love
(That probably didn't help Smalls much.)
(Poor Smalls)
Smalls flops on Mush's bunk. "Mushroom." He whines.
"That's a new one." Mush comments.
Smalls rolls his eyes. "Mushy, you're confusing." He states. "And so is love, and so is life."
Mush's eyebrows furrow. "Is that why you went to talk with Specs and Henry?" He asks.
"They're so unhelpful when Boots and Sniper are there." Smalls complains, throwing Mush's pillow over his eyes.
"Well, what are you confused about?" Mush asks, giving Smalls his full attention.
"It's embarrassing." Smalls mumbles, the pillow still covering his face.
Mush gently takes the pillow off of his face. "I'm your boyfriend and have lived with you for years." He sends Smalls a joking smile. "It can't be that bad."
"But you're my boyfriend," Smalls responds, looking him in the eyes. "Which means that I can't rant to you about how cute you are without turning bright red and feeling embarrassed." He states.
Mush chuckles. "I don't mind it." He lays on his stomach next to Smalls, who laid on his back.
Smalls groans. "Of course you don't." He shoots Mush a look, turning his head to look at him.
Mush chuckles again. "Just go for it."
Smalls exhales exasperatedly. "Why do I want you to be holding me at all times? Why do I feel the need to impress you and want your approval so bad? Why do I feel weird- and jealous- bleh- when you flirt with a girl? Why do I get all mushy," he giggles softly. "And bubbly inside when you talk to me, or flirt with me, or even just wink at me? But I also want to go over to you and smack you so that I stop feeling this way, even though this feel really nice and like Heaven." He rants.
"Dang, that was a lot of emotions at once." They heard what sounded like Albert's voice mumble from the bunk above them.
"Go away, Albert!" Smalls exclaims, covering his face which was bright red.
"Nah." Albert responds. "I need to see how this plays out."
"Then take notes." Mush jokes.
Albert rolls his eyes, pretending to write on a random paper that was on his bunk.
"Smalls," Mush starts. "I don't know how to explain love any better than you just did. I don't know how you feel this way about me, heck, I don't know how anyone feels this way about anyone, but at least I'm not sharing one-sided feelings."
Smalls blushes a bit.
"Smalls, if you ever want an extra kiss from me or for me to hold you for hours," Mush smiles. "I'd be perfectly happy to do that. If you ever want to smack me to see if the feeling stops, go ahead, just please don't hurt me too bad." Smalls laughs a bit. "If you want me to stop flirting, I will. If you want anything, just tell me."
"I like the feeling." Smalls whispers. "But I don't understand it."
"Neither do I and I never will." Mush responds, wrapping his arms around the younger boy. "But God am I happy for it and for you." He whispers, his mouth close to Smalls' ear.
Smalls blushes a bit, holding onto Mush's hands/arms that wrapped around him.
"Take notes indeed." Albert mutters from above them.
They had forgotten he was there.
"Albert!" Smalls shouts, getting up. "You third wheel of annoyance!"
Mush chuckles.
1560 Words
Certain people ( selectedshipper ) seem to like the #Albertisathirdwheel lol
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