Chapter 12
Stephanie's POV
I know my wife has the death glare that makes you want to run away like a scared little puppy. Her words can cut right through you like one of her knives in the kitchen and we are still not sure if she is actually capable of committing a murder.
Last night after we put the twins to bed she had her moment. She was pacing around the room, screaming at the ceiling. She kept apologizing to us because she didn't want it to seem like she's mad at us and we understood that. We knew she needed to let it out.
So we sat there and listened.
But something that scares me more, is her quiet state. When she goes to the kitchen and closes off to the world. I don't like it when she goes into a state like that.
I would much rather have her screaming out her emotions.
This morning when we woke up, she came down to the kitchen and she started organizing. She took everything out the cupboards and she started cleaning.
We all know her kitchen is always spotless but we didn't want to say anything. In fact, we offered to help her but she refused. We tried comforting kisses which she didn't reject but she asked us for some space.
Alex had to go to work for a while but I took the day off with Maya. I didn't want her to be alone in this state. I took the kids to daycare and got some work done myself but I gave her the space she asked for.
And now, a few hours later Alex and I are at the park with the twins. She made sure to be home after lunch so that she can come with me.
The twins are having the time of their lives. Jonah is kicking around his soccer ball and Riley was happy on the swings a little earlier but I see her attention is drawn to the sandpit. I think Alex is happy for a break, she was pushing Riley on the swing for about half an hour.
I look to my left and see Alex walking my way with two cups of ice cream. "They didn't have the strawberry flavor baby, sorry"
"It's okay, thank you" I smile and take the cups from her.
"I'll go call the kids" she says and walks over the grass towards the playground.
It's only a few feet away from us and she could've just called them but she hates it when parents yell at their kids in the park.
I watch her get their attention and at first they didn't want to come but I assume she said I have something to eat because right now they are running towards me. It's not very fast and I always hold my breath when they run because one tiny misstep, sends them face first into the ground.
"Oohh look what I have" I smile as they get to me.
They both giggle and stand beside me, looking at the ice cream in my hands. Alex takes a seat next to me and also takes one of the cups to lure Jonah's attention to her while I scoop up a tiny bite for Riley.
"Come sit here sweetheart" I say and tap on my legs.
She comes to sit on my lap and I give her the first bite. "Hmmm, yummy ice scream" I smile and she softly giggles.
"Do you think Maya will be okay?"
I look over at Alex and take a deep breath. "I think so. She just needs to process it"
"I don't know baby, she is really upset about this" She sighs. "I just don't want this dinner tonight to be a huge family fight."
"I know, me neither. She just needs to have a calm conversation with Jamie about it."
"But how are you feeling?" I ask her in a slightly serious tone as I make sure Riley's mouth is clean after every bite I give her.
"You haven't expressed your thoughts about this yet. This can't be easy for you."
"It's not" she slightly chuckles but I can see it's not because she's amused. "It's actually really hard for me but I don't think it's my place to say anything."
"You're allowed to say something babe." I frown a little and look over at her but her focus is on Jonah. "You'll regret it if you don't."
"She's already thought about it and usually when a woman thinks about abortion, she won't change her mind. And if she does change her mind, it's not for herself."
"Maybe she's scared of what the family would say"
"That's why I don't think I should say anything." She shrugs. "She needs Maya, and our support goes along with it. I can't be a doctor in this situation."
"I'm sorry honey" I sigh and reach out to her hand.
"It's okay" she smiles back at me. "Maya needs us now and that's what I'll focus on."
"Okay baby, but we're also here for you."
"Thank you" she smiles at me and I feel a little relieved.
I know she's not okay with Jamie's decision but she didn't say anything about it last night. She also didn't have to, Maya and I know how she feels about it. I just think Maya was caught up in her own anger to acknowledge it and I understand that.
And our sweet Alex wouldn't make her feel guilty about it because all she cares about is for Maya to feel better. We are both concerned about her and I really hope things will be better for her when we get home.
"Okay, last one" I give Riley one last bite of the ice-cream and put the cup down beside me. "My back is really stiff." I groan and straighten my back a little before Riley decides to climb on top of me.
"Hmmm, it's probably from playing with your little side piece at work. Your office couch isn't very comfortable"
"Yeah, I should get a new one" I say as I think about it but a slap against my shoulder pulls me back to reality. I look over at Alex and she looks shocked. "No, baby" I laugh when I realize why is has that expression. "I meant for us. Don't be ridiculous."
She only rolls her eyes but then her look softens towards me."Did you pick up something heavy this week?"
"Not that I remember" I shake my head. "It's up here." I say and point to my upper back and neck.
"I'll check it out when we get home" she smiles at me but then looks at Jonah as he starts running around us.
"And can that be now?" She softly chuckles. "I have to pee"
"You can go around that bush babe, I promise I won't look" I tease and she just gives me a playful glare.
"Let's go noodles" I smile and pick Riley up off my lap. "Mama Alex has a tiny bladder"
"Not tiny" she quickly objects. "My bladder was kicked and stomped on for about three months. It will never be the same again."
