Chapter 4
Maya's POV
I walk downstairs with Jonah's pacifier and I sigh when I hear him still crying. He woke up very unhappy this morning which is a little concerning and confusing because he didn't cry during the night. We woke them up this morning and a few minutes later he just started crying.
He didn't want a bottle, Alex changed his diaper and he also didn't want his favourite blanket.
I really don't know what's wrong with him today.
I walk into the kitchen and see Stephanie holding him in her arms. His cries are still heartbreaking but hopefully he will calm down in a bit.
I give her the pacifier and she gives me an appreciative smile before she gives it to him.
"I found it!"
I turn around and see Alex running into the kitchen with her thermometer. She holds it to his ear but he cries and pulls his head away.
"Come on bubba, let me help you please?" She pleads and keeps trying to take his temperature.
"Okay I'll hold his head" Stephanie says and as she sways with him she quickly pushes his head down into her neck.
He screams his heart out and Alex puts the device into his ear for a few seconds.
"I'm sorry baby" she says in a low voice and let's him go as Alex takes it out.
I feel two little arms wrap around my leg and I look down at Riley who has her comforting blanket right against her chest.
I immediately bend down and sit next to her on the ground. She steps in between my legs and lays her head against my shoulder.
"Jonah is just a little sick sweetheart" I whisper and kiss her head. "But mommy is going to make him feel better okay."
She doesn't say anything and just cuddles her blanket. She is definitely affected by his emotional state because he hasn't stopped crying for atleast forty-five minutes.
"Okay, yeah he has a fever" Alex sighs and walks towards the medicine cabinet.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" Stephanie looks down at me and Riley.
"I'm okay mommy" I smile and give Riley a few comforting kisses on her cheek. "But I think I'm going to take her outside."
I stand up and pick Riley up in my arms. I walk closer to Stephanie and reach out to Jonah.
"Ah my little boy" I whisper and run my hand softly over his back.
He turns to look at me and my heart breaks at his upsetting cries. The tears are running down his face and I fucking hate that.
"Mommy Alex is going to make you feel better, I promise." I say in a gentle tone.
"Yes I am" Alex comes up from behind me. "Only if we can get him to drink this."
"Okay, he is going to scream now, we'll be outside." I say and start walking to the living room, to go outside.
"Oh Riley, what a beautiful day huh?" I smile and walk with her to the steps that lead to the lawn.
I take a seat on the steps and put her down on the grass in front of me. "Give mommy your sucky" I say and take it out of her mouth.
She holds onto me as she stands between my legs but I can see her eyes wondering all around the yard. I grab her blanket and also put it beside me, hoping she will forget about it.
She is definitely upset about Jonah and her blanket brings her comfort but I want her to think about something else. I brought her outside as a distraction till Jonah is feeling better.
"You want to go look at the flowers?" I ask her and rub up and down her little body.
"Yes mommy" she says in a low voice and takes my hand.
I stand up and we walk over the grass. I see her looking at the pool but the cover is on and she doesn't understand where the water is.
I know she'll get curious any second so I guide her to the garden against the back wall.
She lets go of my hand and bends down to pick up a flower petal. "Look mommy."
"Oh it's beautiful" I exclaim my excitement and bend down closer to her.
She gives me the one petal and goes to pick up another one. I can see the excitement in her eyes with every petal she gives me and it's the sweetest thing.
After a handful of petals and no more left of the ground we keep walking along the garden. She calls out to show me every flower she sees and I give her all my attention with the biggest smile on my face.
I follow behind her as we walk around the whole backyard. We go through the side gate by the garage and make our way to the front of the house.
She runs around the front lawn as I chase after her. It makes her laugh her little heart out and I will do anything she wants because it beats the quiet little girl she was about half an hour ago.
"Okay, I can't catch you" I say and fall down on the grass. "You are to fast sweetheart."
She laughs and runs straight into my arms. I lay her down on my lap and tickle her whole body.
"No mommy" she laughs and try to push my hands away.
"Good morning Maya."
