Chapter 23 - Morris x Spot
- Chapter 23 - "Ask Me Out for His Brother? Yeah." -
Warnings: Fluffffffff
Canon Era
Third Person POV
Requested by: Bailey121305
"Look," Oscar starts. "All I'm saying is that you're both crushing on each other, hard." He states. "You can admit it, or not, but we both know it's true."
Morris scoffs. "Oscar, I appreciate you trying to make me feel better-"
"Nope." Oscar pops the 'p'. "I'm solely trying to get my ship together, hence why I'm speaking facts and not fiction." He states. "And it wouldn't hurt to see you two happy together."
Morris shoots his brother a look. "You're wrong."
"Usually, yes." Oscar shrugs a bit. "But not on this topic, surprisingly." He mumbles a bit. "I'm horrible at love."
"And Race still loves you." Morris mumbles, rubbing the temples of his forehead.
"You betcha'!" Oscar exclaims. "And I'm the one in the relationship, so you should listen to me!"
Oscar starts running off, probably to find his boyfriend.
Morris cups his hands around his mouth. "Your relationship is illegal!" He shouts.
"And your crush isn't any less illegal!" Oscar sticks his tongue out at his brother, before laughing and skipping off.
Morris rolls his eyes. "He can be so annoying sometimes." He mutters.
With Oscar
Oscar runs to Brooklyn.
Oscar collapses on the dock when he gets there, panting hard.
Ace takes one look at him, before laughing and calling Spot.
"Oscar," Spot starts, walking towards him. "What have I told you about running all the way to Brooklyn? You could get hurt."
Oscar perks up. "Hey! Mr. Brooklyn King!" He exclaims.
Spot chuckles a bit. "Is there a reason you're here?" He asks.
Oscar pouts slightly. "You don't miss your favorite annoying, younger brother?" He asks.
Spot stares at him. "No."
Oscar pouts, flopping back down on the dock. "Ouch, that hurt my heart." He dramatizes. "I think I'll need Race to save me."
"Good luck with that, Race is out selling at the moment." Spot points out.
Oscar rolls his eyes.
"Anyway, you know I'm joking." Spot tells him. "But why are you here, actually?" He asks.
"Do you have a crush?" Oscar stands up quickly.
Spot blushes a bit. "Depends, maybe."
Oscar grins. "Is it on a boy, who's really cute, a good fighter, a caring brother, has darker brown hair, last name starts with a D, and looks exactly like me, but isn't me?" He asks hopefully.
"Subtle much?" Ace asks with a small chuckle.
Oscar rolls his eyes. "I need this answer." He hurries. "Said boy will be worried if I don't get back soon."
Spot stares at the younger Delancey brother, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Are you asking if I have a crush on your brother?" He questions.
Oscar's eyes widen. "I mean- maybe- uh- I'm not too sure- if you do- yes- if you don't- um-" he stammers.
"Yes." Spot cuts him off.
Oscar looks up at him, eyes wide. "What?"
"I said yes." Spot responds.
Oscar squeals, jumping and clapping his hands.
"Give me two seconds." Oscar jumps off the dock.
"Oscar!" Spot shouts. "It's November!" He exclaims, eyes wide.
Oscar appears in the water. "Okay, I'm good." He rubs the water out of his eyes.
"You idiot child." Spot mutters, helping him out of the water.
Oscar smiles cheekily. "Anyway, you now have a date, tonight, meet at my house, at 7pm." He states.
Spot looks at him, trying to process what was happening and this kid's stupidity.
"Great!" Oscar grins. "Bye!" He starts running down the dock again.
"Oscar!" Spot shouts after him. "You're dripping wet!"
"It'll dry!" Oscar responds.
Spot whistles.
Two of his boys step in front of Oscar, blocking his exit.
They walk Oscar back over to Spot, standing Oscar in front of Spot.
Oscar deadpans at him.
Spot smirks.
Spot gives Oscar clothes to change into. He was only slightly smaller than Smokes.
Then, Oscar ran down the dock again.
"Are you kidding me, Oscar?!" Spot shouts. "I tell you not to run too much! You're going to get hurt!"
"I'll deal with it when I get there!" Was Oscar's response.
Spot facepalms. "I try to be a good older brother to him, especially when his isn't around, and this is what happens." He mumbles, turning to his second.
"Did he just-" Ace starts.
"Ask me out for his brother? Yeah." Spot nods. "I'm willing to bet his brother isn't in on this."
"He doesn't have a crush on you?" Ace asks, confused.
"No, he definitely has a crush on me." Spot smirks to himself. "He just doesn't know that 1) Oscar is setting us up, and 2) I have a crush on him."
Ace nods.
Later that night
At the Delancey home
"Come on, Mo." Oscar whines. "It won't be that bad. Who knows," I do. "He might, I don't know, actually like you!" He exclaims, being a bit sarcastic.
