Chapter 18 - Multiple Ships (Mainly Spralbert.)
- Chapter 18 - Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels -
Warning: Mentions of Abuse, Anxiety
Soulmate/Modern AU
Third Person POV
A/N This story takes place in a Soulmate AU where you're either an Angel, a Devil, or a Fallen Angel. (I don't really know how to explain it.)
Groups -
Devils: Jack, Spot, Ace, Hotshot, Waves, Red, Blink, Romeo, Smalls, Henry, and Katherine
Angels: Race, Crutchie, Davey, Tommy boy, Mike, Ike, JoJo, Sarah, Mush, Specs, Elmer, and Buttons
Fallen Angels: Albert, Smokes, Finch, Sniper, Skittery, and Boots
Ships - Race x Albert x Spot, Crutchie x Elmer, Ike x Hotshot, Mike x JoJo, Henry x Buttons, Finch x Tommy boy, Sarah x Katherine, Davey x Jack, Specs x Romeo, Sniper x Smalls, Red x Boots, Smokes x Ace, Mush x Blink, Skittery x Waves
Race smiles as one of his friends, Ike, makes a joke, causing all of his friends to laugh.
They (him, Ike, Mike, Davey, Crutchie, JoJo, Tommy boy, and Elmer) were sat waiting for their other friends (Mush, Specs, and Buttons) to join them.
Race usually just hung out with Angels.
It wasn't because he didn't like Devils and Fallen Angels, but he didn't have a good past with them. Plus, the three groups usually stayed in their respective groups.
Race knew some people who didn't, mainly Soulmates.
If there was one thing Race prayed for the most, it was that his Soulmates were both Angels.
Again, it was nothing against the Devils and Fallen Angels, but he avoided them as much as he could.
The only Fallen Angel Race was okay with was Elmer's brother, Elijah.
His mother was an Angel, and his father was a Fallen Angel, which was fine with Race.
Technically, they were Race's mother and father too, but Race had decided that he wasn't really okay with calling them that.
Race had an abusive father, who hated him for not being a Devil, and got worse after his mother (an Angel) died when he was six.
His father was arrested for child abuse and murder when Race was around age twelve, and ever since then, Race had been living as a foster kid with Elmer's family.
Race was fifteen now, so he didn't have the second Soulmate mark, but he had the first.
If he Soulmate (or he should say Soulmates) was sixteen, they had the second mark and could find him.
(It works where when you when you turn six, you get your Soulmate's mark and a piece of information about them, then it happens again when you're sixteen, twenty-six, and so on.)
Race sat on the ground, picking at the grass, when he heard people come over to him. He had been listening.
"I found my Soulmate," His friend, Mush, states with a grin, as he sits down.
"Who?" Race questions, looking up at him.
"It's a Devil," Mush answers. "His name is Blink."
A wave of 'ooh's goes around the group, and smirks were thrown in Mush's direction.
Mush rolls his eyes, brushing it off, though he was still smiling. (And blushing.)
"I sometimes wonder how I'm an Angel." Ike states, staring at the grass that he was picking at.
The boys laugh.
"I mean, he's got to be the least angelic Angel I've ever met." His twin, Mike, adds.
The boys laugh again.
"Well, he's gotta be more angelic than us." A voice behind Race comments.
Race turns around to find a group of Devils, Fallen Angels, and one Angel behind him.
Race immediately panicked.
Elmer grabs his hand, pulling him behind himself, and sitting him down.
He laid Race's head in his lap, playing with his hair while Specs took his hands and gently rubbed circles on his palm.
A few of the boys in the group share confused looks.
"Can we sit?" One of them asks. A Devil.
A few of the boys in Race's group, share looks.
They look to Elmer, who thinks for a moment, before hesitantly nodding.
A Devil, who they later found out was Mush's soulmate, Blink, sat next to Mush, wanting to pull Mush onto his lap, but Mush didn't let him.
The groups introduced theirselves.
They found out that the Angel in the group was named Sarah and she was a Devil named Katherine's Soulmate.
A Devil, who was named Jack, was about to speak up, but he was interrupted.
Oscar and Morris, notoriously known brothers and bullies, came over to them.
Oscar was a Fallen Angel, while his twin brother, Morris, was a Devil.
"Why are you hanging with these stupid Angels?" Morris questions, his face scrunching up in disgust.
Most of the boys in Race's group just roll their eyes, used to this.
Race, however, started panicking more.
Don't hurt me, please, don't hurt me please.
Elmer and Specs continued to try to calm him down.