I look up and see Mr and Mrs Miller walking on the sidewalk. They live in a beautiful house down the street and they walk to the park every morning. They are both retired and taking a walk is one of their daily activities.
We've seen them at the park on multiple occasions and they adore Jonah and Riley. Mr Miller always wants to push them on the swings and the kids absolutely loves it.
I think he misses his own grandchildren so much because I know his daughter lives in Canada and they only come to visit over Christmas holidays.
"Good morning" I wave to them. "Riley say good morning"
Riley stands up beside me and gets a little shy. "Goo morning" she says in a low voice and gives them a small little wave.
"Good morning sweetheart. How are you doing this morning?" Mrs Miller asks as they come walking up the driveway.
"Say, I'm doing good Mrs Miller but my brother is a bit sick this morning" I say with a slight sigh and stand up from the grass.
"Oh no" they both frown. "What's wrong?"
"He just woke up and couldn't stop crying. Alex and Stephanie are inside getting his fever down. So I brought Riley outside just to distract her a bit." I smile and look down at Riley who is holding onto my hand.
"Ah shame poor Jonah, I hope he feels better soon." Mrs Miller says with concern.
"I hope so too, thank you" I smile. "We should probably go see if he is okay huh?" I look down at Riley but she didn't hear a word I said.
She is hiding halfway behind my leg, just looking at the two people in front of us.
She is always shy at first but as soon as you start playing with her, you are her best friend.
"Yes of course, we won't keep you." Mr Miller says and they start walking back down the driveway.
"Good luck with Jonah and send my love to Alex and Steph." Mrs Miller says with a small wave.
"I will" I smile and bend down to Riley. "Say, have a nice day"
"Bye Riley" they wave from the street.
"Bye" she almost yells and gives them a big wave.
"Well someone is happy that they are leaving." I mumble in laughter before I stand up. "Let's go back inside."
We walk around the side of the house but we quickly make a stop to pick two flowers. Just as we open the side gate Alex stands on the other side holding her heart.
"Baby, you scared me. Where did you go?" She asks taking a breath of relief.
She must have seen the blanket on the steps but couldn't find us in the backyard. Her instincts lead her to this gate, probably to come look in the front yard and she would've found us there.
"Mommy fower"
We both look down at Riley as she holds out the two flowers in her hands.
"Ah that is beautiful" Alex smiles and bends down in front of us. "Thank you sweetheart." She takes the flower and gives her a kiss on the head.
"How is Jonah doing?" I ask her as we start walking back around the house.
"His fever hasn't gone down yet but he isn't crying anymore." She sighs.
"But he'll be okay right?" I ask her with a slight concerned tone.
Whenever the twins are sick I always think about the worst case scenario. I'm always ready to take them to the hospital because I don't know what to do. They can't tell us what is wrong, they just cry. How am I supposed to know what to do?
"He's okay baby" she puts her arm around my waist. "He just needs some extra cuddling today." She whispers and kisses the side of my head.
"I could do that" I mumble with a small smile.
She smiles and laces her fingers with mine as a comforting gesture.
"Riley, go get your blanket on the steps." Alex points out to where it's laying on the ground.
We stop at the door and watch Riley look over the patio deck. At first she doesn't understand but a few seconds later she sees her favorite piece of material and run out to go get it.
"Good job, princess"
"You are so smart" we both praise her and she giggles on her way back to us.
We walk into the house and see Stephanie sitting on the couch with Jonah laying on her chest. He isn't sleeping but not hearing his heartbreaking cries is a huge relief.
Riley follows Alex into the kitchen and I make my way around the couch towards them.
"Hi my handsome boy" I say in a soft tone and sit down next to Stephanie.
He has his pacifier for comfort and he doesn't lift up his head but his hand reaches out to me and I immediately grab it. His eyes are tired from crying and his cheeks are still a little red from the fever but he looks very comfortable laying on Stephanie.
"I feel a little better mommy" Stephanie whispers and softly kisses his head.
"I can see that" I smile and bring his little hand to my lips for a kiss.
"Do you want to hold him?" She asks me in a gentle tone.
