Chapter 116 - Finch x Albert x Elmer
- Chapter 116 - Mornings and Evenings -
Warnings: None really. Trouble sleeping and teasing insults
Canon Era (1) - Modern AU (2)
Third Person POV
A/N, I found this ship from annanymos_ and they said I could write it (:
Albert groaned softly, sitting up. He rubbed his eyes. These beds are too small for three people to sleep in them, he thought to himself. He smiled when he saw his two boyfriends.
Finch's arms were wrapped around Elmer's waist, the smaller boy's head laying on his chest.
Albert smiled, a warm feeling filling his heart. He got up and climbed off of the bunk.
Albert walked downstairs and to the kitchen.
Race was in the kitchen, sitting at the table with a cup of water.
Albert's eyebrows furrowed. "Is it already time for you to be up?" he questioned.
Race looked up at him. He nodded. "I'm just giving myself a few minutes before I wake everyone up," he answered, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
Albert frowned. "Maybe you should stay in Brooklyn tonight," he suggested, sitting down next to Race.
Race raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?"
"Because you haven't been sleeping well," Albert answered. "And you and I know better than anyone that Spot can make you fall asleep and keep you asleep extremely easily," he commented. "He loves it when you sleep with him, it's a plus for him too," he added.
Race shook his head. "I was over there a few days ago," he reminded Albert.
Albert deadpanned at him. "And you can go back today," he responded. "Jackie's not gonna get mad at you for seeing your boyfriend," he stated.
Race shrugged.
"Jack sees his boyfriend daily. You have a different situation," Albert pointed out. "He understands that," he assured Race.
Race shrugged again. "Maybe, but I'm not even that tired," he mumbled.
Albert shot him a look. "Tell that to the bags under your eyes and the yawns you're trying to suppress," he responded.
Race rubbed his eyes tiredly. "At least the bags under my eyes don't look like they're carrying one hundred papes each," he retorted.
Albert rolled his eyes. "You're so mean to me," he complained softly.
"At least you're not Finch," Race commented, shooting Albert a look.
Albert nodded, agreeing. "Finch isn't your best friend." He squeezed Race's hand.
Race smiled slightly. "And I wouldn't want him as mine over you," he responded.
Albert smiled.
They were silent for a few minutes.
"Davey been teaching you?" Race asked tiredly, his voice soft.
Albert nodded. "Every so often."
Race nodded. He looked at the clock, a sigh escaping his lips. "It's time to wake everyone up," he said.
Albert nodded. "Can I wake my boyfriends up?" he asked.
Race pouted at him. "But then I won't get to tease you all like I do every morning and I'll miss insulting Finch!" he complained.
Albert chuckled.
"But yeah, it's less work for me," Race stated.
Albert nodded gratefully.
They walked upstairs to the bunk rooms.
Albert climbed onto the bunk his boyfriends' were sleeping in. He chuckled at them.
He didn't really want to wake them up, but he had to. They had to sell.
Albert gently woke Finch up first.
"Morning, my amazing boyfriend," Finch mumbled tiredly as he sat up.
Albert blushed.
Finch looked down at Elmer. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.
The younger boy blushed.
Albert chuckled, Finch joining him. "He's definitely awake," Albert stated.
Elmer's eyes fluttered open. "Yeah, but I was warm and tired," he mumbled.
The two older boys chuckled.
Finch gently lifted Elmer up, leaning the younger boy against his chest as he held him.
"You left us a bit ago," Finch pointed out, looking at Albert.
Albert nodded. "I couldn't fall back asleep," he informed him.
Finch smirked. "I could've helped." He winked.
Elmer giggled tiredly.
Albert blushed, rolling his eyes. "And Elmer stole all of the blankets," he added, gesturing to the blankets with the younger boy.
Elmer looked down at himself. He giggled. "Oops, I guess I just like being warm."
Finch chuckled. "He likes being warm, yet he'll steal all of the blankets in his sleep, even if his two boyfriends are holding him," he commented.
"And we're steaming hot." Albert winked.
Elmer blushed. "Heat wise, too," he added with a giggle.
Finch and Albert chuckled.
"Yo, DaSilva!" Race exclaimed from where he stood in the doorway. "I let you wake them up so you could get up and ready to sell, not so you could all dabble and cuddle all day!" he scolded him.
