Part 1 Rebirth
In the Ruins of Lake-town, a spread of Magic passes by and touches the Skeletal remains of the Great Dragon Smaug, from the Right wing, something is born, born from the magic and the bones, mixing creating a skeleton, the skeleton fell into the cold waters, as that happens, the magic surrounds the bones in flesh, giving veins, blood, and all the necessary Organs, needed for life, when the flesh finished forming, the eyes shot open, showing their Greenish blue color, the pupils slited like a Dragons, with laces of Gold along the irises, the newly formed Creature rises halfway from the water, wearing nothing, behind him, follows a scaled Dragon like tail, he swam through the water, until he got up onto a semi damaged Dock, he looks over the distance his eyes, seeming to be searching for something, and then he stops, at a certain spot, and smiles, "Home." says the man, as his body glows with a slight black color and transforms into a gigantic Dragon, looking similar to Smaug, the Dragon turns his head and picks up the Skull of Smaug, and carries it through flight to a Dark land, that shall become his home, The Dark Lands of Mordor.
The Blackened Dragon drops the Skull of Smaug into the heart of the Dark lands, where Barad-dûr used to stand, the Black Dragon starts to shift back to it's Human like appearance, he stands tall and proud, watching the Dark lands, as he then casts a spell forcing the evil creatures out of Mordor, the Spiders, the Orcs and their Kin, the Fellbeasts take to the skies, but plummet back down to the ground, killing themselves, only some that where unhatched yet, survived, the ones that have died, prepared the foundation, and gave their bones for the Throne, the man arches his back and Yells into the sky, "My Name Is Urulóki DragonboneSon, I am the new Lord of Mordor!!!" screams Urulóki, his soft voice carries itself through the wind, bringing it to Mirkwood, Rivendell, and throughout the land of Middle Earth, resting in some of the Darker places, attracting Dark creatures, like Balrogs, Wargs, Trolls, and various others, all of them will die, for this strange throne, some living, and the ones that live become his court of Servants, his Kingdom grows, they bring him supplies, clothes, and food. When his Court was coming, he was busy building the kingdom, he made water flow, and used his ability to shape shift to his advantage, and forged his kingdom, using his Dragon form, and an Ent form, that he adopted when he flew across an Ent in the forest, he uses the form of an Ent to make the walls stand, making Roots grow, to keep them in place, towers forged from mountains, making watchtowers, the gates stand open by Day, and closed by Night, when the Creatures arrived, Urulóki stood at the entrance of the gate, in his Dragon guise, being the tallest one, they all looked to him as their master, and to them he said once, "Those who have traveled far and wide, and Aged in the process, shall be used for my throne, step forwards, and accept your death, and rest for eternity." at that two old Wargs step forward, and collapse to the ground, three Trolls step forward and collapse along with one Ogre, two Balrogs step forward and die immediately, and fall to the ground, their flesh dissolving, leaving the bones picked clean, Urulóki's tail grabs the bones, and pulls the bones in, he then faces the remaining, and glares at them, as if deciding what to do, he smirks, and reverts into his regular form, however, his form grew, he stood above them, looking into them, he touched the Warg's heads, and said, "And ye shall Speak." as he did, they began to speak in the languages of man, dwarf, and elf, he looked to the Ogre's and Trolls, and said unto them, "May intelligence, thought, and Reason be given to ye, and to speak in a simple manor." he moved to the Balrogs who stood up straight, flames set ablaze, he smirked, "And three of ye shall be Generals, and one of you shall be the guard of thy Court, I give ye, weapons, and lodging, step inside and ye shall find your places." he stood aside and these creatures, that received these gifts began to enter, the Wargs speaking with the Trolls and Ogres, three of the Balrogs where patrolling the area, while one stood beside Urulóki, waiting for orders, while Urulóki, looks and smiles, he lifts his hand up, making the bones float, as he walks away with them, bringing them to his throne, inside of the throne room, stands the throne of Smaug's Skull, acting as the seat and the back, he places the Balrog skulls to the left and right, the Warg skulls as arm rests, and the Ogre and Troll skulls as the legs to the throne, he then sits down on his throne and looks around, smirking, he gets up, and walks to the tallest peak of the fortress, and his eyes gaze upon Mirkwood, he smiles and taps his claws, "Oh this is going to be easy." says Urulóki, as he shifts his form to his Dragon form, and takes flight to Mirkwood, leaving his court behind, and completely guarded.
His Wings bring the night through the sky, hiding him, completely, he enters Mirkwood undetected, hiding as a small mouse, he watches some sleep, and there he plants them an idea as they dream of not fitting in, wanting a safer place where they feel at home, saying in their dreams, "Go to the Black Gates of Mordor, and there you will find your home, show no fear." says Urulóki, as he crawls away, and goes to what they have of a forge, and takes on an Elven form, with long brown-ish black hair, eyes the same greenish-blue color, the irises looking normal, he steals clothing from some Elves, and makes his way to the Elven forges, where he steals metal, and there he took manuscripts, papers of forging, and papers for healing, as soon as he collects it all, he leaves and goes to Rivendell, to do the same as he did in Mirkwood, planting ideas, and stealing metals and papers, he then flew to the Lonely Mountains, going to steal more metals, this time, taking an anvil and forging materials, taking more manuscripts, of weapons, and how to forge, planting more suggestions to leave their current home, for a new one, and in the morning, when they wake up, they leave, and go straight to Mordor, into what was the Dark Lands, where the Gate stands, open to all. Urulóki, standing at the top gate, watching his new citizens enter, soon as Night falls to the Kingdoms of Man, Rohan, Gondor, and the rest of what used to be Dale, his tail wraps around his waist as he watches the Kingdoms, his Dragon Elven eyes glowing with slight hatred and interest, and then the Shire, for more information, that he deans worthy of. "Ishi burzum, jiak thrak ij ash nazg durb." says Urulóki, translating as, 'In darkness, I bring a one ring rule.' Urulóki smiles and chuckles to himself.
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