98- Unforeseen Misfortune
Hello, all you beauties out there~♡ I hope that you all have been well~♡ I've been doing rather well myself~♡ Even though work has been a little stressful, it's still nothing compared to customer service jobs.😂🤣 And I was complimented on how hard I was working so that's always a bonus.:3 It gives me initiative to keep working hard, even when I want to stop.🤣😂 My loves, today we experience the tragic death of a main character so please be advised when reading. Again, this is not the end of the book either so please wait until the last 2 chapters have been released.:3 I hope it'll be worth your wait for the ending that I worked towards.:3 I hope that it can somehow make up for me separating 2 people who are obviously soulmates and that you guys won't completely hate me.:3 So without further ado, if you want to keep reading, please enjoy this next installment my loves~♡♡♡
Jungkook remained reserved as the meeting progressed diligently, he'd had a terrible feeling settled in the pit of his stomach for hours now while he listened to the presenter drone on about forming a conglomerate with Taehyung's company. Jungkook was silently going through the events of the last two days that would have led up to that awful feeling nestled intensely in his stomach rather than actually listening to the presentation. Jungkook was noiselessly tapping his index finger against the table when the door to their meeting room flew open. Jungkook jumped with surprise before glaring at the person standing in the doorway. Before Jungkook could reprimand his subordinate for interrupting such an important meeting, the frantic male spoke.
"Mr. Jeon! I'm sorry for interrupting, but it's important," he cried out frantically, immediately earning Jungkook's full attention. The distraught expression on his face alarmed Jungkook even more as he hastily stood to his feet in acknowledgment. "It's your husband," he cried hysterically as Jungkook's phone buzzed noisily across the wooden table. When Jimin's name flashed urgently on the screen, the already heavy and tense atmosphere amplified, and the stone in Jungkook's stomach lodged itself in his throat as he struggled to breathe now. The buzzing of his phone grew more urgent with each passing second that Jungkook hesitated, Jungkook almost petrified to answer it. His heart hurdled into his throat alongside that stone as he grabbed his cell phone and bolted towards the door with abandon.
Jungkook hastily answered the phone right outside the door to the meeting room, his heart thundering in his chest as Jimin spoke. "I need you home now," Jimin cried softly through the speaker, his voice strained with emotion. "Please, Tae desires to see you as soon as possible," Jimin added softly, a soft sniffle echoing through Jungkook's ears. "He needs you. When you get back into town, meet me at the hospital closest to your house," Jimin instructed as calmly as possible, although Jungkook could hear the urgency in his voice. The silence filled the air as Jungkook struggled to steady his racing heart. "Understood. I'll be there in less than an hour," Jungkook declared boldly, rushing towards the exit of the building without so much as a warning to anyone. Taehyung being in the hospital was obviously more important if Jimin was calling him at work. Jimin never called him when he was aware Jungkook was at work unless it was urgent. This also involved Taehyung so it had to be urgent.
Jungkook hailed a cab without so much as an issue, rushing him towards the airport. Jungkook hastily threw money at the driver before rushing into the airport without so much as a glance behind him. He was in a hurry to get back to Taehyung. He bolted for the customer service counter, rapidly exchanging his plane ticket for today rather than a few days from now. Jungkook insisted on a plane that was leaving immediately or a private flight so that he could return home due to a family emergency. The concierge didn't argue much as they prepared him an abrupt private flight back home due to who he was.
When Jungkook arrived at the hospital Jimin had instructed him to meet him at, his heart was aching from how hard it was beating out of anxiety. The moment Jungkook stepped into the lobby, Jimin rushed up to him with a look of apprehension, dried tears staining his rosy cheeks. "He's in room 210. He specifically requested to see you..." Jimin trailed off, too distraught to continue speaking.
Jungkook rushed towards the room Jimin had specified, only to be halted right outside the door by Hyungwon. Even Hyungwon's expression was grave as Jungkook's heart felt like it stopped beating at that moment. Hyungwon wasn't a doctor at this hospital and he'd just left Taehyung's room with that expression. Jungkook wondered just how serious Taehyung's problem subsisted. "What's wrong with him?" Jungkook inquired hesitantly, terrified to hear the answer. Hyungwon was silent for several moments trying to compose what he was going to say, the time feeling like an eternity to Jungkook as he waited for him to speak with bated breath. After several more moments, Hyungwon finally spoke, doing little to quell Jungkook's gripping anxiety.
"He's suffered three separate yet successive seizures in a row early this morning and been struggling to breathe on his own... I sedated him to keep the seizures from continuing since his body is under a lot of stress... He begged us to call you so that he could see you. He has suffered quite a bit, and I don't know--" Hyungwon trailed off, catching Jimin's eyes flashing dangerously just behind Jungkook's shoulder. Hyungwon swallowed thickly before sighing heavily and changing the subject. "You honestly just have to see him for yourself," Hyungwon announced softly, walking away as Jungkook eased the door open.
