Chaper 11
Alex's POV
"Baby?" I call on her and she turns around to look at me. "Why does it have to be this big again?"
"This is the best television on the market my darling" she says with a wide smile. "And can you imagine the resolution of the xbox game? It'll almost be like playing with a VR mask."
"So you bought a new tv just for your games?" I laugh.
"No" she says with a guilty smile. "It's for movie night as well"
"But our old television was fine?" I frown as we both look to the five people carefully putting it on the wall.
"We can put that one in our room" she smiles.
"And what happens to the one in our room?" I laugh.
"Well that one we can give away, it's a piece of crap."
I only laugh at her excitement and wrap my arms around her waist in a hug. She is really excited about the new addition and I'm not going to take that excitement away from her. It's a huge television and I honestly don't remember the conversation about this purchase but I have to admit, it's looks great.
"I'm going to my office" I whisper and kiss her cheek. "When you're done here, come keep me company please."
"Of course" She turns her head and gives me a quick kiss before I walk away.
After making a few calls to the hospital and completing some reports for my patients, I set out my schedule for the next week. I will then discuss is with Maya and Stephanie over the weekend which we will then send through to Abby.
She has been such a great help with the twins and they absolutely love her. Her studies at the moment makes her schedule very flexible and we are very appreciative of that. Some days she'll be here the whole day when the twins don't go to school and some days she'll only be here in the afternoons after we pick them up from school.
I'm honestly not comfortable with someone else driving with the kids yet but I know when they get older I'll have to just accept it. One day they'll have to go to school every single day and we won't be able to pick them up after school or take them to their activities after school.
But for the next few years, we will drive them.
I bend over into my drawers to get a file and as I stand up I hear footsteps coming down the hallway.
"Best television in the world"
I laugh at her opening line and turn around to see her falling down on my couch.
"Woah baby, it's cold in here" she says with a slight shiver and I immediately reach over for the aircon remote.
"It's nice and cool" I say but turn the temperature up by a few degrees as I take a seat down at my desk.
If I keep it at its original temperature she won't stay here for too long.
"It's actually hot today."
"It is hot" she says and I see her glancing out through the window. "But your office gets more sun than mine. Maybe we should switch."
"We can switch if you want too" I smile up at her. "Just not today please."
"Fuck no" she groans and makes herself comfortable with another pillow. "I'm tired"
"Don't you have to work?" I laugh because it's Wednesday and all she did was go to the store to buy the television.
"I do have some work but I think I'm going to call in sick."
"I don't think you're boss will be very happy about that."
"She's actually a really nice and understanding person." She smirks and glances up at me.
"I don't know" I shrug in a playful manner. "She sounds like a bitch to me."
"You have to get to know her first" she smiles. "You have to build a relationship with trust and honesty. You know, dive deep into her..... soul."
"Oh gosh I hope she doesn't let all her employees dive deep into her.... soul."
"No, only a few selective people are allowed too." She chuckles and looks up at the ceiling.
"And who are these few people?" I ask in a curious tone.
"Well there's me of course" she laughs. "Then she had an assistant last year and they had a very-"
I cut her off by throwing my notebook at her. She only laughs with a slight groan because it hit her in the stomach even though it was supposed to hit her face.
"Ow!" She laughs with a dramatic gasps.
"I actually need my book, can you bring it back" I laugh and hold my hand out.
"No, you are done working today" she shrugs and holds the book against her chest, looking back up at the ceiling.
"Baby" I slightly chuckle but she doesn't move from her position.
"Remember we have to get some things at the store later when we pick up the kids please?" I ask her and lean back in my chair.
"Do I have to go with you?" She groans and pushes her face into the pillow.
"Yes, you said you would last night." I roll my eyes because I know how much she hates going to the store.
"Fine" she sighs. "You have to buy me a chocolate."
"I'll buy you anything you want my love" I smile. "But we do have chocolate."
"Really?" She lifts her head up to look at me.
"It's in the dispensary, behind the cereal."
Without another word she stands up and gives me my book before she almost runs out the door.
"Where is my love!?" I yell after her with a slight chuckle.
"I'm coming back!"
I just smile in amusement and continue with my work. I have to get this done before we go get the kids otherwise they'll cry for my attention.
Stephanie is definitely not doing anything work related today, I know my wife. Some days she is a robot and we can barely get her to eat anything but I pray for these type of days where she can just relax and do whatever she wants.
I know when Maya gets home, they'll be planted in the livingroom playing xbox. Stephanie promised she won't play without her. And I have to make sure she keeps her promises.
"I love how much you love me"
I look up to see her chewing away on a piece of chocolate as she walks over to my side of the desk.
"I do love you" I smile and move back to make some room for her to sit in my lap.
