Chapter 119 - Spralbert (Spot x Race x Albert)
- Chapter 119 - Pretty Boy -
Warnings: very light mentions of abuse, mostly happy stuff with a few little mentions of injuries, scars, and bruises lol
Modern AU
Third Person POV
A/N, yes. The thing I made up top is crappy. I'm learning lol.
Bubbles070506 , Nix_and_Zachs_pf , and berrythenewsie all voted for this chapter to celebrate 30k reads! Thank you again!
( bright_raes also sort of voted for this, but sort of didn't lol.)
Race was a pretty boy.
A very pretty boy.
Albert and Spot both agreed so.
Even if he wasn't always the cleanest, he was a very pretty boy, and he always cleaned up nicely.
Race hated his scars. He hated his facial structure. He hated many things about himself.
Albert and Spot, on the other hand, loved everything about him.
They loved his scars. They thought it made him look hot.
They loved his face.
The one thing they hated about it was that they couldn't kiss those perfect lips and caress his perfect, beautiful face.
That's what sucked about him being a pretty boy.
That, and the jealousy that bubbled in their stomachs every time they watched someone flirt with him.
Thankfully, he always turned them down.
Albert was pulled out of his train of thought when he saw a girl approach Race out of the corner of his eye.
She smirked at him and slipped a paper in his hand, closing it.
She blew him a kiss and walked away, giggling with her friends.
Albert felt jealousy bubble in his stomach as he watched, but he kept a straight face.
Race looked at the paper. He smiled softly and shook his head. He walked over to the group Albert was standing with, holding his books against his chest. "That's the third time this week," he informed them.
Albert swallowed hard.
"Why haven't you said "yes" then?" Blink asked, his arms wrapped around Mush.
"She's beautiful, but I'm not interest," Race explained. He looked at Albert and smirked. "You want her number, Al?" he teased him. "I'm sure she's the leg of lamb you're looking for."
Albert rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm flattered, Racer, but I'll pass," he responded, trying not to glare at the paper. "She'd find it weird if I texted her when she gave her number to you."
Race laughed.
It was a delightful sound in Albert's ears.
Race folded the paper up and put it in his pocket. "I guess that's fair."
Spot was walking down the hall when he saw Race pushed up against the wall by a boy.
Race's cheeks were a bit red and the boy was smirking.
Spot felt jealousy burn through his veins as he clenched his fists.
They had a conversation, before the boy nodded and left.
Race brushed himself off. He noticed Spot and walked over to him. "Hey, Spot."
"Hey." Spot was tense and Race could tell. "Who was that?" he asked, trying to calm down.
Race shrugged. "Just a random boy who wanted to go on a date," he answered. "I don't get why the knowledge that I'm omnisexual lead to both girls and boys now flirting with me," he said. "I'm not interested in them."
Spot felt himself relax a bit. "I guess some people just take the chance when they find out someone's sexuality," he responded.
Race shrugged. "Yeah. I mean, I guess he was cute, but he can find someone who is actually compatible with him and who he isn't dating just because he thinks they look good," he stated. "especially when they don't even look good," he added under his breath.
Spot heard the comment and wanted to tell him that he was wrong, but decided against it. He shrugged. "Yeah." He agreed as if he didn't hear the comment.
Either way, Albert and Spot both really just wanted to date Race and hold him forever and kiss him and-
Yeah, you get the point.
He was a pretty boy.
"What are you doing, Racer?" Albert questioned as he watched Race brush his hair.
Race shrugged. "I like my hair to be soft and nice when I'm going out to a restaurant," he informed him.
Albert watched him. He wanted to touch his hair and see how soft it was.
Race turned to look at him, grinning. "See? It's all nice now," he stated
Albert blushed, coughing suddenly. "Yep-" he choked out. "Looks great."
Race smiled.
Man, I'm madly in love with this boy, Albert thought to himself, his eyes wide.
He was a clumsy boy.
Race tripped over his own two feet and fell onto the grass, a cry of surprise escaping his lips and a grunt when he hit the ground.
Spot sighed deeply, helping him up. "You clumsy idiot," he muttered.
Race laughed weakly as he brushed the dirt off of him.
Red shook his head as he watched him. "It's a wonder you haven't fallen during track and lost a race yet," he muttered.
Race shrugged.
He was a smart boy.
Race skipped out of his Science Honors class, a grin on his face.
Albert and Spot exchanged a look, chuckling. They had been waiting outside of the class for him.
"Guess who got an A+ on his latest test." Race grinned.
"Specs?" Albert asked with a teasing smirk.
Race rolled his eyes. "Me."
"Nice job!" Albert exclaimed, smiling. He high fived Race.
Race beamed, high fiving him back.
Spot chuckled. "Smarty."
He was everything they wanted.
The only problem - besides the fact that they were both painfully aware that the other had a crush on him - was that they weren't sure he was ready to date someone yet.
There had to have been a reason for him turning all of those other people down, right?
Race had always had trouble with relationships and seeing himself in a relationship since he watched people he loved in bad relationships.
Albert sat down next to Spot on the grass.
Spot looked over at him, deciding to say nothing as he looked back at the school yard.
"We're both crushing on him, huh?" Albert questioned, the blonde boy always on his mind.
Spot sighed deeply. "Yep."
"We're doomed."
"Very doomed." Spot agreed, nodding his head.
Little did they know, the very boy they were talking about had been coming up behind them and heard their conversation.
Who? he wondered.
Albert shook his head as he thought. "I may confess for the heck of it soon," he thought out loud. "Those blue eyes might melt me if I look at them again."
