Tuesday morning and the principal shocked us by asking us to wear cheque. Cheque was a phrase of our house wear that we wear every afternoon and on weekends, it served as our house wear and it's made from checkered materials.
We were currently seating in the dining and we waited for further instructions so as to know where we are going and what we are going to do. Toluwalase has been grumbling since while Crystal has been reading one of my novels. I already finished everything yesterday night so I've given them to Crystal.
Mr. Ajagbe walked to the podium and the whole dining hall went silent. Mr Ajagbe isn't someone you mess with in BHS if you don't want to be ruined. He's the principal's PA and every decisions depends on him. He's not close to any student and he doesn't even have a favorite student.
We all watched him walk to the front of the class with his baggy trouser big enough to sew trousers for six other people. His tailor obviously loved wasting materials or the clothes were hand-me-down, because no way a man would buy a trouser this big for himself.
"Good morning oh, greatest bhsites" He greeted in his thick yoruba accent. I wonder why he doesn't reach Yoruba in BHS because that man can't make a whole speech without speaking yoruba at all.
"Good morning sir" the whole hall thundered back and he smiled. His smile meant we were about to go through some untold hardship and he derived joy from showing his power.
"Your principal said you guys will clean every classrooms in BHS and when second weekers resume, they will cut grass. Everyone will work except the prefects and you're not to clean your own class.
Ọmọ t'oba fẹ sunkún, he shouldn't do as he's told" He climbed down from the podium and senior Dunmininu Drey walked towards him.
My breaths hitched for a moment as I took in his appearance today. His cheque shirt was sticking to his body and a silver wristwatch that screamed money was on his wrist. He was whispering something fiercely to Mr Ajagbe and the man nodded.
"Stop staring at him like you want to swallow him babe" Toluwalase whispered fiercely but i heard anyways and i lowered my gaze. I don't want him finding out about the little crush.
Senior Dunmininu Drey climbed the podium and the whole school went silent. He naturally commanded attention wherever he went to and he doesn't even need speaker to make his voice audible, his natural voice is very thick.
"Good morning everyone, please move to your classes and the prefects will come to your class soon. I will like for everyone to please respect theirselves and comply to the principal's instructions, SS3 included. Thank you" He climbed down and everyone started walking out of the dining hall towards the classroom area.
We've settled in class before his Royal Majesty decided to grace us with his presence, beside him was senior Tofunmi. Senior Tofunmi Babalola is one of BHS finest girls and she's the head girl. She and my crush have been friends for as long as I can remember but they're not dating. She has a boyfriend and everyone knows how much he loves her.
"Have you guys selected your class captain yet or has any teacher chosen any subject rep?" He asked without even replying our greetings and i raised my hands. He looked pissed and i don't want to get on his bad side.
"Hey you raising your hands, are you the class captain or a subject rep?" He asked and i felt on top of the world. That's the first word he has ever said to me since I've known him. I should even be grateful that senior Dunmininu Drey was speaking to me.
"Subject rep senior" I replied and he looked at me for a while and my cheeks heated up. I knew he was probably looking at me maybe I fit the role or something but my stupid head decides to conclude that he's checking me out.
"Well, you're the new class captain of this class. If any teacher comes, tell them I chose you" He replied before asking me to list out the names of everyone present and divide them into four.
He walked to the back of the class where Crystal sat with the rest of the girls and he pinched her cheeks. The neutral look on his face was gone and in it's place was a smile. A real smile that showcased his dimples.
Omdzzzz, I want him so much.
"Ehn ehn, big mummy gave us chocolate to share but I've eaten it" Dunmininu told her and Crystal gasped dramatically. He stuck out his tongue at her and she gave him the middle finger.
"You're a thief and I'm going to tell bug mummy that you didn't give me anything. Thief oshi" Crystal grumbled and he laughed more. They looked adorable but he will look more finer with me.
"Dunmininu, see my new friend. Her name's Gbemi and she even gave me novels. Shebi she's cute?" Crystal added and I tried hard not to turn red in embarrassment. I can't believe Crystal is trying to introduce us.
I didn't hear his reply because crystal screamed before hitting his head. He groaned at the contact of her hand with his head and she said something about him being mannerless.
I stood up from my seat and i walked to where they sat. Senior Tofunmi already left and he was seating on Crystal's laps.
"Here senior Dunmininu" I handed him the list and he put it inside his pocket before turning to me.
"So you're the new girl in Crystal's geng. I hope you can survive shaa because all this girls are witches especially Lase" He said with a smile and I smiled back. Senior Dunmininu Drey was smiling at me for the first time.
This new year is really good.
"You guys aren't going to clean anywhere, just stay here and don't leave. If any prefect comes, tell them you're cleaning principal quarters" He said before proceeding to walk out of the class. Everyone kept on repeating thank you senior till he left and we were all jubilating.
My crush just saved everyone from working. Wahala for who no get crush.
Ezra was walking back to the class with me after he escorted me to the kiosk and we were talking about something different from bacteria for the first time. We were talking about a girl. Wonder shall never end.
"You see ehn, Gbemi I like this girl in our class, scratch that i love her sef but i feel like we are not in the same level or something. What if she rejects me in a terrible manner or she finds me weird? Before I've been ignoring the feelings for a while now and I feel like I should make the move or what do you think?" He asked and I chuckled. I never thought I will see this day that Olanrewaju Ezra is not talking about bacteria or something weird.
"You know half of the school haven't resumed yet and now's the time to make your move before someone else does. Who knows if someone's coming with a plan" I replied and he nodded slowly before patting my shoulder.
"I knew i could talk to you" He added before running off in direction of the chemistry lab
This boy is too weird, i wonder how Crystal likes him.
I entered the class to sit with the girls and Tolu reached out for my maryland cookies. Maryam dragged it from her hand and they decided to share it equally.
We were talking about Korean movies before Ezra walked towards us. Crystal picked up a novel she wasn't reading and pretended to be reading while Tolu and Maryam kept on laughing.
"Good afternoon girls. Crystal please can we talk for a moment outside?" Ezra asked and Crystal was shocked. She turned to look at me before replying sure and she walked outside with Ezra.
A Crystal and Ezra ship is about to sail.
Late night update for my sugars 🥺🥺♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Wahala for who no get sugars 😂😂😂😂
Voooottttteeee and commmeeennnntttt please 🥺🥺🥺🥺♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Hera 💒💒
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