drowning in my own tears-Javey
A/N: I wrote this at like 2am so don't mind if crap doesn't make sense also yes the song I put was the one I listening to while I wrote this
Jack being the older brother he is often puts his brothers health mental and physical health before his he always wants to be the one to help no matter what because he finds comfort in being a leader and seeing the smile and joy on kids faces when he does little acts of kindness for them but sometimes like recently it becomes to much and he has to get out before he breaks.
Jack sat against the cold brick wall of his "penthouse in the sky" He often went here when he was stressed or just needing a break he came up here today because it was all to much every kid seemed like they needed something every second one right after the other but he loved them and even though he was tired and exhausted couldn't say no he couldn't bare to see the look on there face if he ever dared to say the word "no" to them.
although he tried so hard to keep the tears back to to keep the strong persona up he couldn't couldn't after the first one fell they just kept coming the next thing he knew he was curled up into a little ball sobbing his eyes out struggling to get air into his lungs.
Davey POV
I was downstairs talking with Race about going to see a show sometime since we barely hang out 1 on 1 after awhile of talking Albert came and "Stole" him from me I stood there for a little watching the chaos break out in the lodging house then I decided to go find Jack none of us have really seen him tonight I looked in the bunk room before deciding to go up on the roof or what he calls his "penthouse in the sky" I climbed the ladder leading up to the penthouse and once I stepped over the edge being careful not to fall I finally looked over to see a figure in a ball there knees up to there chest and head on there knees I knew it was Jack after seeing the moon illuminated brown messy hair.
I walked over to him and realized he was crying and shaking trying to get air in his lungs.
"Jack what's wrong?" I asked while I put my hand on this back rubbing little circles with my fingers he shakily lifted his head to look at me his face tear stained and his eyes red and puffy.
"I-it's all to much" he whispered his voice groggy and tired.
"What is?" I asked gently making sure not to push him to much.
He rubbed his eyes and sniffled trying to clear his nose before saying "taking care of the boys I mean I love them there my brothers I grew up with them I would do anything for them but sometimes it's all to much and it feels like I'm drowning in my own tears trying not to fall apart" he said tired in fact could tell how tired he was just by his voice.
"Jack it's okay to say no they know you love them and will always be there for them but no one can put 100% all the time your adding to much to your plate you need to rest" I said while wrapping my arms around his chest embracing him in a hug he let his body relax from how normally tense and alert he was we stayed there for a couple of minutes his head in the crook of my neck while his arms were gripping around my waist like I was going to disappear of the face of the earth I slowly felt his breathing even out and heard little snores and I smiled at my dorky adorable boyfriend I decided to attempt to lay down it took a little but I was laying down Jack on my chest with a spare blanket he kept up here when he would sleep here his arms were still around my waist while I stared at what we could see of the stars In New York while I slowly fell asleep myself.
A/N I honestly really like this!! hope you enjoy thank you so much for almost 200 reads that is crazy <3
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