Chapter 106 - Spralmer (Spot x Race x Albert x Elmer) - Pt. 2
- Chapter 106 - Hospitals and Whatever Happens in Them -
Warnings: hospitals, injuries, crying, panic attacks, worry, sadness, mentions of abuse and being abused
Modern/Soulmate AU
Third Person POV
Albert had to get out of the hospital.
He had to get away from the hopeless, grey walls and the brothers who kept interrogating him.
He didn't know them.
All he knew was that one of his Soulmates was laying in that bed and hadn't woken up for two days.
Albert kept staring at the heart on his wrist. Only one part of it was full, telling him he had more than just Antonio as his Soulmate.
So, Albert went for a walk.
He had been lost in thought and just wandering down the street, when he bumped into someone, sending both of them to the ground.
"El!" Someone above them exclaims.
Albert cringes in pain, rubbing his back. "Jesus, Al, quit bumping into people," he grumbles, opening his eyes.
Albert's eyes fell on the dark brown-haired boy who sat on the ground in front of him, his eyes wide and himself glowing.
Albert's eyes widen when he notices was he also glowing. "Jesus, Al," he starts again. "Stop bumping into your Soulmates." He mutters, still in shock.
The brown-haired and glowing boy's head shot up, his eyes snapping to Albert. "You know our other Soulmate?!" He exclaims.
Albert cringes at the mention of why he had gone on this walk. "Sure, I guess, kinda." He answers.
The second boy's eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?" He asks.
Albert sighs. "Can I know your names?" He asks. "And I'm assuming you're our last Soulmate?" He asks the second boy.
The second boy reaches down and touches Albert's hand.
Both of their hands started glowing.
A grin broke out on the first boy's face.
Awed, Albert stares at his hand. Isn't it amazing? He thinks to himself. I was not expecting this to happen today.
I was looking for a light in my life, Albert chuckles. I got it, literally.
"Sean, though preferably Spot, Conlon." The second boy introduces himself, smiling at Albert as he helps the first boy up. "This is Elmer, Elmer Kasprzak." He informs him.
Albert nods, getting up. "Albert DaSilva." He introduces himself.
Elmer smiles.
"So... um... about our fourth Soulmate... Race?" Albert starts slowly. He shakes his head. "I don't know, his real name is Antonio." He informs them.
Elmer's smile seemed to grow.
"I met him two days ago, I bumped into two boys in who were carrying him." Albert frowns as he thinks about it, staring at the ground. "He's in a coma." He informs them.
Both Spot and Elmer's eyes widen and their smiles fall.
"They won't tell me much." Albert continues. "He has a lot of... brothers?" He sounded confused. "They're very protective." He looks down at his hand.
The circle was filled.
Albert forces himself to bite back a smile.
Spot opens his mouth to speak, but someone got to it first.
"Albert?" A voice from behind him starts.
Albert's eyes went wide.
The girl steps in front of him, beaming. "I'm so glad I found you!" She exclaims. "You haven't answered any of my texts. Why haven't you?" She asks.
Spot raises an eyebrow at Albert.
Albert sighs. "Because I didn't want to," he whispers.
Arianna frowns. "Well... why not?" She asks. "I'm your g-" she starts.
"For the last time: you're not my girlfriend." Albert cuts her off. "Nor are you one of my Soulmates, nor do I feel anything for you." He tells her.
Arianna's eyes quickly got dark. "You're lying to yourself." She states, crossing her arms. "Don't pretend you don't like me, Al. That's rude." She tells him.
Albert clenches his fists.
Spot steps in between them, smiling sarcastically at Arianna. "Hi, one of Albert's Soulmates here." He informs her, lightly pushing her away from him. "Stay away from us, we don't want you in our life."
Arianna scowls.
Spot quickly grabs both Albert and Elmer's wrists and starts dragging them away.
The second time in two days, Albert thinks to himself. Let's not make this a habit.
"He reminds me of-" Elmer starts softly.
Spot stops abruptly, almost knowing Albert over. He quickly grabs Elmer in a hug. "You're not going back to him, love. He can't hurt you." He assures him. "I promise. You have me, Albert- who freaking looks strong- and... uh... Antonio?" He looks to Albert.
Albert nods, staring at the ground with his cheeks bright red.
"Antonio." Spot pulls away from Elmer, staring into his eyes. "You're safe, I promise."
Elmer giggles. "Albert looks strong?" He repeats.