Jungkook peeked his head into the room to see Taehyung hooked up to a bunch of machines, one being a respirator that was helping Taehyung to breathe. Jungkook couldn't even tell Taehyung was conscious until he noticed Taehyung struggling to push himself into a sitting position, a small, weak smile on his pale lips. Jungkook hastily approached Taehyung's bedside, feeling tears sting his eyes as he forced them back. Jungkook tenderly pressed Taehyung firmly back into the mattress with a loving smile, attempting to keep Taehyung from overexerting himself anymore. Especially now that he could see Taehyung up close and discern the reason why they'd interrupted his business meeting. Taehyung's face was paler than normal- drained of all color while sweat trickled from his forehead, matting his hair to his face and dark circles drooped low under his once beautiful and vibrant eyes. Beautiful and vibrant eyes that were now dull and lifeless when they'd once been so full of life.
"T- Tae...?" Jungkook inquired hesitantly, his voice cracking with emotion as Taehyung offered a soft and loving smile. "Wh- What happened to you?"
Taehyung coughed harshly into the mask helping him breathe and that appeared to hurt Taehyung more than any reprimand for his health as he clasped at the front of his chest. Jungkook could hear the wheeze behind Taehyung's coughing, his concern increasing tenfold as Taehyung hastily removed the mask because he desperately wanted to talk to Jungkook one last time. Rather than answer Jungkook's questions, Taehyung grasped Jungkook's hands tenderly and held them weakly against his chest. Jungkook could feel Taehyung's heartbeat stutter under his palm, staring at the elder in fear. "I- I love you so much," Taehyung whispered softly, his voice cracking and barely audible. Jungkook stared into Taehyung's eyes, searching for an answer to his unanswered questions as emotional tears built in his eyes. He could visibly see the light slowly fading from Taehyung's eyes as the elder continued to hold his hands firmly, although to Jungkook it was a weak grasp that indicated Taehyung was desperately trying to cling to life.
"I'm so happy that you were mine for a while," Taehyung continued with his voice weak and cracking. "I couldn't have asked for a better life. You were the shining light that kept me clinging to life and I wish I could have stayed longer... H- Hopefully, we'll meet again in the afterlife or another life..." Taehyung trailed off with tears in his eyes, a deep gasp pulling more words out of him. "Please don't be angry with me for never telling you... I- I was scared. I- I'm scared now," Taehyung added inaudibly, his eyes flickering as Jungkook held Taehyung upright now, pressing the mask against his face once again. Taehyung's vision had grown so dark that he couldn't see Jungkook anymore, a soft sob leaving Taehyung's lips as Jungkook desperately tried to keep Taehyung breathing. "Taehyung, please stay with me," Jungkook begged, the emotion clear in his voice as Taehyung's eyes flickered towards the general direction of Jungkook's voice.
"I- It's funny... I- I thought you saw blinding wh- white light when you d- die... I- It's so dark th- that I can't even see you anymore... I- I'm so cold," Taehyung breathed out softly, his grasp on Jungkook's hand growing even weaker. Jungkook frantically pressed the nurse's button with his free hand as he watched Taehyung's heartbeat steadily drop on the monitor. "I- I'm s- so s- sorry y- you h- have to l- lose me s- so soon," Taehyung squeezed out with his final breath, the light fading from his eyes completely as his hands dropped limply to his sides and his head fell limp against Jungkook's forearm.
Jungkook was stunned into silence for several moments, his eyes wide and hands shaking as he desperately clung to Taehyung's limp body. "D- Don't leave me," Jungkook screamed frantically, tears pouring down his face now. "Wake up! Open your eyes! Please," Jungkook pleaded frantically, shaking Taehyung's motionless body as Hyungwon rushed into the room. He pulled Jungkook away from Taehyung by the waist to spare the younger from having to look at him like that any longer. Although Jungkook collapsed to his knees sobbing inconsolably, begging Taehyung to take him with him as he huddled into a ball on the floor.
Jimin hastily rushed to aid Jungkook, forcing his own emotions onto the back burner to deal with everything Taehyung had entrusted to him. While Jimin was aware this day was coming eventually, it still stung that Taehyung was so young. Jimin knelt beside Jungkook, trying to coax him into a sitting position but Jungkook remained huddled there on the ground now screaming for Taehyung to take him too. Jimin felt his emotions overwhelm him as Jungkook continued to have a mental meltdown, feeling agony for the uninformed younger. Jimin felt his own tears slip down his cheeks as he tried to collect Jungkook off the floor.
