Chapter 6
Stephanie's POV
A rainy Tuesday morning makes me take a disappointed breath. Not only because the slight possibility that I might get wet from the rain and that I absolutely hate it. But also that it's a little colder today and the twins have to go to daycare. We are all going out of the house early today, so they have to go.
Jonah is finally better after the weekend and I just really don't want him to get sick again.
The elevator doors open up and as I step out I see a few people scurrying away in different directions. They probably thought I'm not coming in today but I have to be here. I have a meeting with a client and I have a meeting with all the new interns.
I haven't even met all of them because they are mostly two floors down. I also didn't interview all of them because I didn't have the time.
But today I will definitely see all of them.
"Good morning Mrs Woods" my assistant says as he jumps up from his seat.
"Good morning Colton, can you please check if Bernice is in already?"
"She just went to the break room ma'am" he quickly answers and hands me all the messages from yesterday.
"Thank you" I nod my head and walk into my office to put my bags down.
I immediately turn back to walk out because I want to talk to Bernice about our meeting later this morning. I sent her an email yesterday with a few notes but it's beter if we talk about it face to face. And I could use a cup of coffee. I would prefer coffee from my own machine in my office but atleast I'll have company in the break room.
I walk down the hallway and greet a few people along the way. I almost never go to the break room and they're all probably a little confused as to why I am walking this way.
As I open the door I see a few people inside, drinking their first cup of the day. They all greet me with a polite smile but they struggle to hold eye contact with me and I don't know why.
I glance around the room and I see Bernice at the back counter talking to someone who I actually don't know.
I walk straight up to them and Bernice does a double take in my direction. "Oh hi" she smiles.
"Hey Berni" I smile.
"Good morning Mrs Woods" the other woman greets me and I take a few seconds trying to remember her but I have no idea who she is.
"Good morning, how are you doing?" I smile.
"I'm doing good thanks" she nods with a small smile and then turns to Bernice. "I'll come see you a little later about that form."
"Okay, I'll see you later." Bernice smiles and the woman walks away.
"That is Christina from accounting." She laughs, clearly seeing my confusion.
"Thank you" I chuckle in slight embarrassment and lean against the counter next to her.
"You don't have to know everyone" she smiles. "But what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to come talk to you and I need some coffee." I say and walk over to the coffee machine.
"Everything is set for ten o'clock. I just have to print out the last few reports. Then you can do your thing."
"Thank you Bernice" I smile in appreciation as I pour myself some coffee.
"Your welcome Steph" she smiles back at me. "It's my job you know" she softly chuckles.
"I know, but still" I say and we take a seat at one of the tables.
"Are we having coffee here?" She frowns.
"I haven't been here in a while" I shrug. "Why are you here? You also have coffee in your office?"
"Yes I do but again, it's my job to travel around the office. See if everyone is okay."
"Okay, fair enough" I shrug and take a sip of my coffee.
Just before she could say anything else her phone starts ringing and she excuses herself from the table.
My eyes glance around the room and I see a young woman way at the back busy typing on her computer. I don't recognize her either which probably means she is one of the interns. They are all up on my floor for the meeting today.
A few seconds go by and the door opens up with three men walking in. They all have coffee already and they immediately go for the couch area, almost right in front of me.
"This break room is much better then ours"
I watch the one guy with slightly red hair say as he looks around the room. This made me realize that they are also interns from downstairs which makes me keep listening to their conversation.
They clearly haven't seen me or anyone else in the break room and I'm relieved because I'm not the mood for smalltalk.
"Hopefully one day we will be up here as well." The blonde guy next to him, says with a big smirk.
"Let's see how this report meeting goes first. I heard boss lady isn't one to mess with." The red head laughs again and this makes me sit back in my chair with a smirk on my face because he is absolutely right.
"Well she's never here so I don't think she can do anything." Now the other blonde guy gives his opinion and I just softly laugh at his statement.
"As long as our seniors are satisfied with our work, then I don't think she can do anything." He continues with a confident smirk.
"I haven't even met her, I have no idea what she looks like." The red head laughs.
"I've also never seen her"
"Me neither. I don't think that's very professional of her." The blonde guy says with a disapproving look. "We've been here two weeks and she hasn't even introduced herself to us."
"She is probably sitting in her big house, drinking fucking margaritas the whole day. She doesn't care what goes on around here."
"Sorry" Bernice suddenly talks behind me and sits down in her chair again.
"Are these also interns?" I ask her in a low voice.
"Yes" she nods and also talks in a low voice.
