86- Wedding Bells
Hello, all you lovely beauties~♡ I hope that all is well for you~♡ I wish you nothing but the best~♡ I can't believe this story has as many views as it does and it's all thanks to you guys~♡ You all are so precious to me~♡ I am doing well with my new job now~♡ Not so many bruises anymore but there are still bruises.😂🤣 At best, I am clumsy and that's where they come from.🤷♀️ That and a couple of them are specifically from dropping a 160 pound box across my thighs.🤣😂 5 days later and it still hurts to touch.😂🤣 I apologize for the tardiness of this chapter but it just occurred to me that just an hour ago, Friday ended.🤣😂 This chapter is finally their wedding!😍 I'm excited to share that with you all and I hope that you are just as excited to read it~♡ This chapter contains some emotional words exchanged, but other than that, there isn't anything too triggering~♡ Either way, please remain advised when reading for innocent eyes~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy this next installment~♡♡♡
Their grand day had finally arrived. Taehyung's eighteenth birthday had finally passed and the day that they would be wed was hours away. They had agreed that they wouldn't see each other before the wedding so that they'd be more elated to see each other on the altar. Although, Jungkook didn't plan on waking up alone as he pouted at his blanket. He was hoping they'd at least have breakfast together before they went their separate ways until that moment. Jungkook sighed heavily, stretching his arms out in front of him as he tossed his blanket aside and stood to his feet. With a stretch of his back and a soft yawn, Jungkook walked over towards their hotel's vanity to get ready for the day. Noticing a small, hand-written note from Taehyung taped to the mirror, Jungkook picked it up and smiled to himself as his eyes scanned over the beautifully and elegantly written note: My darling, I am so excited for later today because I just can't wait to steal your last name~
Jungkook laughed pleasantly to himself, the smile that now spread across his face so wide that it almost hurt. He nodded to himself, just as excited for the evening since they would officially be married by then. He began setting out the make-up palettes on the vanity, rubbing his hands against his thighs as he waited for when the make-up artist would arrive. Jungkook didn't care whether they honestly had make-up artists or did their own make-up, but it was to ease Taehyung's stress that Jungkook decided they should hire one for Taehyung so that he could focus on other aspects of their wedding. Jungkook didn't mind someone else doing his make-up anyway because it gave him time to clear his thoughts and keep them focused on what really mattered on their special day.
Jungkook stared at his reflection in the mirror, biting his lip in anxiety when a soft knock at the door snapped him out of his reverie. The third knock on the door compelled Jungkook to his feet, his reflection a thing of the past as he walked over towards the door. Upon answering the door, Jungkook was met with an unfamiliar face. "Are you the make-up artist?" Jungkook inquired skeptically, eyeing the man in front of him.
"Yes, sir," the man responded vaguely as Jungkook stepped aside to allow him entry. The man marched straight for the vanity with a large leather satchel in hand before placing it on the vanity. He opened the bag up, pulling out brushes and more palettes as he silently gestured for Jungkook to take the seat in front of him. Jungkook hummed softly to himself but obeyed nonetheless, taking the seat as he peered up at the make-up artist with eager eyes and a soft smile. "Excited to be getting married?" The man implored softly, starting on Jungkook's foundation with a soft smile. Jungkook still couldn't help the smile on his face as he nodded. "Most definitely," Jungkook added, folding his hands in his lap and closing his eyes.
Taehyung opened his eyes to see his reflection in the mirror, the soft brown and gold smudged elegantly at the corners of his radiant eyes. He examined the elegant and neutral colors that the make-up artist used around his eyes and cheeks, but his eyes were mostly drawn to the shine and shimmer of his subtle pink lips. He glanced up at the woman questioningly, one eyebrow drawn in skepticism as he opened his mouth to speak. "Are you sure we should go with a shimmery pink? I- I don't want to draw too much attention to my lips," Taehyung pointed out, anxiously pressing the tips of his index fingers together.
The make-up artist slipped a slender finger under Taehyung's chin, inspecting the color of his lips as they tilted Taehyung's head up towards them. They leaned his head from side to side before offering a soft smile and a reassuring chuckle. "I promise you it's perfect. He won't be able to take his eyes off you," she reassured excitedly, easing Taehyung's face into a more relaxed position for him. Taehyung smiled softly at the encouraging words, shyly averting his eyes towards the ground. "If you say so," Taehyung laughed out breathily, offering his boxy smile up towards her before standing to his feet.
With his make-up done and his face appearing even more flawless than normal, Taehyung walked over towards the partition in his room. The make-up artist remained by the chair, packing away her supplies as Taehyung changed his clothes and prepared for the big event.
Jungkook stepped up in front of the giant spruce tree that stood tall and proud in the center of the clean and freshly cut grass. The twinkling Christmas lights were already on since the sun was setting the sky ablaze with fiery reds and oranges as the sun slowly sunk behind the horizon. It was already close to the time that they'd chosen to begin the ceremony, but Jungkook waited patiently for Taehyung to make his appearance. He was eager to see what Taehyung had chosen to wear for their ceremony. Although, Jungkook couldn't say anything in his choice because Jungkook had gone with something completely untraditional. He hoped Taehyung had possessed the same idea and gone for something completely untraditional as well.
Jungkook peered over the guests that had shown up to the event, his own parents nowhere to be found. For that, he was grateful. He'd begged Taehyung not to send them an invitation to their wedding after their last encounter. He'd be perfectly fine without his parents ever learning about his new life with Taehyung. They didn't deserve to know if he was happy, healthy, or even alive for that matter.