"But I love you more than this chocolate so I will share it with you" she smiles, takes a piece and puts it between her lips.
She leans down closer to me and I gently take the piece with my lips. It falls into my mouth and Stephanie presses her lips against mine for a lingering kiss.
"This is nice, what is that?" I smile and look down at the name of the chocolate.
"I've never had this before, but we are buying some more later"
"No, one is enough" I chuckle and break off another piece before putting it into my mouth.
"You are a bone doctor, not a diet doctor" she rolls her eyes.
"A bone doctor, really?" I laugh. "And I didn't say anything about a diet, but you can't eat another one today. I know you, you'll be nauseous."
"That's true" she chuckles and takes another piece before putting it on my desk behind her.
"Can I get some love now?" I whisper with a soft smile.
"Oohh yes" She softly chuckles and moves to straddle my lap. "But we are not alone in the house"
"I just need a little attention" I smile and wait for her to lean closer to kiss me.
From the get go her tongue enters my mouth as she gently cups my face. We both softly moan and I sneak my hand inside her shirt.
I know we can't have sex now, not only because the maids are here today, but also I really have to work and we have to leave soon to go pick up the kids.
I just want some attention with a little bit of kissing and intimate touches. Her sitting on my lap like this is definitely a bonus but it also makes it really difficult not to get turned on right now.
I pull back a few inches and we both take a deep breath but I keep her close to me. "You should've closed the door" I whisper and run my thumb over her smiling lips.
"We both know the door should rather stay open." She chuckles and gives me another teasing tongue kiss.
I smile against her lips and just enjoy the control she takes with the kiss. It's slow and gentle, just what I needed
After a few more minutes, we decided to pull away with the last bit of self control we had. Stephanie made her way to her office but I honestly don't think she was actually working. I heard her stacking some books on her bookcase which probably meant she was procrastinating with reorganizing her office.
I however couldn't do anything like that today. If I want to spend some time with my family this weekend, I had to get my work done.
And I did.
I walk out to the garage and as I open my door I realize that the car seats are in Stephanie's car.
I walk back into the house and quickly grab her keys of the hook in the kitchen. Just as I step forward, Stephanie comes from the side and walks right into me. She accidentally steps on my foot which makes me fall to the ground.
"Alex!" She gasps but I can't help but laugh. "I'm so sorry" she bends down over me and I just gently cup her face.
"It's okay. I didn't get hurt" I softly chuckle as she kisses my cheek.
"I'm sorry baby" she says as she helps me up. "I thought you were already in the car"
"No, I came back for your keys. The seats are in your car"
"Oh okay" she smiles and we start walking towards the garage again. "Are you sure you're okay?"
I feel a gentle touch on my back and hear the concern in her tone which makes me turn around
"I'm fine baby" I smile and cup the one side of her face for a soft kiss.
We part ways and she frowns. "Do you still want to drive?"
"Yes" I smile and climb into the driver seat.
"Just remember, we aren't late for something. You can just drive like a normal person"
I start her car and step on the gas a little. Her eyes go wide and she immediately puts her seat belt on. "Oh gosh"
I only laugh and wait for the garage door to open up behind me.
After a quick search through her car, I finally find my sunglasses for her car and start backing out into the driveway.
"You said one more week right?" I groan a little as I look over the half built wall in our front yard.
Every time I see it, I just shake my head. It doesn't make sense why it's taking so long. They've been busy for almost three weeks. We already bought the gate, which is standing in the backyard and it's not a pretty picture either. It doesn't belong there and I want it gone.
"I like you driving my car, it suits you"
I stop and look over at her before backing into the street. She gives me a sweet smile and I can't control the smile on my face as well. "I like driving your car. But you didn't answer me."
"I'm choosing not too" she chuckles as I turn into the street "I don't think you'll like my answer."
"No baby!" I slightly yell. "Why the fuck is it taking so long?"
"I don't know sweetheart" she sighs. "It's not my fault."
"Well I need to yell at someone and you are the closest" I chuckle but also reach over to squeeze her arm out of frustration.
"Okay but ow" she laughs and takes my hand off her arm. "It'll probably be done in two weeks"
"I'm not getting my hopes up"
After a short drive we get to the daycare and we walk through the little gate. I open up the front door and wait for Stephanie to go in first but she immediately bends down with a big smile on her face.
"Hi my babies!" She squeals a little and I see Jonah and Riley running from the classroom door.
"Oh hi!" I meet Stephanie's excitement and Riley changes her direction to me.
We pick them up and multiple kisses fly around across their cute little faces.
I see their teacher walking over to us and I step a bit closer to meet her halfway.
"Hi Donna"
"Good afternoon Mrs Woods" she smiles and hands me their bags.
