99- Lost Time
Hello, all you lovelies~♡ I hope that you all are well and not too upset over Monday's update~♡ I am getting over covid for the 3rd time since October.😂🤣 I guess I just have a really shitty immune system but that comes as no surprise.🤣😂 I was always sick as a child, even with medicines and vaccines.😂🤣 It got better as I got older, but not that much better.🤣😂 Okay, so if you weren't upset with me over the last update, you may be upset with me this update. Who knows?🤷♀️ I planned the next chapter as my ending so this had to happen for that to take place. Please don't hate me.🙏 This chapter includes the death of yet another main character so please be advised when reading~♡ I promise you all, it will be worth it in the next chapter.:3 Which will be released on Monday because I don't want to keep you all waiting for a week for that ending.😂🤣 You might become furious with me by that point.🤣😂 But without further ado, please enjoy this new installment~♡♡♡
Days had passed since Taehyung's untimely demise with his burial ceremony ending with emotional sympathy towards Jungkook and the children. Although Jungkook was wholly numb by this point, his expression blank as he accepted friend's, family's, and business associate's condolences and gifts. Jungkook didn't care about the gifts or people that had attended Taehyung's funeral. He only cared about the person they laid to eternal rest and his children. His children were the only things keeping him in this world now after Jimin had knocked some sense into him.
Although Jungkook was only going through the motions of being alive. He had not smiled, eaten anything, or spoke to anyone in those days since Taehyung's passing. He couldn't even offer his children any solace or comfort from how numb he felt and they'd noticed. They'd certainly noticed as they tried to converse with Jungkook about how he was doing, only to be met with blank stares and heavy sighs. Every night, the children could hear Jungkook sobbing alone in the bedroom their fathers once shared. While it worried them to hear Jungkook like this, he wouldn't allow them to see him like that nor would he allow them into his world that was crumbling.
Four long, tumultuous years had passed now and while Jungkook was still only going through the motions of living, he was at least eating and taking care of himself now. Mainly due to Jimin's insistence and help with the children and company. When Jungkook returned home from work to see the house was immaculate and the children fed, Jimin could see the emotional turmoil in his eyes for a split second before Jungkook cleared his throat. "Thank you, Jimin," Jungkook greeted as he walked over towards the kitchen. Jimin beamed him with a full force smile, glad to just hear his voice after several silent days again. "It's no problem, Jungkook. I made you a plate for dinner too so don't skip out on your meals," Jimin warned sternly as Jungkook plopped into a chair with a sigh of resignation. "Good," Jimin praised with sincerity, placing Jungkook's food in front of him.
Jungkook noticed that Annalise finished her food hastily, and beat an abrupt retreat towards the door with information that she'd be out late. Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he stood to his feet, his food left untouched as Jimin tried to grab his arm. "Where are you going? You haven't even touched your food," Jimin complained angrily, noticing that Jungkook wasn't even listening. "How long has she been going out and staying out late?" Jungkook asked hastily, already realizing this used to be an old habit of his. Jimin was silent as he thought for a moment, tapping his chin in thought. "Maybe a month or so. Why do you ask?" Jimin asked now, wondering why Jungkook was so curious. Jungkook hadn't been curious about her behavior before. In fact, he'd barely acknowledged much of any of the children's behavior after Taehyung's passing.
"It's suspicious. It's exactly what I used to tell my parents when I would leave the house to get high. Has she been having any mood changes or mood swings recently?" Jungkook asked hesitantly as Jimin thought about it once again. He hadn't seen much of Annalise but she was still the same sweet girl she'd always been when he did see her. "Not that I can think of. Why? Do you think she's on drugs?" Jimin asked skeptically as Jungkook crept over towards the door to peek out. He could see four or five silhouettes disappearing down their driveway.
"I'm not completely ruling that out. I'll have to figure out who she's hanging out with first and then from there discern if I think drugs are involved. I don't want to drive away the only remaining piece of him that he left behind for me," Jungkook explained hollowly, wilting under the weight of his own words. They still stung. Especially now that he knew of all the extra steps Taehyung had taken to ensure Annalise wouldn't leave Jungkook's side. Jimin had enlightened Jungkook of just how long Taehyung knew this would transpire and how much Taehyung knew Jungkook would need Annalise once he was gone. While it hurt Jungkook to hear of these things, he realized that Taehyung had been right though. Annalise was going to be the last remaining piece of Taehyung and the only one that would drag him out of his own mind from how much she reminded Jungkook of Taehyung.
