You Give Him a Hicky
Requested by 135nacial what feels like forever ago. I am so sorry this took me so long! I could make a laundry list of excuses but that's a waste of everyone's precious time, hope you enjoy!!!
Thank you all so so much for all the support you give me, it makes my poor heart smile!
Without any further to do...You Give Him a Hicky...
"Jack." you whispered in his ear while he was still sleeping.
"Mm?" he responded only half cohearent.
You decide to try something bold that you haven't dared before. You mimicked what Jack had done so many times. You placed your lips flush against his neck right below his jaw and placed a kiss there, then nipped the skin jolting Jack out of his still half slumber.
"(Y/n)!" He gasped.
"What?" You have him a cheeky look that you learned from him.
"What are you doing?" He asked his voice hoarse with sleep.
"Returning a favor." You mumble before biting the same area again, a tad harder this time.
Jack moaned loudly. This was definitely new, but he sure as hell wasn't complaining.
"Hm, do you like that?" You mimicked the words he used on you soft as a purr in his ear.
Jack started to feel uncomfortable in the best way possible. He shifted somewhat uncomfortably under the sheets due to his arousal. "Yes." He whispered his voice turning from sleepy to extremely turned on.
You smiled very proud of yourself and sucked again at the mared skin.
Jack moaned and used his hands to weave into your hair pulling your lips closer. "Yes!" He groaned as you bit the evermore tender flesh yet again.
Seeing him in such a pleasured state just due to a little thing like this made you grow excited inside. You took his hands from your hair and pinned them above his head and straddle his stomach.
He gulped.
"Something wrong amore mio?" You cooed in a sickeningly sweet tone.
"No, nothing at all." He whispered. The darkening of his eyes spoke to his state of mind.
You hovered your lips centimeters from his skin below the first mark you'd made on his sun darkened skin.
Jack's breathing increased, he licked his lips inpatient with your sudden teasing he swallowed thickly and let out a whimper that sounded like "Please!"
You had to admit that was probably one of the sexiest things you'd heard from him yet, and there wasn't much about Jack Kelly that wasn't sexy. You rewarded his plea with a trail of bites down his neck followed up by kisses and flicks of your tongue all the while keeping his hands pinned above his head.
Jack wasn't used to playing the more submissive roll but he was starting to see why some guys really enjoyed it. But his dominant urges started boiling under the surface and he decided he'd had enough of this and wanted to please his lady now more as a thank you than anything.
It didn't take much to wiggle his hands out of her grip and work it so that now he was hovering over you with a special kind of sparkle in his eyes.
"Thank you, you wonderful woman!" He growled rubbing noses with you.
It was your turn to shiver with excitement.
"You're welcome, I'm pleased that you liked it." You giggled.
"You've been paying attention I see." He kissed the corners of your lips.
You giggled. "Yes, yes I have."
And the next couple hours were simply glorious!
The pair of you were just cuddling on the sofa at David's parent's place after Les had fallen asleep and you were waiting for his parents to get home from their anniversary date.
"Do you think they found someplace to fool around?" David asked checking his watch for what felt like the billionth time in twenty minutes. It was only 10:30 pm.
"I don't feel like thinking about that David." Sara scoffed from the rocking chair with her knitting over her baby bump. She was supposedly there as a chaperone for you two seeing as how the wedding was still 3 weeks away.
"Even though that's how that little bun in the oven happened?" David teased his sister unable to help himself.
"Oh please, that's entirely different." She scoffed again.
"Is it? To me it's equally repulsive to think about." He rolled his eyes and you giggled.
"Like you aren't going to be doing the exact same thing to (Y/n) in less than a month."
"Oh, but I actually enjoy thinking on that." He winked at you.
You blushed madly. "Hush." you batted a hand at him.
"You two are sinfully adorable." Sara giggled. "I'm going to go put on some water for tea, if you two want to engage in some light petting, I won't tell." She winked standing up and making her way to the kitchen.