I only nod and look back at them, to hear the rest of their conversation.
"Isn't Mileah your partner?" The blonde guy turns to the redhead with a questionable look.
"Yeah why?"
"She's over there" he points to the young woman I saw earlier.
"Oh, she's probably typing some statements from our clients yesterday." He chuckles and takes a sip of his coffe.
"Don't you have to help her?"
"I hate the paperwork and I know she will do it anyway. I told her I'm not a very fast typer and I don't know how the printer works" he laughs. "She does everything for me"
"Oh gosh" Bernice sighs beside me and I see her taking out a piece of paper and pen from her bag.
"I see why you come here now" I nod my head in understanding. "This is very interesting."
"I have the names ready for you" she says and also starts writing on the paper in front of her.
I give her a small smile and stand up from my chair. I walk to the front of the couch and put on my best smile.
"Good morning" I say as they all look up to me.
"Good morning" the red haired guy is the first to greet me back with a polite smile.
"Sorry, I overheard your conversation just now and I would like to apologize for not introducing myself yet. My name is Stephanie Woods" I smile and watch the blood drain from the face of the blonde guy go politely shakes my hand first.
They all stand up immediately but stay quiet as I shake each of their hands.
"Sitting over there is Bernice from human resources." I smile and point to her sitting at the table. "You are more than welcome to talk to her about my drinking problem or my lack of attendance at work."
"Mrs Woods-"
"Oh no please don't say anything else" I cut the blonde guy off with a slight chuckle. "Your voice is fucking irritating"
With that I turn around and walk out before I say something I could get in trouble for.
As I walk through the hallway to my office I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down.
I can't believe this is how my morning started. This is exactly why I don't want to be involved with the interns.
I don't have time for this shit.
I walk into my office but I wasn't alone for very long.
"You have to stay calm Steph" I hear Bernice behind me and she closes the door.
"This is me being calm Bernice" I say in a low voice and take a seat behind my desk.
"I'll get you their files" she says and starts walking back to the door.
"Thank you"
I can hear some murmured talking as I near the conference room and just as I walk through the door the whole room goes quiet.
"Good morning everyone" I smile politely and let my eyes glance around the room. "Please have a seat" I nod and take my usual seat at the one end of the table.
I open up my files and I can feel the nerves in the room. This is the first time all the interns are in a meeting with me and this is also where I evaluate their performance reports over the last two weeks.
Their assigned seniors has written reports on them and in this meeting I go through every single one.
It's normal for them to feel a little nervous because their future is in my hands.
It's not my favorite meeting in the world but it has to be done.
"Oh before we start" I say and look up at everyone before I glance down at the paper that Bernice gave me. "Niall, Henson and Charlie, could you please stand up." I say in a blunt tone and look back up.
A few seconds later all three of them slowly stand up from their chairs.
"I'm going to use you as an example real quickly okay" I smile and sit back in my chair.
"Next time you have something to say about me or my company, grow a pair and come say it to my fucking face."
Everyone in the room goes dead quiet and the three of them just stand completely still.
"I don't have the time or patience for egotistical men who thinks the world revolves around them. Grow the fuck up and do what you are hired to do."
I take my attention away from them and look around the room. "Is there anyone else that has doubts in my ability to run this firm?" I ask with a slightly raised tone.
They all just shake their heads, to scared to say anything.
"If you are here to waste my time, you should leave now." I sigh and wait a few seconds in case there is anyone who wants to leave.
"Okay then" I take a deep breath and sit forward again to get the first report ready.
"You three can leave my conference room, thank you"
After the three hour meeting, I finally get some peace and quiet in my office as I take a seat at my desk.
I get my phone out and quickly type a message to my wives.
Extra couch cuddles tonight? 💕
I put my phone down and take a sip from my water as I get ready to do some work.
Just as I start typing an email, there is a knock on my door and I take a deep breath before I call out. "Come in"
The door opens up but I keep my eyes down on my computer screen.
"Mrs Woods?"
"Colton?" I ask in a deadpan way without looking up.
"There is-"
"Hey Steph"
I immediately look up to see Dylan standing in my doorway.
"Dylan?" I smile and stand up from my chair.
"Sorry, I didn't call" he says a bit hesitant. "Are you busy? I can come back anoth-"
"No it's fine, please come in." I smile and give him a tight hug. "I could use a break."
"Thank you Colton" I nod at my assistant and he closes the door as he walks out.
"How are you doing? Are you ok?" I ask him as we walk over to my desk.
"Yeah, I'm doing great. I just want to talk to you about something, if that's okay?" He says with a nervous smile.
