Chapter 117 - Multiple Ships (Lucky Centered)
- Chapter 117 - I Don't Have a Title lol -
Warnings: major death, sadness, sobbing
Modern AU
Third Person POV
A/N, AHHHHH 30k reads!!!!
Thank you all so much!!! In return! I'm giving you all a present!
For 30k reads, you're getting...
Angst (:
Sorry, not sorry. I needed a way to let me emotions out and I took it out on the Newsies lol.
Lucky (16) had never seen anything this sad.
Sure, he watched sad movies, and Romeo's puppy had died a few years before, and they all went through trauma when they were young.
But nothing could've ever prepared him for this.
The past ten days had felt like a rush of emotions and crying and sadness.
Lucky was exhausted. Both physically and mentally exhausted.
Everyone was.
No one saw it coming.
Lucky looked at the front of the room, where Race (22) stood at a podium.
The blonde-haired boy's eyes were glossed over and he was wearing a suit. "He helped me through so much," he continued, his voice quiet. "I'd act annoyed at him when he picked me up, but I was always secretly impressed by the fact that he could." He laughed weakly.
Some other people in the audience laughed with him.
"He was... he was my brother," Race continued as he stared at the paper he had, "even if we weren't related. He was my adoptive and chosen brother." Race tried to choke back a sob.
Lucky didn't want to hear this. He couldn't take it. Not after also listening to Medda, Davey (23), and Crutchie's speeches.
Tumbler (17) looked over at him, a bit concerned.
It was sad to him, but he didn't know him as well as Lucky did.
Tumbler was already holding Les's hand. He gently slipped his hand into Lucky's.
Lucky stared at it. There was an emotionless look on his face, yet his eyes were still glossed over.
"He... um..." Race took a shady breath. "He was crazy," he tried to laugh. "He was a flirt, yet still a bisexual mess," he continued, trembling.
Lucky could see him shaking, trying to stay strong.
"He'd sing Musicals with me a lot," Race went on, turning to the back of his paper. "Sometimes Charlie would join us."
Crutchie (23) tried to smile through his tears.
Race felt tears stream down his cheeks. "He was- he was the best brother- that anyone could ask for," he said, finally looking up at the group. "I really- really love him..."
Lucky watched Race finally break. He watched him collapse against the podium, sobbing.
Albert (23) and Spot (24) rushed up to him.
Spot held him close as Race sobbed into his chest.
Albert tried to stop crying to help Race, but couldn't.
Spot guided both of them back to their seats, his eyes glossed.
Lucky gripped the arm of the chair tightly, trying to keep himself from crying.
Tumbler leaned over to him. "It's okay to cry," he whispered to him, brushing a piece of his hair behind his hair.
Lucky didn't respond.
The priest went back up to the podium, a sad look on his face.
Lucky zoned out as he talked, only catching pieces of what he was saying.
"Everyone has a time when they go."
Lucky gripped the arm of the chair tightly. But do they have to? he thought to himself.
"Jack left behind a beautiful family and group. He lived a good life."
Tears filled Lucky's eyes. Jack was robbed of a full life. I don't care if God thinks it was time to go. He was only twenty four.
Lucky's mind went to the last time he saw Jack.
Jack was sat at the table in Medda's kitchen. He was visiting for a bit.
Lucky walked past him. "Hey, Jack." He grabbed an apple from the bowl in the middle of the table.
Jack looked up at him. He smirked. "Did a teenager just willingly, without anyone asking, grab an apple from the table?" he teased him.
Lucky rolled his eyes as he took a bite out of the apple. "I think you're confusing your good, responsible brother for Les and Tumbler," he responded.
Jack laughed. "I wasn't aware Tumbler and Les were my brothers," he replied.
Lucky shrugged. "Think brothers in law because your adoptive brother is marrying them and because you're marrying Davey," he told him, chewing.
Jack blushed a bit and nodded. "That's fair."
Lucky nodded. He started leaving the room.
Jack's voice stopped him. "Hey, Liam," he started.
Lucky blinked at his real name. He turned around and looked at Jack. "Yeah?"
Jack smiled. "I love you."
Lucky smiled. "I love you too." He walked over to him and hugged him.
Jack hugged him back.
After a moment, Lucky pulled away and walked out of the room, still smiling.
Jack turned back to his book.
Lucky gritted his teeth. He won't ever get to marry Davey now...
Jack had suffered a heart attack, due to an unknown heart condition he had.
Since they didn't know his parents, they weren't able to detect it sooner, resulting in him dying.
Lucky stared at the priest as he finished.
They were supposed to go to the stone now, in the same precession line they had been in before.
Lucky hadn't known what a precession was before the funeral.
Specs (23) and Romeo (22) stood up, both of them crying, yet trying to keep a brave face on for the kids who were riding with them.
Tumbler would've ridden with Spot, but he was taking care of Race and Albert, and they figured Les (15) and Lucky needed him.
It was the same with Davey. He was with Crutchie due to the fact that he couldn't stop sobbing, so Les was with Specs, Tumbler, Lucky, and Romeo.
Lucky stood up with Les and Tumbler, an emotionless look again on his face. He was deep in thought.
Tumbler turned away from Les for a minute, Les still holding onto his hand, and looked at Lucky. He frowned. "Liam... you okay?"
Lucky didn't respond. He looked up and at the door.
Medda was in the doorway. She was sobbing.
Hannah was at her side, trying to console her and not cry herself.
Lucky felt something in him break. He turned to Tumbler and collapsed into his arms.
Tumbler quickly caught him and pulled him to his chest, his heart breaking.
Lucky sobbed into his chest, holding onto him tightly. There were a million things he wanted to say and to sob about.
It was unfair.
Jack didn't deserve to die.
Jack was too young. He had so many things left to do.
He was supposed to marry Davey.
He was supposed to go to Lucky's wedding.
He was supposed to be the greatest uncle to their kids ever, even if Davey would scold him because he let them have too much sugar.
Jack wouldn't get to do any of that.
Lucky would never get to hug him again. He wouldn't get to hear his voice on anything other than a video or voice recording anymore. He'd never get to be surprised to find Jack home when he came home from school one day.
Lucky opened his mouth to try to speak, but only sobs came out.
It was like Tumbler knew was he was feeling. He just held him close. "I know. I'm sorry. He's in a better place now, Liam," he kept whispering into his ear.
Lucky felt Les join their hug, him crying too.
Specs and Romeo watched them, their eyes sad.
Romeo hugged Specs close.
Race looked up from his boyfriends and at their little hug. He frowned.
Lucky heard someone coming over to him.
Tumbler and Les pulled away.
Tumbler was pulled into Spot's arms and Les hugged Albert.
Lucky looked up.
Race tried to laugh weakly. "You really do look like a younger version of me," he commented.
Jack always said that.
Lucky bit his lip as fresh tears spilled out of his eyes. He threw his arms around Race, clinging to him.
The two boys just held each other as they sobbed.
1416 Words
Slightly pathetic thing: I think it's too soon after the funeral to write this. It is only five days lol. I was sobbing writing this, trying to sing and saying I'm fine, but I think it turned out good.
Question: can people please go vote on my profile for what I should write to celebrate 30k reads?
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