Chapter 147 - Blush (Blink x Mush)
- Chapter 147 - A Perfect World -
Warnings: literally, just fluff
Canon Era
Third Person POV
Requested by: CrustyGayBackpack . I hope you enjoy!!
Blink Baletti was tired.
However, he was not tired enough to let Race get away with being a prankster.
Mush quickly pressed himself against the wall when a blob of blue zoomed past him, followed closely by a blob of pink and brown hair known as Mush's boyfriend.
Albert sighed as he followed them, not caring to walk faster than a turtle.
Mush looked at him. "What happened with them?" He gestured to the two.
Snickering Race was still being chased around the distribution center by Blink, who was holding his hat in his hand.
Albert shrugged. "Race pulled a prank of Blink, I think. Something about switching out a towel for his blanket?" He rolled his eyes. "Whatever happened, Race did make sure there's a better blanket for Blink to use while his dries."
Mush looked back at the two boys. "So... why's Blink still chasing him then?"
Albert shrugged. "Dunno. Something about making sure he doesn't prank him again?"
Mush's eyebrows furrowed. "At least Race makes up for the effects of his pranks most of the time. Mike and Ike dump water on you and leave you there, soaking," he reminded him.
Albert raised his arms as if he was surrendering. "Look, I know that, but I don't have the energy to figure out what's going through your boyfriend's mind, Meyers. I hardly have enough energy to figure out what impulsive thing Race is most likely to do today," he informed Mush.
Mush chuckled. "I'll get Blink to stop."
Albert nodded. "Good luck." He yawned and went to go sit down to see if he could get in an extra few minutes of sleep before selling without Jack or Race yelling at him.
Mush walked over to the area where Blink was chasing Race. "Louis?"
Blink stopped in his tracks. "Nick?"
Mush smiled. "Wanna sell together?"
"I always want to sell with you, Nicholas." With Race forgotten, Blink walked over to Mush and pulled him into his arms. "You're so cute, you know that?"
Mush blushed. "So... why were you chasing Race?" He snickered quietly.
Blink rolled his eyes. He looked back at where Race — who was now bothering Albert — was and sighed. "Because he seems to forget that I'm in charge because I'm older."
"I'm the second in command?!"
"Because of favoritism!" Blink shouted back, covering Mush's ears.
"You're just jealous!"
Mush giggled quietly. "Silly Blink." He ruffled Blink's hair. "Race is technically right."
Blink looked down at his boyfriend, raising an eyebrow at him. "Are you siding with Race?" He poked Mush's side.
Mush squirmed in Blink's arms. "No." He laughed a bit.
"Good." Blink chuckled. "That's what I thought."
Mush rolled his eyes fondly. "Come sit down with me." He grabbed his hand and pulled him over to a pile of crates.
Blink smiled and let Mush drag him along.
He'd never get over the fact that Mush was his boyfriend.
Mush let go of Blink's hand and sat down on one of the crates. He pat the one next to him. "Come, join me."
Blink sat down on the crate next to Mush and took his hand again.
Mush blushed.
A bit later
Mush Meyers loved his boyfriend very much.
But he swore the boy was going to be the death of him.
Not today, though.
"Blinkkkkk." Mush groaned, pushing his hand away.
Blink chuckled and poked Mush's cheek again. "What? I'm not doing anything."
Mush looked at him, half pouting, half glaring at him.
"Aww." Blink stuck his bottom lip out. "You're so adorable, Mushy."
Mush raised an eyebrow at him. He crossed his arms and tried to look intimidating.
Blink blinked. He shook his head. "You've got to stop doing that," he said.
Mush's eyebrows furrowed. "Doing what?"
"Being so cute that I want to kiss you in public." Blink sighed as if his dilemma was some impossible feat to overcome.
Mush's cheeks flushed. He looked away for a moment. "I don't know why you don't take my intimidating look seriously," he muttered grumpily. "I can fight and be intimidating like you and Race and Albert and Finch."
Blink raised an eyebrow at him. "You think Race is intimidating?" he questioned. "He looks like a kicked puppy. Brooklyn did nothing to help him look scary."
Mush laughed. "That's so mean, Blink." He pushed his shoulder lightly.
Blink laughed, putting his hands up. "I'm just saying! The kid can fight, but he doesn't look scary." He looked back at his boyfriend. "And neither do you. I think you're far too cute for that." He kissed his cheek.
Mush gasped, holding his cheek. "Blink!" His cheeks were bright red as he looked around. "We could get caught!"
Blink smiled, taking Mush's hand. "Then, why don't we go somewhere we won't get caught?" he suggested.
Mush looked at their hands before looking at Blink. He raised an eyebrow at him. "Where?"
Blink grinned. "Follow me."
Blink Baletti and Mush Meyers hadn't been dating for that long.
However, it felt like they had known each other for their whole lives.
To them, there was nothing that compared to their time spent together.
"Isn't it crazy to think we're just a minuscule part of the universe?" Mush mumbled. He was laying on his back with his arms under his head as he stared at the sky.
Blink turned his head to look at his boyfriend. "Minuscule? That's a big word."
Mush grinned. "Specs taught me it." He looked Blink in the eyes.
Blink chuckled. "Nice."
The universe was a beautiful, complex place.
But to Blink, nothing could be more beautiful than Mush.
The two boys fell silent as they stared into each other's eyes, the sky and all of their other worries in the world forgotten.
"Blink?" Mush whispered, not looking away.
"I love you."
Blink grinned. "I love you too."
With his cheeks red, Mush grinned. He rolled over and lifted himself up so he was staring down at Blink. Then, he leaned down and kissed him.
Blink sat up a bit and cupped Mush's cheek, his eyes fluttering closed as he kissed back.
And at that moment, the world was a perfect place.
Blink wasn't tired.
Mush wasn't embarrassed.
They had each other, and that was all they needed.
1158 Words
I hope this was okay. I've been wanting to write something fluffy for a while, but I didn't know what to write lol. I've been in a bit of a writing slum where I know what I want to write for certain things and what some of my ideas are, but I don't know how to get them out lol. It felt good to just write something fluffy though.
Thank you for the request. As always, I do take requests, but I can't always promise I'll get to them
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