83- Plans for a Future
Hello, all you beautiful and lovely readers~♡ I hope all is well for you and you are making the most of each day~♡ Remember that you are loved each and every day!~♡ This week I will be bringing you a double update.:3 Why? Because today is a special day for me~♡ At 1:14 pm central time, I will officially have been born 29 years ago.:3 Hopefully, you all will have blessed days today and many more to come~♡ There isn't anything really triggering in this chapter, but there is some minor mention of sexual content so please be advised when reading~♡ I do hope however, that you find this chapter cute~♡ Anything dealing with babies is cute to me, but not everyone feels the same way.🤣😂 Without further ado though, I hope that you all will enjoy this chapter~♡ Please look forward to the chapter that will be updated on Friday as well~♡
Taehyung met Jungkook at the top of the stairs, Jungkook kissing Taehyung deeply as he scooped the elder off his feet. Taehyung giggled as he held onto Jungkook's shoulders and pressed his forehead against Jungkook's own. "What has you in such a good mood, darling?" Taehyung asked softly as Jungkook put Taehyung's feet back down on the ground. Jungkook shifted his gaze towards Jimin before clearing his throat and averting his eyes with slight embarrassment, his cheeks a soft tint of pink. "Ah, hell, Jimin," Jungkook acknowledged, wondering why Jimin was at their house right now. Taehyung wondered what Jungkook was going to say before he acknowledged Jimin as Taehyung forced a smile past the pain. "Oh! Minnie lives in the guest house with Hoseok and Yoongi," Taehyung explained as Jungkook nodded in understanding, scratching the back of his neck in his humiliation.
"Oh, okay. I was wondering what we'd need a guest house for," Jungkook laughed softly as Annalise commenced her small cries for attention the moment she heard Jungkook's voice. Jungkook was hasty to check on her, picking her up out of her crib and cradling her in his arms. Taehyung watched as Jungkook sat in the rocking chair in her room and rocked Annalise into security and sleepiness. Taehyung slowly walked downstairs and returned with a bottle in his hand and a tender smile on his face. "She needs to eat a lot," Taehyung explained softly as he handed the bottle to Jungkook. "She's very weak and very sick. The doctors told me we would have a rough time getting her past the first year," Taehyung explained quietly, hinting towards his own condition subliminally as Jungkook looked up at him with wide eyes. Annalise was Taehyung's only child. Jungkook was damned and determined he was going to ensure that she had a long and prosperous life.
"Don't worry, baby. We'll get her through it," Jungkook announced boldly, standing to his feet and kissing Taehyung sensually. Before Jungkook could put the bottle between Annalise's lips, she repeatedly smacked Taehyung's face away from Jungkook's own. When Taehyung pulled back to stare at her in dismay, Annalise had pulled the bottle into her mouth and commenced acting as if she didn't do anything by trying to assist Jungkook hold her bottle. Jungkook chuckled loudly as Taehyung scoffed softly in offense. "I can't believe her! Jealous. So very jealous," Taehyung playfully chastised as she continued to stare up at Jungkook. She put her tiny hand on Jungkook's face and squeezed his cheek in her hand, her minuscule nails scraping his skin. Jungkook continued to chuckle as Taehyung shook his head in disbelief. "Bad, baby. We don't pull skin," Taehyung stated as he pried her hand off Jungkook's face. Immediately, Annalise dropped the bottle and proceeded to wail until Jungkook placed her head against his shoulder in an attempt to calm her. She snuggled her head against Jungkook's shoulder and promptly ceased her sobbing and screams.
Taehyung felt a spasm of jealousy as he turned his head away, only for Jungkook to slip his index finger underneath Taehyung's chin and turn his attention back towards him. Before Taehyung could protest, Jungkook pressed his lips against Taehyung's own causing the elder to melt against him. Although the kiss was short lived as Annalise slapped Jungkook's face now causing the younger to laugh. Taehyung couldn't help but giggle either as he leaned his head against Jungkook's opposite shoulder. After several moments like that, Jungkook and Taehyung collected Gabriel and Ezra as well, bringing the infants downstairs with them and Jimin. Yeontan met them at the bottom landing, his tail wagging as Taehyung sat down on the ground with Gabriel and Ezra. Jungkook laid out a blanket on the floor for the little ones while Taehyung laid them on their tummies on the blanket. Yeontan weaved inbetween them as he sniffed them pleasantly and incessantly, licking the side of each of their faces before curling up at the edge of their blanket and watching them- protectively.