Spot agreed.
Blue eyes, Race thought. Okay, we're getting somewhere.
"And his hair." Spot shook his head. "I just want to touch his blonde curls. They look so soft," he told Albert, sounding a bit desperate.
Albert nodded.
A boy, with blue eyes and blonde hair. Race grinned to himself. Now, I just have to figure out who that is.
"He has freckles," Albert informed Spot, looking at him. "Did you know that he has freckles?"
Spot chuckled. "I did know that," he responded.
Race paused. Wait... blonde, curly hair, blue eyes, and freckles?
That's me.
"I don't know how this will play out," Albert said.
Race took a deep breath in, slightly panicked. Okay, so I just found out that both of my crushes like me.
What do I do?
Tell them.
Race's eyes widened. No.
I should.
I can't.
Race smacked himself, staying silent. Your father taught you not to be a coward.
He also taught you that if you did the slightest thing wrong, you'd get hit by a beer bottle.
Not helping.
Race took a deep breath. He made up his mind.
It's gonna be okay.
Race walked in front of Albert and Spot, both of them falling silent and watching him. He plopped himself in the ground in front of them.
Race's cheeks were already burning as he leaned towards Albert and grabbed his collar. "Ciao- me- you- crushes- kisses you?" he stammered out, his eyes squeezed closed.
Both Albert and Spot's eyes widened.
Albert didn't even respond. He just cupped Race's cheeks and kissed him.
Race was shocked for a split second, before feeling his cheeks heat up as he kissed him back. He pulled away after a moment, looking to Spot.
Spot wasn't fully sure what to do.
Race figured his words may fail him, so he pointed to himself and then to Spot and to his lips.
Spot chuckled a bit. "Do you want a kiss?" he asked.
Race's cheeks reddened. "You're going a bit far..." he muttered, feeling embarrassed about the idea of him admitting to wanting a kiss.
No matter how much he wanted a kiss, he was not going to admit it.
Spot chuckled. He pulled Race over to him and into his lap.
Race yelped.
Spot cupped his cheeks and pressed his lips against Race's.
Race felt sparks shoot through his body as he kissed back.
They pulled away after a minute.
Race was panting lightly and seemed to be processing everything. He looked at Spot. "Well... that was eventful," he mumbled, still seeming a bit dazed.
Spot and Albert chuckled.
"So... what does this mean for us?" Albert asked Race, a bit confused. "You kissing us and all that."
Race shrugged. "Whatever you want it to," he responded, trying to climb out of Spot's lap.
Spot wrapped his arms around Race. "Don't leave me." He pouted a bit. "I won't get cuddles if you leave."
Race blushed a bit.
Albert tilted his head to the side slightly. "But... are you okay with a relationship?" he asked cautiously. "Not only because you'd be dating two boys, but because you seem on edge about relationships in general," he explained.
"I know," Race mumbled softly, playing with his fingers, "but I trust you two."
Albert smiled a bit.
"So," Spot started as he watched Race fondly, "why did you turn the other people down?" he asked curiously.
Race blushed. "Because I sort of... kind of... had crushes on two people?" he answered softly. "Who I just kissed?"
Albert chuckled.
Spot smirked. "What two people?" he asked.
Race rolled his eyes. "You know what two people," he responded.
Spot pursed his lips. He shook his head. "No... I think you'll have to remind me." He smirked.
Race rolled his eyes. He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Albert's cheek, before leaning back again. "There." He smirked. "I reminded you."
Albert blushed a bit, but smiled.
Spot rolled his eyes. "Alright, I deserved that," he grumbled.
Race laughed. "Sì, you very much did."
Albert sighed happily as he picked at the grass, staring off. "Your laugh makes my heart really happy," he said.
Race blushed. He looked between the two of them. "Are you two going to date as well?" he asked.
Albert and Spot exchanged a look.
Albert shrugged.
"I wouldn't mind it." Spot smirked, winking at Albert. "He's a pretty boy too."
Albert blushed, looking down at his lap.
Spot leaned over, above Race - who was still in his lap -, and turned Albert's chin to face him gently. "Can I kiss you?"
"I don't know." Albert giggled lightly. "Can you?" He smirked a bit.
Race snickered quietly.
Spot rolled his eyes. "I'm stuck with two witty jerks," he grumbled under his breath.
"You're also a witty jerk." Race smacked his chest lightly. "You have no place to speak," he scolded him.
Albert laughed.
Spot chuckled. He looked back at Albert. "May I kiss you?" he asked him.
Albert nodded.
Their lips connected.
They pulled away after a minute, both of their faces a bit red.
"Yeah..." Albert raked his hand through his hair as he processed what just happened. He looked over at Race and Spot. "This'll take some time to get used to," he muttered.
"Shocker," Race mumbled sarcastically as he played with his fingers, half focused on the conversation and half focused on his fingers.
Spot chuckled. "Don't worry," he smirked, "I'll kiss and cuddle you plenty to help you get used to it."
Race and Albert blushed.
Race rolled his eyes at Spot's flirts.
Spot chuckled, looking into his blue eyes. "What are you rolling your eyes at, pretty boy?"
Race smirked back. "You," he answered, "pretty boy," he tried to copy Spot's accent.
Spot chuckled.
"You sound nothing like him," Albert informed Race.
Race rolled his eyes.
"What?" Spot brought his hand to Race's cheek, cupping it and rubbing circles into his cheek with his thumb. "You are a pretty boy."
Race blushed again.
2116 Words
The Boots x Red one is coming out after this one. I hope it will be within two days, but I'm not sure.
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