Chapter 143 - Newsies Placement Ships
- Chapter 143 - Race x JoJo -
Warnings: slight mentions of not eating or sleeping, and concern, but nothing bad lol
Canon Era
Third Person POV
A/N, I seriously hope this makes up for the PAIN I put you all through with the last Race x JoJo chapter lol (actually, the last three lol and the only three Race x JoJo chapters I've written. They've all been super sad Refuge stuff lol). Enjoy!
It had been a really busy day.
It wasn't like that was unusual for Race though. It came with being a second in command, a Manhattan, Newsie who sold in Brooklyn, and a devoted boyfriend.
Besides, when he had busy days, his boyfriend usually noticed and would cuddle him for the rest of the night.
Race's day started off as it always did: he woke up with the sun, contemplated whether he wanted to get up and leave his boyfriend's arms or not, and dragged himself out of bed. Then, he got ready and woke everyone else up, before walking with a bright and sunny JoJo to the square to get their papers.
Race sold in Brooklyn, met with Spot for a few, then escaped Brooklyn before a Brookie could either throw him into the water or drag him into staying longer.
But something was different today.
For weeks, Race had been saving up to get JoJo something. He wanted the boy to know he loved him.
And internally, he knew JoJo probably knew Race loved him.
But still.
Gifts were nice, and why not surprise his boyfriend on a random day in May?
JoJo liked stuffed animals.
Like, really liked stuffed animals.
However, those were extremely expensive if you were a Newsie.
Despite this, Race had finally managed to save enough money to buy one.
It only took three weeks and a few skipped meals, which he probably would've skipped anyway.
Race was practically bouncing in excitement as he walked into Newsie Square.
Not shockingly, some Newsies were still in the square, just talking. Also not shockingly, his boyfriend was not one of them.
"Yo! Racetrack!"
Race pursed his lips and turned around. "Match?" His eyebrows furrowed.
Match walked over to him, Pack following him.
"I didn't know you two were coming to Manhattan today," Race commented. He crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "What's up?"
Match chuckled a bit. "You're puffing your chest out to look tough, Racetrack." He gestured to his chest.
"Probably, yep."
"The Brookies teach you that?"
"What? You don't think my super cocky leader-brother teach me that?" Race questioned.
Match raised an eyebrow at him.
Race knew he could see through him. "Yep. It was the Brookies."
Match chuckled. "Knew it." He shook his head, amused. "There's a leader meeting tonight."
Race's eyebrows furrowed. "There is?" He didn't know that, and he knew everything. Jack always told him if there were meetings.
Match frowned. "You didn't know?"
"It's only with leaders," Pack informed Race, joining the conversation. "Not seconds."
"Still, Jack always tells me these things and he didn't," Race said, frowning.
"Maybe he just forgot?"
Race shook his head. "Jack doesn't forget this stuff," he stated, thinking hard.
"Maybe you forgot," Match said.
Race shot him an unimpressed look. "I know I forget a lot of unimportant things-"
"You forget to eat all the time," Match reminded him.
"-exactly; unimportant."
Match rolled his eyes.
"But I remember dates and meetings really well," Race said. "I would've at least known something was today, even if I couldn't remember it," he stated. "Besides, I remember the date you first confessed to Pack—which you didn't for a while—along with the date you first confessed to Jack and I that you were crushing, the date I found out for myself that you were crushing because you're not subtle, and the date of the first time you and Pack talked after he ran when you confessed and finally got together, plus the date you two finally kissed."
Match blinked, and Pack's cheeks were bright red.
"I feel like he's more invested in our relationship than we are," Pack mumbled, leaning against Match.
"Oh, honey," Race looked at his nails, blowing the dirt off of them, "we all were betting on the amount of time until you two got together and Spot was two seconds away from throwing you two into a closet so Match would stop talking about you at Richmond-Brooklyn meetings."
Pack's cheeks reddened further. He cleared his throat. "Anyway..." he tried to think of something to switch the subject to, but couldn't.
Race grinned to himself. "Enjoy the meeting today," he looked the two up and down, "and have fun when you visit Richmond tonight, Pack." He winked at him and started walking away.
"Racetrack!" Pack squeaked a bit.
"What?" Race laughed a bit and looked at him. "I know you two laugh a lot when Richmond gathers to play cards every night and you join them, Pack," he responded, "and it's always nice to get to cuddle with your boyfriend. So, really, enjoy." He smiles genuinely.
Pack bit his lip. "Thank you, Racetrack."
Race nodded and walked away.
It didn't take long to get to the Manhattan Lodge and when he did, he kicked the door open. "Francis Sullivan!"
"Antonio Higgins!" Jack groaned from where he was sat on the couch. "Why the nightmare name?"
Race shrugged, walking in and shutting the door. "Why not tell me that you have a leader meeting tonight?" He took a cigar out of his paper bag.
Jack frowned. He was silent for a moment, before remembering the meeting. "Because I wasn't told about it until this morning," he answered.
That's why. Race nodded, his mind at peace now.
"Do not stay up all night to wait for me." Jack sat up and looked him in the eyes, stern.
Race pursed his lips. He slowly inched towards the stairs. "Nessuna promessa!" He turned and ran up the stairs.
Crutchie put his hand on Jack's arm, making the boy look at him. "Don't right now. It's not worth it," he mumbled to him. "JoJo and I will make sure he sleeps." He rests his head against Jack's chest.