"Of course" I smile and sit back in my chair. "What's up?"
"Uhmm" he chuckles and moves a bit forward in the chair. "I'm actually a little nervous to say it."
"Okay but you being nervous makes me more worried so just tell me what's going on." I state in a rather serious tone.
He let's out a deep breath and this time I sit forward in my chair, waiting for him to tell me what the fuck is going on.
"I want to propose to Sam"
I frown of confusion sits between my eyes because I didn't expect him to say that. I honestly thought he is caught in some crazy shit and now he needs money to pay his debt.
"No wait" he cuts me off. "I know what you are going to say." He sighs. "You think we are too young and I might be rushing into this but I love her Steph. I don't want to lose her."
I sit back in my chair and wait for him to continue because I can see he has some built up emotions and thoughts about this. So I want him to get it out.
"I came to you because I know you will give me rational advice where Alex will probably yell at me or something."
"She won't yell at you Dylan"
"Yeah right" he chuckles. "Do you remember the speech she gave me when Sam and I moved in together?"
"Okay, fair enough" I nod in agreement because I remember exactly how that went.
My sweet Alex isn't doing so well with the thought of Dylan growing up. She will never admit it but she doesn't want anyone else to take care of him.
She is very protective over him and we all know why.
She basically raised him into the man he is today and now he is becoming more independent of her. He is living his own life and she isn't taking it very well.
And now we know how she will be, if not worse when our kids grow up and move out of the house.
"Look, I am not going to tell you what to do with your life but are you sure you want to do this now?" I ask him in a gentle voice. "You are both still in college?"
"I know but it's our last year." he quickly objects. "I don't want to get married right now, I just want to be engaged to her. Just some kind of promise that she'll be mine forever."
"Do you think she might have doubts about your relationship?" I frown. "Because proposing is definitely not the way to fix that."
"No, I don't think she has doubts or anything. "
"Is she pregnant?" I ask with a serious tone.
"What? No" he laughs. "We are very carefu-"
"No" I cut him off. "I don't need anything more than a simple yes or no answer, thank you."
"Okay" he laughs. "But no, she's not pregnant."
"Okay, because we both know your sister will probably yell at you about that if that was the case." I laugh but in my heart I know she'll step up and support him without a doubt.
We all will.
"Yeah, I know" he laughs a little nervously. "But do you really think she won't be mad at me for wanting to do this?"
"I think you should sit down and talk to her about it. Explain to her why you want to do this because it's a really big decision. But just a heads up, she is definitely going to say something about you still being in college and not having a job yet."
He groans and slumps down in the chair.
"It's a valid point Dylan and I know you have thought about it too. Why can't you just wait a few more months?"
"I guess I can" he sighs. "I should've gone to Maya first, she would've said go for it."
"No she wouldn't have" I laugh with confidence because I know my wife.
"Okay fine, she wouldn't have" he rolls his eyes with a sigh of defeat.
"But this is your life Dylan, you can do whatever you want. All I'm saying is, just take a few days and think about it. But really think about it." I say in a sincere but also serious tone.
"Okay" he nods his head with a small smile. "Does this count as client confidentiality?"
"If you pay me, yes" I smirk because I knew this was coming.
He doesn't want me to tell Alex about our conversation and I understand that but we don't have secrets. I don't like keeping things from my wives and certainly not something that involves our family members.
The truth always comes out and then she will be mad at me.
"Fuck" he laughs.
"I can keep it to myself for a few days, but whatever you decide, you have to tell her."
"I know"
After a tiring and long day at work, I finally walk into the house. I take a breath of relief from the smell of Maya's food and as I look up I see her laying on the couch in the kitchen.
"Hey baby" she smiles and puts down her phone, ready to stand up to greet me.
"No wait" I stop her and walk a little faster towards her.
I put my bags down and take my blazer off. She gives me a knowing smile as my shoes come off and she lays back against the couch waiting for me.
She reaches out to me with open arms and I immediately make myself comfortable right on top of her.
I let out a satisfying breath and hide my face in her neck.
"Are you okay?" She whispers and holds me tight in her arms.
"Yeah" I breathe out and enjoy her holding me. "I just had a long day."
"I'm sorry sweetheart" she whispers and softly kisses my head.
"And I missed you"
"I missed you too" she groans. "Let's all just quit our jobs and stay home all day."
I let out a small chuckle and kiss her neck a few times before I lift myself up to look at her.
"What happened at work?" She asks me in a sincere voice and her hands reach up to cup my face.