Spot rolls his eyes, his cheeks slightly redder than usual. "He does look strong," he looks over at Albert. "But he couldn't beat me in a fight." He winks at the redheaded boy.
Albert deadpans at him. "I'm a lot taller than you; I wouldn't be so sure about that." He responds.
Elmer giggles.
Spot smirks at Albert, stepping towards him. "I could beat you just by using pick-up lines, baby," he tells him. "I wouldn't be too sure." He squeezes Albert's bicep, starting to walk past him.
Albert blushes. "Freaking hate people who make me blush." He mutters, starting to walk behind Spot.
Spot chuckles.
Elmer giggles.
At the hospital
Blink looks up first when Albert walks into the hallway. He eyes Elmer and Spot, mainly Spot. "Who are they?" He questions, looking up at Albert.
"Our other Soulmates." Albert answers quietly.
Blink looks at Mush. 'More than one?' He mouths.
Mush nods. 'Saw it on his hand.'
Blink looks back at them. "Alright. Jack's in there right now; Race was waking up as of a few minutes ago." He informs them.
Elmer's eyes light up.
Albert and Spot smile slightly.
"Sorry if we came on as too much earlier." Mush looks up at Albert, holding Blink's hand in his own. "A lot of us were pretty worried about Race and had no clue who you are, and either way, we need to make sure everyone who's a Soulmate of our brother is not a terrible person." He informs him.
Albert shrugs. "It's fine, I get it." He responds.
Elmer's attention was quickly pulled away from Blink and Mush, and was instead pulled to a boy who was slightly shorter than him when he was suddenly next to him and holding his wrists. "Specs, Dave," the boy starts. "Come here." He tells them.
Elmer noticed a hint of French in his voice.
Two more boys walk over to him.
The tallest one of the three boys, the one who looked the neatest, suddenly gasped when he saw Elmer. He rushed over to him, lifting his chins and turning his head to the side. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" He exclaims, looking over the injury on Elmer's cheek.
Elmer frowns. "Yeah," he whispers, his eyes dropping to the floor. "It's nothing."
The tallest boy's eyes soften. "It doesn't look okay, darling." He responds softly. "Would you be okay if we treated it? I always carry bandaids and Neosporin on me; our group is prone to getting injuries." He tells him. "I have Disney character bandaids." The boy adds with a soft smile.
"I swear I tried to help." Spot mutters.
The first boy and the second boy, one with glasses, share a look.
The first boy nods.
The boy with glasses grabs Spot by his wrist and pulls him out of the room.
Elmer's eyes slowly lifted to meet the first boy's. "Do you have Cinderella?" He whispers.
The first boy chuckles. "Of course." He responds. "What's your name, darling?" He asks, letting go of Elmer's chin to grab something from his bag.
"Elmer," said Polish boy answers softly.
The first boy smiles. "I'm Davey."
"He's our mom." The first boy informs Elmer, still looking at his arms. "That was a joke," he adds, looking up at Elmer.
There is definitely a lot more than a little French in his accent, Elmer thinks to himself.
"This is Knobs." Davey informs Elmer, gesturing to the French boy.
Elmer nods.
Knobs let's go of Elmer's arms, gently lifting Elmer's chin and turning his head.
Davey opens the Neosporin and puts a small amount on his finger. He looks at Elmer, shooting him a reassuring smile, before gently putting the Neosporin on the cut on his cheek.
Elmer flinches slightly, though Knobs hand gently, but firmly held his chin.
"It's okay." Knobs whispers to him. "He's just going to treat it; make sure it doesn't get infected, and then we'll put the bandaid on and it'll be good." He assures him.
Elmer nods, barely, biting his lip.
"You know," Davey starts slowly, wiping his finger off. "Race, or Antonio, as you know him, hates us treating his injuries." He informs Elmer. "But he's the clumsiest person ever."
"And there was no way we were letting him walk around with injuries all over him." Knobs adds with a smile.
Elmer laughs lightly. "He sounds nice."
"He's very nice." Knobs smiles at Elmer. "You'll love him." He tells him.
"And he's good with kids." Finch adds lazily from behind them.
Albert and Elmer blush.
The boys around them chuckle.
With Specs and Spot
Specs let's go of Spot's wrist when they were alone, staring into his eyes. "Did you hurt him?" He asks.
Spot's eyes widen. "What?! No!" He responds.