Jimin grabbed their toys and laid them beside the babies as Jungkook placed Annalise down on her tummy as well. Although Annalise started whining softly as she fidgeted around on the blanket, unsatisfied with being so far away from Jungkook. Soon after, Annalise started wailing as Jimin quickly picked her up out of reaction. Only this time, Annalise didn't settle down as she continued to cry and flail about in Jimin's arms. Jimin hastily handed her off to Taehyung to see if he could suppress her sobs since he was her father, but she continued to flail and cry. When Jungkook offered to take her from Taehyung and Taehyung handed her over to him, she instantly ceased crying and laid her head on Jungkook's shoulder. Jimin promptly started laughing at the face Taehyung made as Annalise snuggled into Jungkook and gripped his shirt tightly in her tiny fists. "Well damn, she is her father's daughter, after all," Jimin declared loudly, laughing a little too hard for Taehyung's taste as Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest and turned his head away before promptly marching off towards the kitchen. Realizing the comment may have hurt Taehyung's feelings, Jungkook followed after Taehyung with Annalise still clinging to him. "Baby," Jungkook called as Taehyung continued to ignore him before Jungkook hastily grasped Taehyung's wrist and turned him towards him.
Taehyung chewed his lower lip as he refused to meet Jungkook's intense gaze, staring at the ground blankly. "Are you jealous, baby?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung pouted, refusing to answer his question until Jimin chimed in on their conversation. "The question is which part is he jealous of? Is he jealous Annalise likes you more than her own daddy? Or is he jealous because he wants you to baby him like that?" Jimin asked jokingly as Taehyung's gaze softened at the question, realizing just how ridiculous his jealousy seemed. Jungkook watched as Taehyung pondered the question before finally answering. "Maybe a little of both," Taehyung mumbled softly as Jungkook chuckled and stepped closer to Taehyung. "Don't worry, baby. I'll take good care of you too," Jungkook responded jokingly as Taehyung flushed brightly. "You don't have to mock me," Taehyung retorted as Jungkook leaned even closed to Taehyung's ear. "Oh, I wasn't mocking you, my love. I'll definitely be taking care of you tonight," Jungkook whispered heatedly before leaning away from Taehyung and walking towards the fridge. Taehyung was left flustered and flushed as he cupped his face in his hands from the heat radiating off his cheeks.
Taehyung promptly cleared his throat and went about preparing dinner for them while Jungkook and Jimin kept Yeontan and the infants preoccupied. After a few peaceful minutes, Jimin asked the question that he'd been meaning to ask for a while now. "When are you guys going to start planning for your wedding? Tae turns 18 at the end of next month," Jimin noted, bringing the two of them back into reality. Both were quiet for several minutes before Jungkook spoke. "We can start planning for that tonight. I'd almost forgotten that we had to be married that soon or we would have been planning it sooner," Jungkook commented honestly as Taehyung smiled softly at his response. He hadn't noticed it sooner, but Jungkook had matured at an exponential rate from when they'd first met and Taehyung couldn't be more proud of him.
Taehyung had just pushed the pan of sweet potato fries and chicken into the oven when a harsh cough left his lips. Before he could stop it, another harsh coughing fit hit him as Jungkook rushed into the kitchen without Annalise. Jungkook leaned over beside Taehyung with his hand on his back, rubbing soothing circles to ensure Taehyung was okay. Taehyung glanced over at Jungkook from the corner of his eye and offered a faint smile. "I'm fine, darling," Taehyung reassured as he straightened back up and forced a smile. Jungkook sighed with relief as Taehyung leaned his back into Jungkook's chest, resting the back of his head on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist and rocked back and forth with the elder for several moments until Annalise started crying again. Taehyung peeked up at Jungkook hesitantly, waiting for the younger to walk away from him before Jungkook tilted his head down to gaze back at Taehyung as he planted a chaste kiss on his lips. One of Jungkook's hands moved from Taehyung's waist to caress the center of Taehyung's neck as the elder shivered against him in delight. Jimin tried his best to keep Annalise distracted until Jungkook returned to hold her, knowing the both of them were probably preoccupied with each other. Although, he wasn't going to take the chance of peeking around the cabinet island to observe.
