the rules and how to " play it "
I noticed how people get confused with this and ask " when we get sucked in how are u suppose to play it ? " warning , REALLY long explanation ! U have been warned
--------- How u collect items ---------
During the book , when we defeat a monster , we get a item that the monster dropped , like Minecraft.
Example : we just killed a slime monster , so we end up with a bow supposedly , it will say in front of u " u earned this bow ! Congratulations ! " some items will be wearable or a weapon. Sometimes , a potion to revive yourself ( will be talking about that later )
------ How to fight a monster or boss ------
There will be fights and combat with bosses. So , we have to defeat them and as we were talking about , we get items from them. They can attack but when your name hovers around u , it's your turn to attack the enemy. You take turns with your group till u defeat it or get a game over. The game over screen looks like this :
u CAN continue it but when u reach 1 in a game over , u have to restart the level u were on before u met the monster. Same thing goes for bosses.
----- rest -----
Later on in the game we will have during the first boss battle , we have a cute rich girl who leads u to a mansion.
U have a door that has a box that asks " enter ? " and u can go in or out anytime. She is basically the person that let's u in to sleep. This is the screen that asks u if u want to sleep now
This is my room :
If u do wan to sleep , u will get a screen that says this :
And u are ready for the next day !
------ Heath and regeneration -----
When u fight a monster , and get a item , might have a regeneration potion. That is REALLY important ! When u fight a monster or boss , u have 10 hearts up above the screen. When they attack u , u loose half of your health. When u have no hearts , u get a game over. So u REALLY are gonna need that potion for the future reasons.
---- FOOOOODDD! ---- ( yas ! )
The healing potion isn't the only thing that regenerates u , food does too. When you fight a monster for someone ( there will be a village in this game ) they will offer food and items. When u have food , u can heal yourself. It's also very helpful. Be wise with it thou ! If u eat all of your food and don't save any and u have no potions , your in for some bad luck ! So make sure u save some of your food.
example : u killed a skeleton for a villager and they give u a apple.
----- Changing your character's profile -----
When u go to the mansion , u can ask the the girl ( her name is Anabeth ) for something to wear , she will give u some clothes. There will be a box saying " u have achieved a new outfit ! " and u can go to your profile and change your outfits.
-----Save points -----
When u are in a level , u see a scroll
and it says " save point " and where u are. U click on it and it will save where u are. So if u die , u can go back to where u are.
---- Levels and the areas ----
Your goal ( in the book ) is to find a way out and defeat the final boss. These are the areas where the levels are and where the bosses are :
# 1. Crystal cove , where u fight a giant Paraná !
#2 . cloudtopia ( stupid I know , can't think of any names lol )
Where u fight a giant creature made out of clouds
#3. Mount pines
Where u fight a evil tree boss. He is a normal tree , but when he is in a fight , he looks like this
#4. Crystal castle
Where u fight a evil witch
And final level , #5. Castle lunar
where u fight a GIANT stone monster
Have fun with my book series " my world is a video game , LITERALLY ! " I hope one day this becomes a real video game and becomes popular. Till then , those are the rules ! Bye !
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