Morris turns to face his brother, panic clear on his face. "I have never been on a date, let alone with a boy, and I don't know what to do, what to wear, what to say."
"This," Oscar hands Morris clothes. "Let him ask the questions, because if he wants to learn about you, he has to face his fears and talk, then answer them honestly. I'd say be yourself, but that probably won't help your nerves. Remember to breathe, flirt if you get an opening, and end the night with a kiss." Oscar blows a kiss as an example.
Morris turns bright red. "Oscar!" He exclaims.
"Sorry, sorry." Oscar chuckles. "I think I'm more excited for this than you are and I'm not even going."
Morris laughs a bit.
"Now," Oscar starts. "Go change. I've invited my boyfriend to help you get ready and see you off."
Morris rolls his eyes. "Of course you did." He mutters, walking into his room.
He saw Oscar roll his eyes out of the corner of his eye.
When he came out, Race and Oscar were both there.
Oscar wipes a tear from his eye. "You look-" he takes a deep breath in. "Beautiful."
Morris laughs slightly. "You're so weird."
Oscar shrugs.
"Anyway," Race starts. "Keep an eye out for people when you're being affectionate. We don't want you getting caught."
Morris nods. He knew this.
There was a knock on the door.
Oscar grins. "I got it!" He runs out of the room.
Race pats Morris' back. "Don't worry, Morris. This is going to go well, I promise." He whispers.
Morris nods, inhaling.
They walk to the door.
Spot stood there, with flowers, dressed up and clean as best as he could.
Morris blushes when Spot smirks at him.
Race and Oscar push him towards Spot.
They pretend to be crying, holding each other.
"My brother is so big now!" Oscar dramatizes, pretending to be sobbing into Race's shoulder. "He doesn't need me anymore!"
"I know!" Race exclaims. "It's horrible!"
Morris rolls his eyes, while Spot chuckles.
They leave after a few minutes, Race and Oscar waving to them (holding handkerchiefs), while still pretending to be crying.
Morris and Spot walked in silence for a few minutes.
"You have one brother." Spot chuckles softly.
Morris laughs. "Tell me about it." He responds.
"The boy came running to Brooklyn earlier, asked me if I had a crush on a boy, who he described as you," Morris blushes. "He jumped off the dock, when I answered, in excitement." Morris' eyes widen. "I forced him to change, and then he ran off after setting me up on a date with you." Spot chuckles.
Morris laughs weakly. "I'm so sorry about him." He states. "He is convinced that you have a crush on me and that we should date."
"Well," Spot mumbles, stealing a glance at the older Delancey brother. "He wouldn't exactly be wrong..." he trails off.
Morris turns bright red.
Spot chuckles when he notices.
A few minutes later, they got to the rooftop that Oscar told them to go to.
There was a basket there.
They opened it, and in it was soda, sandwiches that looked like Oscar and Race made them, cookies that looked like Davey baked them, and two notes.
One was for Spot and the other was for Morris.
Morris' note:
Dear Mo,
I set this up for you (yes, with some help) and I hope that all goes well.
Don't doubt the possibility that Spot likes you, and remember our talks about downgrading yourself, because you're so much more amazing than you know.
Be yourself, okay?
I know that you're scared to date Spot for many reasons, but I say you should just go for it.
Eh- who listens to their younger brother? (Please listen to me this once.)
Follow your heart, Morris.
Remember to breathe,
Your younger brother/annoyance, Oscar.
Spot's note:
Dear Spot,
Hey Spot! How are you doing?
Yes. I did set you and my brother up on a date, because it is so painfully obvious that you two are pinning for each other, hard.
Anyway, please make sure my brother gets home before 1am, and I'll be there waiting. (Yes, awake, you can't stop me, and neither can Race right now.)
I set a few things in there, and here are a few things to talk about that Morris could rant about for hours (it's adorable, really, kinda like Race with stars.)
- Kids rights
- Home not being a place
- Weirdly enough, me.
- How soft your hair is (maybe that's just with me)
Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful time,
Your wingman ;), Oscar.
(P.S. I told Morris that you'd ask questions, especially since he's too nervous to, so please ask the questions.)
Spot chuckles, closing the note.
Morris smiles softly at it. "I love him so much sometimes." He whispers.
Spot smiles.
They sit down together.
They talk for a while, whilst they eat.
Then, they found themselves laying together (Morris laying on Spot, with Spot play with his hair), talking quietly while watching the stars.
"Hey Morris," Spot starts, remembering something Oscar said in the letter.
Morris hums.
"Do you think home is a place?" Spot asks.
Morris sighs softly. "I used to. I thought that my home was with Wiesel, since it was the only house I'd ever actually remembered living in. After he became abusive," Morris frowns a bit. "I remember realizing that my home was anywhere Oscar was."