Jungkook's train of thought stopped entirely when he saw Taehyung step up onto the small platform that led straight up to him and the empty spot beside him. Taehyung illuminated purity and innocence in almost all white, but it was the shine of the white leather pants that caught Jungkook off guard. He could feel himself staring at his lover with each steady, deliberate step Taehyung took towards Jungkook. Taehyung appeared radiant in his tight, white leather pants and the white leather trench coat that flowed behind him, but it was the black mesh dress shirt that left Jungkook floored. He knew Taehyung always dressed to impress, but even Jungkook couldn't handle the amount of heat Taehyung was exuding with this outfit as Taehyung drew closer.
Jungkook reached out his hand for Taehyung as Taehyung eagerly accepted it and stepped up onto the altar with Jungkook. He turned to face Jungkook with a shy smile, his eyes hidden behind his shaggy and curly cocoa brown locks. Jungkook swallowed hard at the innocuous gesture, although he knew Taehyung was anything but innocent. "You look stunning, my love," Jungkook whispered as Taehyung held on tightly to Jungkook's hands. "You look ravishing, darling. I may just try to hide away with you after the ceremony," Taehyung teased innocently, peeking up at Jungkook through his bangs.
Taehyung could tell he rattled Jungkook with his words as the younger's eyes bulged significantly and he stammered to regain his composure. "You have a wicked tongue, my love," Jungkook countered, his face flushed and heated as Taehyung giggled playfully. "Poor choice of words, darling. I'll show you a wicked tongue when we're through here," Taehyung added softly, glancing over Jungkook's outfit once more as the younger struggled with his inner afflictions. Taehyung bit the inside of his lip as his eyes trailed up and down Jungkook's tight, black leather pants and the ruby red dress shirt he'd picked to wear under a jet black tuxedo coat. The fact that Jungkook's hair was now fully purple and pulled back into a man bun had Taehyung ready to kiss him right then and there until he heard the pastor speak about them writing their own vows.
That was when Jungkook slipped one of his hands from Taehyung's own and reached towards Seokjin, who in turn handed him his vows. Jungkook unfolded the sheet of paper and with a sharp inhale, began to read his vows to Taehyung. "My love, we've been through so much together. You've seen me at my absolute worst and still chose to be with me, even when I wasn't even aware of what I wanted. You helped me through so many problems I wouldn't have been able to face on my own with your kind words and gestures. You helped me through everyday life with those same gestures and kept me focused on what I needed to accomplish to better myself. You've given me a new start and a better life than I could ever envision. All the harsh words and actions I took to distance myself from you and everyone else and you saw right through all of them. Before you once stood a man who had no aspirations or dreams and you, my love, changed him for the better. I'm delighted I met you, even though I was confrontational from the very moment you introduced yourself to me, and I'm even more pleased that you saw in me what nobody else bothered to observe. You saw past everything I did to hide from others and helped me realize that without you or friends, I would still be that same scared, little boy running from his problems," Jungkook noted proudly for everyone to hear, speaking in an even tone as he slid the black diamond ring with twelve tiny, princess cut diamonds encircling the solid centerpiece onto Taehyung's slender left ring finger. Taehyung stared at Jungkook in momentary shock, his hand still left delicately in Jungkook's grasp. Taehyung had no idea Jungkook felt this strongly toward him as he choked back tears and turned towards Jimin for his own vows.
Taehyung inhaled a deep breath as he unfolded his vows and began in his own even tone. "Kookie, my darling, you have been the one shining ray of light in an otherwise bleak existence. Anyone here could tell you how much I loathed my life. A life that had been planned out for me before I was even old enough to make my own decisions. When I addressed you that day, I approached you solely on the basis that you would add some entertainment to my life. I didn't even once consider that I'd fall for you that quickly nor did I consider it would happen at all. I fell for you irrevocably and irresistibly the moment you peered into my eyes. I was hooked. I found myself struggling with what I desired to have and what Papa had planned for me from that moment on. I was terrified to go against Papa's wishes, but I detested the bitter denial of my own happiness. Every time I looked into your eyes, my darling, there was this unabashed rebellion and warmth that gave me the strength and courage to stand up for what I truly wanted for myself. I never once thought you would give me what I needed to strive for a better life for myself. Now, I can't even imagine a life without you. You still hold that very strength that I lack and keep me striving for a new and better goal in life. I will always treasure the fresh start you gave me without realizing you gave it to me, my dearest love," Taehyung announced solidly, his voice cracking at the end as he choked back more tears. He'd never once revealed the true nature of the day he'd approached Jungkook until now. Jungkook was silent as Taehyung slid the simplistic and elegant, diamond-encrusted wedding band on Jungkook's left ring finger.
With their vows spoken and the pastor continuing his speech to announce them as husbands, Jungkook stopped short of kissing Taehyung when they both glanced up to see pure white, crystalline flakes dancing across the chilly night air. Still holding Taehyung's hands, Jungkook felt a twinge of nostalgia as he glanced back at Taehyung. Taehyung allowed the tears that had collected in his eyes to finally crest their blockade as Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face tenderly in his hands. "I love you so much, my love," Jungkook expressed passionately, that same tenderness reflected in his eyes as he pressed his lips firmly against Taehyung's own. One of Taehyung's hands immediately gripped the back of Jungkook's neck while the other rested tenderly on his shoulder as the younger dropped Taehyung into a deep dip and kissed him as if it were the last time.
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