Albert rolled his eyes. "We're coming, Racer," he told him.
Race nodded. He looked at Finch. "And Finch, you look like a monkey this morning," he stated, before leaving the room.
Finch grumbled softly, holding Elmer against him as he pouted. "I wish he'd say that in Italian. At least then, I wouldn't know what he said," he grumbled.
"The only time you want him to speak Italian," Elmer pointed out with a giggle.
Finch rolled his eyes.
Albert chuckled, starting to climb down from the bunk. "Come on, we gotta get ready," he told them.
Elmer nodded, pulling away from Finch and starting to climb down from the bunk.
Finch pouted as he started climbing down as well. "I hate mornings; Race insults me, my boyfriends leave me, and I have to go sell," he grumbled.
Albert chuckled. "You'll get kisses if you don't insult the Delanceys today and if you get ready without complaining," he promised him.
Elmer blushed, knowing he was making that promise for both of them.
Finch hummed as he climbed down the ladder. "Insulting the Delanceys is fun though," he responded.
Albert nodded. "That one was a bit much seeing as I like fo insult them too," he said.
Finch nodded, agreeing. He wrapped his arms around Albert's waist and pulled him into a kiss.
Albert kissed back.
They pulled away after a moment.
Elmer bounced over to them, pecking both of their lips, before going to the bathroom with JoJo to get ready.
The two older boys chuckled.
(Written on December 7th, 2021)
Albert sat on the edge of the bed next to Elmer. "Why don't go try to sleep?" He suggests, his eyes soft.
Elmer sniffles. "But Finch..." he whispers, his brown eyes flicking over to the door.
Albert moves his head to block Elmer's view of the door. "Patrick knows that your allergies are bad right now," he tells him, resting his hand on top of Elmer's. "He'll be home soon and he'll cuddle with us them, but you need sleep."
"He'll be home soon." Elmer copies the redheaded boy's New York accent, slumping down in the bed grumpily.
Albert chuckles at the Polish boy's accent. "You don't sound like me," he tells him, gently rubbing circles into the palm of Elmer's hand.
The younger boy looks up. "I do too."
Albert chuckles, cupping Elmer's cheeks with his hands. "Your Polish accent is too strong to sound anything like my accent, bub." He tells him.
After sniffling and wiping his nose, Elmer pouts at his boyfriend. "My Polish accent is not that noticeable." He responds.
Albert chuckles. "It is, especially when you're tired," he adds, gently caressing Elmer's cheeks.
"You're trying to make me tired," Elmer accuses, holding back a yawn.
Albert chuckles again. "You have no proof." He responds.
Elmer glares at him, though it wasn't a very intimidating glare. "You always do this when you want me to sleep," he gestures to Albert's hands. "And it feels too nice for me to stop you. It's pure evil."
Albert chuckles. "Why don't you lay down?" He suggests.
"I was right," Elmer whispers, struggling to keep his eyes open as he looks at the redhead.
Albert doesn't respond as he gently lays Elmer down.
Out of nowhere, the door to their room opened.
Elmer shoots up. "Finch!" He exclaims.
Finch looks at his two boyfriends. "Oops..." he chuckles. "I think I've accidentally stopped Al from trying to get you to sleep again, huh?" He asks knowingly.
"Actually," the Polish boy starts. "We had just decided we were waiting to sleep until you had gotten home." Elmer informs him.
Albert rolls his eyes.
Finch chuckles. "I doubt it."
Elmer pouts. Suddenly, an idea hit him. "Ooh!" He flips the covers off of him. "I should go make tea!" He exclaims, jumping out of bed.
"Elmer!" Albert exclaims.
Elmer tries to leave the room, only to be caught by Finch.
Finch stares down at him.
Elmer blushes. "Hi," he whispers.
Finch chuckles. "How bad are the allergies?" He looks at Albert.
"Worse than yesterday," Albert answers.
Elmer sneezes.
Finch looks down at him as he uses his sleeve to wipe his nose. He chuckles. "Why don't we get you a hoodie and try to go to sleep?" He suggests.
Elmer grumbles, staring at Finch's chest. "Fine."
Finch chuckles.
1538 Words
I totally didn't mean to make a Ralbert scene in the first one. It's why I added the extra part I wrote a month ago in the modern AU when I started writing this - sorry for taking forever to write it btw. Motivation comes and goes.
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