"You said that about your vagiiiya" I stutter at the end of my sentence and we both softly chuckle. "And nothing has changed." I shrug in a casual way.
"I still don't believe you" she laughs as we stand up.
"We can go home to make sure, I would be happy to look at it from every angle"
I see her smiling and softly bite her bottom lip. Of course she wouldn't mind that.
We make our way back down the street and hopefully this little afternoon activity will tire the twins out for Steven and Karen tonight. They are coming over to watch the kids while we go over to Maya's parents for dinner.
Their nap was also a bit shorter today. I think it was the hot weather that made the difference but hopefully they will go to sleep earlier tonight. I don't want them to be a burden.
We walk up the driveway and the soft groan from Alex didn't go unnoticed. Doesn't matter how many times she sees the front yard, she expresses her disapproval every single time.
I just shake my head in amusement as we make our way to the front door and into the house.
The twins take off towards the livingroom, definitely in search of Maya because Jonah picked up a flower along the way and he wants to show her.
Alex runs in another direction to the nearest bathroom while I also walk towards the kitchen where I hear Maya's cheerful voice.
"Hello my babies!"
I walk around the corner and see Maya sitting on the floor with the twins standing in front of her. She already placed the flower in her hair and the twins are absolutely mesmerized by it.
"Hi beautiful" I smile and lean down on the kitchen counter, looking at them in front of the fridge.
"Hi baby" she smiles up at me. "How was the park?"
"It was good, the weather is nice today but oddly enough, the park wasn't that busy. They were on the swings almost the whole time"
"Ow wow" she looks down at the twins who keep walking around her, trying to climb on top of her. "Did you have fun on the swings?"
They only hum in response which is still the cutest thing ever. Sometimes it's a clear yes and sometimes it's just a sound but at least they understand what she asked them.
"And we had some ice cream mommy" I smile and once again she gasps with a suprised look.
"You had ice cream?" She says and hugs them both against her chest.
"Cold" Riley giggles and touches Maya's lips.
"Yes, ice cream is cold. Good job bubba" she smiles and kisses her cheek.
"We should actually check their diapers. There was a lot of excitement today" I laugh and walk closer to them on the floor.
I help Maya up and her arms wrap around my neck. "Thank you for giving me some time alone" she whispers with a grateful smile.
"Of course baby" I smile and give her a soft kiss. "We missed you though."
"I missed you too" she whispers and gives me a deeper kiss.
I take her hand and we start walking towards the stairs. We don't have to call the twins because they follow us everywhere we go which is great in situations like this.
Just as we get to the stairs Alex comes around the corner. "Okay I feel better now" she sighs in content and her arms wrap around Maya's waist. "Hello my sweetheart"
"Hi" Maya smiles and gives her a few kisses while I walk up the stairs following the twins who already started climbing.
After a few minutes of encouragement and motivational cheers they only made it halfway. They both gave up and just took a seat next to each other on one of the steps.
Alex and Maya picked them up and we all went to their room. We talked about our time at the park and Maya listened with full attention. I guess we all just decided to avoid the topic of Jamie for a while and just talk about us. I think Maya appreciated it because she seemed to be feeling better.
But we all know in a couple of hours there will be some hard conversations in the Bishop family.
After we sorted out the twins with some clean diapers, Maya took them downstairs to spend some time with them. Alex immediately took the opportunity to drag me to our bedroom to see what's going on with my back. I knew she wouldn't just let it slide.
I feel her hands sneak into my shirt and then her body straddling over my ass. A satisfying groan leaves my throat as she starts pressing the muscles on my back.
"Just relax baby" she says in a soft tone as she continues to roll her palms over my back.
I lift my upper body from the bed and she immediately helps me take off my shirt. She also unclips my bra and I take it off before I lay down again.
I feel her fingertips pressing on my spine and then her hands come back down on my skin.
"Take a deep breath" she says and just as the last bit of air leaves my lungs she lifts her ass and pushes down hard.
A hard click in my spine makes me groan but also let out a soft giggle. "Sometimes I forget how strong you are."
"I'm just stronger than your spine from this angle" she says and her hands move a bit lower. "Again"
Once again she presses me down on the mattress and I feel another click in my bones.
"You are really tense" she sighs. "I will give you a muscle relaxer tonight"
"Okay" I say in a low voice. "Will it help me sleep?"
"Yes it will"
"Are you just saying that to mind fuck me?" I laugh and turn my head up to look at her. "Or will it actually help me sleep?"
"You'll fall asleep easier if your body is relaxed" she smiles and leans down to kiss my shoulder.
"Hmm" I laugh. "That's what I thought."
"It's better if you don't know what I give you, especially some of the side effects."
"What are the side effects?" I ask immediately and turn around on my back.
"I'm not going to tell you" she laughs but stays seated on my hips.
"Baby?" I gasp. "Just tell me"
"This pill doesn't have any" she chuckles.