Specs relaxes a little bit. "Sorry." He mumbles. "He just seems to soft and..." he sighs. "Like a cinnamon roll, as my fitness would call him." He tells him. "I just wanted to make sure; I've seen abusive relationships before and there was no way he got lose injuries on accident." Specs whispers.
Spot stares at the floor, his arms crossed over his chest. "I tried to treat the injuries, I swear. I'm better at fighting than I am the softer side." He whispers. "I've never taken first aid and I don't know how to treat injuries."
"Sorry for asking." Specs responds. "I just had to make sure." He states.
"No, no, I get it." Spot responds. "I'm just..." he sighs. "Under a lot of stress." He admits, his voice quiet.
"Wanna talk about it?" Specs asks.
Spot looks up at him. He looks around, silent for a moment. "Sure," he responds finally. "Thanks."
The two boys sit down.
With Race
"I'm sorry," the blonde-haired boy whispers.
Jack rocks him back and forth. "Shh, it's okay." He whispers. "You're okay, I got you." He assures him.
"I tried." Race whispers, tears streaming down his face. "He didn't- want ice," he chokes back a sob. "I forgot, it's my fault, he's gonna be so mad." He whispers, sounding panicked.
"Shh," Jack shushes him. "You're not going back to him." He tells him, still rocking him back and forth as he looks up at where Crutchie sat next to the hospital bed. "You'll be with me, and Crutchie, and Medda, and we'll cuddle you all you want, Toni."
A sob escapes Race's lips as he tries to snuggle further into Jack, being quickly reminded that he was very injured. Race cries in pain.
Crutchie leans closer to Race and Jack, gently taking the smaller boy's hand. "We found your Soulmates, Toni." He informs him softly.
Race's eyes slowly open, the light making the tears in them shine.
"Three of them." Crutchie informs him.
Race keeps his eyes focused on Crutchie, a hint of curiosity behind the pain. "I don't want them to see me like this." He whispers, his voice hoarse from crying.
Crutchie smiles slightly. "They're gonna see you sooner or later, and the only thing that looks any different is the bandages." He tells him.
Race deadpans slightly. "The bandages all over me," he responds quietly.
Crutchie chuckles. "You can just sleep if you'd like, but they will probably come in at one point or another." He informs him.
Race doesn't respond, laying back against Jack.
Jack got the message and slowly laid down, making sure not to hurt Race.
Race laid in his arms and they slowly fell asleep.
After a bit, when both Race and Jack were asleep, Cructhie silently left the room.
Everyone was in the hallway, including the three boys Crutchie had been told were Race's Soulmates, and they all looked up at Crutchie when he stepped out of the room.
Crutchie smiles softly. "He's okay," he tells them. "Had a bit of a panic attack, for reasons only he should share, but the nurse said he's on track to healing and that it's good that he woke up." He informs them. "He fell asleep in Jack's arms and Jack fell asleep not long after."
Specs taps Elmer, Albert, and Spot. "Jack's the oldest of our group." He informs them. "He's been super close to Crutch and Race for the longest time, they're the closest out of all of us." He explains. "May not be related biologically, but they're definitely brothers." Specs states.
The three boys nod.
Specs walks away.
Crutchie slowly makes his way over to the three boys, smiling warmly. "Hey, I'm Crutchie, if you didn't know." He introduces himself. "Yes, I'm fine with the nickname," he chuckles.
Albert, Spot, and Elmer chuckle.
"Race is like my little brother." Crutchie informs them. "We've known him for a long time, so if you hurt him, you'll have us to answer to." He tells them. "If you don't, welcome to the family," he smiles brightly. "We're a little crazy, but we love each other."
Albert and Spot nod.
Elmer smiles.
"Well, if you need me, I'll be by Specs and Davey." Crutchie turns to walk away.
Spot stops him.
Crutchie turns back to face him, raising an eyebrow.
Spot was silent for a moment, looking nervous. "Can we see him soon?" He asks after a moment, his voice quiet.
Crutchie smiles. "Yeah, when he wakes up." He answers. "For now," he pulls out his phone and pulls something up. "Here's him and Jacky a few minutes ago," Crutchie shows them a picture of Jack and Race asleep on the hospital bed.
Spot's eyes soften. He's so pretty.
Albert smiles. He's so cute.
Elmer bites back a smile. "I can't wait to meet him." He whispers.
Crutchie smiles, patting Elmer's shoulder as he puts his phone away. "You'll get to meet him soon, and you'll love him." He responds.
Elmer watches Crutchie bobble away, a smile on his face.
2416 Words
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