"No baby, it's okay. Don't disturb him." I stop her with a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Jonah, do you want to go to mommy Maya?" She asks and looks down at him.
He immediately lifts his head with a soft hmm and Stephanie gives him over to me.
I sit back against the couch and he immediately lays his head down on my shoulder. I softly rub his back and also take a deep relieving breath. Just holding his little body against mine and actually feeling like I'm helping him, makes me feel a lot better.
"Mr and Mrs Miller sends their love" I say to Stephanie in a low voice with a small smile.
"So we can expect a plate of cookies this afternoon?" She says in a jokingly manner.
"Yeah probably" I chuckle.
Mrs Miller loves to send us all kinds of baked goods. We really appreciate it but sometimes the chef in me is a little critical. With every bite I analyze her baking skills. Sometimes it's not so bad but other times it's just sad.
Alex and Stephanie get mad at me for judging her because it's a really nice gesture and I totally agree but I'm just not going to eat it.
The doorbell rings and Stephanie sits up, looking at her watch. "Oh shit, it's ten o'clock."
"Is that our first interview?" I ask as she stands up from the couch.
"If she's on time, then yes" she chuckles and walks out the living room.
I stand up from the couch but keep Jonah steady against my chest. "We're just going to sit here ok" I whisper to him and walk over to the dining room table.
Just before I sit down he lifts up his head to look up at me. He spits out his pacifier and grabs onto my sweater.
"Mommy I thisty"
"Okay, let's go get you some water" I whisper and kiss his head as I walk with him to the kitchen.
Alex and Riley are not in the kitchen anymore and I assume they also went to see who is at the front door.
I gently put Jonah up on the counter and turn to the fridge for a bottle of his water.
I give it to him and he immediately starts drinking some of his water. I'm really happy to see him actually taking something in.
"In the kitchen!" I yell back to Alex but keep my hands on either side of his body, making sure he doesn't fall off the counter.
A few seconds later she comes walking into the kitchen. "Oh, is he drinking some water?" She smiles and walks over to us.
"Yes mommy"
"That's good news buddy" she bends down and gives him a kiss. "Our first interview is here" she whispers and looks up at me.
"First impression?" I whisper with a curious look.
"Hmm, she's okay" she shrugs and takes a bottle of water out from the fridge. "Maybe a little too young"
I softly chuckle at her statement and pick Jonah up from the counter.
It's true that Alex and I have been a little picky about finding a babysitter for the twins. Stephanie is getting a little frustrated with us because she goes through a lot of trouble in arranging the interviews, just for us to find something wrong with each one of them.
But we promised her we will choose one today otherwise she will make the decision on her own.
I take Jonah in my arms again and walk with Alex out to the dining room.
I see a girl standing at the one end of the table and she immediately looks at us as.
She does look a little young but I'm trying not to focus on that now. I'll wait till after the interview. Maybe she's the perfect candidate even if she is a little younger then the others we've met.
"And this is our other wife, Maya" Stephanie introduces me and I smile at her.
"Hi, my name is Abigail, but you can call me Abby." She smiles and I reach out to shake her hand.
"It's nice to meet you, welcome" I smile and turn my body a bit to the side. "And this is Jonah"
"Hi, Jonah. It's nice to meet you" she says in a low voice and bends down a little to look at him.
We all take a seat down at table and I let Jonah get comfortable laying on my chest again.
"You have a beautiful home"
"Thank you so much" Alex answers as she takes a seat between me and Stephanie.
"Okay Abby" Stephanie leans back in her chair and I smile a little at the lawyer look on her face.
"Tell us a little about yourself" she requests with a gentle tone but her hand is ready to write everything down on the paper in front of her.
Abby starts talking but my eyes are glued on Stephanie. I always love seeing this side of her. She was born to be a lawyer and even though some days are really tough on her, she absolutely loves it.
And she looks fucking good doing it.
I didn't really hear what Abby said until I heard Alex softly chuckle beside me and I focus my attention back to what we are actually here for.
Stephanie goes on to explain that even though the advert said it was a full-time position, she won't have to work everyday.