Jungkook continued to kiss Taehyung, leaning him into the kitchen island as Taehyung gripped the edge of the marble countertop. Taehyung presumed now why Jungkook was in such a good mood when he'd first walked up the stairs as Jungkook pressed into him harder. Taehyung felt Jungkook's erection pressed firmly against his ass as Jungkook finally released Taehyung's lips. "Later tonight you'll be all mine, so there's no need for you to ever be jealous, baby boy," Jungkook whispered heatedly in Taehyung's ear as Taehyung bit his lower lip hard. Taehyung nodded meekly as Jungkook smiled pleasantly and walked back towards Jimin to help him with the infants. Taehyung sighed softly with relief as he pushed himself away from the counter and continued to make their dinner.
Once Taehyung was done preparing their dinner, Jungkook and Jimin walked around the sectional couch towards the dining room. Taehyung took a deep breath by the counter before he hoisted the tray of food out of the oven and placed it on top of the stove. He hastily began plating the food and carrying the plates out towards the lengthy, oval-shaped, granite table that stood in the middle of their dining room. He promptly placed the plates of food in front of Jungkook and Jimin, returning to the kitchen to grab his dish of food. Jungkook smiled pleasantly up at Taehyung as he returned to the dining room once more, taking his seat next to Jimin and across from Jungkook. "Thank you for dinner, baby," Jungkook expressed excitedly, standing to kiss Taehyung's lips before taking his seat once again. Taehyung smiled shyly, glowing bright red as he stared at his food to hide his embarrassment. "It's no problem, darling," Taehyung answered softly, continuing to stare at his food.
Taehyung stared at his food for several more moments, realizing he wasn't even hungry after everything that had happened earlier that day. Finally, he decided to eat something to keep Jungkook from thinking anything was wrong with him. Although he was unaware that Jungkook had already picked up on something being wrong with him.
Later that evening, after Jimin had left and the infants were fast asleep, Taehyung sat on the sectional couch to try and catch his breath. He was waiting for Jungkook to come down from his shower so that they could discuss more about their wedding plans. After some time, Jungkook finally sat down next to Taehyung, stretching his back before he turned towards Taehyung. "Before we start discussing any wedding plans, has everything been okay? Or more appropriately, have you been okay? You haven't looked well at all since I got home," Jungkook assessed pointedly, surprising Taehyung. Taehyung was silent for several seconds, contemplating how to answer before he sighed softly. "I'm... I'm fine, darling. I just felt a little nauseous earlier, that's all," Taehyung quietly lied, although he'd seriously considered spilling the full truth to Jungkook.
Jungkook tenderly caressed Taehyung's cheek as Taehyung leaned into Jungkook's touch. "You do feel a little warm, love. Why don't we start the plans another day?" Jungkook suggested softly, concerned for Taehyung's health. Although his remark earned him a teary-eyed pout from Taehyung that conveyed his feelings about holding off on talks about their wedding. "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd treat me like this," Taehyung whined softly, pulling on Jungkook's shirt childishly. Jungkook sighed heavily as he surrendered to Taehyung's adorable pout, Taehyung laying his head on Jungkook's shoulder. "So you are that determined to plan some of this out tonight then?" Jungkook inquired softly, playing with Taehyung's hair through his discomfort. While Jungkook was already aware it wouldn't have been a good night for them to "take care" of each other, he had still been hoping. Although, when Taehyung nodded firmly at Jungkook's question, Jungkook leaned forward to grab their wedding planner off the glass coffee table before leaning back and opening the book. Taehyung snuggled into Jungkook once again as he offered a faint smile, Jungkook silently scanning over the content within the planner. "What colors do you want for the decorum of the ceremony?" Jungkook implored as Taehyung plucked the pencil from Jungkook's fingers with a mischievous smile. Taehyung hastily filled that information in as Jungkook hummed softly in response. "That could work," Jungkook disclosed enthusiastically, smiling as he kissed Taehyung's temple lovingly.
They continued to fill out the information little by little, Taehyung making notes of who he'd need to contact the following morning. They worked well into the night before Taehyung passed out, still leaning against Jungkook's shoulder as his even breaths filled the silence. Jungkook chuckled softly to himself, placing the planner off to his side and pulling the cream-colored fleece blanket over their bodies. Jungkook tenderly leaned his head against Taehyung's own and before long, they were both fast asleep in each other's embrace.
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