Suki Kazaki
Little Sakura by her parents
Piercings + Tattoos
On her thigh and up towards her stomach she has a curling vine of wisteria. It snakes around the circumference of her left thigh, curling down slightly past her mid thigh. It curls up towards her hip before ending where the waistline of her pants would sit. The tattoo is plain linework with minimal shading. Suki's ears are pierced but she hasn't pierced anything else yet.
Suki has a plethora of scars on her body, primarily from her training and from a few missions that didn't go entirely her way. The most notable scar is located from her left collar bone up towards the crook of her neck. It healed remarkably well due to Shoko's intervention but it still left a mildly noticeable scar if one were to stare too long. The other main scar is located on her back, it looks almost as though the woman were slashed across the back multiple times with either claws or a blade. It occurred when she was 14 and training with one of her masters, she'd been sent out on a mission to prove she was learning things and the cursed spirit happened to get the jump on her.
Body Type
Suki has a pear body type. Overall she is quite athletic due to her training with weaponry. The most notable areas are her core and upper body muscles from years of working with her swords and other weaponry. Suki is a D cup.
Suki stands at 5'10.
She was born on April 2nd, 1988
Face Claim
Akina Nakamori
Voice Claim
Mizu from Blue Eye Samurai
Suki is a reserved individual due to her introverted nature, she prefers to watch and observe when she can rather than being the center of attention. She often comes across as distant and aloof, not due to a lack of interest in other people, but because she isn't as well versed in social situations as she should be. Due to Suki's observant nature it has led to her being incredibly perceptive towards the people around her, allowing her a bit of insight into who they are as a person. Suki is hyper critical of her own actions, always second guessing if she's doing the right thing, leading her to be hesitant to interact with others. She is incredibly empathetic, wanting to do almost anything to help the people around her. Once she opens up to the people around her she can be quite sweet, wanting to brighten peoples' days often with a sweet treat or a compliment if she's comfortable with them.
Suki grew up in the heart of Tokyo, used to the bustling of the city, and the curses that came with it. As a child, whose father held out information, she was certain she was going insane due to how many she would see. For quite a few years she went about her life as normal, trying to ignore how she saw the world, in order to stop her parents from worrying about her. Akira would always notice her lingering stares at the curses, knowing he wouldn't be able to hide it from her forever. When she was 12, she witnessed her father exercising a curse that had settled on her mother's shoulders. At that moment she knew her father had been hiding things from the family, she caught him off guard one night, threatening to tell the whole family about it if he didn't give her answers. The man reluctantly shared their family lineage with the girl, telling her about Sorcerers and curses. He begged the girl to ignore them, not wanting her to join the world he'd been so desperate to leave behind. Suki didn't want to, she wanted to become a sorcerer and to help people with what she could see and do. Her father begrudgingly taught her everything he'd learned from his own father and enrolled her in Tokyo Jujitsu High when she was old enough. Suki quickly found she excelled with using cursed tools, finding her passion in wielding them. She was given an amazing opportunity during her first year to spend her time traveling and learning from masters of different cursed tools. Suki took it with glee, happy to expand her knowledge and to help out in different areas.
During the time she spent traveling she went to many different areas, but the main one she stayed at was located in rural Japan with a swordsmith named Hinata who had long since retired from being a sorcerer. Hinata had been an unforgiving master, pushing Suki to her limits. In the three years they shared he forged her into a weapon who was practically unstoppable in battle. During her first year with Hinata the man sent her into the woods to deal with a cursed spirit, leading to her almost dying and the scars on her back. She'd been knocked off the side of a cliff, taking the curse with her. Although the fall and fight had injured her greatly, she still managed to exercise the curse. Hinata had believed it to be a lower grade, one that she wouldn't struggle with, but would give her a proper idea if she truly wanted to be a sorcerer. She spent the night at the bottom of the cliff, after resetting her shoulder into its socket. In the morning she climbed out, making it back to the hut, promptly being put on bed rest due to the severity of her injuries.
During her time at Tokyo Jujitsu High she became close friends with Nanami and Shoko, finding comfort in the two. She would be home for stretches of about a month at a time, in order to prove to the higher ups that she was learning things as she traveled. She was fine with Saturo and Suguru, but she never made a real connection with the two due to how close they were. She would occasionally spar with Saturo when forced, but she tried to avoid it as much as possible, due to his personality and tendency to put up Limitless.
Suki is a Grade One Sorcerer
Cursed Techniques
Ethereal Echo
Suki is able to create a mirror image of herself that can act independently and perform various actions. These phantoms can become indistinguishable from the real sorcerer with enough practice. Suki has gotten good enough that she can create two well made mimics, and three somewhat decent mimics.