"You're lying"
She only laughs and leans down with her head on my chest.
"Alex?" I laugh and push her up by her shoulders but she just rests her hands beside my head, not saying anything.
She stares down at me but her eyes subtly glance down to my exposed chest. She bites her bottom lip and I feel her moving her hips on top of mine.
"Baby stop" I chuckle and put my hands on her ass.
"We can help you with stress relieving activities if you don't want to take any medication."
"Can I have both?" I smile and softly squeeze her ass.
I won't lie, having her on top of me and feeling her move against me is enough to convince me.
I will take any pill she gives me if it means I can have both my wives, helping me relieve some of my stress.
"Yes" she whispers and leans down to give me a slow, teasing kiss. "But not now." She says and lifts herself off me. "We don't have time. Come turn around."
I turn around and she sits back down over my ass with her hands pressing down on my muscles.
"The usual side affects for any pill is mostly on your stomach or kidneys but that is only if you drink it every day. Nothing will happen if you just drink it once in a while."
I smile at the gentleness of her tone as she explains it to me and I appreciate that. She knew I needed a clear explanation otherwise my mind will run wild.
I know she won't give me something that would be bad for me. I would still take it but I'm honestly a little curious about the side affects.
After the little massage from my wife she sent me to take a shower first. We have to start getting ready for our dinner tonight and we have to take turns to shower while the others take care of the twins. And being the first to get ready means I can spend some time with my brother when he gets here.
I quickly dry my hair and put on my make up before I make my way downstairs. I can hear the laughter coming from the livingroom and as I walk in they are all sitting on the couch.
Brandon and Steven already have a controller in their hands, racing against each other. Our two babies are on the floor, fascinated about what's going on in front of them on the screen.
"Is this the plan for the whole evening?" I chuckle and bend down behind the couch to wrap my one arm around my brother's neck. "Hello brother." I smile and kiss the side of his head.
"Of course this is the plan" he scoffs and I cover his eyes for a few seconds but he quickly pulls away with a slight nervous scream.
"Hey Brandon" I bend down to kiss his head as well.
"Hi auntie Stephanie" he says but I can see his concentration is on the television, trying his best to stay in the lead.
"My boys are distracted, your babies will be asleep. This is a vacation for me"
I laugh and bend down to give Karen a hug as well. "Can you please just feed our children a little later?"
"Of course" Steven answers without looking at me. "McDonald's has a happy meal special tonight. They will love it"
I look over at Maya and Alex who both give him a dangerous glare and I laugh. "Then you should enjoy your last day in this house brother"
He just laughs and I know he is only joking. Unfortunately we are related and he, just like myself loves to tease other people. And our lovely wives are usually the victims.
"Oh, you smell really nice"
I look back at Karen as I walk around the couch to join my wives at the other end.
"Thank you, it's my natural scent" I smirk and take a seat next to Maya.
"This is my perfume" Alex gasps with a slight laughter and leans over Maya to smell my neck.
"Mine is empty" I pout at her. "But my birthday is coming up if anyone needed a gift idea." I smirk and look around the room.
"This actually smells really good on you too"
I smile with pride as Maya's head dips into my neck and Alex just laughs before she stands up from the couch.
She didn't really say where she was going but I assume she's going upstairs to take a shower now.
"You should go get ready too babe" I look at Maya and gently graze her thigh.
She looks at her watch and then a small scrunch her nose makes me softly sigh.
"Okay" she smiles at me and also stands up.
My brother and Karen pay no mind to her and I'm a little relieved. I don't want them to ask any questions I can't answer.
She is definitely not ready for tonight and I'm honestly also not fully prepared for what will happen. I've seen the Bishop family have a little quarrel before and with all those sisters it can get intense.
"So this family dinner sounds serious?"
I look up at Karen and it caught Steven's attention as well because he glances at me for an answer.
"It is yes" I sigh. "Her parents want to buy a house in Denver and my lovely wife and her twin are not very happy about it. But the Willow and Hailey doesn't know anything about it yet."
"Why do they want to move?" Karen sits up with a slight pout.
"They're not moving yet." I quickly object but smile at her reaction.
Nobody would want them to move away, we all love them and they are part of the family.
"They are thinking about it. Nothing is official."
"If they want to go they should go honey" Steven comments from the side but his eyes are still on the screen.
"Maya is gonna kill you" she laughs.
"But we talked to Maya about it. They're getting older and I understand why they want to go. It's peaceful and beautiful there. New York is honestly too much for me sometimes."
"Yeah, I agree with you on that" Steven chuckles. "Fucking rat race"
I sit back in thought and look down at the twins who are playing on the ground.
The city can be too much for me, especially since we had the twins. My days go by so fast and it feels like these last two years have flown by so quickly.
We haven't been on a vacation in almost three years because of the kids and it definitely had its consequences. I am stressed about more things and I try using my job as a distraction but the workload just adds to my stress. I'm caught in a loop and I need to get out of it, we all need to get out of it.
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