Annalise stood in the doorway with tears in her eyes, watching as her father screamed about wanting to die with her biological father. She knew there had been something wrong with Taehyung for a while now but she could never pinpoint exactly what was wrong with him. Now she understood that Taehyung didn't want them to know. Not with the way her father sobbed uncontrollably with no one able to quell his anguish. She sniffled softly from the doorway, continuing to watch Jungkook as Jimin glanced up at her. Jimin moved to try and comfort her as well, but she withdrew and fled the hospital in tears.
Gabriel sobbed softly outside the hospital room, sliding his back down the wall as he begged for Taehyung's forgiveness. He had never wanted to hurt him. Ezra solemnly stood in the doorway, watching Jungkook now. Ezra knew there would be nothing anyone could say to help Jungkook until he was ready to talk. Ezra may not have been actively paying attention to his fathers, but he was well aware of how much they loved each other.
Ezra sighed softly, brushing his own tears away as he continued to watch the scene unfold. He cast a sideways glare in Gabriel's direction, furious that he was the cause of their father's current turmoil. "I hope you can live with yourself now," Ezra spat venomously, walking off in the direction of Annalise. Someone had to find her before she did anything drastic and she was his twin. He figured he knew her better than anyone else.
When Ezra stepped outside the hospital, he found Annalise huddled in on herself and surrounded by unsavory looking men that were trying to coax her to do something. Ezra calmly approached them, grasping Annalise's arm and dragging her back towards the hospital. "Don't involve yourself with people like that. Dad wouldn't be happy about it and he needs us right now anyway," Ezra interjected as he hurried them back through the doors. Although they remained in the lobby, unable to approach Taehyung's room because they could still hear Jungkook's distant cries from there.
After several hours of screaming and uncontrolled sobbing, Jungkook was finally quiet. Almost too silent. His voice had gone hoarse from his emotional meltdown and all he could do now was sniffle and sob silently, remaining huddled up on Taehyung's room floor. Nobody had been able to successfully lift him off the ground and move him once he'd fallen to the floor. Now all he felt was apathy as he lifted his head to stare at Taehyung's lifeless body. Jungkook slowly stood to his feet once more, his eyes and nose red from excessive crying as he stumbled forward numbly. He once again approached Taehyung's bed, tenderly brushing the elder's hair off of his face as he tenderly slid shaking fingers down Taehyung's cold cheek. "I- I love you so much... N- Nobody is ever going to be able to take your place s- so I'll be joining you shortly," Jungkook whispered resolutely, leaving the room without so much as a warning.
When Jimin returned to the room with water because everything was quiet now, he instantly noticed that there was nobody present in the room. Jimin cursed under his breath and rushed out towards the lobby to see Annalise and Ezra sitting nearby. "Where did your father go?" Jimin asked hastily, frantic that Jungkook might do something stupid if left alone for too long right now. Annalise and Ezra shrugged nonchalantly, staring back at Jimin's worried expression. "He didn't pass by here," Annalise commented softly as Jimin noticed several security members rushing off in a certain direction. "O- Okay, stay here," Jimin instructed hastily, following after the security members as more rushed their way.
He couldn't understand why so much security was needed until Jimin saw them. Hyungwon was desperately holding onto Jungkook's wrist, their struggle suspended in the air above the side of Jungkook's neck as a sharp, metallic gleam in the younger male's hand caught Jimin's eye. Jimin rushed forward to try and help Hyungwon as Jungkook begged Hyungwon to allow him to die in peace. "I- I can't live without him," Jungkook sobbed loudly, fresh tears in the younger male's eyes as he hastily grabbed a syringe off the tray with his free hand. If Hyungwon wasn't going to allow him to die in peace, he'd find a way. Before Hyungwon, security, or Jimin could stop him, Jungkook hastily injected the syringe straight into his thigh and pressed the plunger completely down.
Hyungwon yanked the syringe out of Jungkook's thigh as Jimin approached Jungkook hastily and slapped him harshly across the face. Both Hyungwon and Jungkook froze, the younger male staring at Jimin with shock as he cupped his sore cheek. "I understand you lost someone so precious to you that you'd do anything to be with them again, but you have other obligations. Gabriel, Ezra, and Annalise are all waiting for you to pick yourself back up and be their father. They need you now more than ever. I know that you'd rather be with Taehyung but your children need a parental figure that's going to guide them into being decent adults. Be there for them for him," Jimin lectured sternly as Jungkook weakly dropped the scalpel, his body falling limply into Hyungwon's arms. Hyungwon had security rush Jungkook into a room where they could pump whatever he'd injected himself with safely out of his system.
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