Jungkook sighed with resignation once again as he closed the door and plodded over towards the table once again. "I'm coming home early tomorrow so that I can eat quickly and follow after her. I want to ensure she's not going to trip down the same path Tae and I did when we'd first met. She's better than that and we both know that," Jungkook announced firmly, eating the food that Jimin had prepared.
After a long night of waiting up for Annalise, Jungkook stood to his feet the moment Annalise stumbled through the door. "Are you drunk?" Jungkook asked furiously as Annalise glanced up at him with glassy eyes. He could smell the mixture of alcohol and weed as his temper reared its ugly head. "Go to bed now," Jungkook shouted aggressively, without so much as a care to hear her explanation. He couldn't believe she'd be so reckless with her own wellbeing and safety as she sprinted up the stairs in tears.
Jungkook didn't sleep that night, his mind a whirlwind of dangerous thoughts and concerns as he worried for his only daughter's safety. With his mind made up, Jungkook called Jimin and asked him to step in for him at the office for the next few days. Jungkook had things that he needed to take care of before he found out who Annalise has been hanging around. Once Jimin agreed to work for him, Jungkook set in motion his own plans as he called up the company lawyer. While Jungkook waited for the lawyer to arrive, he hastily yet neatly penned a personal letter to Jimin that would not be given to him or opened until Jungkook's demise. Whenever that time came.
Once the lawyer had arrived, Jungkook welcomed her and navigated her towards the dining room. They both sat down and Jungkook began by sliding the sealed letter towards the lawyer, his hand still resting on it as he spoke. "I am of sound mind and body as I make these changes to my will," Jungkook clarified firmly as he removed his hand from the envelope for the lawyer to pick it up. "This letter will not be opened unless I have died," Jungkook added as the lawyer nodded firmly and placed it off to the side. "I will be doing something dangerous for the next few days and in case of my untimely end, everything goes to Jimin."
The lawyer stared at Jungkook with wide eyes full of disbelief as she pulled up her case to pull Jungkook's will out. "All of it to Jimin, sir?" She asked incredulously, grabbing her pen as well. Jungkook nodded firmly, his eyes full of determination. "Taehyung trusted Jimin with everything he had, including his deepest and darkest secret. It's time I show Jimin I trust him just as equally. So yes, everything. The house, the children, the vehicles, the money, the company, everything within the walls of this house and the guest house. All of it goes to Jimin," Jungkook reiterated with resolute conviction, folding his hands on the table in front of him. "I trust Jimin to settle things between the children if I should meet my untimely end. And if I should survive, then I will settle things between my children later, but for now, Jimin is the sole beneficiary," Jungkook concluded without a hint of doubt as the lawyer obediently penned his last requests. She nodded firmly as she grabbed the letter and folded it within the confines of Jungkook's will. "I need it notarized by the end of today. My dangerous missions start as soon as my daughter gets home from school for the next few days," Jungkook added nonchalantly as the lawyer nodded and stood to her feet. They both shook hands firmly before she departed for the notoriety building.
That night, when Annalise left the house in a hurry, Jungkook stepped outside the door wearing all black other than his white dress shirt. The new moon and starry sky would help cloak Jungkook within the pitch blackness of the unknown. Jungkook crept several paces behind them, hidden in the shadows as he listened to these men talk to Annalise about her developing body. Of course, they'd only talk about sex and how much she'd grown into her body.
Jungkook physically gagged at their poor attempts to seduce Annalise. Had he been this terrible with his seduction towards Taehyung? He cringed at the thought of being one of these guys when he was younger, still stalking behind them silently. When they'd reached their destination, one of the boys pulled Annalise taut against him with a caress to her face. Jungkook had to look away because the expression she made up at this guy was sickening to him. Annalise appeared to love this guy or love how he treated her because her expression was almost identical to the one Taehyung used to make up at him. When Jungkook glanced back, the male had turned Annalise so that her back was resting against his chest while he held her arm out for her. The needle from a syringe handed to him by one of the others glinting dangerously in the darkness as Jungkook's blood boiled. Annalise may be willingly leaving with these guys but that injection scene certainly didn't appear willing as Annalise fidgeted nervously and tried to remove herself from the situation.