You both were red from her comment. But you were the first to recover undoing a couple of the buttons to David's shirt so you could brush your fingers over his collarbone.
David shivered. "(Y/n)," He whispered breathily.
"Hm?" You looked up at him innocently.
"What are you doing?" His voice was a bit raspy.
"Listening to your sister." You winked placing a kiss to the normally covered skin and that gave you a simply brilliant idea! You nipped the area with your teeth.
David gasped. "(Y/n), what are you thinking?" He hissed trying not to be loud.
"I'm giving you some overdue attention." You winked before lovering your head to begin sucking at the skin to leave a mark.
David hissed again, oh how he wanted to moan, but he knew that was not an option with his two siblings in such close proximity. "(Y/n), you are torturing me." He groaned into your ear.
His reaction made you giggle.
"Am I?" You cooed.
"Yes, very much so."
So you did what was absolutely necessary and bit down a little harder.
David bit down on his own hand to stifle his pleasure.
"You poor boy." you mumbled against the skin before kissing the mark sweetly. "Ok, no more torture." You sighed.
"Thank you." He sighed with relief.
You giggled again before running your thumb over his bottom lip staring at it with a longing expression.
David's breath hitched at the contact. He took the opportunity to cup your face and kiss you tenderly.
The kiss was soft and innocent, although your hand wandered to brush over your handywork and David moaned into your mouth with delight.
The kiss was cut short by Sara clearing her throat. So the two of you once again a blushing mess continued to sit with each other talking with Sara until their parents finally made it home.
Kid Blink
"Can I try something?" You kissed Blink on the cheek.
"Of course, you can try anything you wish." He chuckled. You never asked before doing anything, so he was more than curious as to what you were up to.
Suddenly, he felt teeth pinch his jaw, and he froze for a brief second. It wasn't until after several more bites down his neck that he realized what she was up to.
"(Y/n)," He gasped "That feels heavenly!" He moaned as you started to suck at the bitemark close to the hollow of his neck.
"Mm, now you know how I feel when you do that." You grinned proud of yourself.
"Boy do I." He grinned at you.
"Now shut up unless it's a pleasure noise." You teased him.
"Bossy." He chuckled.
"You love it." You winked.
"That I do, that I do." Blink pecked your lips.
"Mm," You hummed as he decided to turn the peck into a deeper kiss.
He smiled and kissed you even deeper forgetting the fact that you'd just left visible marks all down the one side of his neck.
Frankly he really didn't care. And that was the best part.
You didn't typically go out of your way to be bold with Spot. There was an unspoken rule of sorts that that was just his job. It was yours to enjoy it. And enjoy it you did.
But every once in a while to get his attention in a different way, because you always had Spot's attention, you would steal one of his tricks and you both were never not pleased with the outcome.
It was a rainy Saturday evening and after dinner, he wanted to smoke per usual, but you didn't let him smoke in the apartment because of the baby. But since it was rainy, he couldn't go outside, and he hated smoking in the hallway, he said it made him feel like one of the cheap hookers in Bottle alley over in Manhattan, and he didn't want to get drenched going down the street to a bar.
So you knew you needed to distract him.
Once he finally sat down from pacing, you saw your chance, you sat down in his lap and straddled him hiking up your skirts in the process.
Before he could even open his mouth to ask what you were doing, you attached your lips to the base of his neck and began sucking hard.
Spot froze more than he already was. It wasn't until you actually bit him rather playfully that any sound came from him to indicate you weren't merely kissing a corpse.
He moaned relatively loudly his eyes shutting in pleasure and his head rolled back exposing more of his neck as his hands firmly gripped your waist.
Pleased with the reaction, you continued downward undoing his buttons as you went. You left a trail down to his navel. Spot wasn't entirely sure how to process the pleasure he was experiencing under your teeth and tongue.
You set a pattern of nip and tug, suck, flick of your tongue, bite and tug again, flick of the tongue, suck, blow air, then move down.