"Call my Soulmate stupid again, and I'll kill you." Blink threatens, hugging Mush closer to him.
Mush turns bright red.
"I suggest you leave before your face gets worse
than it already is." Ace threatens.
"Nah, Ace," Jack smirks. "I think they're faces would look good with a couple of bruises. The purple would compliment their eyes."
Spot smirks, cracking his knuckles.
Oscar and Morris shared a wide-eyed look, before running off.
The Devils in the group laugh a bit.
"I'm going to ask this," Jack decides. "Is there anyone here named Davey Jacobs? Has a sister and a brother?"
Davey turns bright red.
Some of the boys in the group snicker.
"Yeah, actually." Mush starts, smirking. Davey shoots him a look. "He's right there."
The Angel, Sarah, turns to face him. "Oh, hey David!" She waves.
"Hey Sarah." Davey mumbles.
"You didn't tell me you're my brother's Soulmate." Sarah tells Jack.
Everyone stares at them, wide-eyed.
Davey turns even redder, if that was possible.
"Before anyone asks," Davey starts. "Yes, Sarah is my sister. Yes, Katherine knows. And no, I'm not the older twin."
"Okay then..." Jack mumbles.
"I knew this." Race mumbles, raising his hand. He was still laying with his head in Elmer's lap.
"Yes," Davey starts, mentally facepalming. "Race did in fact find out that we are siblings."
"Can I have a hug?" Jack questions, opening his arms for Davey.
Davey blushes a bit. "Uh... maybe?"
"Go see your Soulmate!" JoJo exclaims, pushing Davey forward a bit with Ike's help.
"Since Jack decided to just go for it, I will too." Spot turns to face Elmer and Race, specifically Race. "Is your name Anthony Higgins? You look oddly familiar to the description that appeared on Albert's arm." He looks Race up and down.
Race's eyes widen, and he fiddles with the glove hiding his mark.
"El..." He whispers, not able to take his eyes off of Spot.
He felt like crying.
Elmer and Specs share a look, being two of the only three boys who knew he had two Soulmates.
Elmer and Specs help Race get up, rushing him away from the group.
The group watches them.
Davey quickly gets up. "I'll be back." He states, before running after them.
"He didn't answer the question..." Spot mumbles, eyebrows furrowed.
A few of the boys from Race's group share looks, biting their lips as they stay quiet.
"Do you guys know why?" Albert questions.
All of the boys in Race's group look to Mush, who immediately shakes his head.
"It's his thing to tell." Mush whispers. "We're not breaking his trust."
The boys nod.
Albert, Spot, and Jack share looks, before they each nod at each other.
"Well, I have a sinking feeling that I'm right about him being our Soulmate." Spot states. "Let's go find him."
The boys in Race's group share wary looks, as Albert, Spot, and Jack run in the direction that Race, Specs, Elmer, and Davey went in.
With Race
Race felt like he couldn't breath.
He sat in Elmer's arms, his back against Elmer, his head on Elmer's chest, and Elmer's arms wrapped around him.
"In," Elmer whispers in his ear. "And out."
Race breathes with him.
Specs and Davey just stood, watching.
Specs was leaning against the wall near the door, arms crossed and a worried look on his face.
Davey had an overprotective mother look on his face, and he stood on the opposite side of the door from Specs.
"Five things you can see Race." Elmer whispers.
Race slowly opened his eyes. Specs, Davey, the door, the sink, and Elmer's feet...
"Good," Elmer continue. "Four things you can hear."
My breath, Specs' breathing, footsteps, dripping sink water...
"Three things you can feel."
Elmer's loving grip, my hair on my forehead, warmth.
"Two things you can smell."
Air. Uh- the smell of Crutchie on Elmer?
"One thing you can taste."
Blood from biting my lip...
Race silently breathed for a few minutes, before he fully regained focus. "Thanks El." He mumbles.
Elmer nods, hugging Race closer to him. "Is he right?"
Race bites his lip, but nods.
"I'll talk to him." Elmer tells Race.
Race nods.
"Me too." Specs continues.
"And me." Davey adds.
There were a few knocks on the door.
Elmer looked to Specs, who nods.
Specs peaks his head out of the room. "Why are you here?"
"Cause I have a sinking feeling my suspicions are correct, and we were worried." Spot answers.
Specs could tell from his eyes that he was being genuine.
"Uh," Specs stops, thinking for a moment. "Give us a few minutes."
Specs closes the door, turning to face his three best friends. "Jack, Spot, and Albert."
Race's breath caught in his throat.
Elmer laid Race's head on his chest, letting Race listen to his heartbeat.
