The past and the present, whats the difference?
Authors note!
This takes place after they come back from the Zabuza mission with Haku and all. THIS IS MADE UP AND not part of the plot, so this is copyright This is while the 3rd hokage is still alive.
I hope you can forgive me!! My schedule has been really busy recently and I have a lot of pressure on my shoulders due to some stuff! I hope you can forgive me! With that please enjoy this chapter<3 I promise I'll update a lot more, a lot quicker!!!!
We walk through the forest. There's a weight on my shoulders. A weight has been lifted off but with the solemn nature of our last missin I can't help but feel a little off.
'The last mission was intense' I write nervously. Desperate to break the morbid silence that had overcome us all.
"Gosh, it was! I was absolutely terrified! Sasuke was dying and Naruto was... It was insane," Sakura shivers at the unpleasant memory, "And you were lying with blood all over the place! I was so scared... Well, at least " Yes I agree, I was so scared Sasuke was dead and you were just lying there an unconscious state. Oh well we are all alive..." Sakura mutters.
'I sucked, I lay around uselessly, I'm sorry.' Disappointment settles in my gut, I was really useless.
"No! You shouldn't apologise, none of us blame you for blacking out, you're head injury was really bad."
"Naruto was awesome..." I write with a hint of pride.
Then it all went wrong.
Blocking our path was an all too familiar face, someone who I had desperately hoped wouldnt turn up, someone who haunted my nightmares. Someone who still held so much power over me.
Anxiety and fear crawl up my sine and nonononononononononononononononononono
Not today, not tomorrow never.
No. Not him. Why? Why? Is he here now, why is he here!!!
I'm screaming in my head and I don't believe this is happeneing.
No. Please.
Kill me...
It's Orochimaru.
"What do you want and who are you?" Kakaski Sensei growls, eye wary and sharp.
"Oh I'm just checking up on an old friend. " He smiles, sly and carefree as if he wasn't ripping out my heart with his words.
"Old friend, you'll find no friends here!" Sakura glares at him, "What do you mean by friend, don;t be ridiculous!"
"Oh Misa can tell you!" He pauses before smiling to himself, "Oh wait, she can't. I guess I should help her, shouldn't I?"
I wrench forward towards him, reaching to cover his mouth but he pushes me back.
"Misa here used to be an old experiment of mine, still is. It's really ironic isn't it? She ran off after she killed her brother and sister. Perhaps if she hadn't been born they would have lived, but what can you do? She went a little of the hooks, delirium or insanity. The villagers thought she'd gone mad, thought she was some kind of monster, so they went for her siblings too. They didn't want to risk anything! I don't really know much else, it's a shame she left you know? I could have harvested her organs, but now her sights destroyed and I don't believe she can even utter a word."
Tremors had broken out across my body and the sound of my heartbeat filled my ears. For a singular second everything was utterly still as I slowly processed his words.
Then a thousand memories I never wanted to touch again resurfaced and the fear, the disgust, the sound of arrows whistling past my ears, the feeling of warm blood staining my skin and cold, cold bodies on the floor...
I dropped to my knees and a long wailing shriek wrenched itself from my throat. The first noise in years. The people around me were thrown against the surrounding trees and I could hear the sound of bodies slumping against the floor.
No. A burst of uncontrollable energy resounded and fizzed beneath my skin. A sharp ringing sound broke out and I could see my vision beginning to blur. The sound grew louder and louder and the ache, the deep hollow ache, strengthened. A whirlpool of unfamiliar emotion coursed through me and I had the strangest sensation of being separated from my body. As if my consciousness was quickly breaking under the strength of something bigger. More powerful. Something more dangerous than I could ever anticipate.
And I was breaking under the pressure of a million mountains and there was something pouring outof my body, something reaching up to the sun.
The weather was going haywire. Strong winds leapt out of nowhere, blowing harshly in all direction. The cloud darkened and heavy rain started to beat down upon the earth and lightning streaked at indecisive intervals.
Orochimaru's face twisted into a snarl, "What is this! I was sure you hadn't passed the test, all the results were-!" He yelled out in anger. "Damn, you're too uncontrollable, you're not worth chasing. You probably never were! I'm leaving, I don't have the energy to clean up messes like you!" He strode away quickly before disappearing.
I reached out towards his fading back, blaack dots blurred my vision and the ringing sound had morphed itself into something else.
"Misa!" Sakura got up quickly, dashing towards me. And for a moment I hoped everything was going to be fine. that Sakura would reach me and dust away the dots, hush the screaming in my ear. But a tree was wrenched out by the roots and smashed into her. She was fluung like a ragdol across the grass and rolled over a few time before lying still.
She was bleeding.
"Sakura!" Kakashi sensei hastily ran up to her, checking her injury.
Then a strike of darkened lightning flung itself down, Kakashi shielded Sakura, taking the brunt force. The lightning disappeared, Kakashi knocked out cold.
"No! Wai-" My voice broke in two, haorse from lack of usage but still so ppowerful. The sound of my voice twisted into a high pitched shrieking that flooded my head and I jerked in pain. My consciousness was going and I couldn't even utter a word of warning before I was enveloped in something disgustingly warm and safe.
What have you done, Orochimaru? Have you left me, left me once again to rot here? I won't allow it. I won't allow it! Come BacK tO mE!! Don'T yOu LeAvE ME WiTh NoTHinG! CoME AnD PAy FoR YoUR SinS!! I'lL DeSTroY YoU, I'lL DesTrOy EvERY LaST BiT Of YOu!
There's someone screaming in my ear, a younger voice, filled with rage and desperation. It's mine. I can feel my younger self wrapping her arms around me. the sensation of bloodied skina dn little bits of flesh stuck to fingernails traces up my arms and she whispers in my ear.
DoN't woRRy, DOn't WOrrY. WE'Re gOInG tO GEt hIM ThIS TiME RoUND, We'll FINd HiM EvENTUaLLY, We'LL JusT HavE To Keep GoIng!
DoN'T StOP! I'LL JUst Take CaRE Of Us, YoU JusT StaY HeRE, I'LlFiND HiM, We WiLL GeT OuR REVEngE, OuR RiGHT!
And I sank into warmth and safety as she dropped me into a sea of darkness. I feel the light from her eyes shine upon me and her smile, determined to get what we want, glittered down at me.
It didn't sound to bad, getting what had always been ours, didn't sound too bad at all.
The last thing i remeber was her opening my mouth, freeing my voice and saying, "DoN'T WoRRy EVerYBoDY, I'm JuST LOoKINg FoR SOmEBOdY! BuT If YoU CAn't teLL mE WheRE hE iS I'lL Just CruSH You TOO<3"
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