His ragged breaths and groans, moans and begging for more signaled you must be doing something right.
"The sight of the powerful Spot Conlin begging for more is quite a spectacle." You teased unable to help yourself.
Unable to open his eyes, he just nodded his head panting hard.
"So you really enjoyed that?" You stroked his jaw.
He growled lowly.
"Hm, I'll take that as a yes." You giggled.
"Damn straight." He snorted still with his eyes shut.
"Good!" You got off his lap and started walking to the two of your's room.
"Wait. Where in the hell do you think you're going?!"
"To wait for you stalk naked." You decided.
That sure got his eyes to snap open fast you noted.
"Good." He nodded waiting a few minutes before joining you.
You loved giving Mush marks, it was some deep down urge that sometimes was too strong to ignore.
One day Mush as soon as he walked through the door he was met by the smell of baked cabbage and he scrunched up his nose. That was definitely one of the worst smells in the world.
"Babe, why cabbage?" He whined as he found you by the stove. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your neck.
You turned around in his arms and got up on your tippy toes to peck his lips. "You can thank the neighbor for that love. Her stove broke."
Mush groaned. "So I have to live with the smell and I don't even get to eat any?"
"Mhm." You hummed.
He grumbled some more.
This was one of those times where he was just being so adorable that you couldn't just do nothing. So you stroked his jaw and kissed his pulse point.
Mush chuckled. "Someone knows what she wants." he hummed sliding his hands into your hair slowly as you started to kiss up his jaw.
"You are adorable." You nipped his skin.
He groaned in pleasure. "Thanks."
"No problem." You kissed between his collar bones.
"Mm, good." he growled tugging your hair gently.
"Ooh!" You exclaimed happily before sucking the last place you had kissed.
Mush's breath hitched.
"Someone likes it when I do this." You teased your beloved husband.
"That I do." He sighed happily but yelped slightly as you nipped his skin.
"Good, because I wanna do this all night." You purred.
"You wanna kiss me all night?"
"Mm, and other things." You winked at him.
"Well looks like we have plans for the night now Mrs. Meyers" He grinned.
"That we do Mr. Meyers." You winked at him. "But after dinner." You turned back around to spoon him a bowl of soup.
"Crutchy," You cooed peppering his face with gentle kisses trying to rouse him out of the nightmare he was currently having.
"Hu? What? Where is he?!" He bolted upright.
"You were having a bad dream." You informed him. "Everything is ok, you are safe."
He continued taking deep breaths to calm himself and he pulled you into his arms stroking your hair as if you were his security blanket.
You held onto him whispering, reassuring him, stroking his face tenderly.
"Don't leave me." He pleaded tears slipping from his gorgeous eyes.
Your heart shattered into a million pieces.
"Oh Crutchie, I could never in a million lifetimes leave you!" You kissed his neck gently. "Damion, listen to me love, I am never leaving!" You nuzzled his neck with your nose.
"Really?" He sniffled. "But-"
"No, buts, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I would be insane to ever even think of leaving." You sucked gently at his Adam's apple.
His sniffing turned to a moan.
You grinned at his positive reaction. "Do you believe me?" You cooed sucking below his jaw this time.
"Mhm!" He hummed happily, the horrid memories of the dream being overrode by the sensation.
"Good," You kissed his lips tenderly.
"I love you." He whispered against your lips.
"I love you too." You smiled rubbing noses with him.
"Can we? I need..." He blushed an adorable light pink.
"No need to be embarrassed Damian." You stroked his cheek softly.
No matter how many times the two of you made love, he still felt awkward asking randomly when he felt the urge.
"All you need to do is ask sweetheart." You assured him sucking lower on his jaw.
"Can I make you mine?" He whispered voice raspy.
"Only if you'll be mine as well." You winked.
"Always." He whispered reverently.
"As I am always yours."
"I know, It's just hard for a gimp like me to to get used to."