I hold the answer in the back of my mind because her beauty has my full attention at the moment. I smile at the caring look in her eyes and just lean closer to give her a lingering kiss on her lips.
She holds me close but a few seconds into the kiss I feel her smiling against my lips.
"I know you are trying to distract me" she mumbles against my lips.
"No I'm not" I whisper with a smirk and kiss her again.
"Stephanie Woods" she grits through her teeth and grabs my throat to push me away.
"Ohhh" I moan in a breathless voice and smirk as I grind my hips into hers.
"Lovey!" she gasps in laughter and takes her hand away.
"I'm just joking baby" I laugh and give her one last passionate kiss before I move over, sitting next to her. "Can we talk about it later?"
"Okay" she says with slight disappointment but I appreciate her not pushing me to talk about it now.
"I could use some good news though" I say in a low voice and reach over to hold her hand. "Is Jonah okay?"
"He's fine sweetheart" she smiles and moves a little closer to me for comfort. "I was also a little worried about the weather, but he is fine."
"Okay, thank goodness" I sigh in relief and let my head rest on her shoulder.
"They are both upstairs with Alex, she got home about ten minutes before you."
"And you waited for me?" I say in a playfully flustered manner.
"Of course" she shrugs and I can hear the smugness in her voice.
"Thank you sweetheart" I chuckle and squeeze her thigh.
A few minutes of comforting kisses and her just rubbing my back, I hear Alex's voice coming down the stairs.
"I'll give you some water now bubba"
I smile at the gentleness in her tone and wait for them to come into the kitchen.
"Oh hi honey" Alex says with a big smile as soon as she sees me.
"Hey baby" I smile back and lift my head from Maya's shoulder.
"Look mommy Steph is home." she looks down at the twins on the other side of the counter.
She points in our direction and just as I slide off the couch to sit on the floor, Riley and Jonah comes around the counter.
"Hello my babies" I squeal a little and hold my arms open as they run towards me.
I catch them both in a hug and rest back against the couch as they climb on top of me.
"Jonah's bottle fell in the hallway" Alex talks with an amusing smile as she walks over to us with another bottle of water. "And he wasn't happy when his toes got wet." She laughs and takes a seat on the edge of the couch between Maya's legs.
"I've also seen him react to that" I say and look up at them. "He really hates that."
"I also don't like it" Maya chuckles and rubs her hands over Alex's back.
"We know baby" Alex chuckles back at her before she stands up.
"Hi baby" she smiles and leans down to give me a kiss. "Are you okay?"
"No" I sigh and let my head fall back against the couch. "I feel like a horrible boss."
"Why?" Maya sits up closer to me.
"What happened Steph?" Alex asks me as she puts the twins in their chairs for dinner.
"I fired three interns today" I say and take my seat back on the couch next to Maya.
"Well you couldn't have fired them without a good reason, so you are definitely not a horrible boss."
"I definitely had enough reason" I breathe out and close my eyes for a few seconds.
"You are the sexiest boss in the world." Maya breaks the short silence and I open my eyes when I feel her lips against mine.
"You both are" Alex comments from the counter as she gets the food ready for the twins.
I only smile and cuddle my way into Maya's body.
I don't want to tell my wives about the things they said about me because I just want a peaceful night with my family. If I tell them they would react exactly like I did.
"Well apparently I'm not a good wife." Maya chuckles and looks over at Alex on the other side of the counter.
"I did not say that!" She yells with a frustrated laughter. "Maya, stop"
"Okay, okay" Maya smiles. "I'm sorry"
"Why are you a bad wife?" I chuckle in interest and sit up to look at her.
"I only said she hasn't been to the hospital to visit me, in a while." Alex is the first to answer me and then looks at Maya. "I know you are busy baby, and I didn't mean anything by it, I just said it because I love it when you come to visit me."
"I'll come to visit you this week, I promise" she smiles.
"You can come visit me too" I say with a wide smile.
"Okayyy" she whines. "You are making me feel bad"
"Ahhh" I pout and wrap my arms around her, kissing her cheek. "You don't have to feel bad" I whisper and she turns her head to me. "We still love you, even if you don't care about us."
"Steph!" Alex yells and Maya's mouth falls open in shock.
"I'm joking sweetheart" I laugh and grab her face for multiple kisses.
She lets me have them for a few seconds before a hard punch lands in my side. I pull away with a groan and she just shakes her head with a amusing smile on her face.
"I'll only come visit you at work if you promise to fuck me in your office." She smirks and glances between me and Alex.
"That's not a problem for me"
"Definitely not"
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