"Thank you so much" I smile. "Say bye to teacher Donna"
Riley brings her hand out and waves at her teacher. "Bye" she smiles.
"Bye Riley" she smiles and I turn around.
I see Jonah also waving and I assume Donna is behind me waving back at him as well.
We walk out to the car and just as we open the doors a familiar car pulls up beside us.
Alana steps out of her car with a big smile and walks over to us. "Hey you guys"
I put Riley down in her seat and step back to give her a hug. "How are you?"
She gives Stephanie as quick side hug as well before she walks over to the side with Jonah.
"I'm doing good, but Morgan has been sick in bed this whole week." She sighs. "This is what you get when working with teenagers. They are full of germs and they don't know proper hygiene."
"Well you're not wrong about that" Stephanie laughs on the other side of the car as she straps Jonah in.
"But is she okay?" I ask. "Do you need anything? We can help you with Grayson?"
"No, it's okay" she smiles and touches my arm. "Thank you though. But she'll be okay, she just has to stay in bed and do you think she listens to me?"
"I have the same problem" I slightly chuckle and look at Stephanie as she comes walking around the car. "They don't listen to me either."
"It's boring in bed when I'm alone" she laughs and wraps her arms around my waist.
"Good excuse" Alana laughs. "But I'll leave you, our babies need to sleep soon"
"I hope Morgan feels better" Stephanie says in a gentle tone.
"Yeah me too, but I'll call her a little later" I smile.
"Okay, have a great day" she smiles and starts walking towards the gate.
"Bye" we both greet her and I turn to Riley, to strap her into her seat.
As we get back into the car, I can see the twins are already a bit tired so the trip to the store has to be a quick one. Although, we always say that and by the time we get to checkout we have two trolleys full of things.
After we made a quick call to Maya, asking if she needed anything from the store, we made our way through the aisles of the store. Halfway through our shopping the twins got a little fussy but we powered through.
Back at home, I walk out of the kitchen and I see Stephanie on the couch with Riley on her one side and Jonah on the other side.
I smile and walk around the couch and just as she sees me she gives me a guilty smile.
"I know what you're going to say" she whispers. "But I couldn't help it" she slightly pouts as I sit next to them.
"They look really comfortable" I smile and run my hand through Riley's hair.
"I am really comfortable" she smiles and hugs them both a little tighter.
"I'm a little jealous" I softly chuckle. "I was ready to have a nap with you"
"You can lay down between my legs?" She says with wide smile.
Whenever we are home and the twins take their nap, we like to take that time to cuddle up with each other as well. It doesn't always happen though, we normally have so many other things to do and while they are asleep we have to take advantage of it.
And I'll be honest, I was ready to cuddle with Stephanie for a bit.
"No shame baby, it's okay." I smile and touch her arm.
"Please?" She slightly pouts and I can see my words made her feel a little guilty but it really wasn't my intention.
"They'll wake up and I'm not ready for all that today" I slightly chuckle and sit up closer to her.
"Okay" she says in a low voice.
"I'll be upstairs if you need me okay" I whisper and lean closer to give her a soft kiss.
"Okay" she smiles.
I stand up and grab a blanket at the other end of the couch to throw it over them. She smiles up at me as I tuck them in. It's a beautiful summers day but there is nothing better than laying on the couch with a soft blanket.
"One of these days we won't all fit on this couch for cuddles anymore" I groan and she softly chuckles.
"We'll buy a bigger one"
I only smile at the sight of them all cuddled up under the blanket and literally force myself to walk away.
The rest of our day went by quickly. After the twins woke up from their nap we made them some lunch, we were outside for the majority of the day. The original plan was to let them swim a bit but it was a little too late in the afternoon which had me worried about them getting sick.
They both have been healthy for a while now and I would like to keep it that way.
A quick snack keep the twins occupied but as the door opens up and Maya comes through, they both lit up with excitement. We expected our wife to be smiling and excited to be home as well but that isn't the case.
"Hey baby?" Stephanie is the first to step forward with concern.
I also stand up but stay next to Jonah who is still eating his food. Maya doesn't say anything and the moment Stephanie gets to her she lets out a deep breath, leaning into her body. Stephanie immediately wraps her arms around her, giving her the attention she desperately needs.
"Maya?" I call out to her with a slightly serious but more concerning tone.
"Mommy!" Riley's excited scream makes me jump and then Jonah follows as well.
"Hello my beautiful babies" she says with a forced smile and walks closer to us.
Stephanie and I are definitely worried but we give her the space to greet the twins before we talk to her.
She gives them both a few kisses and then she stands up taking a deep breath. "Jamie called me today" she says and takes off her shoes before she sits down on the chair where I was sitting.
"What did she say?" I ask and put my hand on her back for comfort.
"She wants an abortion"
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