"You'd better, because I'm not going anywhere."
"Thank you." He peppered your face with kisses before showing you several times just how loved you were by him and just how grateful he really was.
"You would think that one would never get to sleep." You sighed crawling into bed and snuggling up against your husband.
"Maybe we should give him some warm milk before bed." Race wrapped his arms around you and you burrowed your face into his soft bare chest. His smell was so comforting it wasn't even funny.
"The cow's milk gives him such bad gas, he hardly sleeps a wink." You sighed drawing closer to Race if that were possible.
"Poor kid. Your milk isn't doing the trick anymore?" Race twirled a lock of your hair around one of his fingers.
"Mm, Sometimes, I just think he only needs one nap anymore." You kissed his warm chest adoringly.
"That probably would do the trick." Race agreed. "So, uh, you still have any?" He asked. The cheeky man.
You bit him pretty hard. Not entirely sure what else to do in your semi tired state.
Race yelped. " What was that for?" He pouted.
"Being cheeky." You kissed the bite mark hoping to maybe make it better.
"For that I get bit? And hard?" He scoffed.
"Don't pretend like you don't like it." You whispered.
"I wouldn't dream of it!" He smiled stroking your hair.
"Good." You sucked at the offended area.
"What a lovely reminder." He teased you.
"Shut it." You pinched his side.
He laughed this time, kissing the top of your head.
You scooted up in his arms as to peck his lips.
His eyes were darker than usual you noted.
Suddenly in a hoarse whisper, Race practically begged "kiss me."
And sure enough that's what you did. That and a few other pleasurable activities. Before your one year old son started crying again.
As you scrambled to find you robe, Race kept ogling your bare bum and slapped it a time or two. Each time you would squeal happily then glare at him and mutter about how you needed to get to the baby.
"Don't" Boots whispered hesitantly as you began sucking at his neck after the two of you had just had a delightful time in the throws of marital passion.
"Are you sure?" You whispered. "I really want to." You assured him if that was his hold up.
"You do?" Boots raised an eyebrow.
"Mhm, most assuredly." You began to make another mark on his skin causing him to moan.
"I think you like this." You whispered in his ear.
"I think I do." Boots whispered back.
So you raked your teeth across the two existing bites and he shivered and moaned.
"Oh! Yes, That feels incredible!" He let himself enjoy the sensation you were more than willing to offer.
"Should I do this more often?" You flicked your tongue against one of the sensitive areas.
"Oh, yes please!" Boots tugged at your hair.
"That can be arranged." you smirked.
"Thank heaven!" He sighed happily making you giggle.
"Come on Boots." You whispered in his ear before nipping it.
That caught his attention even more and he moved to hover over you.
"Time for payback." He winked.
"I'm looking forward to it." You winked back and squealed happily as he attacked your neck.
"Specs, what is that?" Your brother asked pointing to Specs' collar as the two of you walked through the door to your family's apartment.
Specs glanced down and blushed slightly. "A token of endearment that you would know nothing about." He fielded wonderfully.
"I've given plenty of girls hicky's why in the hell do you have one?" Your brother scoffed.
"It's called none of your business." Specs scoffed.
Your brother rolled his eyes and went back to eating his bowl of soup.
You kissed Specs' cheek and he kissed your hand. "Thank you for earlier." Specs smiled.
"It was my pleasure." You giggled fining his lips one last peck before he tuned to leave with a goodby to you and your brother.
Earlier, you and Specs had been sitting under a tree in the park, and suddenly you found each other staring at the other's lips, but since you were attempting to just enjoy each other's presence, you desperately tried to not kiss the other party, but it was an impossible feat and within seconds you both ended up giving in and kissing frantically.
Breaking apart for air became necessary at one point, but your hungry lips still wanted more, so you undid the top couple buttons of Spec's shirt and payed attention to the pale skin overlying his collarbone.
Sucking at it perhaps more roughly than you had been at his lips moments previous. He moaned quietly trying not to draw attention to the pair of you, but that did no good.
