Chapter 109 - Spot x Race x Albert x Finch
- Chapter 109 - A Whole New York -
Warnings: It's fluffyyyy
Modern/Soulmate AU
Third Person POV
A/N, this (ship) was requested by TheTransCowboy so thank you. I hope you like the idea that I came up with!
Those were the only colors Finch had seen his whole life.
It got pretty boring only seeing in black and white.
Finch had no idea what he looked like. He was told he had brown eyes and a sandish-brown colored hair.
Of course, he'd always wished he could see color, but he'd learned to accept it.
Currently, Finch was walking down a street in Queens, New York City.
He was just staring at the ground, when he heard something.
"I missed Queens, at least a bit. It's weird seeing where I lived for six years."
Finch barely had time to think about the fact that the high-pitched voice sounded like it was getting closer before he collided with someone.
Finch felt someone grab his wrist and stop him from falling.
Finch looked up to find a boy, the person who had grabbed his wrist, and two other boys. The shortest of the three boys was in the arms of another boy, who looked just barely taller than him.
Finch assumed he had caught him.
Suddenly, shock hit him.
Finch let's out an audible gasp. "Oh my gosh..." he whispers. "Is this color?" He looks around.
Two of the boys in front of him chuckle at him.
"Our last Soulmate," the boy who had caught Finch's wrist mumbles. "The reason we couldn't see shades of orange." He realizes.
Realizing a random boy still held his wrist, Finch blushed and pulled his hand away, pulling it against his chest.
The boy chuckles.
Finch pulls out his phone. He quickly opens the camera app. Finch deadpans. "No, I don't want the black and white filter, I saw that for years." He grumbles, switching the filter.
The same two boys chuckle again.
Finch gasps when he sees himself. "Hey... I don't look half bad." He says.
"Not at all." The second boy mutters, looking Finch up and down. He lets go of the shortest boy, though holds his hand.
Finch blushes, putting his phone away. He looks at the one who had caught his wrist. "What color is your hair?" He whispers, sounding embarrassed to ask.
The boy just smiles. "My hair is red, like Spot's shirt." He points to the second boy's shirt.
Finch nods. "I like it." He mumbles.
The redheaded boy smiles. "I'm Albert," he introduces himself. "Twenty two-years-old."
"Finch-" said boy stops. "I mean, Patrick." He corrects himself. "Twenty-two."
Albert smiles. "Is Finch preferred?" He asks him.
Finch blinks. Wait, what? Are they actually willing to call me that? That only happened with my friends. "...yeah." He answers, slightly hesitant.
Albert nods.
"I'm Spot, or Sean technically." The boy in red introduces himself. "I'm twenty-three."
Finch nods.
Spot gestures to the boy next to him. "This is Racetrack, or Race. His real name is Antonio, so nicknames like Toni and such are okay." He informs Finch. "He's twenty-one."
Finch nods.
Albert looks behind Finch for a moment, before his eyes meet Finch's again. "Wanna go to the cafe?" He asks him. "We were heading there for a date." A small smirk formed on his lips.
Finch blushes. "I don't want to intrude-" he starts.
"Nonsense." Albert grabs his wrist again. "You are our Soulmate, after all." He grins at Finch, before starting to drag him towards the cafe.
As Albert dragged him along, Finch couldn't help but hear Spot and Race's conversation.
"Race, sweetheart, you're in shock." Spot shakes him slightly.
Race was on his back.
"Our last Soulmate." Race mumbles mindlessly, staring off as if he was in a trance.
Spot chuckles. "What are you thinking?" He asks.
Race blushes. "He's cute," he answers. "I want to be able to flirt with him and not just be the one who's always blushing." He mutters.
Spot chuckles. "Maybe."
After ordering
Finch sat next to Albert at a table and Spot sat across from him, next to Race.
Race was silently sipping his drink, which was hot chocolate because he apparently wasn't allowed to have coffee.
It was something about Jack banning him from it because it gave him too much power and energy.
And Race didn't like it much anyway. He had tried black coffee and he hated it.
Albert, Finch, and Spot had gotten coffee and a few biscuits to share between the four of them.
"So this color," Albert sets his phone down on the table in front of Finch. "Is blue. It's what Race wears a lot, when he's not wearing our clothes." He informs him.
Finch nods.
He had learned about the colors, but never knew what they actually liked them.
"You say that like it's usually my choice," the younger boy grumbles, his straw still in his mouth.
"And this," Spot smirks as he points to Race's cheek. "is pink. It's the color that covers Race's face, upper neck, and ears when he blushes." He states.
Albert snickers.
Race glares at his oldest Soulmate. "And this is what it looks like when I ban you from cuddles," he responds.
Spot's eyes widen. "No, no, baby," he whines. "That's just meann."
Looking smug, Race sips his drink..
Albert chuckles, leaning over to Finch to whisper in his ear. "He's not going to stand by that," he tells him quietly.
Finch nods.
Race scoffs. "And you're not going to stick to the promise you made about sleeping with a shirt on," he retorts, twirling his drink with his hand. "We all day stuff we don't mean." He comments.
