As CVN-65 was in a duel against Zuikaku, Enterprise (CV-6) Showed up along with Cleveland, Javelin, Laffey.
Hornet: Hey, sis.
Enterprise(CV-6): Hello, Hornet.
Hornet: Can anyone tell what's going on?
And who's the girl fighting Zuikaku.
Than Cleveland comes by the two.
Cleveland: Hi Hornet, how you doing?
Hornet: If it wasn't for the new girl I would have it the bottom.
now that I mentioned her, does anyone know her?
Enterprise: Long story, which is better explained by her.
Hornet: Fine
???: Guten tag, If it isn't the famous Yorktown sisters.
Then Everyone turned around to see Prinz Eugen along Z23 and Ayanami.
Javelin: Ayanami.
When Ayanami heard Javelin speak her name she looked down.
As the Siren watched to battle with interest, she decided to spice things up a bit.
Siren: Code E.
And when she said those words, someone appeared she looked like CVN-65 including the burn mark, she had jet-black hair, and red eyes which looked like as is they were glowing, and her coat was tattered and instead of being blue was black, her T-shirt was opened showing some cleavage, and she was missing her baseball cap.
E: Yes Observer.
Observer: Would you be kind enough to provide some help to our benefactors?
E: Very well.
Then E left Observer to her own devices and went to assist the battle between Iron Blood and Sakura Empire and the Eagle union.
With the battle
As Enterprise (CVN-65) was fighting Zuikaku, the battle was at a stalemate as the two were evenly matched in swordplay.
Zuikaku: Finally a challenge worth my time!
Enterprise (CVN-65): Just shut up and fight.
As she said that the distinctive noise of a missile that Enterprise was familiar with was heard, and she activated her CIWS to intercept the Missile, and as she did she saw what launched them 3 A-6 Intruders.
Enterprise (CVN-65): What the???
Then another surprise happened a woman around Enterprise's CVN-65 age she had different looks but the same burn marks, and very damaged clothes as if they were pulled out of a fire
Enterprise (CVN-65): Who are you?
???: It doesn't matter, but if you want a name than go with Tyrant.
And Zuikaku, I'll lend my my assistance for now.
Zuikaku: Fine.
Then Tyrant pulled a saber with a dagger (for you bloodborne players is the Rakuyo) at the end of the hilt. And charged along with Zuikaku at Enterprise (CVN-65) with the intent to kill.
Enterprise (CVN-65) managed to to Block Tyrant's strike but Tyrant was backed up by Zuikaku who kept their assault against the super-carrier.
Enterprise (CVN-65): Give me a break, Will ya!!
With Lazarev.
As Admiral Lazarev watched the battle between Enterprise (CVN-65) and Zuikaku and Tyrant. Lazarev decided to cut the weakest link between them, that being Zuikaku. With a Silenced command Lazarev launched a S-700 Granit aimed at Zuikaku, but was destroyed by Tyrant's CIWS
With CVN-65 as I was being pushed back I noticed at the distance the distinctive shape of a Kirov Class battlecruiser which glowed a blue light and turned into cubes. Then Tyrant pulled a radio communicator.
Tyrant: Oppressor, this is Tyrant we have Lazarev starting an assault.
Zuikaku, Shoukaku you go and deal with Hornet and the Enterprise CV-6 task force, I'll have a friend coming here and help me deal with deal with this Enterpise (CVN-65) and the newcomer.
Zuikaku: Who the hell do you think you are!
Tyrant: Just go or I will personally sink you myself.
Shoukaku: Better do as she says.
Zuikaku*growling*: Fine.
Both Crane sister leave Tyrant and Oppressor with Enterprise (CVN-65) and Admiral Lazarev.
Then Suddenly a portal used normally by the Sirens appeared next to Tyrant and a Ship-girl showed up standing close to Tyrant.
She had back length snow white hair, her Iris had and onyx black color her uniform was that of a typical soviet era navy female captain's uniform, she had thigh high leather boots and had a blank look on her face. Her rigging looked as if they took the weapon systems of a Kirov Battle cruiser the S-900 alfa missile pods were on her legs, four Kortik CIWS and two dual barreled 5.1 AK-130 cannon and a tattered red flag on what looked like to be the bridge
Oppressor: What do you need Tyrant?
Tyrant: Admiral Lazarev is in-bound you are to and intercept her, while I deal with Enterprise.
Oppressor: Fine.
Then Oppressor left Tyrant to dealt with Enterprise (CVN-65) while she left to intercept Lazarev
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