Suki is able to coordinate attacks with her illusions, allowing her an upper hand in hand to hand combat.
Mirror Trap
By synchronizing with her illusions, Suki can trap opponents in a special loop where they are forced to confront Suki and her mimics over and over again in almost the exact same sequence of events.
Cursed Weapon
Ethereal Whisper
A special grade cursed katana that has been passed down Suki's family for generations. Ethereal Whisper is designed to enhance the user's existing illusion-based techniques, such as Ethereal Echo. Ethereal Whisper is capable of forming in each echo's hands during the fight as long as it remains on Suki's body in some form.
Ethereal Whisper's blade is an almost translucent silver, with a subtle, shifting glow. It emits a soft glow when it is released from it's guard, giving it an almost ethereal appearance. The guard is beautifully designed metal, creating a web-like pattern of thin metal filaments that intersect and overlap out towards the edge of the guard. The handle is wrapped in a dark, iridescent silk that seems to almost shift in color when you're not paying attention.
Domain Expansion
Labyrinth of Echoes
When Suki's domain is activated it creates a vast, shifting labyrinth that can distort space and perception. The labyrinth will constantly rearrange itself, making it almost impossible to navigate or locate Suki.
Domain Features
Eternal Maze
The domain generates an intricate labyrinth that continually reconfigures itself. Overall the labyrinth changes in unpredictable fashion, it is unlikely that someone trapped in her domain would be able to find a path, but there is always potential they could.
Echoing Shadows
Within Suki's domain, sounds are amplified and distorted. This means that the echoes can be heard from multiple directions, giving limited chances for a group to reconnect with each other.
Perceptual Distorion
The domain warps visual and spatial perception, this causes depth and distance to become unreliable, making navigation and targeting challenging.
Labyrinthine Convergence
Allows Suki to manipulate the layout of the labyrinth to direct opponents into traps or advantage positions.
Domain Weaknesses
While Labyrinth of Echoes is highly effective at disorienting opponents it requires a significant amount of cursed energy to maintain. Suki uses it only in emergencies due to the amount of cursed energy it requires and how drained she is after it. Strong-willed opponents or someone who's abilities counteract illusions and distortions might still be able to navigate or resist the effects of the labyrinth.
Suki hardly wears a proper uniform anymore unless she is forced. She had a basic uniform when she was in school, consisting of the typical female student uniform. She now primarily wears flowy pants that seem to resemble a skirt and decent shirts if she has to be at Tokyo Jujitsu High or Kyoto Jujitsu High, but other than that she will wear standard clothes on missions that she won't miss if they get ruined. She enjoys wearing her skirt pants and will incorporate them into most of her daily outfits when she's not doing her sorcerer duties. She is also into the Misa Amane style, occasionally sporting the outfits when she's certain she won't see her coworkers. (I'm not sure what branch of alt to classify it as so I'm not)
Father: Akira Kazaki
Akira comes from a small line of Jujitsu Sorcerers, most choosing to ignore their cursed energy and living normal lives. Akira had been a decent sorcerer in his youth, leaving sorcery when he found out Sayuri was pregnant with Suki, he had always disliked being a sorcerer but it was the push he needed. He tried his hardest to shield his family from curses and ever finding out about their lineage. Akira is a slightly distant father, he's not quite sure how to treat his children or the proper way to be involved. He tries his hardest to look out and provide where he can. He is currently 47, living in Tokyo with his wife and their daughter Atsumi.
Mother: Sayuri Kazaki
Sayuri was born into a normal family that lacked cursed energy in their bloodline. She remains unaware of the jujitsu world, due to her husband's secrets and Suki's hesitance to tell her mother. Sayuri is an overprotective parent, often trying to meddle in her childrens' lives to set them up for success. She is currently age 46, living in Tokyo with her husband and their daughter Atsumi.
Little Sister: Atsumi "Sumi" Kazaki
Atsumi, or Sumi as Suki likes to call her, is currently 18 and living at home with her parents while she attends college. She still isn't sure why she wasn't allowed to go to the "random rich kid school" her sister went to, she has no idea about curses. Sumi is going to be a marine biologist. She is as close as she can be to Suki, given the two have a 10 year age gap, they call frequently and Suki often puts forth money for Atsumi's tuition, wanting to support her as much as possible.
Suki isn't overly close to anyone but she has remained good friends with Shoko and Nanami, checking in with the two of them frequently. She gets along fine with most people, but those are the only two she'd classify as actual friends.
Love Interest
Satoru Gojo
Suki will occasionally pop into the schools in order to give some one on one training with the students only when requested by the principals. She gets along well with Maki as she is often brought in to do one on one with her to help her master different cursed tools.
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