An elderly woman had spotted you and proceed to give you a lecture about proper etiquette in a public park.
So after apologizing profusely, you both walked hand in hand back to your family's apartment where you were confronted by your nosy brother. Fun times. There never was a dull moment with you two.
"Where do you think you're going?" Skittery secured his grip around you as you tried to get out of bed.
"To go make coffee." You assured your husband pecking his nose.
He grumbled. "Not yet. Please." Skittery pouted.
He was adorable, how could you deny him anything? "What do you have in mind Skit?" You ran your fingers against his chest.
"Just time with my wife if that's ok." He kissed your forehead.
You giggled. "Sounds great."
Skittery hummed happily as he nuzzled his nose in your hair inhaling deeply. "How is it you smell so good?"
"Well I think you smell amazing too." You hummed trailing a finger down his neck.
Skittery shivered and his brow furrowed.
"Something wrong?" You cooed.
"No. That just always feels good. So good." He kissed your lips tenderly.
"I'm glad. I'd be disappointed if it didn't." You smiled against his lips.
"True." Skittery chuckled.
You giggled again and kissed his chin.
"Love you." He caressed your jaw with his thumb.
"Love you!" You began to suck gently at Skittery's neck.
"Not there." He whispered. And you pouted. But understood why he didn't want a visible mark on his neck. It wouldn't look good to their guests. So you shimmied down a bit and kissed below his left nipple.
He shivered and growled lowly.
You knew you were definitely in the right place. A brief question of if men found pleasure from their nipples like women crossed your mind, so you pinched it. And sure enough, his body arched off the bed and he moaned loudly.
You smirked with an even greater idea and nipped it. His eyes shot open as he growled and his hands found their way to your hair.
Skittery himself was surprised at the pleasure he was feeling.
You smirked proud of yourself pinching it between thumb and pointer finger.
"(Y/n)!" Skittery hissed.
"Yes?" You looked up at him with a cheeky expression.
Skittery chuckled. "You drive me crazy." He whispered.
"Good." You winked and went back to suck roughly below the nipple leaving an angry looking mark.
Skittery moaned all the while.
You smirked looking at the mark and nipped it for good measure sending Skittery to howl.
"Ok?" You asked him skimming back up to pepper his face with kisses.
He nodded his head.
"I'm going to go make that coffee now." You pecked his lips one more time and got out of bed before he could protest again. You knew you'd left him with a bit of an issue, but where's the fun if you'd had helped him with that.
"Are you sure your ok with this?" Bumlets asked as you nosed at his neck.
"I wouldn't have asked if I could if I didn't want to." You winked at him kissing down his jaw. Bumlets slid a hand into your hair as you did so.
"Only if you're sure."
"What's the big deal any how? You do it all the time." You pouted.
"But that's different."
"How is it different?" you kissed down Bumlets neck.
"Well. It's just that I've never been given a hicky before." Bumlets blushed.
"Well then it's time for that to change! You'll love it!" You squealed with excitement. "Unless you don't want me to that it." You pouted at your boyfriend.
"No! Do it!" He assured you.
You squealed again and chose a patch of his tanned lower neck and kissed it with feathery lightness.
Bumlets shivered.
You ran your thumb over the area and then replaced the thumb with your lips sucking eager to make him moan like he did to you.
And moan he did! "You're right." He whispered in a chuckle. He moaned again as you flicked your tongue around it, the wetness sending a shiver deep into his bones.
"Can I use my teeth?" You didn't want to if it would make Bumlets uncomfortable.
"Oh please!" He egged you on squeezing your waist.
"Then that's settled." And you nipped the area.
He groaned happily eyes shut and head rearing back.
You smiled happily moving to press a tender kiss to his lips.
"More." He whispered against your lips as he caressed your face.
"Where?" You giggled breathily.
"Anywhere any time." He whispered before devouring your lips in a heated passion.
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