"Come on, baby. It'll make all the hurt disappear," the male coaxed as Jungkook couldn't take it any longer. He stepped closer to them, smacking the needle away from Annalise's arm and snatching her away from the man. "While that may be so for now, it'll only cause her years of distress and addiction later," Jungkook retorted angrily, shielding Annalise behind him. The male spat at Jungkook as Jungkook raised an eyebrow in defiance. He pulled a tissue from his pocket and wiped the spit off his suit before tossing the tissue aside. "Is that seriously all you have? Is spitting on me the most rebellious move you have?" Jungkook retorted with a defiant laugh, balling his fists up. "Because when I was your age, I almost went to jail for kicking my father's ass," Jungkook added as the male laughed loudly.
"And how long ago was that, old man? 60 years ago?" The male goaded as Jungkook laughed with appreciation. "Well, I look damn good for 90 years old then, but she's only 14," Jungkook spat maliciously, noticing that the other four males were drawing closer as well. "I will not have her leading the same path her father and I struggled down either, so back the fuck away and keep your fucking distance," Jungkook announced aggressively, grabbing Annalise's arm and dragging her back towards the open end of the alley. Although, the other males weren't going to allow them to leave so easily as the male that Annalise loved grabbed Jungkook harshly by the shoulders. Without any hesitation, Jungkook turned on a dime and punched the male square in his nose with as much force as he could muster from such a close distance. "Lay your hands on me again. I'm not above killing a high schooler that thinks he's going to get into my daughter's pants by drugging her," Jungkook spat venomously, yanking on Annalise's arm once again.
Before they could leave, the other four males grabbed Jungkook by his arms and yanked him back into the alley. Annalise rushed back towards them to check and make sure Jungkook was still okay, but he appeared to be holding his own. She watched as Jungkook kicked and punched his way to safety without much care of them being high schoolers. She smiled softly to herself at her father's bravery for her safety, finally seeing him come alive once again. That was until the first male Jungkook had punched in the nose stood to his feet yet again. He lunged at Jungkook with something gleaming in his hand. Both Jungkook and this male fell to the ground, struggling and fighting over that cold, metallic gleam in his hand.
Annalise panicked, realizing that was her now ex-boyfriend's gun, and rushed to try and break up the fight. "Stop it, Ben! You're going to kill the only father I have left," Annalise screamed in her panic, a loud bang hanging heavily in the air. The man that Annalise had called Ben and his friends rushed from the alley as dread settled in Annalise's stomach. "Daddy," Annalise screamed in a panicked pitch, her nails digging into the sides of her face while she crouched down as Jungkook pushed himself into a sitting position. She breathed a sigh of relief, grateful her father was still alive until Jungkook flinched in pain. She examined his body carefully in the dim light, finally realizing there was a small, dark red pinprick of blood on the front of his white shirt right above his stomach. Slowly, that pinprick grew and grew until the whole front of his shirt was stained in a deep, dark red.
"No," Annalise uttered in dismay, her heart clenching as Jungkook pushed himself to his feet. When he wobbled unsteadily on his own two feet, Annalise hastily moved to hold him upright. "J- Jimin," Jungkook gritted out, holding his hand firmly over his wound. He knew that applying pressure would certainly stop the bleeding if it weren't a serious injury but he didn't know how serious this injury was or if he could make it to a hospital. He hated leaning on Annalise's frail frame for help, but he could barely walk on his own and she was the only person available at the moment.
Annalise struggled with the burden of Jungkook's added body weight, but she managed to get them home once again. When Annalise burst through the door with an abnormally pale, barely conscious Jungkook hanging over her shoulder, Jimin rushed to their side to help. Only, Jimin wasn't happy with what he saw while Jungkook's hand was now covered in that same sticky, red fluid as the entirety of his shirt. Jimin panicked, hurriedly dialing emergency responders as Jungkook placed his clean hand on top of Jimin's hand and pushed the phone down with a slow shake of his head. They could all discern it was already too late from how pale Jungkook's face was and the dark bags under his eyes as Jungkook offered a sweet smile, his hands unsteady and shaking with the loss of blood. He turned his flickering eyes toward Annalise with that same sweet smile, mustering the last of his strength. "D- Don't in- involve y- yourself with pe- people like th- that anymore. D- don't make the same mistakes we d- did," Jungkook forced out the last word breathily, the light fading completely from his eyes as he collapsed limply into Jimin's arms.
Jimin dropped to the floor with Jungkook's body still huddled in his arms, tears stinging his eyes as he shook Jungkook's lifeless body in his arms from the shock. Annalise dropped to her knees, begging Jungkook to come back because she needed him just as much as Jungkook needed Taehyung. Jimin gently laid Jungkook down and hugged Annalise tightly for comfort. Although it did nothing to soothe or console her.
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