Jack sighs. "Okay." He kissed Crutchie's forehead.
Crutchie smiled.
JoJo looked up when he heard his boyfriend's sing-song voice. "Toniii!"
Race smiled. He took his shoes off and put them next to the bunk. "Hi."
JoJo noticed a bright shine in his eye. He tilted his head. "Race, you have that look in your eye," he pointed out. "The one when-"
"I got you something to make sure you know I love you?" Race grinned. "Yep!" He pulled the stuffed animal out of his paper bag.
JoJo's eyes lit up. "Race!" He took the stuffed teddy bear. "You shouldn't have! This probably cost lot! Oh my gosh," JoJo ran his hand across the top of the bear, "it's so soft!" He gushed.
Race grinned to himself. He was always really excited when JoJo liked what he got him.
JoJo looked up at him. He stood up and threw his arms around him, nuzzling his head into the crook of Race's neck. "You're too nice for your own good," he mumbled.
"Funny." Race cracked a smile, holding JoJo close to him. "Al just told me I was mean."
JoJo rolled his eyes fondly. "You and Al have a weird love-hate-brother relationship," he muttered, holding him tighter. He sighed in content at the familiar and calming scent of the boy. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." Race closed his eyes.
JoJo noticed. He let his weight drop and pulled Race down, causing them to collapse on the bed.
Race yelped. He sighed when they both landed safely on the bed, his arms still around JoJo. "You gotta stop doing that," he mumbled to him.
"Maybe." JoJo snuggled closer to him and entangled his hand in Race's dirty blond curls.
JoJo grinned to himself, knowing full well what he was doing.
"JoJo." Race tried to push his hand out of his hair. "Jack's going to a meeting and I need to stay up to make sure Manhattan and Jack are both okay," he told him quietly.
"Mhm... you sound like you want to," JoJo muttered sarcastically, not moving a muscle.
Race huffed quietly. He really didn't have any way to make the boy not play with his hair. Depriving him of cuddles made both boys grumpy and JoJo was too sweet to do that too.
So, he resorted to begging.
"Raceeee," JoJo complained. "Just let me do nice to your hair and sleep with me!"
"Jo, Jack needs me to-"
"Jack would be grateful you were sleeping," Finch commented as he walked past them.
Race glared at him. He looked back at JoJo, having an idea. "Jo, if I fall asleep, I'll miss dinner, and I didn't have breakfast this morning," he mumbled to him.
JoJo opened his eyes and glared at him. "I hate you."
"No, you don't." Race grinned smugly.
JoJo rolled his eyes. "If I let you stay awake, you have to eat," he bargained.
Race agreed.
And that was why Crutchie had no help from JoJo in trying to get Race to go to bed early that night.
Much later in the night
Jack sighed in relief when he finally made it back to the lodge. He opened the door to the lodge and walked in, shutting it behind him.
"How was the meeting?"
Jack silently cursed, almost jumping out of his skin. "Racetrack freaking Higgins." He turned around to face him. "I told you not to wait for me."
Race shrugged a bit, clearly tired. "I wanted to."
"Well, you shouldn't have." Jack sighed as he took off his shoes. "You look exhausted."
"Well, I'm not."
"What you're not is telling the truth," JoJo mumbled, resting against Race on the couch.
Race rolled his eyes fondly. "Is it so bad that I wanted to make sure my brother got home safely?" he questioned.
"Yes, especially when you get up first and barely get any sleep anyway," Jack responded.
"What if you had been kidnapped?"
"Then, you wouldn't know until morning because leader meetings last forever sometimes and maybe, I could have gone to Davey's."
Race rolled his eyes. "Go to bed, Jack."
"That's what I'm telling you to do, Racer," Jack responded.
Race sighed deeply and stood up.
JoJo did the same, holding onto Race's hand.
Jack shot Race a look, gesturing to JoJo.
"I got him to sleep for a while," Race mumbled, mainly so Jack didn't think he was a terrible boyfriend who kept him up all night. "I played with his hair. He only woke up when you opened the door."
JoJo scowled, clearly a bit sour at the fact that Race got him to sleep and didn't sleep himself.
Jack sighed. "Alright. Now, you both go to bed," he told them.
JoJo nodded. He grabbed Race's hand and pulled him upstairs, both of them saying goodnight to Jack first. He dragged him over to the bed and pushed him on it, grabbing the two thin blankets they had and the stuffed animal. He laid on him.
Race smiled a bit, reaching up to play with JoJo's hair.
"No." JoJo pushed his hand away and started playing with Race's hair. "Sleepy time. Now. I play with your hair. Only then will I forgive you."
Race sighed deeply, but nodded and cuddled close to him.
Both boys were silent for a few minutes.
"I love you," Race mumbled, genuinely thinking JoJo was asleep. "Please forgive me."
"I do," JoJo mumbled in response, half out of it. "I love you too."
Race smiled and let himself drift off to sleep a few minutes later.
2040 Words
This one was a lot longer than most of the other Placement Ship-Shots. I kinda enjoy them — even if they take me forever — because I dedicated this series to only being fluff. However, it does mean it's a lot harder to write them and this chapter was one of the ones that had some less-fluffy stuff, even if it was still fluffy. I hope that's okay lol
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