Morris smiles softly. "Oscar and I were always there for each other. Like you, Race, and the Newsies, we were family, though biological. As long as I was with him, I was home." Morris answers. "I don't know why, but I feel at home with you and your boys. It just makes me feel warm inside." He whispers.
Spot smiles softly. "If you could kiss anyone in the world at this moment, who would it be?" He asks.
Morris blushes. "Well, I can't tell you that without my anxiety spiking, but I can tell you who I'd rather never, ever, kiss; Snyder."
Spot laughs.
Morris smiles at that.
"Is it me?" Spot asks, looking at him, his eyes soft.
Morris bites his lip, nodding softly.
Spot places a hand on Morris' cheek, another one under his chin. "If I were to feel the same way, would you consent to it?" He asks.
Morris stares in his eyes.
He got so lost in Spot's eyes that he almost forgot to ask.
Morris nods.
Spot leans in, kissing him.
Morris felt like he was dreaming.
Spot pulls away, chuckling softly when Morris' mouth falls open slightly.
Spot looks around. "As much as I don't want this to end, we have to get back before your brother gets nervous." He states.
Morris nods, looking at the grounds.
After a few minutes, Spot heard his quiet voice.
"Could we- maybe- do this again?" He whispers.
Spot chuckles. "I'd love to, only if you'd come with me."
Morris smiles at him.
Race pulls his boyfriend back towards him. "Oscar!" He shouts. "Calm down!"
"I can't!" Oscar exclaims. "I have so much to do and so little time!"
"Here," Race starts. "You run to Katherine to ask her to write the notes and I'll go get the soda."
Oscar nods, pulling out a few coins and going to hand them to Race.
Race pushes his hand away.
"Race-" Oscar starts. "You need this more than I do."
Race shakes his head. "I'll be fine. You and Morris need the money to get food while your jobs are slow." He states.
Oscar goes to argue.
Race presses a kiss to his cheek. "You can repay me with cuddles." He whispers.
"That's not fair to you." Oscar whispers back. "That benefits both of us."
Race chuckles. "As long as I see you happy, I'm good with it. Besides, I love cuddles."
Oscar chuckles a bit.
"Oscar," Katherine chuckles. "That's actually really cute."
"Thank you!" Oscar chirps. "I thought I had a very good idea, if I do say so myself."
Sarah looks over her girlfriends' shoulder, reading the notes.
She smiles. "Aww, that's really adorable."
Oscar smiles, taking the notes when Katherine hands them to him.
"Thank you, Katherine. I don't know what I'd do without you." He tells her, pulling out a few coins.
Katherine pushes them back into his pocket. "Oscar," she chuckles. "My father is rich. I don't need your money. Go continue setting up and let us know how it goes."
Oscar smiles. "Thanks. I'll keep you updated."
"You better." Sarah jokes.
Oscar chuckles, running out of the house.
Race and Oscar run to the rooftop.
Oscar had given them weird directions to the place so that the younger boys could set up before they got there, and get out without them noticing.
Race backs the basket, placing the soda classes in the bottom, the cookies on top of those, the sandwiches that Mr. Jacobi's helped them make together on top of those, and then the notes on top of everything.
Race closed the basket, placing it on the blanket Oscar laid down for them to sit on.
Oscar places two pillows down, as he knew they'd probably lay down and look at the stars.
They sat up two plates that they made.
They were paper, but they had drawings (that were bad, but it's the thought that counts) on them of dogs in love (each dog matching either Morris or Spot, from their clothes to their fur).
They started heading Spot and Morris' voices.
Oscar grabs Race's hand, pulling him down the fire escape, just as Morris and Spot stepped onto the rooftop.
When they were out of earshot, the two boys started laughing at how close they were to getting caught.
After Spot lays Morris down on his bed, he goes back to the living room, where Race was cuddled on Oscar.
"Thanks for that Oscar." Spot smiles, spit-shaking with him. "We both had a really good time."
Oscar smiles. "I'm glad. You two deserve it." He responds.
"Were dating now." Spot tells him, grinning.
Oscar smiles. He'd never seen Spot grin before.
"I'm glad." He responds softly, as he tried to not wake his boyfriend up. "Will you tell me how it went tomorrow, if Morris didn't? Sarah and Katherine wanted me to tell them how it went."
Spot chuckles. "Of course they did." The two boys laugh. "Yeah, I'll tell you."
Oscar smiles. "Thanks Spot. Have a good night." He whispers.
"You too, Oscar." He turns to leave. "You too."
Spot stops at the door, catching Oscar's attention.
Without turning back to face Oscar, Spot smiles. "By the way, if you get excited like that next time you're in Brooklyn, just give Ace a squeezey hug." He chuckles. "We don't want you freezing, and Ace can withstand it since Smokes does it a lot."
Oscar laughs. "Thanks Spot."
Spot leaves.
Oscar smiles.
2648 Words
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