Chapter 102 - Ikeshot (Ike x Hotshot)
- Chapter 102 - Surrounded by his own Blood -
Warning: Death, blood, injury, breakdowns, funerals, sobbing
Canon Era
Third Person POV
A/N, so this is the Death Angst that I had as an option for the 100th chapter (: it was voted for by the lovely User-736 so here it is.
I'm so sorry for this is advance because when I'm sick, I say "you all shall suffer with me."
"Please, Ike!! Please stay awake!" Hotshot screams, shaking the boy to try to get him to stay awake.
Ike gagged, more blood escaping his mouth.
Hotshot panicked. "No, no, no, no, no, no." He whispers, wrapping his flannel more around the wound.
"I-" Ike chokes on his own blood.
"Ike, please!" Hotshot pleads with him, tears streaming down his face. "I can't live without you. Please, I can't!" He screams. "Stay awake!"
"Love y-" Ike's face got paler than it had been and his breathing got more shallow.
"No, no, you idiot!" Hotshot sobs as he smacks Ike's face to try to wake him up. "You're not dying like that! We're not doing the cheesy death with your last words being you love me!" He screams. "Please, Isaac!"
"Tell- M-Mik-" Ike choked up his own blood again.
"Ike, please!" Hotshot screams, shaking him to keep him awake.
"Hotshot!" He heard a voice yell.
Hotshot looks up.
Spot, Jack, and Mike were running towards him.
Mike was going the fastest, not because he was usually faster than Jack and Spot, but because he saw his twin lying in a pool of his own blood and his boyfriend sobbing as he held him.
"Ike!" Mike screams, his eyes wide.
Hotshot looks back at Ike, watching as his eyes roll into the back of his head. His eyes widen. "NO, NO!!" He screams.
Jack grabs Ike's hand to check his pulse. His eyes widen.
"Ike- Ike, no-" Mike chokes out a sob. "Please stay awake." He whimpers.
Jack shakes his head, tears filling his own eyes. "He- he's-" he starts.
Mike looks up at him, his brown eyes filled with tears. "Please, please tell me he's alive." He sobs. "Please tell me there's a chance we can still save him, Jacky!" He pleads with him.
Jack swallows a sob. "He's gone, Mike..." he whispers. "Ike's in Heaven now."
Mike's eyes widen and shock flooded through his body. He wanted to scream and he wanted to cry, but his body felt like it didn't know what to do other than to just sit there for a minute.
Hotshot on the other hand, took one last look at his dead boyfriend, before scrambling up and running away.
"Hotshot-" Spot starts, starting to go after him.
"Let him go." Jack whispers, stopping Spot. "He needs the space; his boyfriend did just die in his arms." He tells him quietly.
Spot looks back in the direction Hotshot had run off in, before sighing and nodding.
They both turn back to Mike.
Tears stream down the younger Guzman twin's face. "I-" he starts. "I- I-" he didn't know how to start.
Ike had always been the one who would start the sentences; Mike always finished them.
Now, Mike had to start and finish his own sentences.
Or maybe he could just not speak at all.
Yeah, that sounded nice to Mike.
Not speaking and not having to deal with anything. Letting his emotions leave him forever and not having to deal with them.
He could just forget everything, that would make everything so much easier.
But he couldn't. Mike couldn't just forget his twin.
Tears fill Mike's brown eyes and stream down his face. "I- I can't-" he whispers, just staring off into space.
He couldn't bring himself to even look at Ike.
Jack turns to Spot. "Get Race, get Kloppman, get Blink, and get Medda." He tells him.
Spot nods, knowing it was no time to fight with Jack. He turns on the heel of his foot and starts running towards the Manhattan Lodge.
Jack bends down next to Mike and Ike. He looks over at Ike, feeling a sting go through his heart.
Ike was laying in a pool of his own blood. It was red and it was just... there.
It was a picture that would surely haunt Jack in his dreams.
One of his brothers, laying in a pool of his own blood. Dead.
"Come here." Jack whispers, holding his arms open for Mike. "I got you. You don't have to know what to say or do; we'll figure this out together." He assures him.
Mike starts crying harder as Jack lifts him up.
Jack didn't know how he could pick Mike up, but he didn't care how much it hurt at the moment, he had to suck it up and get through it for Mike.
Mike was hurting more and Jack was gonna help him.
Jack looks back at Ike one more time, tears streaming down his cheeks, before turning and carrying Mike back to the Manhattan Lodge.
Mike just clung to him and on the way home, the only thing Jack asked was 'do you want to go to the bunk room or a room in private?' to which Mike responded with private.
A few days later
Jack, Race, Blink, Spot, Kloppman, and Medda had decided to hold a small funeral for Ike.
Medda gave the money to them.
Race and Blink set it up and ran errands for it together.
Jack and JoJo helped Mike leading up to the funeral, helping him eat and drink and helping him through the hard parts.
Spot tried to help Hotshot, but Hotshot stayed silent, didn't make eye contact, and didn't move.
That was, until the day of the funeral came.
All of the Manhattan and Brooklyn Newsies went to the funeral, and even some Bronx, Queens, and other Newsies from other boroughs.
Hotshot had looked like he was going to have a breakdown for the whole funeral and Mike was sobbing for the majority of it.
When they started burying Ike, Mike just clung to Jack and dig his face into Jack's shirt, not being able to watch.
There were a few Newsies who gave speeches and some not Newsies; Kloppman, Race, Spot, Dice, Jack, and Albert.
Medda said a few words, but mainly stayed quiet throughout the funeral.
The part that broke everyone was when Mike and Hotshot made eye contact.
Everything in Hotshot that had been stopping him from breaking broke.
Mike started sobbing and so did Hotshot.
Flashes of Ike surrounded by his blood shot through Hotshot's mind as he stared at Mike.
"I'm sorry." Was the last thing he managed to sob out, before he turned and took off, springing back to the Brooklyn Lodge.
Mike was devastated at the thought that his late twin's boyfriend couldn't bare to look at him, thinking he hated him.
It wasn't that; Hotshot just couldn't stand the idea that he got for even a split second when looking at Mike that he was Ike.
Because every time he saw Mike, he thought for only a moment that there was a chance that Ike was alive.
But he wasn't, and the realization was the thing that hurt Hotshot the most.
1254 Words
Sorry this is so sad and I know it could've been better, but I'm sick and can't write more.
How'd I do? Cause I know people tend to really like my angst, especially death angst. And no, this hasn't been proofread because I don't want to cry lol.
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