'Why?' Elmer mouths to Specs.
'They were worried about him.' Specs answers. 'And I'm almost positive that Spot and Albert know.'
'Who's staying with Race?' Elmer questions, looking between the two boys.
Davey and Specs share a look.
Specs turns back to Elmer. 'I'll do it.'
Elmer nods.
"Hey Racer." Elmer whispers. "Can you stay with Specs for a few minutes? I'm going to talk to someone."
Race nods softly.
Specs sits down next to him, letting him lay on him. "I love you, Race." He whispers, playing with his hair.
"I love you too, Specs." Race whispers.
Elmer and Davey leave the room, carefully closing the door, and standing in front of Jack, Spot, and Albert.
Elmer crosses his arms. "Sean Conlon and Albert DaSilva?"
Spot and Albert nod.
"I need to see your marks." Elmer states.
Spot and Albert both pull up their sleeves, revealing two marks on each, one which was the same as the one on Race, and a set of information under each mark.
Elmer reads the information on their arms. Anthony Higgins: Blue eyes, dirty blonde, curly hair, pale skin, freckles. Foster kid with two foster brothers.
Elmer's eyebrows furrow. "It didn't go into detail about his home life..." He mumbles. Davey looks at him, confused. "It went into detail about his life after he came to my home."
"Does it ever do that?" Davey questions.
"I mean, I haven't seen it. I've only ever seen life with your biological parents." Elmer responds. "But I guess it is possible."
"Going to clue us in on this now?" Spot questions, easing an eyebrow.
"Look," Elmer sighs. "Race, which is our nickname for him, has had a rough past with Devils and Fallen Angels. Before he came to my family, he was abused by a Devil, his father. Oscar and Morris target him a lot, and he had a few horrible Devil/Fallen Angel teachers." Elmer bites his lip, debating whether or not to continue. "He's been praying that he had a Angel Soulmate for years, and it's nothing against you, it's just because of the experiences he's had with your kind."
"This is also not at all to say that all of you are bad." Davey adds. "I mean, look at Katherine. She may be flirty, but she's cool. This is just," Davey stops for a moment. "The experience that Race has had with non-Angels, and why he's so scared of them."
Albert, Spot, and Jack nod.
"Well," Albert turns to face Elmer and Davey. "Do you trust us to not hurt him?" Albert questions.
Elmer shares a look with Davey, as he bites his lip. Crap. I was not expecting that question.
"Whether or whether not I trust you is undecided, as I haven't known you long enough to be able to tell." Elmer answers. "Whether or whether not he trusts you isn't my choice."
"But I'll warn you," Elmer steps forward. "If you hurt him, I will pray to God that you'll get cursed."
Jack, Spot, and Albert share looks, chuckling a bit.
Elmer rolls his eyes, playing with his cross necklace. "You'd be surprised at how powerful God is."
He walks off, into the bathroom.
Davey facepalms. "I apologize. He's not violent, in certain ways. He's- uh- unique."
The boys chuckle again.
With Race
"What if they end up like my father?" Race whispers, tears threatening to escape his eyes. "What if they hate me?"
"But what if they don't?" Specs responds. "What if they are amazing? What if they love you? What if you guys have kids, and you give them a safe home? A home like the one you've always wanted, Race?"
Race stops. What if they love me...?
The door opens.
Elmer walks in, standing next to the door, leaning against the wall, arms crossed.
Albert and Spot walk in and sit in front of Race and Specs, and Jack and Davey stand on the opposite side of the door.
Race's breathing sped up.
Specs held his hand, rubbing circles on it.
"Hi." Albert smiles.
Race looked at him. His smile was cute.
Race blushes a bit, diverting his eyes to the floor. "Hi." He whispers.
"As you probably know, I'm Sean." Spot points to himself. "And that's Albert. I go by Spot though."
Race nods. "I've heard." He whispers. "I just didn't connect 'Spot Conlon' and 'Sean Conlon'."
"You're Anthony?" Albert questions. "Or Race?"
"Racetrack." Race whispers. "You can call me Race."
"Cool. Can I see your hand?" Albert questions, staring at his gloved hand.
Race holds out the hand that Specs wasn't pulling, after taking off the glove.
Albert and Spot smile at the mark and writing.
"You're not sixteen yet?" Spot questions.
Race shakes his head. "Two months."
Albert and Spot smile again.
2452 Words
How do you say Spot's real name? Because I've heard people say Sean as 'S-ee-n' and Sean as 'Sh-aw-n'. I tend to lean towards the first one, but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the second one.
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