At the time we just want someone to look after them in the afternoons if we are not home or if we can't give them our full attention. Sometimes Stephanie works from home but she can't handle both of them, especially when they want to play.
Also the twins don't go to daycare everyday and untill now we've moved our schedules around to make sure someone is home on the days they don't go. So we need someone on those days to watch over them.
It has been really difficult sometimes to arrange our days to make it work, so we definitely need some help.
She also wouldn't have to come in if Alex has a day off but Alex can only tell her a week in advance. So we kept it a full-time position because her working hours won't be the same every week and we know it's not ideal but hopefully it will work for someone.
And by the looks of it she seems okay with it.
"That is perfectly fine with me, I study online so it will definitely work for me" she nods her head.
"You are also more than welcome to do you studying here if we might need you the whole day" Alex suggests with a gentle smile.
"Okay. that would be great. Thank you so much" she nods in appreciation.
"Okay, I don't have any more questions. Lovies?" Stephanie turns to me and Alex.
"I'm good" I smile.
"Me too" Alex follows my statement.
"Okay" Stephanie says and stands up from her chair. "We will let you know by the end of the day."
"Thank you so much for having me" Abby smiles and stands up as well.
"I'm just going to stay here, but it was nice to meet you." I smile and give her a polite nod.
"It was nice to meet you too" she smiles and I watch her walk out with my wives. Riley immediately runs after them, curious to see where they are going.
I can't really hear their conversation from here but my attention goes to Jonah anyway. He fell asleep during the interview and I don't want to wake him up by moving my seating position.
He is a very heavy sleeper and it takes a lot to wake him up. Whenever he takes a nap, we go on as we normally would. We don't need to whisper for his sake.
Riley is a different story though.
After a few minutes of silence and hearing the slow, steady breathing of my little boy, my wives decided to come running into the dining room.
I watch them both literally jump over the couch and get out of view. I softly chuckle at what's happening because I know why they are hiding.
I look towards the kitchen where Riley is calling on us. I can't see her yet but she will come around the counter any second.
"We are definitely the best parents in the world" I laugh in a sarcastic tone.
I hear them both giggle on the couch and I see Riley coming towards the dining room table. She looks around the room and actually bends down to look under the table.
"Go look on the couch bubba" I smile at her confused state.
"Mommy!" She yells a bit louder and her lips starts to quiver.
"Lovies, come on. She's going to cry" I say and look back towards the couch.
"Riley!" They both jump up from behind the couch and I watch Riley run towards them.
She laughs and reaches out to them as they lean over the back of the couch to reassure her that it was only a game.
I just sit and softly run my hands over Jonah's back, hoping this little game didn't disturb his sleep.
They both come back to the table and this time Stephanie takes a seat up on the table and reaches out to get her phone. Alex takes her seat next to me again and it wasn't long till a loving hand comes to rest on my thigh.
"Are you okay sitting like that honey?" She asks in a gentle tone.
"As long as he is sleeping, I'm not moving."
"Oh, my parents asked if they can come over for dinner tonight?" Stephanie speaks up and we both look up at her.
"Yes they c-"
"Not tonight please" Alex cuts me off in a soft whine.
"What's wrong baby?" Stephanie chuckles with a small frown.
"I want to have sex"
Stephanie and I both start laughing at the desperate expression on her face and I'm sure Stephanie is just as shocked about her answer as me.
"We can still have sex after they leave" I suggest and squeeze her hand.
"No, they will stay till late and then we will be tired." She groans. "After we put the kids down for the night, I want to be naked in bed with you." She states in a rather serious tone. "And no watching a movie or just one episode of something. Just sex"
Stephanie and I share an amusing look but even though we were laughing at her, deep down we all feel the same. Alex was just the first to say it out loud.
We never really schedule our sexy time because it just happens naturally. But our sex life has changed a bit though. We are not having sex every night anymore but it's atleast every other night.
But this week was a little different. It's now actually been four days since we had sex and I definitely understand her frustration.
I miss them too.
"Okay, then lunch tomorrow?" Stephanie asks Alex with a sweet smile.
"Thank you"
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