Albert chuckles.
Finch laughs a bit. "You're something when you aren't quiet," he comments.
Race shrugs, leaning back in his seat. "Soulmates scare me."
Finch felt concern bubble in him, but he decided he'd ask when he was closer to them.
Albert reaches over and squeezes Race's hand across the table. He smiles reassuringly.
Race squeezes his hand back.
"So," Spot rests his chin on his hands, his elbows on the table holding his head up. "Tell us about yourself," he tells Finch.
Finch shrugs. "I'm pretty uninteresting;" he responds. "I'm a zoologist, who mainly works with birds." He informs him. "I have three really close friends, who I've been friends with since middle school, and I live alone."
Spot smirks. "We can fix that." He winks at Finch, sitting back in his seat.
Finch blushes. He heard Race's giggles, causing him to smile a bit.
Albert chuckles. "Zoologist, huh?" He asks. "You must be smart then, like Race." He side-eyes Race.
Race rolls his eyes. He doesn't respond, deciding this wasn't the place or the time to disagree.
Finch shrugs. "I guess."
"Race is a senior at MIT," Spot informs Finch, elaborating on what Albert said about Race being smart.
Finch looks over at the blonde-haired boy, slightly shocked. "MIT student?" He repeats. "That's a crazy good school. Congrats."
Race blushes the slightest bit. "Thanks," he mumbles, sipping his drink again.
Albert leans closer to Finch again. "Compliments make him flustered," he informs him, whispering as he looks at Race.
Race rolls his eyes.
"Let me correct him;" Spot smirks. "everything having to do with us makes him flustered." He states.
Finch chuckles.
Race glares at Spot, still hunched over with his drink straw in his mouth. "I may actually take away cuddle privileges," he threatens.
Spot chuckles. He reaches over and picks up a biscuit.
"Hey, Finch," Albert starts slowly, playing with a sugar packet that was laying on the table. "Have you had your first kiss yet?" He asks.
"Subtle." Race mutters under his breath.
Spot chuckles at him.
Vivid memories of his first kiss shot through Finch's mind. He sighs. "Technically, yes, and then the boy who kissed me found out I couldn't see color and called me a freak. He ran away and forbid me from telling anyone." He informs them.
The three boys stare at him.
"I'm so sorry." Race mutters, looking slightly shocked.
Albert cups Finch's cheeks, turning his head towards him. "What if I fixed that?" He asks, his voice low.
Finch blushes.
"Can I kiss you?" Albert asks him.
Finch breathes out slowly. "I've known you for less than an hour, but I don't care." He whispers. "Yes."
Albert pulls him into a kiss.
Spot smirks. "That's the Soulmate pull," he comments.
Albert and Finch pull apart from each other.
"What?" Finch asks.
Albert let's go of him, though he grabbed Finch's hand and slipped his fingers through his, intwining them.
"That pull you felt," Spot elaborates. "The reason you agreed." He adds. "That's the Soulmate pull," he informs him.
Finch nods.
Spot stands up.
Finch looks at him.
Spot chuckles at him, cupping his cheeks. "You weren't seriously going to just kiss Albert, were you?" He asks.
"I mean, I wasn't planning on kissing anyone earlier today, but here we are." Finch mumbles, his cheeks red.
Spot chuckles, pulling Finch a bit towards him and connecting their lips.
They pulled away after a minute, and Finch swore he could feel his cheeks burning.
He'd never felt like this about anyone before, and definitely not three people.
Finch looks over at Race.
Race's blue eyes met him.
Man, were they stunning.
Finch ignored all of the anxiety and butterflies in his stomach and walked over to Race. He bent down next to his chair and cupped his cheeks. Finch stares into his eyes. "Yes?"
Race nods. Barely, but Finch did see it.
Finch closes his eyes and presses his lips against Race.
He pulled away after a moment and opened his eyes, catching Race with his eyes still closed and looking a little breathless. His cheeks were redder than they'd been the whole time Finch had known him.
Race opens his eyes, his eyes almost immediately meeting Finch's. He had a dazed look in his eyes.
Finch's eyes flick down to Race's lips, before they met his eyes again. "You wanted to be the flirty one, huh?" He chuckles. "You failed."
Race rolls his eyes. "You're lucky you're cute and that you just met us," he grumbles, pulling away from Finch and picking up his drink again. "You'd lose cuddle privileges otherwise."
Finch chuckles, hearing Albert and Spot's chuckles from behind him.
"His response to being flustered hasn't changed since he was fifteen, huh?" Finch heard Albert ask Spot.
Spot chuckles. "Nor has how easily flustered his is," he responds.
Finch looked at Race, finding him looking annoyed and his cheeks red again.
Finch chuckles. He liked these boys.
Like really liked them.
They were cute.
Or hot.
Albert and Spot were definitely hot.
1836 Words
Hope you enjoyed it!!
(Are we getting tired of Soulmate stuff? Cause I love it, but I feel like you guys may be tired of it because I write it a lot lol.)
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